
Marine Life Quotes

There are 2233 quotes

"Regulations have been implemented to safeguard the stone crab population, ensuring that this valuable marine life can continue sustainably for future generations."
"Their niche is awesome in the reef; they're very personable, they're extremely intelligent."
"Using your tail like a whip to stun fish so that you don't have to chase them is so cool."
"They do the gender transition if you guys don't know, the biggest one in the group will switch genders and acquire that role."
"The male Argonaut octopus uses a specialized arm known as a hectocotylus, which is filled with sperm, to mate in an incredible example of the sacrifices some species make for reproduction."
"I'm excited to go swimming around and see some turtles and stuff in the morning."
"The vampire squid from hell does not feed on blood. Surprisingly, this intriguing critter survives by eating plankton and the rotting carcasses of dead fish."
"The deeper you go, the bigger and stranger things get."
"Greenland shark... animals can reach 600 years."
"This footage captures a group of grey whales on their yearly migration journey, but there's more to the scene as a pair of orcas are trailing right behind them."
"This horror tale has been widely debated and analyzed, and even though scientists are aware of a species of squid living at the bottom of the Antarctic sea that are the largest invertebrates on the planet, no one had ever heard of one this aggressive and frighteningly intelligent."
"We could see fishless oceans by 2048 if we carry on the way that we do now."
"Despite their enormous size, these gentle giants are filter feeders, consuming vast quantities of plankton, krill, and small fish."
"If you want to donate to help dolphins and whales everywhere, the link is down below."
"We're helping dolphins and whales all around the world."
"This is an incredible encounter with a whale; the animal swam up to the people to say hello and didn't mind being stroked."
"What a heartbreaking moment, this mermaid washed up on the shores of a sea in Mexico, dead."
"In honor of my dolphins, I use my pink blocks to build a pink dolphin statue at the bottom of the aquarium."
"The deep blue sea is an awe-inspiring place, and for centuries, us humans have speculated what insane and awe-inspiring creatures could be deep dwelling at the bottom of the ocean floor."
"There are tens of thousands of marine species that most of us would never normally be able to see in real life, and the ability to do so can inspire and encourage new generations to care for the planet's oceans."
"Large sharks are beginning to inspire respect rather than fear among the people who choose to share the oceans."
"We learned a ton about sea life conservation, which I find fascinating."
"I saw something larger than any fish I'd ever seen... it was not like anything I'd ever seen; it was more serpentine-like."
"It's amazing to me just how distinct and diverse animals can be just because they live in the water."
"Well, no other aquarium has ever saved every ocean species before. That's so true!"
"These octopus rock pools are an ideal habitat for octopus."
"It's crazy how they live underwater and we live on land."
"This is probably one of the most beautiful sea urchins I've ever seen."
"The tangled marine animals is a great problem."
"Dolphins can survive for a little while without water, but they need help to avoid dying if they are beached."
"A whale was beached on one of the shores in Brazil."
"This guy found a newborn dolphin and basically brought it back to life."
"Living fossils like Relicanth remind us that some creatures have stayed relatively the same over millions of years."
"Sharks have a presence, especially if you can make eye contact with a shark."
"Most of all we should end the demonization and persecution of sharks."
"Mussels are great for a myriad of reasons, muscles also are ocean cleaners."
"Without a doubt the most beautiful epic bit of reef I've ever seen in the entire world."
"Fish on, friends! They are food number three: Dumbo octopus. I love it so much, weird cute is the best combination, okay?"
"There it is. That's for all the great whites you guys have killed. Beautiful."
"I think she really cares about the ocean and its animals."
"We’ve removed about 90 percent of the large fish... over the last 70 years."
"Millions or maybe billions of underwater siphonophore galaxies."
"Immortal jellyfish: the only known creature that can technically live forever."
"Sea angels are mind-bogglingly weird animals and they're pretty much living proof that the ocean is far more mysterious than we ever give it credit for."
"The Granada underwater Sculpture Park helped the Island's government designate the region as a marine protected area."
