
Bankruptcy Quotes

There are 267 quotes

"Forever21 only went bankrupt because more people are just shopping online from garbage brands like Fashion Nova and Boohoo, and not because people are quitting fast fashion."
"The number one cause of bankruptcy in the United States is the issue of health care."
"Bankruptcy happens gradually and then suddenly."
"Medical bankruptcies do not exist in other first-world countries."
"Life is complex...The point is we're talking about hundreds of thousands of bankruptcies."
"Landlords are losing their homes by bankruptcy, by foreclosure."
"Bankruptcies aren't what they used to be anymore; now, instead of being the corporate equivalent of game over, it's just another business strategy."
"Even though each bankruptcy of a small business is going to have less effect than the bankruptcy of a major company, they are collectively larger and more important."
"For companies, bankruptcy isn't always the end; it can be a whole new beginning."
"How did you go bankrupt? Slowly, and then all at once."
"The reason this show is so important is that it's about the number one cause of bankruptcy, not only in America but probably in the world: Health Care."
"Everything I believed in was taken from me when I went through bankruptcy... I had to find something; I didn't have a choice."
"They're far too late to the party and unfortunately, General Motors is probably one of the best-positioned legacy automotive manufacturers to not actually go bankrupt, yet still, I believe they're doomed."
"Despite its billions of dollars in revenue and even a partnership with Amazon, it would ultimately declare bankruptcy and disappear completely by 2011."
"Borders just couldn't weather the daunting challenges they had ahead, ultimately they had to turn the page to chapter 7, that being the final chapter for the company."
"Most of the bankruptcies in America are caused by lack of health insurance, and most of those people who go bankrupt have health insurance."
"Bankruptcy... is Nature's do-over. It's a fresh start. It's a clean slate."
"More children live in homes that will file for bankruptcy this year than live in homes that will file for divorce."
"Statistically, the chances of going bankrupt, investing just 5% of your money in each trade is one in 3.49 billion."
"Bankruptcy is not a bad thing; bankruptcy is a perfectly healthy thing for the market to do."
"Bankruptcy is not solely caused by bad decisions, it's often caused by bad luck."
"My hope for this story is that it shows the people around these bankruptcies, from the victims, to the lawyers, to the church leaders... what's going to be happening at an even greater rate... in the years to come."
"Bankruptcy: a chance to resolve debts without liquidation."
"Chapter 7 bankruptcy: common debts wiped out."
"Chapter 13: allowing debtors to stop foreclosure proceedings."
"Bankruptcy: affects credit scores, financial options."
"Each bankruptcy is unique, no one-size-fits-all solution."
"Alex Jones reportedly filed for bankruptcy but he's saying he didn't actually file for bankruptcy."
"No one should go broke because they get sick."
"Imagine having seizures for years, and then you get a brain implant that fixes all of this, and then you have to take it out because the company that made it is going bankrupt."
"Sam's rise was too manufactured, too quick, and now his bankrupt company sets up the perfect example for people to demand Federal control of cryptocurrency."
"A bankruptcy court ruling has dissolved Purdue Pharma, ordering the Sackler family to pay billions for addiction programs."
"Life can't go on. How can life go on? We're bankrupt."
"Allowing companies to go bust allows for the industry to reset and become viable again."
"My life to me my life was over for about a year and yet I fought to get it out of bankruptcy everybody said I never would Netflix was trying to keep it in bankruptcy because they didn't want my deal to be renewed because it was too good for them."
"No tenants are allowed to occupy lease space without paying rent during bankruptcy proceedings."
"The fair value for some of these meme stocks may be zero because the companies may go bankrupt."
"We face a financial challenge right now that will bankrupt us if we don't have help."
"How did you go bankrupt? ... Two ways: Gradually, then suddenly."
"Do not be afraid of bankruptcy if you need to wipe the slate clean, do it."
"Foreclosure and bankruptcy are not the end of the world. I trust me, you can rebound from that."
"Bankruptcy is an available and beneficial option for anyone struggling with debt."
"Social Security is going to go bankrupt... what are most people doing about it? Absolutely nothing."
"Kick is gonna go bankrupt in the next two years."
"Months later Skilling resigned for "personal reasons" and Enron imploded in the biggest bankruptcy in corporate history at the time."
"When two out of every five footballers in the United Kingdom are declared bankrupt in retirement, there is something seriously wrong."
"Nobody should have to face the spectre of bankruptcy as a consequence of doing what we were taught to do is the right way to do things."
"Several large Burger King franchisees have filed for bankruptcy."
