
Coup Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"We watched an attempted coup of this country happen on January 6."
"In a largely bloodless seizure of power, the leaders of the coup made it clear that their intention wasn’t to seize power themselves, but to remove Mugabe."
"The car can be had in the coupé or in the convertible as well."
"You don't have to be a genius to stage a coup."
"The current attempts against Dilma is a coup there's no other word for it it is a coup in this country cannot accept a coup against Dilma."
"It was a coup attempt to destroy the presidency before its tenure had expired."
"It was a coup without a doubt and it was an attempted coup for the last four years."
"I think as with any successful coup you need a group of people with you."
"There is a coup happening that's happening right now."
"It's the grossest attempt at a coup in American history, I think."
"This was a coup orchestrated by the president against the vice president and against the congress."
"You just did a coup, you just did a hostile government takeover, and then immediately instilled yourself as president."
"A coup is a strong word... a group of people who are conspiring through whatever means possible to overthrow a head of state... it's a crime."
"Judge David Carter found that Donald Trump and John Eastman were engaged in a coup in search of a legal theory."
"President Arbenz wasn't a communist but some of his close allies were."
"This blanketed ideological attack, you know, made to put their guy into the presidential seat and to undermine the sitting president. That seems like a coup to me."
"It was fabricated for specific reasons to try to have a coup against the president." - Dave Janda
"A coup requires some sort of institutional support that would legitimate a failure of an effective transition of power."
"There is I would say and has been for well over a year what amounts to a slow-motion coup to try to cripple President Trump and ultimately to remove him from office." - Jim Jerris
"We are chilled to our bones at the thought of a coup succeeding."
"It was a military led coup and that, in violence, so therefore she's in violation of the law."
"There is now a peace council which is what the coup is calling has claimed over the country."
"If you are a believer in secular democracy, there is a reason to root for this coup."
"General Primo de Rivera carried out a bloodless coup."
"January 6 uprising in Washington D.C. was a coup."
"Court packing isn't some policy scheme... it's really a coup."
"This is a coup, an attempted coup and we cannot allow this to stand, not by any means necessary."
"It was a very long few hours even though it only lasted for a few hours at the 15th of July last year the attempt to the coup."
"When you take away the mandate of the people, it's also a civilian and political coup."
"If you join a campaign to overthrow a constitutionally elected government, you are a conspirator, a coup conspirator."
"It started when there was a coup backed by the US in 2014."
"Operation Valkyrie, the most famous real-life attempt to stage a coup following Hitler's attempted assassination, relied on the deliberate altering of contingency plans."
"This is a goddamn coup you see this, you see this happening, it's a goddamn coup."
"...Trump actually admitted privately to several of his aides that he knew he lost and decided to lie to his supporters and the country anyway in order to orchestrate his violent coup."
"The coup Army has set out with a large number of soldiers under their command."
"In a matter of only hours, the military conspirators had seized control of the largest country in South America."
"The 1964 Brazil coup was notable for its relative lack of bloodshed, something that would encourage further foreign support in other countries."
"The democratically elected government of President Joao Goulart, also known as ‘Jango’, was overthrown by an opposition faction within the armed forces."
"A coup would destabilize the entire region."
"His number-one fear was not the slow decline at the edges of his empire but rather a rapid coup from within."
"Amidst the turmoil, there were plans and discussions of a coup to depose Tsar Nicholas II."
"They're talking about a coup now."
"It's a silent coup that takes place, and it took place by degrees but fundamentally in the 1940s."
"When the coup failed, Recep Tayyip Erdogan knew who was responsible."
"The whole staging and creation of the trial... could be construed as a successful military coup."
"His success as a general gave him huge political influence which he used in 1799 to stage a coup d'état in France."
"The U.S and British intelligence Services staged their coup and the government of prime minister Muhammad Musadiq was overthrown."
"The first time the CIA directly orchestrated a coup of a democratically elected government."
"Having a coup in which the cou makers feel that they must return to civilian government as soon as possible is very different from the old officer regimes."
"It really was a brilliant coup that he engineered."
"It's been called the only successful coup d'etat in American history."
"Treason! Duke Draymore has launched a coup, betrayed the prince!"
"He loves his country, mistaken or not, those people who came and maybe they are grieved because they wanted to do a coup and failed, I also understand them."
"That was how we came to know of the planned coup for that day."