"A species so strange that it's been dubbed the Pac-Man monster fish of the Pacific Ocean."
"The newborn dolphin leapt up after being freed and returned to the sea to express its gratitude."
"Traveling the ocean is pretty dangerous at nighttime, I saw one of them squids before."
"They're eating the reef, we're being invaded by the stuff."
"Dolphins always, when you're in the water, you hear them well before you can see them."
"Watching the first moments of baby Sea Emperors’ lives is a truly wondrous experience."
"Among the fronds, familiar fish like the boomerang flit between the leaves."
"The Brute Shark is an aggressive predator that scours the depths with its ghostly white eyes."
"That lifeform, known as the Lily Paddler, possesses the unique ability to disorient would-be attackers with the mesmerizing patterns on its colorful appendages."
"There is, however, a real monstrously large creature that would have frightened the salty chafing pants off ancient mariners: the giant squid."
"Eldritch horror deep down in the ocean you expect to see some pretty crazy creatures"
"Known as the gulper eel or Pelican eel this deep sea find is most notable for its massive mouth which surprise resembles that of a pelican"
"This humanoid Marine Beast off the coast of Antarctica estimating it to be around 65 to 100 ft long for reference that's around the same size as a blue whale"
"The largest known specimen of lion's mane jellyfish stretched a whopping 36.5 meters."
"Leatherbacks are the largest turtles on earth, growing up to seven feet long and exceeding 2,000 pounds."
"The tuatara...a marine species that can technically live forever."
"Giant tube worms are known for a condition called deep sea gigantism, making them much larger than their shallow water counterparts."
"Some creatures on this planet are just magical. Cownose rays are one such creature."
"Coral reefs in particular are just an amazing source of biodiversity on our planet."
"Imagine this type of creature swimming right up to you deep down in the ocean." - Joe Rogan
"The lights outside attract so many fish, it's like they're having a party."
"Seeing a whale breach is one of the best things to see when you're at the beach."
"The sarcastic fringehead: a fish with a mouthful of attitude."
"The Japanese spider crab: a creature that seems to have emerged from the wildest corners of imagination."
"The frilled shark: a living fossil from an age of dinosaurs."
"Harbor seals can swim within just hours of being born... only need the direct care of their mothers for about a month or two."
"The anatomy of a corporate lynching updated edition and avoid the great white sharks available on Amazon worldwide."
"The octopus has no teeth but it has a beak, it's horny, hooked, and easily bites through the bones of fish and shells of crabs."
"To get up close and personal with coral reefs and fish."
"Cuttlefish use a kind of self-mimicry to find a mate during mating season."
"Orcas or killer whales are terrifyingly smart and strong. They eat great whites; they're the scariest thing in the sea to me."
"The stonefish is the most venomous and dangerous fish in the whole world."
"The blue-ringed octopus contains venom enough to finish off almost 30 people at once."
"Tiger shark is considered the most dangerous shark species for humans."
"Goblin shark. They're too crazy looking, they're too weird."
"British sailors were unmatched, especially during this time period."
"It'd be so cool, like you could just walk around on the upper deck, actually be like a Marine and just go for the ride, enjoy the ride, like that would be insane."
"The giant squid is the thing of haunting dreams. Like, I can't watch those deep ocean documentaries. They are terrifying."
"We did so many fun things, we did a mermaid tail, we had snorkeling, we saw dolphins."
"50 to 80% of Earth's oxygen comes from the ocean."
"Larger fish produce more eggs and end up having more offspring as a result."
"Regardless if it's an albino whale, a shark, or a marlin, they all are one of a kind for their own species as well."
"We have more in common with these magnificent sea mammals than most people are willing to believe." - Unknown
"It drinks you; they say. And it spits out your bones."
"A beluga whale believed by marine experts to have been trained by the Russian military."
"Plastic in the oceans is causing serious damage to marine wildlife."
"The immortal jellyfish: Biologically immortal, it can revert back to its juvenile form after reaching sexual maturity."
