
Collective Effort Quotes

There are 1017 quotes

"We're going to do it together, we're going to prevail together."
"Everything counts. Everything that we do helps or hurts. Everything adds up or takes away."
"It's a collective effort, it's a planet issue, it's not a local issue, it's not a corporate issue, it's a global issue, or we do it together or no one will succeed."
"We are survivors. I know we will get through this together."
"It is going to require many different solutions and a collective effort, but we will do what we need to do and we will come through this together as Canadians."
"When seven billion people create harmony, the planet will become heaven on earth."
"Hundred percent of myself is nothing compared to one percent of the whole team, and vice versa."
"Together, we can use our abilities to love and reason to make the world a better place."
"Think about it, we have this amazing community, but it's only amazing because of all of us."
"You have to do your part and not be selfish; it's kind of like a war."
"We can't be together. But we're in this together."
"Years from now, I promise you, we'll all look back on this as a golden time, a time when we literally made the future together."
"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."
"When America comes together, it's amazing what we can accomplish."
"It's going to take every one of us to find our way forward."
"I believe that we will continue to drive this virus down and that we will beat this virus before too long."
"If we work to change that story, we can accomplish so much more."
"Our individual salvation depends on collective salvation."
"We have emerged from every one of the crises that we have encountered stronger... but it's going to take all of us working together on it."
"We were all kind of in it together, trying to figure it out."
"Perhaps then in the end, no FTL is a blessing in disguise, because it might compel us to work together for the future for something bigger than ourselves."
"We're doing this for the greatest country in the world."
"When you social distance, you are interrupting the flow of the pathogen through our society. You are part of a collective that's engaged in the battle with this virus and you're doing your part."
"If we all play our part, then we can give ourselves the best possible chance in this race, get through this winter, and enjoy Christmas with our loved ones."
"Let's work together for a more prosperous future."
"We are overjoyed at the news that Charlotte Cena has been located safely this evening. Thank you to the New York State Police, New York Park police, and all who worked so tirelessly to find Charlotte. Because of their efforts, Charlotte will be able to return home safe."
"Alone we could do so little; together, we could do so much."
"We can compete against this virus and do well."
"This is about the community coming together and not about the individual."
"Now more than at any time in our history, we will be judged by our capacity for compassion."
"We want to look back on this time and remember how in the face of a generation-defining moment, we undertook a collective national effort, and we stood together."
"The speed of our eventual recovery depends entirely on our collective ability to get on top of the virus now."
"What he taught us, again and again, is that it was never his walk alone; it was all of ours. It is all of ours."
"It is all you guys. This is all a community effort. So thank you, thank you, thank you."
"Saving lives really is a community effort. This is a community-based issue and so the solution is community-based as well."
"Just do your part. It's an all-hands-on-deck issue."
"It's about keeping all Canadians safe, so we need everyone to do their part."
"I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there. We as a people will get there."
"Out of our collective pain, we're going to find a collective purpose to control the pandemic, to save lives, and to heal as a nation."
"During World War II, every American was on board with trying to win the war... and now it's like, 'I don't want to wear a mask'."
"Healing does not happen alone; it takes a village."
"Philosophy, unlike science, is not a team sport, but it is a collective undertaking nonetheless."
"This is something we do as a whole planet, all of us together."
"This isn't about me, it's about my team. I'm 100% behind them; together, we're unstoppable."
"Every day we fight for more than survival; we fight to build a new life."
"This is the United States of America, and there's nothing, from the bottom of my heart I believe this, there's nothing we can’t do when we do it together."
"We are not facing it alone. We are all taking part in a collective national effort to protect the vulnerable and each other."
"When people pull together for a common purpose, heroic things can be achieved."
"I don't want to look around that pitch on Sunday and see individuals. I want to see a collective."
"We will turn the tide of this disease and beat it together."
"At some point, we're going to all win. We're going to do it sooner than people think."
"But it also should be an encouragement to every American to keep doing what we are all doing."
"Just the human beings can accomplish something like this is amazing."
"Everyone's wishes for a better future changed the outcome." - Sir Nighteye
"We'll fight together and we will win together. We're going to win this."
"We have to get there together and we have to get there losing as few people as possible."
"When you see the results they're putting on track, it seems everybody there has a lot of faith."
"If we all come together, we have the ability to do something about it."
"Humanity working together is a force for good."
"The mission is not yet accomplished. We need to come together, pull our financial resources, and work towards a better future for Africa."
"We are all in the struggle together to get the truth out."
"If we continue to pull together as we have done so far, I know we can beat this virus."
"We're all in this together, and we have to continue to believe that and not give up."
"We need everybody on board hard body with it."