"Bankruptcy is a very powerful tool in US law."
"I know what people want to happen: Chelsea go bankrupt, everybody laughs. The bollocks off and we all sing songs. That's great. Ain't gonna happen."
"How many people have ever told you the story of my bank showed up, reassessed my property down 50, called the mortgage and liquidated, and wiped me out and I'm bankrupt? Have you ever heard that story?"
"How'd you go bankrupt? You know, well slowly and then all at once."
"The reality was that at the end of 1998, Daewoo was already a bankrupt entity."
"Currency is created through credit, so when you want to discharge a bankruptcy you simply adjust the credit end by removing zeros or moving decimals."
"Eagle Food Centers: Crushed by larger chains, went bankrupt in 2000."
"For a lot of people, it's hard because they go through bankruptcies. It can make them tougher."
"One great example of this would be every single legacy automotive manufacturer... will now be bankrupt before the end of the decade."
"Imagine that, all the Independent Grocers working with razor-thin margins already are probably just going to call it quits and file for a wave of bankruptcies."
"It's already way too late. Most Legacy Automotive manufacturers will be filing for bankruptcy."
"What happens when a country goes bankrupt? You get shortages of all the essential items that people need to live."
"Equity in Hertz Global Holdings previously dismissed as worthless as the company declared bankruptcy in late May was bid up dramatically up 77 percent and up 825 percent since its lows."
"When thinking about how your government goes bankrupt, it's gradually and then suddenly."
"Trump lied about his assets. He's not worth the billions. This is going to bankrupt him."
"Most celebrities that go pro go broke because of charity."
"If you can't pay their debts, let them go bankrupt."
"Filing bankruptcy would put the pensions of countless number of labor unions on the table, and that is just unconscionable."
"It's the company's only chance for survival." - Atari has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
"Vice is filing for bankruptcy... equates it to BuzzFeed... similar sort of lowbrow rubbish refuse."
"There's only one way this ends for Legacy Automotive manufacturers: filing for bankruptcy."
"One of the beauties of going broke is you no longer care what people think."
"Never again in America does anyone go bankrupt just because they got sick."
"Bankruptcy is an opportunity to start over again without paying for it."
"How did you go bankrupt? Gradually at first and then suddenly."
"My credit score went from 800 to 643 after bankruptcy."
"By my calculations, we will go bankrupt in a year if the situation continues like this and in six months if it gets worse."
"The number one reason people go bankrupt most in the US is due to health issues."
"Insolvency is a state of financial distress in which a person or business can no longer meet their financial obligations."
"The Johnson and Johnson bankruptcy gimmick is as despicable as it is brazen and an unconscionable abuse of the legal system."
"Our financial system as it stands today globally is completely bankrupt."
"The number one cause of bankruptcy in America? Medical bills."
"He quickly filed for bankruptcy to keep his home."
"This will not be the last major bankruptcy in the next two months guaranteed."
"FTX officially filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy after being unable to find any financing to cover the company's missing funds."
"Pixelon underwent a sudden, violent decline in the following year and filed for bankruptcy in June 2000."
"Sometimes people are spiritually bankrupt and sometimes people are financially bankrupt."
"The reality is that the Republic is bankrupt and does not have the resources or finances to start a new military."
"The government never ever voluntarily goes bankrupt."
"...how did you go bankrupt? And he said, 'Well, slowly at first, then all of a sudden.'"
"Never go full shrimp mode, unless you want to wind up in bankruptcy court."
"The decline of the railroads left the Pennsylvania Railroad Company on the brink of bankruptcy."
"...jisoo dismisses this idea stating that it's simpler to buy somatec directly since it's facing bankruptcy."
"The backlash was immense, nearly bankrupting the homeowners association."
"After almost two centuries, Lord & Taylor filed for bankruptcy in August."
"Radio Shack: By 2017, the company had gone bankrupt and was no longer the giant retailer at once was."
"Blockbuster: Its various partnerships folded and stores worldwide were rapidly plunged into administration."
"Alta Motors: When two partnership deals fell through, the company was left severely strapped for funds and eventually ceased operations altogether."
"Despite his substantial earnings, Warren Sapp found himself ensnared in the throes of financial turmoil, culminating in a devastating bankruptcy filing in 2012."
"You know, the surest way to go broke by getting woke."
"I'm so glad I left my company last year; they just declared bankruptcy. I really dodged a bullet."
"Detroit filed for chapter 9 bankruptcy, marking a new low point in its history."
"Mako and Otto Misch would be forced to declare bankruptcy."
"Fisker is done, I mean they're done."
