
Catharsis Quotes

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"You don't really have a choice in life because you're going to go through the pain anyway. I always think might as well get a receipt for your pain. That's what art is."
"I think the work is cathartic and the idea of...adversity...that's the thing that pulls you across the dark cave floor of that kind of life."
"After just getting that sort of rant out of my system, I'm ready."
"The magic of all art is the ability to both capture our pain and deliver us from it at the same time."
"I need to kind of let this go in a way and I feel by sharing it with people that I know love me and support me it'll be kind of a cathartic experience."
"Catharsis is about overcoming something difficult because the fact that it's hard is what makes the feeling of actually completing it so much more powerful."
"Being okay with things just being, reaching catharsis and acceptance and happiness even when things aren't going to be okay all the time."
"For a moment, The Matrix gives them a way to articulate that anger and feel catharsis within that."
"This has been a kind of a cathartic experience for me... reflecting on each object in turn and describing to you guys what they mean to me has been very therapeutic."
"It was utter silence. It was a big embrace. He immediately broke down crying. I started crying."
"Willingly experiencing tragic, painful emotions in a controlled environment can be strangely cathartic."
"Tears cleanse the soul, so let your emotions out."
"Catharsis is at the core of what we as an audience want to feel when a woman, or anyone, has been brutalized and harmed."
"Don't be afraid to cry; it will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts."
"Sometimes when you have a good cry or you laugh way too much, it just feels like this good sort of exhaustion."
"It actually feels really nice and light; there's something very cathartic about just getting rid of these things."
"Letting go of things can really be a cathartic experience and it also allows us to be generous to others when we are able to pass on or donate or gift the things that are perfectly usable and good."
"That was cathartic. It felt good to release all those repressed emotions."
"This whole plot to erase the debts and restart society, it's just a mass form of catharsis for all those strangled by the chains of their postmodern lifestyle."
"I could let my feelings out. I don't have to hold them in."
"Catharsis in horror is for the victim, not the perpetrator."
"I feel like you just need to put your emotions into something."
"I finally had that opportunity to express, and it was the most cathartic experience I've ever had in my entire life."
"It's definitely okay to just selfishly want to share your story because it's cathartic or therapeutic for you."
"We managed to complain about every major manufacturer. Wow, it feels good to complain."
"That falling out of the sky, everyone's realizations. And Catharsis was so powerful and just loved."
"When I'm done and every single person I don't like that I've had to bite my tongue about because I don't want to create waves just go at them full and Dave Portney an evening of hate I love it."
"When you're dealing with an emotional dilemma, sometimes there's no better solution than to just wail through your feelings."
"I honestly feel so much lighter. I feel like I just needed to talk today."
"These characters provide us a sense of catharsis."
"Once you have that [cry], everything is kind of like lifted off your shoulders."
"I need a good cry, I want tears to come out of my eyes, this stone heart of mine needs to feel something."
"Sometimes it can just be very cathartic to read about a woman doing everything the women were taught not to do. And sometimes that includes murder."
"An explosion of catharsis when the simultaneous final blows are struck."
"This has so much emotion and such an incredible sense of release... it's cathartic."
"The catharsis of becoming your own person... is genuine and real."
"There's so much emotional energy and build up, it just wants to be let go."
"It's a very affecting scene, but it's happy tears."
"Let's crack off cry because as well as these milestones."
"It was the most cathartic thing I've ever done."
"That's the power of the purge, I feel lighter."
"There's something so cathartic about someone outsmarting Palpatine."
"The act of screaming, of making these guttural sounds, was like releasing a pressure valve... it felt like a deflated balloon."
"We can all agree on one thing. F*ck that clown!"
"It's a cathartic release because after all of these years, him thinking what can I do to show people, what can I do to show my innocence."
"The final confrontation with him was a moment of cathartic purifying vigilantism."
"Listening to this front to back is a chaotic, cathartic joyride, a deft balance of melody and noise."
"Heaven to a Tortured Mind' is the kind of record that demands you fully lose yourself in it, the kind of record that reminds you of music's ability to achieve pure, unbridled catharsis."
