
Chess Strategies Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"How to win at chess is most certainly back. We played a Leningrad Dutch against the London, we played an E4 fantasy Caro-Kann, we defended against the black side of a gambit, the fourth game was an English, pure and simple, and this was a modern defense."
"Chess mirrors life. You're supposed to put pawns in the center, knight and bishop, and castle, right?"
"A pork, when you pin and you fork, it's called a pork. It's a very powerful tactic, a very delicious tactic."
"I think it's a very tricky situation here for for xqc already and he needs to kind of not use too much time really importantly he's not let's trade I have a good game I'm confident my late game is a solid."
"Your attack is stuck, if you take, I don't take, Queen f5, oh, that's just disgusting."
"Chess is a mix of quick plans and long-term strategies."
"And this is why openings like the Benoni and the Grunfeld are so much fun."
"Every situation is different, but the vast majority of the time in the opening, you want to bring the bishops and knights out and castle as fast as you can."
"Positions don't have to be closed for a pawn break to occur."
"It's possible to get structural considerations right off the bat."
"Pawns become increasingly important as you climb up the levels in chess."
"Some of the most fun that you will ever have playing chess is when you orchestrate a nice attack on your opponent's king and end up finishing off the game with a really nice checkmate."
"When you attack, you want to look for specific weaknesses to take advantage of."
"The king slides out of the way and you know why the king slides out of the way because the king knows that when this opens up the Rook is going to the G file."
"The future of chess is not necessarily the trench war but it could be kind of a blitzkrieg."
"Pawns are the soul of chess, be good friends with your pawns."
"When you see a good move, look for a better one."
"I still think many players in the 1800 to 2000 range are exploitable in the endgame."
"Don't be afraid to take your time in endgames; it's okay to play them slowly."
"When you've got two moves that you're trying to play one two you should always try to figure out what happens if i switch up the move order."
"Paul likes to make a move for the king without hesitation."
"If we all acknowledge that we live in a society where we have to say black lives matter because people don't think they do..."
"You've got to make chess fun and practical. Those two things, right? They need to be fun and practical."
"You're only losing if you lose. No, I mean, actually, Bishop e6 is really smart."
"Why did he play bishop takes b8? That was disrespectful."
"You can checkmate with a knight and a bishop."
"The most traditional and the best method of dealing with pressure and dealing with the dubious position is to trade."
"So many cool ideas... Pawn endgames are the most fascinating type of endgame."
"Be careful about the move g4; this kind of move can be incredibly difficult to stop."
"The Bon Cloud becomes much more effective when there are no queens on the board."
"I'll go here, Knight before, to go off to C2 Pawn. Maybe."
"Consent is very important in the real world. No means no. But in chess, it's go forth, please deliver a Checkmate."
"Oh, he just got mated, men. The old matin - you forgot f7 was hit."
"Compensation for the pawn means you've got stuff going on in the position that gives you enough."
"Every opening has its spirit, and this is what I'd like to give you: what is the spirit of the Sicilian defense."
"So, if you like winning brilliantly, you like sacrificing, you'll like the King's Gambit."
"Bishop takes e5 maybe even more than bishop takes c5."
"Players can play really really well at this level but the moment you start putting serious pressure and creating a lot of threats in a row, blunders are incredibly common."
"Well, you did very well that game. I think the biggest mistake you made was you followed the principles but you castled your king the wrong way."
"This opening can bring you a lot of quick victories and a lot of just fun."
"The next trap works against the Nimzowitsch-Larsen Attack... and it's greatly underrated."
"Chess captures an audience, I can watch an opening trap that's 30 seconds long and I want to go try it."
"You brought the queen out, kind of played a Scandinavian defense with queen takes d5, but it wasn't."
"This is like I just want you to be comfortable in the opening because I didn't even think about moving that knight out."
"This bishop here now has almost direct line of sight against the king and this is a sniper bishop you don't want to give this type of bishop a line."
"A check can be such an effective method in endgames, right? You don't even have to understand exactly what the check does."
"The Queen's Gambit is more solid and positional, loved by many."
"The Queen's Gambit is traditionally described as a Gambit because white appears to sacrifice the sea Pawn however this could be considered a misnomer as black cannot retain the pawn without incurring a disadvantage."
"Let's delve into some chess strategies and openings."
"Fasten your seat belt, and I'm going to walk you through the shortcuts of chess improvement."
"Take my queen, yes, game over, back to tournament, king of the hill strikes."