
Music Creation Quotes

There are 690 quotes

"Imagine this scene: It's a quiet evening and a young Paul Simon finds himself sitting on the cool tile of his bathroom floor, the darkness somehow sparks his creativity."
"I think for me, 'Broke Bitch' was the moment where I was like, this is a little too good."
"Tonight, I can make a song that changes my entire life and makes the world better."
"That's where I come from when it comes to making music, and those are my favorite artists, the ones that still care about what they're putting out."
"I've always been hell-bent on making something more perfect than it may be, but for this album, I wanted to just put it all into music form."
"Please don't quit if you didn't have a chord progression or melody figured out yet; it's okay."
"That song is beautiful and you know it was made out of love."
"We've been the band for 20 years, and we can go into a studio and make a record just being a band, you know, like, and it'd be real."
"Making music was like taking a stroke of the brush and creating something that would live over the years, that'll last a lifetime."
"The interaction between the amp and the cabinet and the guitar and how it reacts and how it feeds back... is what makes music interesting."
"You can't make music unless you can hear your music."
"Music isn't something you pick off a tree like fruit. Your music has been growing in you your whole life."
"You can use whatever it is, whatever inspires you to make music. That is the goal."
"If you're an artist and you're just making music for yourself or your friends... then make whatever the [ __ ] you want."
"What made y'all make the 'Daijobu' song? I remember one night, man, I was talking, the song itself, like, it's not talking about suicide or it's not talking about drugs, it's just the picture we wanted to drive home with the video."
"Hits aren't that important. What's important for me is just making songs that go off when you perform live."
"I make music just for me. If it's that good, eventually somebody's gonna seek it out."
"I don't even know if you can plan to make those kind of timeless records that touch everybody like that, like organically because it just has to organically be done."
"It's easier to make experimental music than it is to make a mainstream hit song."
"The propaganda of the food and pharmaceutical industries is starting to collapse."
"Just trying to immortalize my story on a beat."
"I just think it's important that [the music] has a point, it makes the point, and it doesn't overdo it and it doesn't underdo it."
"The fact that it's been making music for so many decades, that's it, it's magical."
"We are the band because of the way we work together, and that's always been apparent."
"I had a feeling that it would end up being a pop album but I didn't know if I would be inspired... in the end it ended up being completely sonically cohesive."
"When you have real true inspiration, you really don't have to think about a song, it kind of writes itself."
"One thing I believe a hundred percent when it comes to making music that other people may disagree on is my need to collaborate with the world."
"Sampling is a new art form created out of necessity."
"Regardless, you learn a lot about yourself from crafting a record either way."
"I don't think Drake creates from that space to this day."
"Songs I wrote in my bedroom... means something to them, it's crazy."
"A good song is never finished, it's only abandoned."
"Tyler's confidence in his artistry shines through 'Cherry Bomb.'"
"There's a reason why we were making music. There's a reason there was a commonality."
"You could get your point across in seven songs and even ten songs it's all dependent upon the delivery of what you're talking about the messages you convey."
"He played instruments so he was able to, you know, start with the grind and you know turn into a whole different expression for himself."
"You can create a patch that not only creates tonal choral idea but also gives a rhythmic idea to your song."
"He wrote the song and I'm recording it on my album that's coming out."
"I just want to make music that's therapeutic for people."
"I just want to make real [ __ ] that is true to me and resonates with a lot of other people."
"I just want to make music that helps people get better not feel worse or stay in a bad place."
"Collaborate where you reach your limitations. You'll have more fun, you'll make better music, and isn't that what this is all about?"
"Everything just sort of fell into place, the sound, the lyric, and the visual."
"You know, everybody have their own initial thing. But for me, I make albums the way I want you to go back and listen 200 times."
"He wasn't just a show-off on the guitar, he loved music and creating memorable riffs."
"I've been looking for somebody that's not gang banging, it's not a drug dealer, it's not a hitman, you know, but just can just take life in and put it into a song."
"I'm gonna try as hard as I can to turn this into a track that I would be comfortable sharing and releasing."
"Make music for platforms like PremiumBeat; these are platforms that license royalty free music to filmmakers and YouTubers."
"I'm really proud that they puzzled together in a way that, well, I'm just glad that we finished writing this record."
"It's scary to want as many people as possible to enjoy your music."
"Just the place and the instrument that you're playing can be as much of an inspiration as the song you're singing."
"This found it, this sounding too funky right here, man, I gotta do something to it."
"I'm just working trying to inspire people, you know, trying to make the best music possible."
"They write music in a way that no other really does."
"It's honestly astounding that Koji Kondo was able to compose this in just a single day."
"The inspiration factor of stereo effects is such that you just leads you off into other places."
"You have to be very, very proud of this song."
"For me the first part was to find the essence of the sound... tell everyone around that this is ours." - Marcin Przybiowicz
"There's a lot of good stuff in here and it doesn't necessarily offer a ton of value for me."
"But once they wrote 'In My Place,' it helped them realize they still had the chops to craft a great tune."
"I want to hear an album that's you and for you an album that you made for yourself because you were like goddamn this is me this is what I got to express."