"If you get it off your chest... You got a secret you know it is boiling inside of you and you explode if you don't say it to somebody."
"Telling people what I was going through, why I was going to do it, it was the worst thing I ever had to do and the best thing I ever did."
"Let it out and move on. It’s better to say it because having that stuck inside you for the rest of your days will consume you, because you will always be asking yourself 'what if it made a change?'"
"Butt rock choruses are sheer, cathartic releases."
"I really wanted to pour my heart out but still I wanted to scream."
"It was healing for me to tell my story somewhere and just put it out there."
"If you wanna cry, like that's okay, bottling it in is so dangerous and to let them out is really the most beautiful thing you can do."
"Once you start having the conversation, it's like all of these things flood back, and it's really cathartic and useful."
"Even though we got this incredibly cathartic moment where Andrew gets some Redemption for the most tragic moment in his life... it's still swung open this door of emotion."
"Best sleep after a good ass cry, some of the best sleep."
"We're gonna release all our negative energy in the ring, and it's gonna stay there. After the fight, we're gonna be able to come together and give each other hugs and tell each other what a great job we've done."
"Libra, this is your time to shine financially."
"It offers a sense of shared catharsis and belonging."
"If you need to cry, cry. If you need to [ __ ] be angry, be angry."
"Seeing [Bleach] recognized by a company like Disney in many ways feels a bit cathartic."
"Sometimes it's good to let out emotions. You might feel better."
"I'm happy about crying. I just can't believe it. I can't."
"I was mad. Now I've got it out of my system."
"It can be quite cathartic to see characters break and tear down the societal standards we are pressured to abide by on a day-to-day basis."
"I've always enjoyed talking about the process for two reasons: catharsis and to help those who plan to do something similar."
"It's okay to be sad. Get sad, give a cry, it feels good."
"The fact that she could have somebody who cares so deeply in talking about these issues, the fact that she'd have the opportunity to face Alex Jones and tell him what he has done, I imagine, was an incredibly powerful moment for her."
"The world's a [ __ ] show and it's very cathartic to be on a show that is able to comment on it."
"It's a very cathartic thing to watch because you can feel it."
"It was refreshing to see black people of down south beating up white people. I'm not gonna lie, it was refreshing, we needed that, we needed to see that."
"So if you're like me and you feel like you've been punched in the face every single time you're reminded of this movie's existence, consider this review a weird sort of therapy."
"You just gotta let it out, yeah, that's the best."
"I wrote the whole draft on that flight... it felt cathartic."
"I just watched it and I was like okay then I got to the end and I was just like bawling and it was very cathartic."
"Just letting it all out...having a cry is like a release, isn't it?"
"There's something that feels so cathartic from a creative end."
"Once we have spoken our saddest story, we can be free of it and then all that's left behind is the tortured poetry."
"We're all looking for catharsis, looking for that release because we have so much stress, anxiety, tension, trauma pent up that we are all looking for some kind of outlet to let that stuff go."
"We're just looking for a kind of collective catharsis."
"He feels lucky, grateful that this union has a foundation of love."
"Underneath it all, there's a catharsis that isn't about indulging these dark ideas, it's about confronting them."
"Healing purging getting rid of that little last nugget of emotional pain."
"I'm just gonna have a bleach party and everyone will dance in the bleach so that they can be cleansed from this nightmare."
"Telling entitled mom off was actually quite cathartic."
"I write these personal records that I may externalize them, rendering them onto parchment so that they may torment me no more."
"Doom didn't create new anger in me, it let me see what was there, confront what it meant, and explore it in a harmless, really fun way."
"Mass is a brutally honest examination of human beings' desire for catharsis."
"It's just so cathartic to see his journey unfold so bravo to that"
"Getting things off your chest can be helpful."
"Yet, for me, and I know for many others a deep catharsis occurs."
"Going to confession is a way of allowing us to put the guilt behind us."
"I was finally releasing everything... I was crying for everything, I was just crying."
"By expressing my feelings, it's helping me eliminate this obligation I've had hanging over my head for years."
"Expressing our emotions is the way to get it out of our body."