"Pray for the whales, pray for the situation, the creatures of the sea struggling so bad."
"The best thing we can do for our oceans is to simply stop eating marine life."
"Prepare to be amazed by the wonders of the ocean as we delve into the fascinating world of the giant Oceanic manta ray."
"The deep ones are the ones that are the most unpredictable. That's what the museum's there for."
"I can see it, guys. I can't believe it, but we actually jumped in the water with sharks."
"Dolphins are truly special creatures that bring light and fun to the world."
"There are virtually no words that can describe the experience of being in the water with an animal like this."
"Belugas are the good Samaritans of the ocean."
"The ocean is now filled with sea creatures swimming bubbles and a little otter named pascal."
"Until the day we can lay eyes on the dangers of the deep ourselves, the crazy creatures down there will remain shadowed in mystery and darkness."
"Everything that comes from the sea is documented and recorded."
"Deeper? Yeah, it's one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world."
"Comb jellies are one of the most beautiful creatures I've ever seen in my life."
"The frilled shark's mouth is just as terrifying as a great white. It has 25 rows of backward-facing trident-shaped teeth."
"The blood belly comb jelly might take the cake for that. Not only does the blob of the deep have a haunting name, but it also looks like an alien that would take over humanity."
"Fish with headlights: No, this video isn't doctored. You're looking at a real fish known as the flashlight fish."
"Fish tornado: Fish tornado might sound like something that sounds like it's from a fantasy world but it's a real thing."
"Gentlest creatures manatees: These creatures are the gentle Giants of the ocean."
"If videos don't if this don't scare you it makes you at least respect it."
"Discoveries like the golden egg are not just scientific curiosities they are essential reminders of the richness of life in our oceans."
"The ocean can be a scary place, the darkest depth of water can have many freaky creatures because the unexplored water is still revealing new species we didn't know about."
"Glowing sea creatures sightings fueled speculation and rumors among soldiers during the Vietnam War."
"The giant squid: a real monster of the deep."
"The biggest great white shark ever caught was almost 40 feet long."
"Overfishing has disproportionately targeted fish who are at the top of the food chain."
"School of fish: Safety in numbers, confusion for predators."
"A new program that helps ships keep their distance from the gentle giants of the sea."
"Like with many things in this hobby once you see a problem, you can’t unsee it so when looking closely at any Acropora colony they immediately pop out."
"Next up we're going to get wet and jump in the water and swim with whale shark while in Cancun."
"Ross swam with whales, sharks, and seals, and had to consume between 10 and 15 thousand calories per day to give his body enough fuel."
"Machimosaurus Rex: the largest ocean-dwelling crocodile ever known to have existed."
"They're big, dangerous, legendary creatures lurking below, waiting to strike."
"Guy jumps off his boat to save sea turtles tangle."
"Hotel with a designated Turtle Hospital: saving and rehabilitating almost 2,000 turtles over 15 years, addressing injuries caused by marine hazards."
"A beluga whale saved the life of a diving girl paralyzed by the cold water."
"Savage sends a message to Hulk, telling him to think about the worst thing he can possibly dream of."
"A whale could break your bones and take your life with a flick of its tail, but most won't do that. Humpback whales in particular are generally non-aggressive."
"I love how great white sharks are terrifying until you get them at that one angle and they just potato jumpy."
"The seabreacher allows you to live your dreams of being in the body of some of the ocean's fastest animals."
"Instead of just dumping rock there, you can tweak it a little to be nicer for sea life to latch onto."
"Stunningly preserved giant squid: 'This would be a heck of a discovery.'"
"Sea pickle invasion: 'Full-on invasion, swimming north by the millions.'"
"Gigantic lion man jellyfish: 'Rare indeed, just take a look at this thing.'"
"Over billions of years, these tiny creatures inhabited the world’s oceans, releasing more and more oxygen as they multiplied and spread."
"Sharks aren't that scary, okay? They're just as scared of you as you are of them."
"It's not something to be scared of next time you're out there in the ocean."
"A dolphin bestie is in the realm of possibility."