"After losing the lawsuit, the company went bankrupt within a year."
"One of the major bankruptcies in the United States is still caused by medical."
"The number one cause of bankruptcy over the last 25 years was bad strategy."
"The Panic of 1873 sent many railroads into bankruptcy."
"I almost went bankrupt twice before I made money."
"He became homeless and went bankrupt."
"You will go emotionally bankrupt."
"When you owe as much as you make, you are utterly bankrupt."
"Personally drove them into bankruptcy."
"What would happen if you went bankrupt? Your debt would become their debt."
"So Mike Tyson never went broke. He couldn't go broke. I mean, the facade, you know, for the economics of what happened and the terminology, and he, I can't see him ever going broke, you know?"
"Rembrandt himself... was bankrupt in his 50s and he died in hock age 63."
"All future sailings were canceled, and the company went bust."
"We filed for bankruptcy when we had 30 million dollars in debt."
"That's what this means. It means bankruptcy and scandal and prison."
"Every successful business has failed a lot, most really successful businesses had one, maybe even two, most really wealthy guys that I Know Myself included have all gone bankrupt or close to it once or twice."
"The UK was in Dire Straits as the money they'd been forced to pour into winning the conflict essentially left them bankrupt."
"Daddy, I thought the Boy Scouts went bankrupt."
"The rap history books are packed with stories of rappers who went broke."
"Every company that has ever used the name of TSR has gone bankrupt."
"America is the only country in the world where if you get sick or hurt, you're going to have to file bankruptcy."
"Seemingly because there's been a couple bankruptcies of like MLB is in an interesting spot right now, I think because a lot of the local money is kind of dissipating quickly."
"He's been corrupted. Everything he's ever done, seven times he's bankrupted. He's bankrupted every business he's been involved with."
"If you make too much money, your income indicates you can pay your debts, then they put you into a Chapter 13, which is a payment plan, not a Chapter 7."
"On the last show, Michelle was playing to win a life-changing £159,000 in the final but ended up bankrupt and sadly went home with nothing."
"If a business is about to go bankrupt, they may file for Chapter 11."
"Bang is going bankrupt, a 293 million dollar judgment to competitor Monster. Ouch."
"It's like taking Financial advice from someone who's been bankrupt like six times why would you do it."
"The Mormon Church's relationship with the Boy Scouts of America historically culminating in the bankruptcy of the Boy Scouts of America."
"There's no other hope. We've come to a dead end. We're about to go bankrupt as a nation. We are already morally bankrupt. We're spiritually bankrupt."
"You've got to appreciate that you're going bankrupt for a reason. You've got insurmountable debts. Therefore, if anything, you need to look at this bankruptcy as not the end of the tunnel but almost like the beginning of the light."
"China's biggest property developer, Evergrande, which was China's biggest property developer, they had actually issued debt overseas, they've now gone bankrupt."
"I don't think people should be bankrupted for life because they had a medical emergency or had a baby. It's insane."
"...I I spent one day in the office before we declared bankruptcy oh god wow and I stuck around through chapter 11."
"They can either wait for Stages to completely file for bankruptcy."
"It sort of left me thinking like this album is just creatively bankrupt."
"Not having the resources to finish your project is putting you into potential bankruptcy, and when you run out, you're out."
"If you don't deliver your cost of equity, you won't go bankrupt, but your shareholders will get really pissed off at you."
"You never want to see a club go bust, you want to see them in mortal pain, you know, relegated and whatnot, but going bust is obviously a horrible thing to go through."
"Most of the companies that we grew up with have been going bankrupt left and right."
"Bankruptcy laws give people a fresh start and protect them from extreme financial outcomes."
"Chapter 7 is often the favorite thing because it gives you a fresh start."
"The idea of Chapter 11 is to keep the company going."
"If the company gets too leveraged then there's too high a probability that the company will fail and there are costs to bankruptcy."
"Remember, bankruptcy does not mean debt cancellation, but it's a way of making your life easier while managing your debts."
"So, more precisely, the time left before you P would go bankrupt was around three minutes and 41 seconds."
"Bankrupting fast food is our only goal."
"I have a theory that Kylie Cosmetics is about to go bankrupt and Kylie Jenner is scrambling to find a new way to make money and I actually have a few pieces of evidence that support this Theory."
"Bankruptcy is a sensible solution if you're going to have to work every hour and give it everything."
"It reminded me of the old Ernest Hemingway quote about how you go bankrupt which is slowly and then all at once."
