
Civilian Protection Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Human rights remain central in our collective consideration of next steps, as must the protection of civilians."
"Hamas is making sure that the civilians do not evacuate... to conduct the operations and the fighting against the IDF from highly populated areas filled with civilians... Palestinian civilians that are being used throughout this conflict as human shields."
"The protection of civilians remains vital to the ultimate success of our operations and is a strategic and a moral imperative."
"All parties must respect international humanitarian law, take constant care to spare all civilians and civilian objects from harm."
"What matters is to spare civilians and maintain a minimum of humanity in an already inhumane situation."
"Nothing can justify the deliberate killing, injuring, and kidnapping of civilians."
"The intentional targeting of civilians or civilian objects would be considered a war crime."
"Protecting civilians, getting people the assistance they need. That has to be job number one."
"The Geneva Conventions came out of the horrors of World War II with this global idea of we can never have war look like... Civilians in particular should be completely off limits."
"Militaries should do their best to avoid any civilian harm."
"History will not let us forget that America... failed to protect defenseless civilians."
"Attacks on civilians like this they do commit they do constitute excuse me they do constitute war crimes."
"The attack on civilians from regime forces has become so great that they have to go in protect the people."
"There's just no good reason to kill non-combatants indiscriminately."
"If you don't do enough to protect civilians in Gaza, then we could change our policy towards Israel."
"The systematic destruction of civilian infrastructure by the Russian side is a war crime."
"Deliberately targeting civilians in King's Landing was wrong and unable to be defended."
"Civilians, not actively participating in the conflict, are given full protection under international law."
"We simply will not stand by while Russia kills civilians."
"When the president gets up in front of the nation and says that they're doing everything they can to ensure that there is near certainty that there will be no civilians killed he is saying that because he can't say otherwise." - Daniel Hale
"Once you start attacking civilians, children and elderly women, that's it. You lose any moral standing."
"All it takes is one of us to speak to someone else and show them that we shouldn't be bombing innocent civilians."
"The Russians aren't engaged in the kind of targeting and such operations that would produce civilian casualties. They are deliberately avoiding civilian casualties and they pay a higher price as a result."
"Protect human rights and prevent the slaughter of civilians."
"We need to find a way to fight for the deployment of protection for civilians, a transitional justice process, accountability for perpetrators, and the enforcement of international law."
"It is a war crime to intentionally target civilian areas and that is happening."
"Ukraine's very meticulous behavior towards civilians and avoidance of harm was appreciated by the whole world."
"The death of civilians is unacceptable from any side."
"Parcel Safety provides lightweight, affordable, and premium quality gas masks and respirators for civilians, contractors, and military personnel." - Parcel Safety
"Citizens, innocents, civilians shouldn't suffer anymore."
"Nothing can justify the excessive use of force on innocent civilians."
"Russia basically, you need to stop attacking civilians or bombing elementary schools and apartment buildings because that's f'd up."
"President Roosevelt has appealed to the European powers... they should refrain from bombing civilians and unfortified towns."
"Israel has obligations, it has responsibilities that are moral, that are strategic, and that are legal to do everything it can to protect civilians and to get assistance to the many who need it."
"The international community has now outlawed the indiscriminate attacks on civilian populations."
"Israel must do everything it can to protect civilians, to ensure that humanitarian assistance flows into Gaza."
"How Israel conducts the campaign matters and matters a great deal, particularly when it comes to doing everything possible to minimize harm to civilians."
"The protection of civilians in armed conflicts is one of the pillars of international law, one of the pillars of humanity."
"This Council must act responsibly to maintain International Peace and security, to protect civilians."
"The moral difference is clear; Israel and the IDF have done their best to minimize civilian casualties."
"It's very important for Israel to be extremely mindful of that and to avoid further loss of civilian life."
"The American warriors, battered and stretched to their limits, dug in their heels to defend the frozen town and safeguard the civilians caught in the crossfire."
"The United States has tried to shape the response to discourage Israel from using large ordinance in populated areas."
"Every country has the right to self-defense, and every country also has the obligation to protect civilians."
"The principle of distinction... you may directly attack combatants and military objectives; you may not directly attack the civilian population or civilian objects."
"Right now, there is no higher priority in Gaza than protecting civilians, surging humanitarian assistance, and ensuring the security of those who provide it."
"It's the Afghan people we are working to protect from the Taliban, which is responsible for the vast majority of innocent civilian deaths."
"International humanitarian law should be respected, and civilians should be protected."
"Limiting civilian casualties is critical- nobody wants to be responsible for killing a civvy."
"The most effective way to put an end to the devastation suffered by civilians is a definitive cessation of hostilities."
"We call on the parties involved in the conflict to adhere to their obligations under international law, including international humanitarian law, to protect civilians and civilian infrastructure."