
Regulations Quotes

There are 703 quotes

"Rules and regulations can add to the time or expense of a project; of course, those rules are there for a reason."
"We all agree on prohibiting insurance companies from arbitrarily canceling insurance policies."
"Even wars have laws. Laws govern war. It's not a free-for-all; you can't just do what you want."
"You have rules and regulations to protect kids for a reason. That's why you don't see 10-year-olds driving vehicles, buying alcohol, buying tobacco, gambling, and things like that."
"I don't agree with strict regulations... the whole point of cryptocurrency is that it's not supposed to be controlled by any regulations or governments."
"Heroes don't have the authority to arrest people or punish them. The only reason we're allowed to use our quirks is because of the regulations put on them."
"Gun violence is a public health emergency, and common-sense regulations are a necessity."
"Security and regulations within the metaverse are practically non-existent, and people have been allowed to engage in horrible ways."
"A genuine free market requires restrictions on the ability of predator multinationals to create monopolies."
"Forbid the blockage of emergency exits or apartment entrances. Escape routes must stay open in the event of medical emergencies or hazards."
"Violations could be as high as 10% of annual global revenues or even 20% for repeated infractions."
"Stock buybacks were not permitted prior to the Reagan administration. For most of American history, they were."
"The regulations on murder are: don't do it. The regulations on theft are: don't do it."
"We have to expand the existing hospital capacity. Yes, ambitious goal. Yes, very difficult. Yes, it may be impossible in some places. But remember, a hospital is highly regulated. We are waiving all of those regulations and saying just from a physical capacity point of view, see if you can increase your capacity 100%."
"The child entertainment industry is terrible as it is, but at least in Hollywood, there are some regulations."
"No business is above the law. You can't have fizz fight fridays here's all of the laws that protect your mask-free shopping."
"Crypto regulations: UK poised to embrace crypto, potentially surpassing US innovation."
"Fundraiser sues Connecticut over burdensome and invasive regulations."
"Wild boar hunting with hunting equipment in the US isn't only a recreational activity but also a commitment to comply with relative regulations and procedures ensuring safety for all and protecting the natural environment and the nature of America."
"We do believe those are loosening up now; we're getting all kinds of reports that that is the case."
"Regulations are just protections, that's all it is."
"It's the biggest rule change that we've seen in the last 30 years."
"How do you guys see the sport of MMA evolving? They'll get rid of the downward elbows."
"Wouldn't it be good to know what some of the rules are so that we can make sure that everybody's playing by the rules across the country?"
"Companies in China are subject to more regulations than in the US."
"China's rules are expected to affect the user experience."
"There are no rules. Cyber crime laws were now in place."
"Any new regulations that are brought in should first undergo a cost/benefit analysis."
"Every new truck sold in California will be zero emission by 2045." - California Air Resource Board
"They've now made sure you have to jump through a lot of hoops to be a seller."
"There has been no mandatory recall of a cosmetic product in the US."
"Is there a limit beyond which it will not be allowed as a record? Is there some rules about how good you can be at your job helping athletes?"
"They brought that in you had to text the whereabouts."
"Whatever it costs you to obey God, disobeying God will cost you more."
"Despite all of this, limits should obviously be put in place."
"There are rules in space... if you want to have sex, have a beer, or simply do a load of laundry, you're just gonna have to wait until you get home."
"The moon is as high as I will be aiming to go with my stilts. Why can't I say that? Well, because I'll be technically breaching all sorts of airspace regulations."
"I was confused because on season 1 you didn't have to be 21."
"I think it's absolutely hysterical that after this movie's baffling nomination for the Academy Award for Best Original Score, the Academy changed the eligibility requirements."
"It's about gun safety and it shouldn't be easier to get a rental car."
"Building is very local... dealing with a lot of codes and regulations... meant to keep people safe and to keep cities of high quality."
"Crypto investments are a global phenomenon, governed by regulators and policymakers. You really want to keep going to these regions and finding out what direction the policy is going to go."
"Ensure brakes are within adjustment to avoid fines and ensure safety on the road."
"The free market only works when there are rules of the road."
"You're going to enforce Thanksgiving? I can only have 10 people. Would you like to know how many people I had?"
"China only recognizes one citizenship and the Olympics says that you have to be a citizen of that country to perform sports for that country."
