
Life Comparison Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"Are you better off today than you were four years ago?"
"Animals have consciousness today in this life, so in that sense, they're alike to us."
"By looking at tiny details from earlier eras, you can see how vastly different their lives were."
"I think we like sports, and games in general, because they aren't like life, because they aren't as random and arbitrary as life often feels."
"A bad day out here is better than my best day that I had before I lived out here."
"The game is fair; real life is a roulette wheel of random [ __ ] with no expansions or content patches."
"Football's a matter of life and death. No, it's more important than that."
"Life is like chess. If you gotta sacrifice your queen, that's what you gotta do."
"Social media is not real life, disconnect the two."
"Nothing you can experience here compares to eternity."
"Stop comparing your chapter one to somebody else's chapter two, three, four, or five."
"Don’t compare your chapter 1 to someone else's chapter 20."
"Guys, got to understand, look at his life and look at your life. I guarantee you'll be more happier."
"It kind of makes the world like a video game as well, the weather thing's interesting as well."
"Comparison is the biggest thief of joy. If you always compare your life to others, you'll never be happy."
"Money is as important as the food you eat, as the medical care that you subscribe to, as the car you drive, the home you live in, the vacations you take."
"Gamers probably like games so much because unlike in real life, the rules are consistent, makes sense, and can be learned."
"Your life's like a Disney movie huh? Except it didn't happen at all."
"Try to think of your own life in the same way that you would view somebody else blogging that or even a movie character going through it."
"The 30s is significantly better than the 20s."
"Prayer is what gives everyone the strength of God to overcome the mountain."
"Remember that life is also an MMORPG and you need money to play it."
"Some people treat football as a matter of life and death but it's more important than that." - Bill Shankly
"Football is more important than life and death." - Bill Shankly
"To live life without purpose or calling is to be like the Dead Sea... a lifeless existence."
"I just want to say, as much as I feel like it's common sense not to compare your life and where you are in life compared to anybody else's, you should never do that. Your life is perfect for where you are at the moment."
"Starting a business: it's powerful, like a marriage relationship."
"You could be broke as a joke and be happier than a mother freakin Kardashian with all the money in the world."
"So the sense of relief and the accomplishment like to be coming up on twelve years sober in August is way greater for me than any basketball game I ever played."
"Being locked up, being in prison, being in jail is the equivalent of being dead but still having a heartbeat."
"Perspective lets you measure your plans and current events against things that have already occurred and also against your desires and aspirations for the future."
"Life without Christ is ultimately the only thing worse in life."
"Most babies have a better life than most adults."
"Start your day with gratitude. Somebody is in a worse position than you."
"It is no wonder that to those who have been in the war and passed through such moments, ordinary life and literature seem very tame."
"Comparison is the thief of joy if you are comparing your life to somebody else's it automatically makes yours not as good in your eyes."
"I think part of it is you look at a finished product, you look at a public person, and see their life, a lot of times you can become envious."
"If you use social media quite a bit, it's easy to assume that someone else has it all, money, success, love, and so on."
"I won't look back on Islam and think, yeah, that was a better way of living."
"It's like life's like a box of chocolates but not quite as clever."
"Don't compare your life to others; your journey is your own."
"I began higher so I don't really have anything to compare my life with I assume it's weird but this is wonderful."
"Comparing yourself to somebody that's just completely in a totally different life place than you will never make you feel happy."
"The world is not a film, it's not a video game."
"Don't compare your life to nobody... You don't know what them people been through."
"Our lives are like a movie, but yours is on another screen."
"It's almost like we've been living in a TV show."
"It quickly shows you that nothing else in your life could ever possibly match it."
"Freedom is way better than what it's like on the other side of that fence."
"There's always someone whose life is a bigger mess than yours."
"It's a roller coaster, you know? That's how I feel about it."
"It's really easy, especially with social media, you look at people around you...who are constantly working...but just because they're doing all these things does not mean they're progressing in life."
"But as the days of a tree are the days of my people."
"Life is a much harder form of art."
"It's kind of like real life too, you don't know the system's messed up until you're in the system and part of it yourself."
"The overall impression being that their lives are more absorbing than ours."
"There is no life I know to compare with pure imagination."
"Being a Sonic fan was better than breathing."
"She claims that in prison she feels freer than she ever did living with her mom because now she can live like a normal woman."
"Appreciate your family, appreciate what's good in your life, don't compare it to others."
"By reading about their lives we measure our own lives."
"I have more comfort in one day here than I had in many days in England."
"Trying to find the perfect controller is harder than trying to find the perfect wife."
"What is this world that you're living right now compared to the next? Imagine you got a needle and you dipped it in the ocean and you pulled that needle out. That water that's left on the needle is this life."
"Finding someone to love isn't so different from seeking gainful employment."
"Life for many of the people in these countries probably wasn't that much different than for us now."
"This is not a cartoon. This is the real world."
"This ain't Hollywood; it's as real as they come."
"Everybody's life is different. You can't live your life looking at what that person did. What's for you is for you."
"Life is like a movie, man. It's crazy like you don't believe the things that will happen."
"For us, baseball was a game. But for Benjamin Franklin Rodriguez, baseball was life."
"We are like a mushroom under a big tree, a tree that its branches are high in the air."
"It's kind of just like life, you know."
"You can't compare your life to somebody else's life because it's completely different."
"I look back on those times when I basically had nothing and it's like, was I that much happier? Oh, am I that much happier now? I don't know."
"Life is like a good dark fantasy novel."
"When you're truly that girl, you have too much going on to even compare your life to somebody else's."
"The Champions League is everything that you want out of life, the Europa League is like a good roast dinner."
"You don't want to compare your life to other people... you don't really know what people are going through."
"Ph.D. program is just like general life; some people have a great time, some people have a very bad time, and some people have just average time and they get through it."
"You can't compare your life to someone who has a completely different situation than you."
"Let's not base our lives, aesthetics, milestones, and mental health on people on social media."
"Somebody feels like you're further than them in life, and I feel like you are."
"Just a little reminder to never compare your real life to curated content that you see on social media."