
Health Advocacy Quotes

There are 296 quotes

"We have to be in charge of our own health and be our own best advocate."
"Please share this with as many of your loved ones as possible, because I think this could potentially be beneficial in our fight against COVID-19."
"This month is actually meant to raise awareness for mental health and fight all the stigmas that are around therapy and mental health."
"Look at your own health, and if you love your children, join us in fighting. What we need to find is a just fight. It's the right fight. It's the right cause."
"Being an advocate for your own health is so, so valuable."
"The world needs to wake up to the fact that big pharma... has a really big strong motive for maximizing D deficiency."
"All I ask is that you advocate for your body, after all, you only get the one."
"You cannot be letting industry dictate what people eat. Big Food should watch what happened to Big Tobacco."
"The best way that we can influence the planet to adopt vegan principles would be to set a good example, including setting a good health example."
"If we are really interested in combating HIV, we also have to be combating HIV stigma."
"I'm here to recruit you in the war against bad food."
"The kind of message that people with diabetes need to be getting from the American Diabetes Association is: don't eat anything that Kellogg's makes because it's going to make your diabetes worse."
"Protect your mental health at all costs... it's number one priority."
"I took this upon myself to create awareness in the country for people to know what scoliosis is about."
"For no other reason than human health, why not stop it?"
"My advocacy is based in educating people that this is a very health beneficial substance."
"It is high time now to start looking at the sun as a major therapeutic source."
"Cancer is a heartbreaking, life-shattering disease that needs a cure."
"There is nothing that is more anti-inflammatory on the planet than whole food plant-based nutrition."
"Helping youth and parents work together is a primary goal," says WPATH, but only if parents' involvement is deemed non-harmful.
"An active mind, an active body is also a healthy mind... I see the ads all the time."
"Using cannabis is a really effective tool... and it doesn't kill anybody."
"Remember that mental health is so, so important and does not get enough focus."
"The chances of surviving COVID is much higher with the vaccination."
"The president will fight for the health and well-being of children."
"Nature wanted for us a balanced fat diet, not a low-fat diet."
"People are so hostile, but I am supportive of vaccines. I think that they really do work."
"We don't have to be eating these cheap chemical synthetic colors which honestly they don't know the long-term side effects."
"The only one you can really count on for your health is you."
"It's clear that the positives outweigh the negatives in medical marijuana cases like epilepsy."
"Oh, he's straight sounds like he's drinking water right now, he's guzzling it down. We love our hydro bros, you know what? Everyone should get a drink of water, everyone stays hydrated, this is a hydration break."
"We do have an agenda, a better environment, a kinder world, and better health free of disease and surgery."
"My main goal as an ambassador: try to inspire people to be healthier."
"Vaccines are good for you and that's all there is to it."
"There is no reason for there to be cigarette manufacturers anywhere in the world."
"Starting a council or a smoke-free Association in your state can be a huge, positive thing."
"We're trying to advocate a non-combustible alternative to traditional tobacco cigarettes."
"I'm a big advocate for breastfeeding. I think it's really important."
"It's our job to help you address the fact that stress is one of the biggest killers among us."
"Anything that stops people dying prematurely from cancer is always a good thing."
"Each food individually in the G-BOMBS list, the greens, the beans, lower cancer rates by tremendous amount."
"Not controversial. It's completely irresponsible to advocate people eat high amounts of animal products."
"I've devoted my life to this cause. I need your help so that millions of people worldwide can treasure the gift of health and happiness."
"You can't be talking about super healthy eating and be eating junk."
"We need more people in the political spotlight promoting exercise."
"Encouraging people to better themselves and be healthy is important."
"Women are built to carry life. Don't put death in your womb."
"Health is wealth, guys. You need to take care of your body."
"Mental health is no joke that's why you got to take care of it."
"Thank you God. Thank you. And I wear my vaccinated necklace all the time to say I'm vaccinated."
"Jesus taught us to love one another but to care about each other enough to say please get vaccinated because I love you."