"This car can majorly drive autonomous, especially on the motorway, but regulations aren't there yet."
"It's a creative way to get around the buffer system."
"Cases are rising fastest... Los Angeles County... has restored their indoor mask mandate."
"The flip side is also within seven days, they have to notify TSA DHS and some other folks."
"I'm not allowed to film on a public sidewalk in Beverly Hills without a permit, really?"
"The affiliate system also is paired with... loans and two-way players as well."
"The idea that an employer is supposed to tell the government why they're firing an employee - you want to gum up the labor market."
"Roblox has updated their ToS to ban NFTs and I believe other items such as third-party toys with codes. Curious what's going to happen to Pet Simulator since they sold both NFTs and plushies with codes attached."
"At least with the FTC doing this, we know as business people, as deal makers or facilitators, that it's a very wary time for getting any kind of transaction done."
"All new vehicle purchases will need to be zero emission EVs."
"I had a regulation where I let you have all the damn water you want for your dishes."
"For your washers and dryers, in the washers, they had no water coming out."
"I'd offer you a beer but I'm assuming you can't drink on duty."
"A series of laws and subordinate regulations were brought to regulate the organization of construction works and the responsibility of those who conduct them."
"Hero pools is like the last straw that breaks the camel's back with all the travel and home stands going on already."
"No street address on your ID? Then you can’t vote."
"The NCAA will tell a kid your mama and daddy's lights and water gotta just be turned off because this $3500 that you're about to make from signing your own damn name is illegal."
"You need to report it, you need to go to human resources."
"Apparently once covert travel restrictions have been eased, he will occasionally return to Japan to defend his RIZIN title."
"YouTube doesn't like showing guns on live streams unless..."
"Water is a form of drink. Once spotted, one must be fined if passengers are thirsty."
"Go and let the FCC know what you think about net neutrality rules."
"Twitter banned Trump because Trump violated community guidelines. That's what every platform has."
"When you're using your device for gaming and you're under a certain age it is limited to this many hours period."
"Thank you very much for watching... especially in these whirring article thirteen days where you know 40% of what the channel earns could just be deleted by article 13 overnight in the future..."
"You can't park commercial equipment on the street, it's illegal."
"This creates a white list... de facto bans everything except for the animals that you can convince the lawmakers to allow."
"In many countries, you don't have to get a drone pilot certificate for drones under 249 grams."
"I think the food regulation in restaurants for right can only be sitting out for four."
"Now Gerard the completionist uh the Open Hand Foundation is hosted in the state of California which by the way is the strictest state in the Union in regards to Charities."
"Their mixed messaging and ever-shifting rules and regulations have caused confusion."
"Governments will enforce rules in a way that they simply cannot do with cash."
"I think cigar places like have the last out okay I think it's like uh hookah bars and cigar like places are like the last places anywhere where you can actually just smoke inside."
"NASCAR is, and almost always has been, a clash between rules that try to keep drivers safe while creating a level playing field, and teams trying to exploit loopholes in those rules to gain an advantage."
"Bobby Hull and Stan Mikita: The NHL responded by issuing a legal limit on the curve of the blade."
"Dangerous people have the ability to easily purchase guns from private sellers at gun shows, over the internet, and even through magazines in states that don't require background checks."
"What is not being able to give someone water or snacks going to do to quell the notion of voter fraud?"
"It is directly on that line of what I think should be allowable and there for it probably should be."
"I don't care whether they're offended or not. They shouldn't be making rules about offense."
"To keep it a happy, exciting new technological space for all, history tells us we're gonna need regulations."
"Homegrown restrictions, Financial Fair Play restrictions, they're both bollocks."
"Wells Fargo's behavior violated various regulations and laws including several in Oregon, the Consumer Financial Protection Act, the Dodd-Frank Act, and a 15 USC Section 45 law."
"A fire starter, there are no campfires allowed where we're camping tonight."
"You can come with a revised return within the time prescribed."
"Prior to 9/11 it was not uncommon for passengers to visit the flight deck especially children with permission from the captain."
"We're gonna have to get to a point with digital content where we come up with a new set of rules."
"The solution must comply with federal regulations and consider a multitude of stakeholders."
"Burnouts, donuts, and drifting are all illegal."
"Understanding Chinese regulation is crucial for investing in China."
"People should vote in person with an ID after confirming their citizenship status to even register to vote those should be the rules."
