
Debt Relief Quotes

There are 154 quotes

"Done with debt has an ingenious new strategy to help erase your debt faster and easier than you ever thought possible."
"In just three years, Biden's administration has managed to relieve $138 billion in student loans for 3.9 million people."
"I would get all my best friends and loved ones out of debt for sure."
"Seeing the reward of people getting out of debt is actually really cool."
"Seeing people get out of debt and change in their life is incredible."
"Chapter 7 bankruptcy: common debts wiped out."
"That's a debt-free scream if I ever heard one!"
"It's a great step forward and this is a great opportunity for more people to come into the movement of canceling and ending student debt."
"The solution is getting people out of debt and getting people's minds lined up with reality."
"Russia totally erasing 23 billion dollars of debt across Africa, this means now zero, can you imagine?"
"Inflation helps people who owe money because if the value of the money falls so does the cost of repaying it."
"Financial benefits will also include a guaranteed income of ninety seven thousand dollars for at least 250 years and paying off all educational and personal debts."
"Determined to pursue across the board debt cancellation."
"I really like PDS Debt because they have customized zero percent interest options for anyone struggling with credit card debt, personal loans, medical bills, and collection accounts."
"Direct debt cancellation is an incredible 180 from neoliberalism."
"I would like to see some level of student loan forgiveness."
"Many developing countries will struggle to implement social welfare programs of this nature for those countries debt relief is essential."
"Clearing Sally Mae to the curb is a gift to your children." - Dave Ramsey
"Representative Ilhan Omar: 'We can choose to lift the burden of millions of people.'"
"Bankruptcy is an available and beneficial option for anyone struggling with debt."
"20 million people were just freed from their student loan debt and millions more freed from predatory interest payments."
"The biden administration is extending the pause on student loan payments until February 2022."
"Canceling student loan debt would provide a massive stimulus for our economy."
"The forgiveness plan [was] expected to wipe the slate clean for roughly 20 million Americans."
"Student debt cancellation has gone from being just a demand of activists at Occupy Wall Street to the political mainstream."
"We are gonna cancel all student debt in America."
"There's no such thing as being in default no more if you don't want to be."
"I literally had a young lady come off mute and bust out like 'I'm not in default no more.'"
"Debt cancellation would be significant for a generation."
"I'm going to break the debt off of my people."
"Well my friends, Joe Biden is doing it. Joe Biden will be cancelling up to twenty thousand dollars in student loan debt for those making under a hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars."
"Together we are going to substantially lower student debt."
"The key to getting out of debt is never giving up."
"I've got a ton of respect for Steve Keen's idea of a debt Jubilee."
"We're going to cancel all student debt through a modest tax on Wall Street speculation."
"You see them as victims of fraud, it helps to understand the moral underpinnings for why they deserve some level of student debt cancellation."
"Calling for debt cancellation...should be an automatic global response."
"Canceling debt is a crucial act of solidarity...and should be done immediately."
"He immediately paid off his family's debt and got to work finding everyone a real home to live in."
"If you make under $125,000 a year and you received a Pell Grant, you'll get an additional $10,000 knocked off that total for a total of $20,000."
"Cancelling just ten thousand dollars of debt is like pouring a bucket of ice water on a forest fire."
"Anything less than full debt cancellation is a loss especially for the most marginalized."
"President Chakera raised his voice at the UN General Assembly about cancelling African nations' debts."
"God is a debt-canceling God, He is no respecter of persons, He wants you out of debt."
"China forgives debt that's something you will never see the West doing."
"Being free of credit card debt is an amazing feeling."
"Canceling debts... you just want to say, we ain't paying them."
"With a stroke of a pen, the president wiped out 750 million dollars owed by more than 25 thousand heroes."
"Canceling up to fifty thousand dollars in student debt is possible."
"Democrats pushing to pass another bill to prevent debt collectors from taking your 1400 stimulus checks."
"Canceling student debt is the single most powerful thing the President can do all on his own to help close the black-white wealth gap."
"U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders proposes bill for tuition-free college and to student debt."
"I favor some form of college debt loan forgiveness because we have to acknowledge that a huge portion of that loan debt is never going to be paid back... we have to get off the credentialing treadmill."
"Cancel all student debt and make college free."
"We're going to get this done. President Biden could cancel fifty thousand dollars worth of student loan debt basically with the stroke of a pen."
"We've cancelled nearly $138 billion in student loan debt for almost 4 million Americans."
"Could you imagine if kids after college got to venture out into life with no debt? That would be transformative."
"Not having credit card debt hanging over your head is an amazing feeling."
"I support student debt cancellation like I think that there's been an unbelievable burden put on millennials zoomers in particular coming out of college."
"We helped a lot of people actually pay off their debt."
"But the bottom line is, we need to do that and we also need to cancel student debt, which is so oppressive for so many people in this country."
"Allowing new generations not to be saddled with debt because they went to University would relieve a huge amount of pressure on younger people."
"He believed that with this amount he would finally be able to pay off his debt."
"The primary objective of the Great Reset is that all your debts are gonna be gone."