"This is an accomplishment of, of more or less, human, science, mankind."
"Farewell, boys. We'll all have a nation to rebuild tomorrow together."
"We need to have solidarity of commitment from everyone."
"We actually are all in the same boat and either we succeed together or fail together."
"We are beating this disease and we will beat it together if everybody works on it together."
"There is not a single thing beyond our capacity."
"They're going to win this thing because they're together and what they're going to win is otherwise impossible to win and it's a certainty."
"We're all in this together." - Justice Ginsburg
"That's the project the American people want us to work on. Together."
"I'm just a small drop in the ocean. If more people get added to it together, we can make a huge difference."
"There is not a single thing beyond our capacity; we can do whatever we set our mind to if we do it together."
"Imagine if we all did it together, just 66 days."
"We're calling on every American to do your part because together we'll get through this."
"The best thing we can do is get through this crisis."
"Our story is proof that... if ordinary people find their element, extraordinary things can happen."
"Honestly, guys, let's change the world together."
"Every generation has its collective battle, this is certainly ours."
"It's a little thing, but, by a lot of us working together, we can make a tiny difference in this world."
"Success in this fight will require the full, absolute measure of our collective strength, love, and devotion."
"Brighter days are ahead, but it will take a collective effort from all of us."
"We need better food labels. So people know what they heck they're eating instead of like, you know, it says 40 grams of sugar, nobody knows that's 10 teaspoons, you know?"
"We will get through this and we'll get through it together. That's what we do as Kentuckians."
"The future now belongs to all of us; hope we use it wisely."
"Let's do this work together. It's the responsibility of everybody."
"I'm sure that we will Preserve, defend everything that is sacred to us, and together with our motherland, we will overcome any trials."
"Good really can triumph if enough of us stand behind it."
"This is what climate change looks like... but we have hope because we know that together we can protect them if we act now."
"When you win the league you love everyone in the club you love everyone on the bench the starting eleven everyone plays some sort of a role in that in that title."
"It's not about the individuals in this form of racing, it is a team event."
"For every barrier, it can be broken down and there's a collective effort not just by myself."
"At a certain point, we have to band together to do the right thing."
"We're creating a common dream here which is bigger than our own."
"We've learned that no single nation can fight alone and succeed."
"We will get through this and we will get through this together."
"Let's all aim toward that one goal of creating an environmentally sustainable, socially just, and peaceful world, and when we do that, we'll get there."
"And if we all do that then I believe a huge change in consciousness will come."
"We're building this together. This is why it's so important."
"I'm confident we're going to at this point as long as everybody executes the plan."
"At the end of the day, we're just Americans trying to make the world a better place."
"And this is a battle we will win, and we'll do it together."
"Every member of the campaign... joined this movement in order to defeat Donald Trump."
"What has been beautiful as an example of what can be done when the people come together to create something lovely."
"Officials hoped that by planning carefully, working together, and keeping everyone informed, they could make sure the eclipse was a special memory for everyone who saw it."
"Ants working together can do things well beyond their own capacity."
"Every American should be proud of the incredible spirit our country has brought to this effort."
"There's a significant strength in numbers, imagine if we work together instead of going it alone."
"But if they want to put the final cap on that pyramid and that cap is wisdom then I think we can only do that if we create this Internet of Things future by working together."
"We've all got to pull together now to make this work."
"Society has to improve, and that isn't up to just one single person."
"It's not about Bernie Sanders, it's not-me us."
"You matter so much. Without you, we cannot win this."
"If it's a we not me mentality that we're all in this thing together to win."
"The flag represents every ounce of blood and sweat put into this country."
"The Social Change Fund represents our collective effort to make a positive impact on issues we care about."
"Our goal is coming here and together I strongly believe is try to make progress."
"Jane foster's right we have to do something if we do not martial our forces we're all going to die"
"It's amazing what a community can do when they pull together."
"Always remember you're a team, you win or lose together, neither of you can win alone."
"We all got to come together to give them the best education possible."
"We're all in this together. That's the reason we do what we do."
"We have to work in unison as a people, a united people."
"If everyone does just a little bit, it makes a big change."
"Now's the Time to step up, Now's the Time where the collective needs me."
"Let's just pull up our bootstraps and do this thing so we can look back on this time later on and go boy we took the right responsibilities at the right time."
"Together, we can make this world a healthier and happier place."
"Balance and leadership. We need balance and leadership and we need the zeal from beneath, which is your zeal and mine, in order to make the leaders happen."
"I'm never more optimistic about our future you just have to remember who in hell we are we're the United States of America there is nothing I mean think about nothing beyond our capacity when we work together."
"A team is only as strong as its weakest player."
"We're humans, we're imperfect, but together we work through the struggles of life."