"For every new regulation put on the books, you actually repealed nearly eight regulations off of the American people."
"The witness requirement is extremely burdensome for many voters."
"Hopefully these new regs have solved the problem."
"As you see more and more of them get newer rules that is a sign that the banking sector is having some serious problems."
"Every time I upload a video now, I cringe when I wake up in the morning 'cause I check my phone and I'm like, I'm expecting the message saying, 'Dude, your video got age-restricted.' You know?"
"There needs to be like some governing body of some sort or some rules or regulations in place to protect children because there's really nothing."
"It will improve the rules and provide some much needed clarity about the legality of shooting videos in national parks and on other public lands."
"Using, selling, and importing chewing gum is banned there and you'd have to pay up to several thousands of dollars for doing it."
"Filming's not allowed in here without prior consent... freaking Todd, turn it off please."
"The big Story coming out of this binance cftc article is that the cftc is classifying Bitcoin ethereum Litecoin and binance USD which means and stable coins to be Commodities."
"Safety regulations aren't BS they are designed to keep your fingers attached and your heart beating literally thousands upon thousands of people have been horribly maimed in order to build these regulations into what they are."
"The FDA actually came to my workshop and said that there's a black mold infestation."
"There are no real regulations on the sale of these particular exotic animals outside of the Captive Wild Animal Safety Act of 2003, which was put in place to try to quell the rise in popularity of people purchasing big cats."
"The minimum frog size limit is almost non-existent."
"If it's not a security, it is most likely a commodity."
"If you are in California, prepare to pay more for refrigerators here we go inflation going higher not just by the fed than pal but also new regulations."
"Privacy is a human right, and we follow stringent rules on it."
"Standing up on a ride vehicle will likely cause the ride to stop."
"Disney strictly prohibits guests from going into backstage areas without explicit permission."
"Trying to scatter your dead relatives' ashes somewhere? Not allowed."
"Disney parks are very strict about where you can and cannot smoke."
"Forty speed limits are just options to keep up, you know, minors safe or something."
"For peace of mind, this carrageenan is also recognized as safe by the Food & Drug Administration, the FDA."
"It's a violation of the Terms of Service or the EULA."
"I believe if there were a national OSHA requirement dealing with dust explosions, the incidents would be significantly decreased."
"It's going to be a very tricky thing to enforce, no matter how it's written."
"The Dogo Argentino, known for its fearless nature, is unfortunately illegal to own in several countries."
"We are creating a lot of regulations but we are not having the values inside the people."
"Rule four: the most basic - always fasten your seat belts."
"Private companies don't have to basically reveal any of that."
"When the SEC says something it's closed and shut."
"This car being in the stock location class, we're limited to turbos that can fit inside the frame rails."
"Introduce a bunch of rules, force there to be competition, like, 'Oh, you have a bunch of choices,' and if they do crappy things, just choose a different internet service provider."
"It's a little frustrating when you look at it this way because you're like, 'Alright, like, introduce a bunch of rules, of like, force there to be competition.'"
"The problem is, made for kids is the vaguest most subjective thing in the world."
"Welcome to the Thursday conference! Unfortunately, due to our new embargo agreements, none of you will be allowed to talk about it until a week after this is finished to ensure that everybody experiences it together."
"It's three dollars for crying out loud, but rules are rules."
"You don't have any authority over that pipeline."
"It's a pivotal moment in the ongoing debate surrounding gun rights and regulations."
"It's a permit 10 as long as you don't sell them."
"The new 54.5 mpg fuel economy standard: a huge bump."
"A mandate is not a law, a recommendation is not a law, a requirement is not a law."
"Oh boy that jokes, um, let's see, uh, Samuel says Australia border security laws are so strict, that's probably why."
"Give Thanksgiving room to breathe and no Christmas lights still up and on in February, thousand-dollar fine every day they are up."
"Staircases without handrails or proper structure violate safety regulations."
"They're just a taxi company that's not subject to regulations and it's not unionized."
"I'm okay with wait periods, basic criminal background checks, and gun buyback programs."
"We've got to get permission to go into Canada."
"Development of AI should be done with improved regulations and controlling structure."
"You know, to buy certain cold medicines you needed an ID but not to vote and people understand that."
"Bums are not allowed on that table giving good distancing with empty tables."
