
Political Vision Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"The only thing on my mind is how we're going to win this. The only thing on my mind is how we're going to make sure that we correct what's happening in America and we bring this country back together."
"I believe in an America that'll be richer, stronger, safer, more prosperous."
"What were looking for is somebody who will chart a course and say, 'Here's where America needs to go.'"
"I want to expand our healthcare system so I think that you know kind of the Bernie Sanders idea of head to toe health care coverage that's my dream."
"We have to paint a vision of America in a vivid way that has good guys and bad guys."
"Our Victory will be built upon Big Ideas, bold Ambitions, and daring dreams for America's future."
"A seismic shift: after a campaign that was devoid of vision, the winner's speech was full of it."
"I seek to look beyond the doors of the White House, into the hopes and fears of men and women in their homes."
"That is the life, that is the country, that is the world that Donald Trump and the Republican Party are after."
"A left-wing party needs to set out how society can look different after the pandemic."
"What's your vision for the country? You know, where do you stand as a Labour party?"
"Trump's vision for America is like Studio 54 in 1978."
"Even though we may not get there in our lifetimes... I still have faith we can create a more perfect union."
"We need a president who will bring people together, not tear them apart."
"It's a choice between two very different visions of America."
"Hillary doesn't just have a powerful vision for this country, she has the policies to actually make that vision a reality."
"My vision is not just making modest changes around the edge, it is transforming American society."
"It is about offering a vision of the way things could work if only we have the leadership and the political courage to make it a reality." - Cynthia Nixon
"We want to build a new Nigeria, a United Nigeria, it cannot be built on fraud."
"Putin's first war vision has yet to be realized."
"President Trump is one of the last politicians in America actually fighting for a colorblind society."
"Elections are about the future, the kind of California that we want."
"This campaign is not about just getting me in office. It's about you having the ability to shape this country in the way that you see."
"Tucker was and is different even though he was one of the Prime Time hosts at Fox he was in a sense in his own category in his own League."
"I think the vision of these four amazing women are putting forward is a vision that is good for the country."
"These powerful words that spoke to the vision for our country of the kind of governance that we should have."
"Imagine a president who believes in racial equality."
"We actually want an adult in the White House...our candidate...is going to have to provide an inspirational and an aspirational vision for where we want to go."
"21 means to me that we've got to reimagine what the American dream is by reimagining what America is in criminal justice in economics in every part of life driven by reimagined politics."
"Bernie is the only one running with a vision for America, for how this country could be better."
"The public now expects us to pick a side and articulate a bold, ambitious, and progressive vision for the future."
"Our White House will be a beacon of light, providing hope and opportunity, assuring a new century where every single person will be able to get the healthcare they need."
"Independence of Ghana was meaningless unless linked up with total liberation of African culture."
"Ghana's independence will be meaningless unless that victory leads to the total liberation of Africa."
"His catchphrase embodied the 3 key tenets of his revolutionary vision . . . Distrust the bourgeoisie, control our own leaders and have confidence in our own revolutionary forces."
"My vision for Donald Trump in the second term is that he closes all the military bases brings the military and all of the support jobs that now go to foreigners brings all those jobs back to the United States and he rebuilds America."
"Stalin eagerly shared in Lenin's dream of a Russia free of the greed and corruption of capitalism."
"This isn't some sort of political slogan... this is an actual vision of how it's done."
"America needs a leader who can prioritize these fundamental needs, one who can rise above petty politics and see the larger picture."
"Bernie's America is the America we all deserve."
"Joe Biden's America is not the America that I want to leave to my kids."
"Let us make Europe the model for liberty, human rights, and compassion."
"We could hold on to these guys and try to create another sort of super State. A Renewed British Commonwealth."
"This is part of what motivates people to vote: a vision for what they want instead of what we have now."
"2020 is approaching and the vision is very clear everybody's wakening up and they understand that the system is totally against us."
"That's the potential and that surely is the destiny of Scotland."
"It really advances President Biden's vision of a region that is peaceful, integrated, and prosperous."
"Our nation is hungry for a new type of politics one that transcends the dividing lines of politics one that transcends a fighting and the name calling and the canceling."
"Republicans have got to get a vision that actually improves the lives of working-class Americans."
"What this campaign is about is whether we create a world of peace as difficult as that goal may be or whether we continue fighting in endless wars."
"The American people went a way forward that actually focuses on ideas, ideas that will make their lives better."
"The vision it portrayed was of a new form of democracy."
"Our vision of independence is of complete social and economic transformation."
"What we need to do to have a different type of world."
"There's no vision coming out of the Labour Party."
"Seward's vision of empire which doesn't come to pass during his lifetime, doesn't even come to pass during the 19th century, but ultimately becomes roughly the American empire."
"Chomsky envisions a future where such a system is in place, where there is no need for political parties and where individuals can gain job satisfaction and a sense of purpose through controlling productive life."
"We're here to stay, we're here putting forward our positive vision."
"If you want to see a free, liberal, democratic Russia which is not an aggressive country, it has to be a parliamentary republic and deeply federal."
"The ANC's vision of a South Africa in which people live in peace and with equal opportunities is an idea which sustained me during the 27 years in prison."
"It really does require political leaders to have such a clear idea of what they stand for and what they want to achieve."
"The name of the game is to create a world of liberal democracies to solve the problem of massive human rights violations."
"The New Frontier of which I speak is not a set of promises; it is a set of challenges."
"Vote Labor so together we can build a better future, a better future for all Australians."
"We need a bigger imagination politically."
"You can choose the hope of national renewal, the responsibility of service, what politics can and should be."
"I'm not running against Joe Biden, I'm running for the future."
"I have a clear vision for what the forward party can become. It's this unifying tribe that's positive and uplifting in politics that a lot of people have been waiting for."