"Let's cancel student debt... just about 1.6 trillion dollars."
"The implications of discovering how to use the exemption would be staggering. It would mean the ability to get out from under the debt that is crushing so many people."
"The Biden administration will cancel student debt for more than 320,000 borrowers."
"So we can stay in our lovely house but clear our debts like a huge weights being lifted up our shoulders. I feel good."
"In 2020, because of its impressive economic reforms, Somalia has achieved debt relief and can finally focus on transforming the country and harnessing its vast potential."
"He even paid off all their debts, including the massive study loans they had."
"Debt relief is good for the economy. It gives people more purchasing power, feeds back into the economy immediately."
"New York City actually offers free financial services like counseling for people who are stuck in credit card debt."
"How good is it going to feel later tonight when you slip into the bed and you have no student loan debt?"
"Getting out of debt doesn't suck. Getting out of debt is fantastic."
"Cuba was able to pay off a lot of its long-standing debts and revamp the Island's tourism industry."
"China has actually now spent since 2018 over 24 billion helping to bail out countries that have debt problems."
"The stress and the life that debt takes away from you is not something that you have to deal with anymore."
"The wind for prosperity, the wind for increase, is the south wind. Glory! The wind that erases debts is the south wind."
"God cleared $228,000 in student loan debt for me in 2023. I give Him praise."
"I'm expecting a miracle. My debt is about to be eliminated. I'm debt-free."
"I am debt-free now in Jesus' name."
"It could be up to 20 million people get their debt completely wiped out. Wow, yeah, that would be nice."
"The typical person moves out of debt in 18 to 24 months through Financial Peace University."
"If you want to get out of debt this year, there is a spiritual component to this method that I think is very important."
"God is going to erase debt just like that."
"If you're looking at your credit card or other debt each month and it sends you curling into the fetal position, there's a way out, and that's with upstart."
"Mortgage Debt Forgiveness Act of 2007 states that under certain circumstances, forgiven debt from short sales and foreclosures is not considered taxable."
"The debt is being erased. The medical bills are going to be paid off."
"I've spoken that word and $60 million worth of debt in our church has erased itself."
"This is a program that's just designed to help people who are in need of debt relief."
"They have collected enough ore, they just need to sell it off to get out of debt."
"Having debt relief for people who have gone to college, that actually closes the wealth gap."
"The statement 'debt relief is the only thing that will get them out of poverty' is wrong."
"I just want to help Crossy now; I feel so terrible for them, and they're in debt because of the company."
"This Administration has forgiven 136 billion in student loan debt and is campaigning on more relief."
"As president, I will do everything in my power to eliminate student loan debt."
"If you gave $50,000 of student loan forgiveness, 75% of the 45 million people who have student loan debt would literally have zero student loan debt left."
"Canceling 50,000 in federal student loan debt will help close the racial wealth gap and benefit 40 percent of borrowers who do not have a college degree."
"Decreasing energy costs with natural gas and nuclear power would help so many Americans claw out of debt."
"You can exclude cancel debt amounts from income if you as a taxpayer are insolvent."
"Also, student debt relief for up to $20,000, and we're just getting started."
"I think we ought to lend her some money. I'm nearby to pay off her debt."
"If you tell me how much debt you are in, I will pay it for you."
"Debt is a burden and a weight that God wants to see removed from your life."
"If someone pays my bill, I no longer owe the money."
"And the king, periodically, would decree all debts null and void, so wiping the slate clean."
"In my view, it's the best path that remains to providing as many borrowers as possible with debt relief."
"Chapter 7 bankruptcy can wipe away most of your unsecured debt and is maybe the least costly option."
"Financial stability, student loans paid off, a new pair of boots, money."
"The weight of debt can be crippling, but Upstart can help you on your path to financial freedom."
"China's cancelled debts, deferred debts, restructured debts according to various contacts."
"The Biden-Harris administration's moves to eliminate student debt from millions of Americans."
"The game show where three debt-laden Americans just like you compete to have us pay off all their bills and go home with nothing."
"The goal of Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy is to provide you debt relief, often in the form of debt forgiveness or discharge."
"Each province has their own interest relief and loan forgiveness programs."
"The vast majority of debt relief will go to the bottom 60% of households by income."
"If I could just pay off everybody's student loans, that'd be fire."
"Debt can feel crippling, but Upstart can help you on your path to financial freedom."
"Debt relief is an attempt to rebalance global inequality."
"My Administration has approved debt cancellation for 4 million Americans through various actions."
"We help people just like you overcome debt collection with dignity."
"Cancel student debt and make higher education tuition-free."
"It's not another loan, it's not bankruptcy, it's debt relief."
"This is my class, 2019. And my family is making a grant to eliminate their student loans."
"The President supports Congress providing ten thousand in student debt relief."
"By tackling student loan debt, young people will be able to pursue professions that save lives."
"We're going to open up an alternative path to debt relief for as many borrowers as possible, as quickly as possible."
"We had an incredible rush of interest; 16 million people go to the website, fill out the form, and indicate that they were eligible for debt relief."