"We must demonize the tobacco industry which is not a responsible organization, it's a criminal consortium."
"Mental health is very much part of the conversation."
"Be proactive about your own health because no one's going to do it for you."
"Something has to change... mental health is such an issue."
"Vaccines are widely available across the country, and this suffering and loss are entirely preventable."
"It's time to end the devastation caused by cancer."
"I advocate for a plant-based diet, I think it's very important."
"We need to understand that people under any circumstance if they have the ability to get fresh air and exercise, it is quite important to their health."
"My message to you today is that, sure, nutritional science has made exponential advances in recent years - I love nutritional science - but the point is it's not just preventive."
"For that value, you're getting one of the best synth sounds in history."
"Please, please, please get the vaccine." - Chuck
"Even if you aren't lean, if you're obese, you can still adopt healthy habits regardless of weight loss to improve your health."
"If we can raise awareness for potential chemical exposures and pesticides... all the more awareness we can advocate for ourselves."
"Choosing a healthier lifestyle could save your life."
"It's a terrible disease and a terrible feeling... so I want to help people that are in that situation."
"That's a reason to get a vaccine, that's about as good as it gets. It will keep you alive."
"Let's be empathetic and supportive at building up people and supporting their food freedom journeys."
"I promote healthy eating, 80% plant-based diets."
"Regardless of what else might be true about this paper, we have been advocating for mask wearing and hygiene and social distancing and all of these things."
"Let's raise our voices, raise some money, and prove together that we can heal EB."
"Vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate. Get vaccination. Vaccinate."
"Long Covid, a lot of people contact me and say we feel abandoned."
"Knowing your own body and being a good advocate for yourself, or having a family member that knows you well and is a good advocate for you is crucial in getting better health outcomes."
"A quite different gathering took place in Bath, organized by the World Council for Health."
"It is something that I would say please don't put up with the symptoms go and see your doctor."
"Informed self-care should be the main goal of any program or activity."
"The evidence on vaccinations is overwhelming."
"It's important to advocate for your own health."
"I am against pursuing intentional weight loss and won't promote it I'm against fat phobia in the notion that thinner is always better I'm against diet culture promoting weight loss as a key to better health in a better life."
"Taking care of our mental health is no exception."
"Mental health is just something that really now more than ever needs to be destigmatized and addressed."
"If you want to be healthy as individuals and want to survive as a species, it's time to adopt a plant-based diet."
"If one athlete learns to eat better, live better, and love better, we've already made an honest change in the world."
"Let's make your protein the sidekick, not the hero."
"The goal should be to inspire as many people as possible to make healthier choices regardless of their budget."
"Reclaim your health and arm your immune system."
"Get vaccinated. You have to fight for your life. You don't realize you're fighting for every single breath all day."
"Even these scientifically illiterate Bible people did more to advocate the wearing of face masks than the majority of today's Republican Party."
"Everyone has a role to play in turning the tide against obesity and its disproportionate impact on racial and ethnic minority groups."
"Reclaiming your right to healthy food is an integral part of that."
"If an absolute [__] like me can go and get a blood test done in order to help out Levi every single one of you guys can."
"I want you to be healthy, I want you to figure that out, but most of all, I want you to know that God put you on this planet for a purpose."
"There is a mental health crisis in this country."
"That picture represents everything that I stand for as the minister of wellness."
"So the argument that's made by many people in the health arena is that our goal should be to help as many people as possible to convert as many people over to healthful living."
"I commend her efforts to improve the health of Americans across this country."
"I'm just super passionate about helping other people eat healthier and live better lives."
"Dairy fat is wonderful, supportive of brain health."
"Red meat, eggs, and full-fat dairy are really important brain foods."
"His journey is a profound reminder of the resilience needed to navigate such challenges and the importance of self-advocacy in health matters."
"I believe that encouraging people to do health-destructive things that have gotten them to a bad place... is born out of lies, deception, corruption, and potentially even an extinctionist agenda."
