
Electoral Process Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"The completion of the electoral process, based on dialogue and compromise, is vital for the peace and prosperity of the Somali people."
"Those who object to the counting of the Electoral College votes, which reflect the votes of the American people, want to substitute their preferences for the voters' choice. That's not what our Constitution requires, and it's at odds with American democratic republic."
"The idea that all of his supporters are currently being arrested after mass protests and all of his party members are being arrested and being forced to not participate in the electoral process in Pakistan without America ever mentioning it is something that should get you to think about it a little bit further."
"It's also timely that we're having this debate the day after America's election. In the minds of many of us are questions about whether it's necessarily the case that the skills it takes to win an election are not the skills it takes to govern a country well."
"It didn't matter how long it took to clear the Capitol, we were going to go back and finish our job. We were not going to let them stop us counting those electoral votes for that transfer of power from one presidency to the other in this country."
"2024 is going to be no different, no different whatsoever."
"Every single state has to ensure the integrity of their election."
"It gives Trump a fighting chance, still a long shot but it's a long shot from the 30-yard line rather than your own 30-yard line."
"The next time someone tells you that there were no voter irregularities anywhere in this election, tell them to read this lawsuit."
"The American people deserve to know the facts and make a decision for themselves when they vote this November."
"You gotta question, like, 'What did we get ourselves into?' I mean, come on, man, we don't elect presidents."
"We want to talk about what happens next because now in Pennsylvania you have these two different groups of electors casting their votes."
"I think Americans, in a way, when they go to the polls, are almost stepping into the shoes of jurors."
"They called Arizona when people were still voting, and it came down to a few thousand votes. How did they call Arizona so fast? Because they knew that the steal was in."
"Throw them out, throw them out, throw them out! You have to. Why do you want to disenfranchise? You sent people home with a story about a pipe bursting and we have video proof that you lied."
"He embraced an illegal scheme... that the Vice President could reject Joe Biden's electoral votes during the joint session."
"If voters don't have confidence in the process, that's another reason they won't vote."
"The correct response to a huge section of the citizenry doubting an electoral system that we've known for years is garbage would have been more transparency, not shoving the process through and silencing people who voice doubts."
"Once the winner is declared after all the votes are counted, that'll be the end of it."
"These debates have now become an integral part of our political process, a view shared by the most important judge: the American electorate."
"This is the only office that's elected by all the people."
"All of those ballots were tabulated, that's correct, they all counted every single one of them."
"Trump's path to legal victory involves freezing certification in multiple states to prevent Biden from reaching 270 electoral votes."
"Putin's just awarded himself his 87% election victory, what the Russians are now calling the 'world majority.'"
"The president kept pressing even though he had been told that there was no evidence of fraud. The president keeps saying that the department was 'obligated to tell people that this was an illegal, corrupt election.'"
"Hey, Republicans, my fellow conservatives, this election is not over."
"People will be losing confidence in the electoral process."
"But this universal mail-in voting where you're going to see literally ballots showered all across the state, it's just... it is right for fraud."
"If you can do impeachments like this and you can have mail-in ballots, we don't have democracy."
"Mail-in voting contributes to higher voter turnout."
"And then, at about 11:30 at night, all of a sudden, it was announced that, in terms of electoral votes, Trump had just eked out of a victory."
"Voter frustration started early this morning as some Jamaicans claimed they were waiting too long to cast their ballots."
"The slow pace at which lines with voters has been moving."
"The benefits of a vibrant democracy are reaped only when citizens actively participate in the electoral process."
"The popular vote doesn't always win this all right the popular vote will be used if becomes necessary after the final counts of the ballots."
"It's time to rethink the presidential debates."
"Our two-party system has only one party left that is willing to lose an election."
"By going to a secret ballot we actually made it more difficult for political machines to organize."
"In a democracy, don't you think the way we ought to pick our president is to give it to the person who gets the most votes?"
"What counts in the Electoral College are the votes of the 538 electors."
"All we are asking for is truth, transparency, and sunlight here."
"If he becomes governor, the 13 million Americans who live in Pennsylvania do not get to choose the president in 2024. Doug Mastriano gets to choose the president in 2024."
"It's about who gets to count the vote, who gets to count whether or not your vote counted at all."
"Shouldn't he be included in the presidential debates one hundred percent?"
"Count and announce the result in the pulling unit, transmit and transfer in the pulling unit."
"Donald Trump is literally the only person who can be elected president right now."
"In a democracy, the people deserve to hear from candidates for office. Democracy only works when we have informed electorates."
"The larger number of people we involve in the electoral process, the more robust it would be."
"An attorney who assisted in devising and attempting to implement a plan to submit fraudulent slates of presidential electors."
"The road to the White House runs through the black media."
"We are getting very close to the 100-day sprint. It is almost 100 days until the most important election of our lifetime."