"That's brisk, baby! I love that one. They went Chapter 11, turns out they're coming back. Okay, Chapter 11. They're never going to be a profitable company. They're going to owe the IRS cash forever, but they will survive, yeah, they will survive!"
"Does the word Solyndra ring a bell for anybody? It went bust."
"We could talk about fairness, people go to college, why should they pay? But you know what the number one reason people get personal bankruptcy is for medical debt."
"Walt Disney went bankrupt five times. Five times. I mean, I don't even know what I would do if I went bankrupt once."
"Atari went bankrupt in January of 2013 and a sequel to Ghostbusters drowned with it."
"Companies that export are more profitable, faster growing, and actually quite a bit less likely to go bankrupt."
"The misfortune of Mila's family continued, and her father's company eventually went bankrupt. It seems they couldn't keep up the business after my brother's company, which was the backbone of their operations, stopped dealing with them."
"Our business is on the verge of bankruptcy and we have some financial matters we'd like to discuss."
"The point is, if you don't have an edge, the longer you trade, the more absolutely certain it becomes that you will go broke."
"Sometimes you go bankrupt, you keep going."
"Warner Brothers might have gone bankrupt without this movie, which is kind of insane."
"A lot of people went broke because they didn't keep a proper bankroll."
"So not all bankruptcies are the same. You can think of them on a spectrum."
"FTX filed under chapter 11 bankruptcy meaning they had some intention of continuing to operate the business but that's not going to save the company."
"Bankruptcy: easy to get in, hard to get out."
"The government cannot go bankrupt in its own currency. It can issue more through keystrokes."
"I think my reaction to the bankruptcy settlement is similar to almost everyone in the country, which is disbelief."
"Soap shoes went bankrupt, huh? Kinda like Chuck E. Cheese or Tyler Wraps or Lindsay Lohan."
"This place is so bougie, I wanna stay here for like a week, but then I would go bankrupt, so you know, it's do it for a weekend and not go bankrupt."
"Then on November 16th, the Bahamian-appointed joint provisional liquidators did something very interesting. They came here to the United States Bankruptcy Court and sought an entry to recognize the Bahamian liquidation as the main foreign proceeding."
"The bankruptcy process here is the one place that has transparency and has the greatest ability to maximize value for creditors."
"People who win the lottery actually tend to go bankrupt."
"Gold can't go bankrupt unlike a bank, and that's very appealing at this particular point in time."
"Even if they do declare bankruptcy, I do not expect this to have any impact on Dish subscribers."
"Industry insiders expect retail bankruptcies to soar this year."
"Allowing Lehman to actually go bankrupt was a huge mistake."
"Oldsmobile is actually one of the companies that went belly up from GM before 2008 when GM cut half their lineup."
"The risk of bankruptcy isn't purely conjecture; that's a reality companies are already facing."
"A third of all lottery winners declare bankruptcy, and seventy percent lose all of it within just a few years."
"Bankruptcy can be a creative corporate finance tool."
"We think the Chapter 11 process is the only open transparent process that gives visibility to customers of what happened."
"We think the bankruptcy process here is the one place that has transparency and has the greatest ability to maximize value for creditors."
"The bankruptcy process is that there's absolute transparency and disclosure."
"A country that has its independent central bank can never go bankrupt, can never go insolvent."
"The fourth of these sorrows of empire is bankruptcy."
"If you live excessively beyond your means for a long period of time, you're either going to go bankrupt or you're going to go out of business."
"You're a family, you have a blacksmith shop, you're married, you have three kids, and everything just goes under. You lose it all, you go bankrupt."
"The ugliness of leverage... you're subject to bankruptcy and credit risk."
"Lehman Brothers is going bankrupt, and financial markets from Asia to Europe are doing their utmost to prevent Monday from turning from dark to Black."
"So what typically happened was there was either explicit renegotiation between parties or renegotiation through act of Congress or sometimes through the acts of the states, in which bankrupt debtors were basically let off or given easier terms."
"Nobody should go bankrupt if they get sick."
"Jack Johnson announced that he had filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy."
"That's the story of Jack Johnson's journey from millionaire to bankruptcy."
"Even filing bankruptcy doesn't automatically mean that you're broke."
"Most lottery winners that win over 10 million dollars are bankrupt within five years."
"We can truly eliminate medical bankruptcy, we can simplify administration and save patients hours of anxiety and time."
"Chapter 7 bankruptcy can wipe away most of your unsecured debt and is maybe the least costly option."
"It's wrong, it's damn wrong because the national media was out there publicizing 'oh she's going bankrupt' not really knowing the real reason why it is that she filed for bankruptcy."