"Let's just enforce the dang stuff that's out there."
"Griezmann is staying at Atletico Madrid, transfer ban upheld." - Speculation on Griezmann's future settles with Atletico's transfer ban.
"The private sector's progress is overcoming regulatory hurdles and driving innovation in space."
"GDPR, mark my words, will have a material impact on how companies manage consumer data."
"Think about how this would affect the whole internet and how far this has gotten from the original stated intent."
"Regulations kicking in just further legitimizes the crypto space."
"So before we start setting boxes, we're going to know a couple of things. The first thing we've got to know is what does the national electric code say about all those box locations in a kitchen?"
"Why is all of the stuff that's good for you so hard to get or illegal?"
"All bodywork visible from beneath the car and is situated behind a line 175 mil ahead of the rear wheel centerline must produce only a single continuous curve when intersected with any horizontal plane."
"But wasn't this one where they had the big exception for theme park companies?"
"Homeowner's policy must be owner-occupied, you own it, you live in it."
"It limits the number of amendments that can be put to a vote."
"Think about it really, I mean maybe they could apply some common sense and in some way you know let this through."
"Supplements don't require extensive pre-market testing."
"New regulations always turn up some ideas that are necessary to maximize performance."
"White spaces are free, yellow spaces are for residents or disabled, and blue spaces are the ones you need to pay for."
"When you work in healthcare, following the written laws and rules to the letter is of the utmost importance."
"Quantas Airlines flight 32 was considered a turning point in aviation safety and maintenance regulations."
"All the regulations, laws, and teachings in the Church of God are from God."
"We have stop signs, stop lights, and seat belt laws that are designed to reduce the amount of deaths due to car accidents."
"Flying a sub 250 g drone in the UK is by far the simplest option available to most people, particularly recreationally."
"We are sorry, but we have to follow the guidelines and rules laid down."
"If you want to just camp here occasionally, you are legally allowed to do that for 14 days at a time and you can do it for up to 30 days in a year."
"The race director will start to get on top of these track limits pretty soon as well."
"A pig belongs in a barnyard, not a parlor."
"Regulations do disproportionately harm small businesses."
"Larger entities can absorb the cost of those regulations far easier."
"Regulations impose a cost on the customer at the end that they generally have to pay for."
"Good regulations would minimize that risk as much as possible."
"All safety regulations have a story behind them; there's a reason they became a safety regulation, written in somebody else's blood."
"You're not even supposed to have electronics out during takeoff."
"You have to do to define what a document is which is that a document is retained if it is if it is in paper form but scanned into a cloud system and a retention schedule kept there."
"You got to wear these hair nets in the kitchen when you're working and serving food."
"Financial fair play at the moment has got teeth."
"Saskatchewan's regulations are put forward in the Methane Action Plan part of Prairie Resilience climate change strategy."
"No disqualification, that's a little redundant."
"it's not just that the regulations are bad, it's more that The Regulators need to accommodate to the new age"
"IRS does not care about ownership. They care about use."
"The wig-wearing woman clearly did not like the idea of keeping the ambulance and simply stated, 'It's still a commercial vehicle. It's not allowed per our neighborhood code.'"
"Honestly, the food regulations and what they allow in the food supply here in the US is absolutely appalling."
"Ironically, they also determine how much rat hair should be allow in peanut butter, rat feces in your spices, and cigarette butts in your sandwich."
"I love the community guidelines YouTube."
"It is another caveat of Kentucky zoning law that land can always be used for a purpose lesser on the scale of hierarchy than its current zoning."
"It's a very controlled environment isn't it in terms of the rules that you have to live by?"
"The IRB is not just there for a one-time study approval; they really have a huge role in ongoing monitoring."
"The FTC guidelines recommend being more transparent."
"Compliance is conforming to rules, policies, standards, or laws, enforced by internal controls and measures."
"You can mail a firearm and a suppressor to yourself."
"So that happened in 2004, and then in 2009, the EU (European Union) started banning more ingredients in cosmetics."
"I absolutely adore it but skincare has to jump through honestly the most ridiculous amount of hoops."
"Don't let no man strap around your neck a rule or regulation that Jesus did not give."
"High price mortgage loan requirements: APR exceeds the APOR by more than 1.5 for regular loans, 3.5 for jumbo or subordinate loans."
"Asking different banks as to what their rules are for that."