"On one rainy weekend evening in January, none of her friends had called. She picked up the guitar and began to write. 30 minutes later when the chord progression was memorized, she was done and ready to write the lyrics."
"Words aren't just words, they give ammunition."
"We were there working non-stop every day, just making as many songs as possible, writing about what we were going through."
"We always dreamed of putting out music that we made solely from us."
"Let's just do what we do, you know what I'm saying, and the people that love it, they're gonna rock with it."
"Magically in three days, the song finishes itself and I'm like a hundred percent that's how it works."
"I always personally feel like around 10 songs is the magic number."
"It's all about just making kick-ass songs, man."
"I love making music... when something makes me feel good... I try to make that feeling happen as often as possible."
"I make music. The music maker people let me go once I'm done, I think."
"Just find people that can write their own music."
"The songs that we write, you have to play and live with for the rest of your life."
"It was the first time it was okay to not be perfectly perfect in a song."
"Atmosphere is among the most beautiful things that Joy Division and Hannett created together."
"The best songs are written out of adversity."
"Every great song that's ever impacted your life started out as blank paper and some guy or gal sitting there with a pen or a pencil and started writing down some words."
"Let's get out there and make some great music!"
"I want the album to sound like it actually came out in the '80s. I want you to smell the Egyptian Musk in the curl activator in the air when you hear the record."
"Feedback was raw from the start. My music came from a painful place, resonating with authenticity."
"You could write one song that just infiltrates the zeitgeist like that, that's true, that'd be so cool."
"I want somebody to say how I feel, that's what made me start making music."
"I really like when artists write their own songs and I feel like I relate to that more."
"It's so much about instinct also, for example, the songs that end up on the album, even though I love building words around songs, the writing itself is something mysterious and actually heavily subconscious."
"I knew that it was all like kind of a thing to me that I wanted to like be blonde with the music."
"More isn't always better... sometimes when you leave things out and then you inject them into the solo or into the melody that you're creating, it colors things up and it elevates it."
"Thank you for being true to yourself and making music that is an extension of your actual being."
"Artists know why they do what they do, and that's why BTS are true artists."
"Diddy said he's making music for the Strokers."
"I found myself thinking about memories on each song. What happened at a recording session? Where was I at that point in my life? What was I going through?"
"Moments in life you can't make up, we're in the back of a cab right now, instrumentals being played off an iPhone."
"I just want to create that moment for the listener, like those collaborations did for me."
"When you make the music that comes from the heart, people can relate to it, that's what's up."
"If you can make music for a video game that somebody can listen to outside of the game."
"It's like we're almost a part of an album being made. It's crazy, man."
"We write songs that are fun to play because that's what we want to do. We don't want to write songs that are a bummer to play."
"I think the point of an album is to put... this set of songs makes sense for this."
"I made music because this is how I can speak through what I gotta do."
"Every single Monster that they've added in it's done so much for the song."
"Songs are not a lottery ticket. They need to be emotionally powerful."
"Jim Johnston created over 10,000 pieces of music, multiple platinum-selling albums."
"If the emotion hits you, that means it's part of the song, so there's nothing wrong with it."
"You almost have to remove the fact of what everybody else wants to hear and really just stick to what you want to hear."
"I always make catchy songs and stuff like that."
"Jim's actual first song that he wrote was Christmas Day."
"Michael Jackson's off-the-wall was taken from him going to studio 54 and hanging out in New York City and learning what was popular in clubs."
"Butt rock is about fun, and fun stuff is a lot harder to make than people give it credit for."
"We spoke truth to our lyrics you know what I mean like we never really we we never conformed to what was going on to the times."
"Music should be better than ever during quarantine."
"So many people that made this album incredible."
"Juice WRLD stopped writing songs after 'Lucid Dreams' and would just go in the studio and record off the top of his head."
"The album is shaping up really well. It's full of bangers."
"It's like therapy for me, when I got some [__] I gotta get off my chest, I just write it and then put it out."
"Music has to come from one's emotion, right?"
"Making a song like that is like capturing lightning in a bottle."
"You get a more hands-on approach rather than just making music with a mouse or trackpad."
"I'm so proud of the music and I feel like I've made something that has matched the artistic ambition I have."
"It's impossible to make a song that doesn't sound a little bit like another song."
"Literally, this AI can actually generate music based on the timings you give."
"That meeting of the minds that I had with Gene on this record was, um, magical. Really magical."
"That's how Pink Floyd made the Dark Side of the Moon a remarkable record that just seemed to come to them effortlessly as if all the work they did was leading them to this very album."
"All that matters is what you create and what you make into music."
"Take the records that you love and use them as templates for what you want to create."
"I didn't start North Kingsley for it to become famous. I just did it because I needed to make music again."
"All you need is one fire song, you have a classic album."
"I've done two of the best records I've done in the last 15 years since I've been here in Nashville"
"Every song I release, I try to make it impactful."
"When you make music, you're against history, what's current, and yourself."
"It's really cool. You can definitely tell there's a lot of passion put into these songs."
"Artists now could just record a song on their iPhone and now they're expressing themselves."
"Against All Odds they managed to perform and release groundbreaking music."