"The catharsis created by Mars opposite Pluto has the effect of being deeply healing in the end."
"...catharsis is literally that ancient Greek word of relief."
"...and great art has this ability, and so that word catharsis, well, first of all, on the personal level when you go through your life and you get into the drama of it, and you really feel the drama of it, it can have that effect."
"Catharsis: Talking about your difficulties is beneficial."
"It's through the sad song that our own sadness is alleviated."
"The relief that washed over me, well, it's cathartic."
"By having some serious stakes and some serious things going on with the characters, it makes the catharsis that is a happy ending or learning or whatever so much more effective."
"A good weepy makes you smile through the tears, regardless of gender, genre, or generation."
"I just broke down and started wailing inconsolably and sort of being violent with my guy, and it was really good, it was better than I could have ever hoped it was going to be."
"Writing this has been oddly healing."
"I don't write songs to be famous; I write songs 'cause I've got to make something good out of something bad."
"There's something cathartic about watching it."
"No matter how depressed they are, they go when they see Pagliacci, and then they are happy afterwards."
"It's a monumentally satisfying track to come after any break up."
"You're going through a massive release."
"...there's a big emotional release, and it is going to set you free..."
"It was easy, in a way playing that character who spends so much time hiding who he really is, those scenes were actually kind of cathartic because then I got to just be myself, you know."
"You need a good effing cry. Get the ugly cry on, let that ish go, your soul will thank you."
"It felt really good to get that off my chest."
"I felt relieved, just to have that off of me, that was like a big weight."
"We felt smart when we got the jokes. We felt understood when Jon articulated the things we had been thinking. We felt catharsis."
"I'm probably just gonna cry actually instead of watch videos, just cry by myself because this is so good."
"I already feel so much better, like I can't even explain how much lighter I feel. I feel like an actual weight has been left off my shoulders."
"You should cry with your whole heart."
"In crying with her whole heart, Sharon could recover not just her emotional pain but her emotional presence."
"A good cry is what's needed sometimes."
"It's okay to cry, you don't need to hold it in."
"Sometimes you just need to get it out, especially if you haven't had someone to talk to."
"This is like the most cathartic thing to watch."
"We're big animals and we're just supposed to go through our nervous system responses, we have a shake moment, get the weird out as I like to say, and then you move on."
"I have cried so much this last week."
"It's been emotional, it's been very emotional."
"Everything I'd held back came flooding out in streams of tears as she held me."
"It was emotional but it was necessary."
"What I do is just to me it's about letting an audience off the hook with life."
"There's going to be a big emotional release."
"Horror films were a form of catharsis for audiences. People got to go and kind of escape, but they also got to release all their stress and tension."
"Writing about hurt feelings can represent a radical departure from what you're conditioned to do."
"Put worries to words, disrobes them."
"Therapy isn't much more than sharing your fears with someone that understands."
"For some of you, they just have to get it out because it's bursting."
"Feeling human emotion is good, and having cathartic feelings feels good, and letting out those feelings feels good."
"Letting it all out, like I'm purging and I'm done. I cried, I sobbed, and I wrote a letter to that person, said everything. I cried, and I'm free now, and now I'm ready to welcome all the beautiful new emotions."
"I just started laughing and I said [ __ ] you because when I said that, all the darkness went away."
"That felt like 20 odd years of frustration just coming out in this perfect night of joy."
"He's also commented saying he thought this could be cathartic for the players he thought that players would get enjoyment from trying to kill him after all he's done and put them through he certainly cost me a fortune in laundry bill to meet Elia."
"It's so deep and it deals with such deep dark depressing topics. I bawled my eyes out in these books but also like, it was so impactful to my life."
"It was so cathartic to relive those moments because this was the end and instead of just breaking new ground to wrap things up nicely they actually gave time to pay homage to the things that made the show the PowerHouse it was today."
"Some of the worst fights ever have led to the best songs."
"There is catharsis in oversharing."
"These words managed to do the unthinkable: make Mabuchi cry for the first time and release the pain he had been holding on to for so long."