"The way that she preaches sunscreen speaks to my soul."
"I think it's extremely important that mental health issues aren't just brushed under the carpet."
"Health is the number one priority... I've always really tried to make everything that I share with you safe, effective, balanced, sustainable, and most importantly healthy."
"I want to be a good example for them and motivate them and want them to work out take care of themselves blah blah."
"Don't ever stop fighting for better health for women with lipedema."
"Type 2 diabetes is largely preventable; it's not inevitable."
"We all have a responsibility to turn this type 2 diabetes epidemic around."
"Joe Rogan has been promoting healthy living throughout the whole pandemic. Why aren't the health experts or medical professionals that signed off on this open letter to Spotify doing the same?"
"It's not just one lone doctor with a crazy idea. There's a whole movement going on here."
"I feel like one of my biggest reasons that I think I had lupus never came it is to help others do the same."
"We are creating a movement right now, and it's up to us to demand and show retailers that we care about our health."
"Let's not let burn pits become the next Agent Orange."
"Share this message with anyone struggling with respiratory issues."
"It's time for a health revolution and we can all start by making better food choices today."
"If you want to give me a bad rating, I'll read it and I'll make some changes because I'm Dr. Gundry and I'm always looking out for you."
"If we really want to tackle it... we have to make those treatments available."
"We have a very serious problem in this country with diet, and good people have tried to address it. They've tried to make it right so that we have a healthier country, a country that can thrive."
"Health should be looked at as a community, social rights issue, civil rights issue, social justice." - Kip Anderson
"Diet is a hundred percent of this whole lifestyle, and we've gone so far from being healthy and eating healthy."
"I am pro-vaccine, I've been vaccinated, my family's been vaccinated."
"Anything to help fight cancer has my full support."
"Remember, it's all about raising awareness and supporting cancer research."
"We're not going to take these cancer-causing agents in our water; we're going to protect our children even if you don't."
"Do it. Find a qualified surgeon who can do an en bloc or total capsulectomy and who believes in breast implant illness."
"Trying to help people figure out what is the healthiest life they can actually enjoy living is valuable."
"Why don't we have the same devotion to mental health?"
"I just wished that there was more education about panic attacks in general."
"His tragic death helped bring public attention to the ravages of the disease."
"If you come up to me and go 'my kids wear factor 50 now,' I will shake your arm off because what's happened to me has made a positive difference."
"The goal is to end the stress and burnout epidemic."
"Congratulations to Trial Site News for your amazing work in health as a human right."
"It's more vital than ever that people get their Jabs."
"Believe yourself, listen to your body. Nobody knows your body better than you."
"I was diagnosed with kidney failure in September 2015... I'm a celebrity Ambassador for the National Kidney Foundation."
"Encouraging people to see after their own mental health."
"Ditch the pill if you care about the environment."
"You deserve better. Ditch hormonal contraceptives."
"As a cancer survivor myself, the work that GDQ does makes me hope that less people will have to go through what I did."
"Put hyperinsulinemia at the center of chronic disease and get everyone looking."
"Ergonomics - really important stuff, guys. I cannot stress that enough."
"Always be your own Advocate, get second opinions, get third opinions because you never know."
"The truth is doom and gloom. You know how many people's lives I helped save during the whole corona things that people had thanked me for being one of the first to speak on it."
"If you think something's wrong, seek a second opinion."
"An activist and outspoken artist Larry Kramer passed away, founder of the gay men's health crisis in the 1980s."
"We're trying to stop people from dying. We don't want another winter rising cases and deaths."
"It's really about keeping your diet as clean as possible."
"Remember, if 95% of Americans would wear masks, it would save 66,000 lives between now and the first of April."
"Prevention's way more than a pound of cure because there is no cure for dead." - Dr. Michael Greger
"Postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety are real and they suck and they're not talked about enough and they can cause things like disordered eating and eating disorders."
