
Self-recovery Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"It's never too late to let go of your villains and reclaim yourself."
"If you have given your personal power away to anything or anybody, tonight you are getting it back."
"I feel like Fame stripped me from myself, and now I'm like being back to myself."
"You have not lost your sense of self; you have not lost your sense of passion. It will come back to you. There is a revitalization here."
"Every single one of you is able to get yourself better...stronger than you can ever imagine possible."
"I'm starting to feel more optimistic, like myself again."
"Reclaim you; you didn't have to do something a certain way to be able to be happier, to be stronger, to be powerful."
"This conjunction can see you healing on such a deep and powerful level and basically claiming your power back."
"You're gonna feel good again, you're gonna feel confident again and say you know what I got this."
"You are taking your power back here, have faith in your dreams."
"The imago is there, it's just beaten up a little bit and it needs to be burnished."
"You're coming back to yourself but even brighter light, even stronger, even more powerful."
"As you accept your truth, there may be moments where you backslide from your truth a little bit... from that truth, you gotta bring yourself back to that space."
"Showing me a sense of no matter what happens, I can always pick myself up and go."
"Moira's self-healing has been increased from 20 to 24."
"Yeah, I got the heart of a champion. If I get knocked down, I get back up."
"Taking your power back, just taking it back."
"You're taking your power back this week, Libra."
"Make sure that you are being your own independent self, Pile Four. I feel like you really need to take your power back from this person for now."
"Take back your power and get the clarity you need."
"I think burnout is just an opportunity to re-prioritize yourself."
"You deserve to recover those things. They're yours. Recover what is yours. Be bold and become your full and real self at last."
"Look at you taking your power back."
"Resist temptation as much as you can; sometimes you stumble, pick yourself up."
"Taking a chance on yourself after what you've been through with a narcissist."
"I mean it wasn't like you know I just found a fair and I had to like put myself back together."
"Your heart, your mind, take back everything. Take back your life."
"But it was all part of me building myself back up, of becoming a person I once again liked and trusted."
"If you're ever betrayed, only you can truly heal yourself."
"What they think about you is that you are very good at putting yourself back together again."
"Individuals taking responsibility for their own recovery and helping others to lift themselves up."
"You always pick yourself back up and start to blossom and bloom as a person."
"Guys can go through hell and pick up and move on and your dad has it in him he just doesn't know it yet and you can do your part to help him by the end of the day your dad has to save himself."
"Fasting.org has published a number of papers now in peer-reviewed journals showing just how good the body is at healing itself if you get out of the way."
"...any part of you that you think died is just hidden, waiting to come out when it's safe."
"I want my mind back. You got to sometimes go into your prayer closet, get down on your knees, and tell God I come for you to give me my mind back."
"You reclaimed your happiness something that naturally belonged to you inheritantly belong to you."
"Your body knows how to heal itself."
"I had the courage, the opportunity, the circumstance, the timing, even the intervention to find my way back to myself."
"I'm finally starting to feel like me again."
"You can be in a bad situation, but you can still get out of that."
"I'm feeling good, I'm feeling like so much more back to myself now, like this whole weekend just reminded me of who I used to be."
"Your body was designed to heal itself."
"By you getting you back, it's the most empowering thing you can do for yourself."
"Recovery comes from within, and the prize is going back to living."
"Catalytic medicine is foundational, but we believe the body has the capacity to heal itself."
"I'm starting to feel like myself again for the first time in ages."
"Put yourself out there, and you might fall flat on your face, but then get back up, pick the pieces, put yourself together, use some superglue, and keep going."
"The body is able to heal itself in a very remarkable way."
"The economy can heal itself in a sense."
"I was now starting to get myself back."
"I'm returning to a self I've never known but kind of was always under the surface."
"It's really about taking your power back."
"Most new non-traumatic instances of musculoskeletal pain will self-resolve when given enough time and the appropriate environment to do so."
"Now I feel like I've got things to talk to you and show you again because I feel myself again."
"I'm just so happy to be feeling like myself again."
"The middle passage is the opportunity to get oneself back again."
"I will reclaim myself and you shall be the one who will slumber."
"Now the world is opening up, I feel like I can feel myself coming back."
"You're taking your strength back, you're taking your power back."
"Picking up my heart, on every piece that's broken, been trying to get back to myself."
"It's not about winning them back, it's about winning yourself back."
"You have used your intuition, your discernment, your knowledge, your wisdom to always put yourself together and keep on going."
"The body wants to and will heal itself."
"You rescued the part of yourself that you disowned."
"You have to be willing to take your power back from things that made you feel powerless."
"This is the person who I am; I'm going back to recover the person who I used to be."
"Once you lose yourself, you have a peak coming like something good is about to happen, you can't let that devil take over at all."
"That's when I started taking my power back."
"The sense of relief, freedom, and having my old self back again cannot be expressed in words."
"You're in this king of Pentacles energy; it's almost like you took your power back."
"You need to get you back. You lost part of yourself in the process."
"I always try to get what I want, but then if something goes wrong, I'll just be down there like it's really annoying, but I always pick myself back up."
"You will come back to you; we knew this already, you always do, it's just a matter of time."
"This is literally all about taking your power back."
"Selfhealing: Detecting failures automatically and recovering from them automatically."
"It's very hard coming back to yourself."
"This is the beginning of you kind of fixing your life, healing your life, and getting back home to yourself."
"You're taking a part of your power back."