"This moment where all the rage and fear and hatred comes pouring out... She saved herself."
"This man had a lot to say and he got it off his chest."
"sometimes you just need to cry a [ __ ] eyes"
"Families and loved ones of the victims felt a lot of catharsis when the image of Jesus floating in the clouds went viral."
"The image of Jesus in the fire was a source of catharsis for many."
"I need someone to talk to, get this pain off my chest, all the bad things I've done and the people I've hurt."
"...one of the most cathartic moments in AEW history..."
"It's most cathartic when I finally watch it with an audience...it's an antidote to loneliness."
"Sometimes you just cry it out happy tears and sad tears."
"It felt like I was unloading years of buried feelings."
"...it's just a monologue from his part and here you have all the things that were inside of him that you couldn't put outside."
"There's a beautiful catharsis that comes from what movies can bring and move the heart. It's just, it's beautiful."
"Her words helped him release the feelings he had been suppressing."
"It was healing for a lot of people."
"The daily practice course... is all about getting those emotions out of here where they're bouncing around confusing things, onto paper, releasing them."
"I want you to scream. I want you to let go of all this pain."
"Masaru bursts into laughter and forgets his sorrows for one night."
"Burn the letter. Write out everything you feel about them, then crumple up the piece of paper and let it burn. It's the perfect level of emotional release."
"Sometimes you need to cry, I honestly, I genuinely believe in crying. Sometimes you just have so much emotion build up, you need to let it out."
"I felt better just for saying the things I've done out loud."
"They're compelling to watch, but also it's very, very cathartic to see the hero finally get one over on them, to defeat them. That's satisfying."
"It gives me, one, the catharsis to cry, and two, it just makes you more appreciative."
"I felt like all those tears that I had just bottled up, all those years, like I just felt like everything was just like releasing, like it really did feel like I was healing."
"You need a professional counselor to just kind of vent and let it all out."
"What a fantastic, disturbing yet cathartic ride."
"It was a very satisfying chapter, it was very cathartic."
"Wolverine Rebels against his situation and it builds to a cathartic escape."
"It's having this... allowance to surrender and energetically shake off."
"I can honestly say that him wailing in court was the chicken soup that my soul needed."
"Yell scream cry whatever you gotta do get out of your system and then recover."
"The baby's arrival was cathartic for Ava."
"Every 10 years or so we have to have a blood bath just to clear the air."
"I think I was, I needed this today. In terms of, like, just, uh, listening to that song, I just needed to go because it's like, just, it's, it's a good release, a mental, just release."
"You don't have the urge to cry but if maybe you could put on a song or something that you know pulls you emotionally."
"...but damn it was satisfying to puke all over that Karen."
"The act of writing a list can really unload so much emotional or psychic baggage."
"It was also an emotional catharsis, an outlet you could let whatever you had pent up out."
"A profound sense of relief washing over him."
"I cried for maybe a good 30 minutes. I don't even know how to describe what I was thinking and feeling but I was happy."
"It's not a sad song. It should empower you, it should motivate you. And there's nothing wrong with crying either. Crying is cathartic, it's good for you, you know?"
"I have never ugly cried at a show so much I was holding back audible sobs by the end of it."
"I cried I laughed I cried from laughing and then I laughed because I was crying."
"I decided that I needed to talk to someone about this or I was going to explode."
"Catharsis occurs... through truth-telling."
"It was the most cathartic revenge I've ever experienced."
"People always leave and go, 'That was cathartic, I enjoyed that,' you know once you because you get off your chest didn't you it's kind of like a good man."
"In a way, the book really made me feel like I had finally said everything I needed to say about this part of my life."
"The release element, the cathartic element of being able to be in a rave and just be surrounded by people you love is a beautiful thing."
"Release the pain in order to see something clearly."
"It was therapeutic honestly to kind of dive into those things."
"I'm going to let myself listen to it this time and I'm going to let myself cry about it. Yeah, just like when they come, really feeling the emotions because that's how you heal past something, you know? You gotta feel it all. Let it happen."
"I'm watching the...series finale and I recorded it because I knew he couldn't get through it without crying."