"Exercise is something that people are pretty down with at this point in the game. If you're not exercising, you're wrong."
"Love it, love it, yes of course sunscreen, honey. Alright, I always advocate protection."
"The rationale dress society protests against the introduction of any fashion in dress that either deforms the figure" - advocating for healthier, more practical attire.
"Charities and organizations are sending their support and encouraging others to prioritize their health."
"I just want to contribute to people understanding beauty comes from health."
"I went public because this became like a public health issue at this point."
"Save others, engineered Stone needs to be banned, no ifs, no buts."
"Promoting paint stripper consumption is reckless and deadly. These 'therapists' are playing with lives."
"There needs to be more awareness of mental health."
"World Health Organization has been trying to tell us for years, depression is a response to things going wrong deep in our lives and our environments, our pain makes sense."
"Each time you purchase a product red product, a portion of that goes to fight HIV and AIDS."
"There's so much benefit that comes from eating meat."
"We need to encourage lifestyle changes alongside immunization."
"Every time we eat, we have a choice. We can choose health over disease, peace over violence, protection over destruction. Empower yourself with knowledge, and when you do, you can answer that question: Is it time for a change?"
"We're in a serious decline if we don't give a [ __ ] about what our children are eating."
"If you can't pull it out of the ground or out of a tree, don't [expletive] eat it."
"Enough is enough. How many people here are going to join me with this idea that we've got to set an example, we've got to be great health?"
"I just hope that there's enough people watching this maybe they have a family member that is trying to go carnivore or something they can at least directly hand them the highest quality studies."
"It's never too late to start eating healthy."
"You wouldn't expect to see tobacco lobbyists at a health convention."
"The stigma around having a mental illness is still an issue today."
"Vaccines are wonderful and everybody should get them."
"In 1972 some British scientist named John Yudkin decided to grow conscience and sound the alarm that sugar not fat was the greater danger to our health."
"My mission in life is to empower older adults to be their own health Advocates by putting their Health First."
"The water is good. Glad to hear it. All these people are drinking pop. Just stop."
"You're never going to see any stories about the tens of thousands of people who've avoided permanent disabilities or injury."
"Creatine as a punchline is incredibly safe, incredibly effective."
"Lifestyle and diet is the single most powerful medicine that most of us will ever use."
"A whole food plant-based diet is recommended by leading health organizations."
"I set out on this journey to bring fasting to the world because it was the right thing to do it's the right tool that can get us out of a Health crisis."
"I reserve my sympathy empathy and despair for those who are sick and for those who have died because they were misled lied to or ignored wear an effing mask you tweeted."
"Can we just say, can we normalize mental health days?"
"Every human being can thrive on a plant-based diet."
"Reclaim your birthright to radical health." - Speaker
"She saved us all from vampires, and now she's saving us all from salt and sugar."
"Being in shape is so critical, like I always say this and I said almost every video I think because a lot of people don't listen."
"The time to stop accepting death is right now."
"Advocate a healthy lifestyle and teach others to love themselves."
"The biggest side effect there is with vitamin C is failure to take enough of it."
"Say no to drugs and alcohol and yes to subjectivity."
"I encourage everyone out there to Take Back Control of their health."
"Whether you're a professional athlete, a fight fan, or a janitor, taking care of your health should be a top priority for everyone that's watching this video."
"Start your journey to reclaim your birthright to radical health... stay radical, stay free, stay exploring."
"The most revolutionary thing you could ever do is to get healthy."
"From this point on I want to be using my platform to do everything I can to educate all of you to be as safe and as healthy as you can."
"Breast cancer screening is important for women of every age. Early detection saves lives. Together we can and will continue to work towards a brighter cancer-free future for all Canadian women."
"Her enduring presence in the entertainment industry coupled with her achievements as an actress, author, and health advocate."
"I'd rather that lie on my back for a week...lots of reasons where I want to get folks immunized."
"We become too tribal to our given diet plan. I don't really care how someone else eats, I just want to see them get healthy."