"We shouldn't be focusing on this time of changing things like the internal election of the leader... It's a complete distraction."
"I am personally writing in 'Let's go Brandon' for the next presidential election."
"If we can't outshoot them, we'll outvote them. And we'll do it by winning support."
"Has there ever been a time when someone was prevented from being on a ballot in American history?"
"We've got completely different audiences... I'm not doing this to try and get votes... I'm actually super glad that we both ran."
"So long as Trump is fighting, you can argue that Trump is wasting time and throwing a temper tantrum, whatever you want to say. I don't care. Until the electoral college votes, there is no president-elect."
"It's not easy to run for office these days and what those guys went through they really are true Testaments to patriotism."
"The goal of an election is to convince the losers that they lost and to participate."
"People want fairness, security, and transparency in our elections."
"The irony of course is much better shot at defeating Trump the old-fashioned electoral way than you do at this removal from office."
"There's never been a push like this for mail-in ballots."
"Nothing is worth no election is worth my not doing exactly what I think is the right thing."
"Mitch McConnell urges GOP senators not to object to Electoral College vote."
"Georgia will recount presidential election ballots by hand as Biden's lead over Trump grows."
"We've allowed form to overtake substance in discussing elections and where we are going."
"Elections are representations of our values, our ideas, and how we want the country to proceed."
"There are not five votes to remove Trump... from the ballot."
"The best and most secure way to vote is in person, in a ballot box, and at a polling location."
"We don’t lock up political opponents. We beat them at the ballot box."
"I believe that political scores should be settled at the ballot box."
"Donald Trump doesn't get to decide the future of America's leadership... The American people do. Make every vote count and count every vote."
"The Constitution gives the responsibility of counting the ballots to the vice president of the United States, Vice President Mike Pence, and to both houses of Congress."
"The Georgia runoff still is a stinging open wound... it's a one-party state."
"People are going to cast their ballots soon."
"The debates often turn into a reality show instead of being remotely productive in choosing the next leader of the free world."
"I agree Donald Trump shouldn't be kept off the ballot by secretaries of state and it's equally undemocratic that Dean Phillips and myself are kept off ballots due to secretaries of State doing the bidding of the DNC." - Marianne Williamson
"what's intriguing about it is that it's now being done in a way where the judicial system is having a say in terms of whether or not someone can be on a ballot"
"Postal votes were regarded as different from personal votes and less worthy of strict control."
"Reducing tensions and allowing all votes to happen isn't telling anybody to stop counting, reduced tensions and said if he has a path to 270 that ultimately prevails, he will be everyone's president."
"I think it's good to make sure that everyone who's voting is who they say they are."
"There's going to be an unprecedented number... of people voting by mail... this year."
"Do something about the distortion of our electoral process by the excessive use of TV advertising."
"January 6th, the day of verifying electoral votes, a pivotal moment."
"Everyone must play their role to ensure that every vote is counted, and is counted correctly."
"It's not just about who cast the vote, it's also about who counts them."
"When it became apparent that the vice president would not agree to stop his Electoral College counting, the former president encouraged a violent crowd to go to the Capitol and they attempted to exploit that."
"We're going to have to be patient until we the hard work of tallying the votes is finished. And it ain't over until every vote is counted, every ballot is counted."
"The reason why the schools and churches are closed is because that's where the phone polls set. They want you to mail your ballots real simple."
"The struggle continues. We're gonna fight hard to win the primary in Washington DC. We take our fight for social, economic, racial, and environmental justice to Philadelphia."
"If we don't figure this out by 2024 and you let that guy into office again without any sort of scrutiny and challenging from his own party, what's the point?"
"If our elections go from being referenda to who we want to lead the country to who we want to imprison, we won't have a republic."
"It's a DC takeover of elections... but this one provision really hits close to home for us."
"It doesn't matter who you vote for because the government still gets in."
"It's over, whoever is like the number one candidate on the second page will end up becoming the governor."
"The best thing about our government is that every single politician can be removed within a couple of years."
"Imagine going to the polls and having to take a literacy test, like a spelling bee at the polls."
"I think the ultimate [corrupt electors] would not be successful."
"Please, our electoral outcomes really do turn on turnout."
"The Electoral College will no longer pick the President; American citizens will directly elect the President."
"The electoral college has spoken."
"They better listen to the people who elected them because in two years they have to go right on back and ask them for another term."
"This court shares the concerns expressed by other federal courts about the misuse of the judicial system to baselessly cast doubt on the electoral process."
"In general, voting by mail is a good way to increase voter participation."
"There is an elected president. There is a parliament elected by the vote of the people."
"We're electing the parliament, the Bundestag, more precisely, we're determining the distribution of seats between the different parties."
"I have full confidence in this election; that confidence has been affirmed by the courts."
"Elections are therefore an exercise of the people's right of choice as to who their leaders at various levels of governance should be."
"The elector is a federal functionary as much as a senator or representative."