
National Stability Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"The Somali people are tired of war and yearning for stability, security, and government which truly represents their aspirations."
"Our country simply cannot survive a perpetuation of that distrust. We got to fix it across the board."
"Families are the cornerstone of any society; you destroy the families, you destroy the country."
"There's nothing fundamentally wrong with America that would literally endanger America's functioning as a successful nation in the long term."
"Queen Elizabeth II's life has been a journey like no other. Throughout her reign, she has been the United Kingdom's symbol of continuity and stability."
"Nations rise and fall; they seem invincible and immortal when they are riding high, yet they may hide a rotting core. No country is eternal, and no economy is invincible."
"In a world of constant change, she was a steadying presence and a source of comfort and pride for generations of Britons, including many who have never known their country without her."
"The downside if you go too late is literal disintegration and catastrophe."
"There is no alternative unless you want to see the United States dissipate before your very eyes."
"He saw his responsibility as king of Nepal to provide strong leadership and stability for his country."
"She provided constancy and consistency for the British people."
"America's survival as a republic depends on youth engagement."
"There's no place for political violence in this country."
"We're trying to save the country from literally becoming an all-out Banana Republic."
"America may fall one day but it will not fall to Joe Biden."
"If we don't root out the fraud, we don't have a country anymore."
"Our democracy will always be as strong as our willingness and preparedness to fight for it."
"Significant change must come to Russia lest it collapse into another civil something."
"When a nation loses faith in each other, the nation collapses."
"We have to stick together. We have to stand for our country."
"I'm against violence. Civil disobedience and violence are two completely different things. We don't want to destroy our country in a shooting war with other Americans."
"South Korea gets an 8 out of 10 for stability and confidence, being well governed with low levels of corruption and a well-functioning legal system."
"We aim at the assurance of a rounded, a permanent national life."
"If a country has been successful for centuries and others have failed for centuries there's normally a long-standing reason for that which will not change in a matter of a single decade."
"Without safe secure elections, the country could cease to exist."
"The Russians are now confident about their economic stability."
"Secure your county and the nation will follow."
"This is America. Our Constitution can withstand anything."
"I've given you a republic if you can keep it."
"If we are to survive as a nation of laws and democracy this can never happen again."
"Far and away the biggest threat to the United States of America comes from within, comes from our capacity to govern ourselves."
"The greatest nation on Earth cannot keep conducting its business by drifting from one manufactured crisis to the next."
"A strong, stable America is good for America and the world."
"A strong, stable China is good for China and the world."
"We as a country cannot endure four more years of this insanity period."
"Children they are the future of our nation if we can protect them the nation will be collapsed."
"France's victory in the Seven Years War spares it from sudden and violent upheaval."
"The country is falling apart, my friends. It's that simple."
"Zimbabwe's rapid disintegration underscores a fundamental truth: a leader with too much power can be as damaging as any outside enemy."
"Racism, fear, division... these are powerful weapons and they can destroy this nation if we don't deal with them head on."
"The notion that the United States is going to collapse is not the least bit outlandish."
"Putin stopped the collapse and he stabilized the situation and he began to rebuild the Russian state."
"The Constitution is the foundation. If we don't have a good foundation for this country, this country will crumble." - Emphasize the importance of constitutional principles.
"Once you don't have courts that can interpret laws, you don't have a country."
"If the country is going mad, if the rulers are running mad, it is always there for the Judiciary to Checkmate them."
"We have to have honest elections. Or you don't have a country, you don't have a state, you don't have a country, you don't have anything."
"You have to have honest elections or you don't have a country."
"We have to move toward the notion that we're friends and not enemies or the country is gonna fall apart."
"That's where dialogue starts is to say well do we share the same end goal do we want the country to totally collapse into a bunch of different fiefdoms and have them war against one another."
"A country with hundreds of millions of angry citizens is highly unstable, posing the biggest geopolitical risk in the world."
"The only way to stop a health or Skelter all the way to hell for Pakistan is to hold a free and fair election."
"One of the easiest and best ways to destroy a nation without the use of war is by subverting and attacking their culture."
"Abortion guarantees the collapse of America."
"We've lost the Republic we'll lose our country if the middle class becomes poor."
"If we don't go about trying to hold Donald Trump and everybody else accountable for the crimes against the United States for what he's just put us all through for four years, then I think we're slouching toward the end of our republic."
"They're trying to collapse the United States of America and the US dollar."
"The middle class needs to get rich again or we're going to lose our country."
"In May 1937, Britain got a king they'd never expected, an Edward's younger brother, the stammering George VI."
"Even in the worst-case scenario, the U.S. is gonna be fine."
"The country's been stable for several years, wealth and growth lie ahead."
"If something goes wrong with the free press the country will go straight to hell."
"We cannot let any party bring chaos to our nation... think about our kids."
"Agriculture is the foundation of the country."
"He's literally prepared to bring the whole country down."
"Russia has stabilized quite a bit because it has taken a more independent position in terms of its foreign policy and its economic policy."
"This failed Insurrection only underscores...our Republic."
"It is not good for the country to have a large chunk of the country lose faith in major government institutions. When that happens the country falls; you don't have a country anymore."
"She deserves to be remembered as a woman who brought stability and peace to a country that needed a kind and gentle queen."
"There's no doubt she helped save the monarchy; our country today would not have been the same without her."
"We want to stand with those that God's calling to stay in the country, that it would be an advancement of His kingdom."
"We want to pray in God's mercy they would allow the country to open back up, that the borders would open back up."
"The merging of ideology and bureaucracy poses a grave threat to the fabric of our Republic."
"Destabilizing the United States would be very difficult because at the end of the day, the US is a strong unifying culture."
"We need to re-establish the country."
"The ruin of a Nation begins in the homes of its people."
"Russia was a state that had collapsed twice in the 20th century, so his mission was to restore a stable Russia that would never again collapse."
"For more than 70 years, Queen Elizabeth has been the great constant in our national life."
"The eyes of the world are on us now, wondering if our constitutional republic will hold."
"It's not a problem of ideologies; it is a problem of understanding once and for all that the country must live in peace and order."
"You cannot rest the stability of your nation on just one individual."
"The stability of our nation is our stability as well."
"If nothing more than to help hold the country together, it was worthwhile."
"Without unity, it is difficult for a country to maintain its position of success in any field."
"Unless a country is at peace, we will not be able to progress in the long run."
"That Delta, that Gap, is what will take down this Republic."
"People are the foundation of the country; the country will be safe if the foundation is firm."
"Israel is here to stay, now we got to figure out the way of how to live in a good way."