"I wanted to make something that was the soundtrack for people's lives. The songs had themes that people could really relate to. I learned how to make songs that just connected with people."
"If you jiggle your fingers, you get some banger results out of this."
"It's almost like a rough draft of their first album fallen."
"With Phantom O's onboard sequencer, you can create and store musical phrases and build up entire songs."
"It's cool to see his creative process within those two songs."
"I feel it necessary to be open and vulnerable in my music."
"I'm so glad you're back out there making music again. That's awesome."
"With this project, it's the most heartfelt songs I had to put on there."
"It began as live improvisation and it ended up a compulsory classic."
"At the heart of it all is still a real person making music for fun."
"The first phase of How Soon is Now was an exploration of building a song around a single chord."
"Morrissey's attitude is if you can hear the sound in your head then it can be played."
"I just wrote an entire piece of music and it's cool and I like it and I can't believe it's it's like it's actual music."
"One of the most important things in any production setup is the software you'll use to pull all your sounds together."
"The importance of samples in music production cannot be downplayed."
"This man Doc is literally about to just go make a banger bro."
"The lyrics are the thing that you're saying when the song is playing."
"I felt like, as I was recording the verse, I felt like in 10 years I'm very proud of this."
"The secret to successful songwriting is the ability to paint a picture... that's all right in a pop song." - Paul McCartney
"Every time I play the beat, it's like a new adventure."
"I wanna make more fun music. I like feel good fun music and I accidentally always make sad music."
"There's a difference between lazily ripping off a retro musical aesthetic and actually creating something new from those foundations."
"I only want to make music if I'm enjoying it."
"Eight hours later, five songs completed. That was a typical day for years with Gucci."
"Everybody write great songs. Bring the guitar in as the companion, you know, as the other voice, the instrumental voice."
"I wanna make a record, I don't just want to make a song."
"The thing that I love about beat maker 3 is it encompasses all the many things that I need in an iOS music device."
"Are you willing to wait five plus years for an album?"
"The drummers we had a kind of plan of early on and we met a great guy Kaoru Watanabe here and he lives in Brooklyn and randal poster and I spent some time with him and he made some he we kind of made a great piece together"
"The musicality behind everything now is about taking the navigational tools and just creating some music."
"Perhaps it's because they know they needed X to lead the way or that he was just simply the main reason or inspiration as to why they made music in the first place."
"Ableton Lite is perfect for live performances, jam sessions, and looping sounds to create music on the fly."
"Personally, I loved it, I love the process, I love making music with those boys."
"Eminem wrote and recorded 'The Real Slim Shady' just three hours before his album was due."
"Every time I've ever made music that meant anything is because something was happening."
"Hopefully inspire a much faster process for people writing music."
"I never would have made that music if I didn't play the character."
"So yeah you're gonna want to have Headroom when you're when you're working for the mastering stage."
"Songs come into being... it's really mystical and deep and esoteric actually."
"It wasn't about him, you know what I'm saying? It wasn't about him, I'm on the Block doing this and this and that but he and he made songs that appeal to everybody no matter where you were you know it was just it was just good music."
"Creating better music to keep topping herself... tragedy inspires art."
"True artists make the music they want to make, not what they think will be successful."
"I believe music is made out of love it can't be made without love and when music is great it's truly great."
"I make music and I feel like if it connects with me it's gonna connect and resonate with people."
"I'm making the hardest music I can, didn't saying what people want to hear most so I could get the most amount of people who need to hear this to follow me and then I'ma come back and tell them what they need to hear."
"Work as fast as possible, stay in the music."
"We wanted to make a song for like me driving home at night, and that one's called home."
"Love again, miss you much more than yesterday" - A total of 20 songs were written for it most of which never got official names though certain ones had working titles.
"So, from the beginning, we just had the music." - MARSHMELLO
"You will be happier, you will make better music if you just stick with a DAW that you have."
"So this way you can kind of, you don't have to rely on the tone, the delays, you can just do every note yourself."
"Make music as much as you can and don't wait for somebody to tell you that you should before you start doing it."
"I'm in a really, really happy place. I want to create music, I want to, you know, which I wasn't able to say for most of last year honestly."
"Each creation is different, each song is different."
"It's always easier when it's four in a room."
"I think this song came from God, just to pass out to people."
"Gorillaz is not about him. Gorillaz is about creating music for a band that doesn't really exist."
"If we just build our stuff independently, we don't need features from the big artists. We just need to make good music."
"The motivation was never like, 'Let's have a hit single and make a ton of money.'"
"It's like I shouldn't really respond to it, but I've got an opportunity to release a sick song here."
"We just want to make music that excites us and hopefully take the fans with us."
"Every song we write or we do it's like it depends on the energy the vibe."
"Music is fun bro, like you know what I'm saying, music is fun to put some [stuff] out, to have people [mess] with it."
"Most songs are written, performed to be powerful, this song evolved... trying to have fun and be real."
"In composing music, first comes the music, then the realization of what it means."
"We want people to open our plugins and make music."
"I write love songs, but now I'm dropping songs that are just about like, 'I don't really need anybody.'"
"Come explore dubspot for yourself become a part of our community to make music."