
Political Movements Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"A recent article from The Atlantic summarized the website in its prime as 'not just a blogging platform but a staging ground for an array of political movements, the birthplace of all manner of digital aesthetics, and the site of freaky in-groups.'"
"Feminism is a range of social movements, political movements, and ideologies that aim to define and establish the political, economic, personal, and social equality of the sexes."
"All kinds of political movements that have worked against hierarchical constructs are always going to be considered violent because they're uprooting the pre-established norms."
"We've got a political movement in this country that opposes America. It's not unconstitutional, it's anti-constitutional."
"People of Europe are finally waking up, slowly but surely. There is a new movement going around, mostly the Western European countries."
"We can only be thankful that today huge political movements have reversed most of these oppressive laws around a lot of the world."
"Instead of sinking into this scholastic gender theology... the end goal of a political movement is not validity, it's equality."
"Trump movement singularly represents the most viable anti-establishment movement in this country."
"Progressives are the ones who are trying to get his agenda done."
"The animating impulse of Trump's campaign was defense of traditional hierarchies."
"Bernie Sanders is building that movement and organizing people across this country."
"Trump was just the beginning of the backlash."
"Is MAGA or Trumpism, just a group of incredibly loyal followers, or is it something much scarier?"
"Tumblr in its prime: 'not just a blogging platform, but a staging ground for an array of political movements.'"
"They ban subreddits like The Donald, cutting grassroots movements from the ground up."
"I remember watching Occupy Wall Street and seeing there is more of this to come."
"Tea Party was an expression of working men and women who were fed up."
"You see these things like the Arab spring, you see these things where people are now aware that other options exist."
"It's not a progressive movement, so I don't know what progressive means to you."
"Just because something badass is happening involving women, especially involving our sexuality, it doesn't automatically make it a liberating political movement."
"The progressive space hasn't had that courage since Bernie Sanders popped up on the scene."
"Antifa's an idea, not an organization, not a militia."
"The old alt-right was literally built on hatred, it was the driving force behind a lot of their movements."
"As much as we would want to do otherwise we need to recognize the national socialism fascism Marxism and so on are religions."
"For every movement that was anti-science, for every movement that has sought change through politics or through an election, there have been just about as many who have said man not sure if this is the way forward."
"This election was a victory for 'Barstool conservatism', a revolt against the elites in all forms."
"If the alt-right is going to have an impact, it's going to be a cultural impact first and foremost."
"The cause that Trump represents has been legitimized."
"The Proud Boys didn't go away after January 6th."
"He gave voice to a movement and to the ideals."
"Thorax and his supporters, as well as numerous detractors of the Chrysalis, have all united under the banner of harmony."
"Wokeness moved from being a challenge to the system to tyranny."
"Peterson's primary goal is to neutralize the political right."
"It begins as something more modest, a movement of political organizations, groups, political parties, ideas, policy networks."
"The alt-right has gone quiet, hasn't it? It's not a coincidence. It's because a ton of them got banned."
"We know that this is part of the white power movement and an act of leaderless resistance."
"There's a growing return to Center politics, away from rabid right-wing movements."
"We have a silent majority the likes of which this country has never seen before."
"What starts in Italy is something that looks very, very small, a small group of activists led by a maverick come to power."
"If you lose friends because of this conservative movement, they weren't your friends."
"The anti-abortion movement is the political organizing arm of the white supremacist, white nationalist movement."
"The state was quite rattled by the Occupy movement."
"There's also question of whether you have a candidate and an idea or whether you have a movement behind it."
"America First is bigger than one man. It belongs to us, to we the people."
"The campaign to abolish the monarchy is worldwide success, thriving, and inspiring."
"What propels all totalitarian movements... is despair, personal and economic despair."
"States across the country are moving to ban the mutilation and castration of children."
"There's a reason why people have to work so hard to make Antifa this death squad menace that it's been made to be in the media."
"Christian nationalism... movement favors... enshrine the policies..."
"Minneapolis voting to abolish their police while books are being banned, movies are being banned, and art is being banned."
"Radio waves: S tier for socialist revolutions."
"Progressives all over this country have a real fighting chance going forward."
"Black Lives Matter is openly Marxist. This isn't something that you and I invented here. It's not conspiracy theory, it's the reality."
"This isn't a club, it's not a cultural movement, it's not a cult, it's a real political movement that's based on empowering the powerless, not out of sympathy but out of solidarity."
"Conservative women at the forefront of this movement to stop the ERA."
"This pro-human agenda is now what is going to be the future, I believe, of the conservative movement."
"The big pro-people say third parties will never work in America because of ballot access laws, but we got ballot access in 21 states in 2016."
"A brand new political movement that in as I say, a month goes from not existing to topping the polls in a national election."
"America First... has been hijacked by the trumpian cult... the original movement has much in common with its contemporary iteration."
"Pluto's influence in politics: expect a surge in grassroots movements."
"The progressive movement is eating itself from within."
"All of these far-right anti-immigrant anti-Europe parties that are poised to destroy the European Union from within."
"The coverage of the Freedom Convoy is a remarkably eye-opening experience."
"They have defeated Trump, but Trumpism is not dead in this country."
"The New Deal would not have happened without the communist and socialist movement."
"We're witnessing a second American revolution right now."
"If the city of Seattle... is going to allow CHAZ to be a thing, what's stopping those in the right from doing the same thing?"
"Greenland's nationalist movement may lead to eventual independence, shifting the power balance in the Arctic region."
"This is not a uniquely American thing. You can see that depressed areas in other Western countries also have turned to this kind of ugly, right-wing movements."
"The name is Project Lazarus, of course. We had about a month brainstorm for a name."
"I'll hold a referendum. We're going to finally get a stanyan nation where all the 'Stan' nations come together."
"Populism is just simply a Grassroots movement... that reflects the will of the people... I am much more in favor of populism than elitism."
"Even if Trump loses, Trumpism doesn't have to."
"Trumpism is not unpopular - look at the movement Trump galvanized."
"This is that moment, this is it defeating trumpism is the single greatest calling of our time."
"The establishment conservatives are trying to get people to go to Parler."
"Trump's loss might be a big boon for the QAnon movement."
"Historically the anti-war movement has been led by the left... the left movement that was against war and against Empire."
"I don't care if there are millions of people who believe it was stolen, I know the polls are there, I know that this is a mass right wing movement, I think no one can downplay that."
"I realized I had completely underestimated Antifa."
"Political radicalism rises as syndicalists, anarchists, and integralists continue to engage."
"It's the new leftist move and it's by the way it's global."
"There is a sort of large, vocal minority in a lot of Western European countries in favour of these kinds of populist parties."
"Whenever a political movement that seeks to empower the disempowered gets co-opted by mainstream capitalist forces, it’s likely that those original ideas will get twisted to instead reinforce the existing structures of power."
"The alt-right movement is essentially the successor of the paleo conservative movement."
"I think it is very unfair to the British people to characterize large-scale political movements as being motivated by racism in any way."
"Is this the final act of the most successful secessionist movement in India?"
"The aristocracy is definitely in decline, and capitalism and communism, that is labor rights and workers' rights movements, are on the rise."
"The best and most exciting political movements come from people not surrendering their political agency to someone and saying they're going to do things for us, but people actually organizing on the ground."