"We choose hope over fear. We see the future not as something out of our control but as something we can shape for the better through concerted and collective effort."
"Every time you see anything in the world, a team or an individual or a team of people worked on it. They set out with a goal and they spent time and energy... to make this worse."
"This is a win that we all made happen together."
"Together, we will write the next great chapter in the history of the United States of America."
"If enough of us can take that leap to a higher place, we help bring in the golden age for everybody."
"If enough of us can hold the frequency, we can help the whole of humanity jump through this timeline loop."
"It's not about one person, it's about teamwork."
"Our nation's history has been built not just by leading characters, but by a huge supporting cast of ordinary men and women prepared to do some really lousy jobs."
"It's time for us to start envisioning paradise on earth."
"We have the capacity to create it and we're going to create it together."
"A real team victory today, everybody played their part."
"We beat the Nazis with our values: British values of collectivism, community, and public service."
"Progress of the world will call for the best that all of us have to give."
"Let's keep rising together and educating the world."
"Teamwork makes the dream work baby, beautiful."
"Imagine what our country could accomplish if we started working together as one people."
"Look what we could do if we got our [__] together, family. Look what we could do."
"This is the United States of America. There's never been anything we've been unable to do, unable to accomplish when we've done it together."
"I think it's a team element too, where you do it with other people."
"This is a real example of the country coming together."
"We can do anything when we do it together. I believe we're on the road, I promise you."
"We're still on the downward trend here but it's starting to reverse... we don't know if we have the collective willpower to save the environment."
"Sometimes the skies look cloudy and it's dark and you think the rains will never pass but here's what I understand that as long as all of us are together as long as we are all committed then there's nothing we can't do."
"With my husband in The White House, there is nothing that we can't do together as a whole uniful nation."
"Glory is not a single player game, it takes a solid team to win and set a brilliant record."
"Most of the groundwork for anything done by the ruling class is actually laid by the tens of thousands of people beneath them."
"We'll get through this and we'll do it together."
"The impact was kind of way bigger than all of us could have imagined, I suppose."
"Join us as we reignite the passion and fight"
"Many small things contribute to the sum of it."
"I think every year we collectively do so well... we can't do any of this without people at home helping."
"I'm not a Democrat because I disagree with Republicans. I'm a Democrat because I believe we are in this together."
"We will accomplish more as a community in one generation than a thousand government policies will accomplish in 200 years."
"The passion behind every single one of these members on the team is palpable."
"China's rise to power on the global stage is a collective achievement of the Chinese people."
"There's nothing beyond our capacity when we do it together."
"No one is the Savior, and we are truly in this together."
"Everybody wants it to be successful and ultimately our job is to make it as successful as we can."
"What do we need to win? Everybody to be consistently at their best."
"There is nothing we can't accomplish together."
"We have to start believing as a collective that we're capable of achieving greatness in areas that actually matter."
"I believe that we all have to take pride, and everybody in America pulling together."
"For Unity to happen everybody has to come together and say bro we're going to all lose we're all in the same boat."
"It's important for all of us to remember that whatever the challenges that are out there, we can work through this."
"An ant by itself can't do anything but ants working together can do things well beyond their own capacity."
"We have to come together and save ourselves first."
"We did it as a generation... kicked their [ __ ] ass."
"This is a dual crisis... it's gonna demand creativity and ingenuity from all of us."
"We as a people can stand and build together."
"Everything was worth it. You saved us, and we just proved that when we put our powers together, we can do anything."
"We need to collectively pitch in to support each other and build a better welfare system."
"Even when something feels so small and so insignificant... it's the power of numbers when tons of people come together that makes a difference."
"Change comes when people demand change. It's not from one organization doing anything; it's really a collective effort that happens through community."
"I am confident that together we will rise to this challenge."
"The struggle for equality will not occur without a group effort."
"Won't you help to sing this song of freedom?"
"Everyone has a hand in pushing forward society, particularly through technology."
"When people have a collective vision, they can move mountains."
"Being part of a movement means supporting each other and acknowledging the collective effort, not stepping over others to climb to the top."
"We can beat the Legion and the Android and whatever else shows up."
"Human existence belongs to us all... we all have our skin in the game."
"If we stand together, there is nothing we cannot accomplish."
"But then I also, like with also, it doesn't take one person to put somebody on, it takes a village to make a star, bro."
"This was an astounding effort involving thousands of incredibly talented individuals."
"We need to collectively do our own due diligence."
"If we deliver this plan together, then we will together build our way back to health and we will not just bounce back, we will bounce forward stronger, better, and more united than ever before."
"Together we will defeat the virus and end the pandemic." - Save millions and millions of lives.