"You'll be amazed at these human/sea creature encounters."
"It's indeed a noble goal to get across the message that sharks are not human-eating monsters."
"What do you call an octopus that's got stubby little tentacles, is bright pink, super squishy, and looks like a Pac-Man ghost?"
"Apparently, there are fish who sing together in a chorus every day at dusk and dawn."
"Sea pickle invasion: a full-on invasion with no signs of stopping."
"Alien blue sailors: a mystical and beautiful display along the coast."
"Symbiotic relationships between marine creatures are crucial to many species' survival underwater."
"The Mandarin fish has one of the most spectacular colorations of any fish."
"Sea slugs, or nudibranchs, bear a dazzling array of flamboyant colors and patterns."
"The Lembeh Strait is truly a remarkable place, an evolutionary hotbed where many of the secrets are yet to be discovered."
"Being attacked by a giant squid is somewhere on the list of bad ones, maybe not life-threatening since you're in a submarine, but still absolutely terrifying."
"The Daziko are striking examples of the diverse Squilloid clade."
"Belugas adopt a narwhal: White whales making unusual friends."
"Tasmania’s Glowing Water: Some have even called it the aurora borealis of the sea."
"So we propose two hypothesis in the paper one is that perhaps the shell became stuck in the throat choked the fish it drowned and was preserved like this."
"The Narwhal Tusk is one of the most unique structures in nature."
"Leatherback sea turtle: the biggest turtle in the world, with individuals reaching almost a ton."
"That's amazing - I never knew that whales could be this big."
"I'm totally convinced that we're experiencing a non-human higher intelligence by the way there's non-human intelligence all around in the ocean especially when you look at marine mammals like whales and and all that."
"Plenty of crazy and cool things have washed up or swam up on shores across the globe."
"One of the most popular attractions to do here in Gatlinburg is the Ripley's Aquarium of the Smokies."
"Whale saves diver: ...one of them started to nudge her something fierce... it pulled her head... tried to protect her under its fins."
"Seetoes are a type of deep-sea anglerfish that live in the waters of the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans at depths of around 8,000 feet."
"This striking find wields a mean set of choppers."
"One of the strangest sea monsters has to be the great sea centipede."
"The coral reefs: a true paradise for divers."
"The giant grouper: up to three meters long, the largest bony fish in the coral reef."
"I would honestly because we gotta, we got we named the shark that and it is it is that bad. I think it's pretty safe to say that most of the worst animals live under the ocean."
"Millions of red tuna crabs wash up dead on San Diego beaches."
"A massive 17-foot great white shark caught back in 1983."
"Huge 550 pound shark hooked just seven miles from the Devon coast."
"Great white shark leaps at seal, captured in breathtaking photos."
"100-foot Megalodon washes ashore, sparking controversy."
"The Kangaroo Island great white shark, possibly one of the largest ever."
"What is it about the ocean that is so terrifying? Perhaps it's the truth about what's really living in the ocean."
"The depths of Earth's oceans are a haunting place, shadowy corner after shadowy corner, each jam-packed with curious creatures unlike anything seen on land."
"Phantom jellyfish: A new jellyfish has been discovered so vibrant that its unique vivid red body was a stark contrast to its marine environment."
"A crazy fish with teeth that seemed frighteningly human has been nicknamed the testicle eater."
"The monster was captured by fishermen off the shore of Pramoshky Cry on Russia's southeastern coast."
"Greenland sharks can live to be up to 400 years old."
"Knowing what time it is on board ship is super important."
"The underwater world is one that's full of mysteries."
"I am such a seal nerd, how much of a seal was I?"
"Whales: the strongest creature on the planet."
"Great White sharks are not the bloodthirsty savage man-eaters film and media typically make them out to be."
"If sharks are to survive, we must all become advocates on their behalf."
"This thing was a massive Beast, bigger than a great white shark and about 22 feet long."
"MarineAngemon, Manaphy, and Phione are all actually based on the real-life animal, the sea angel..."
"We are now king of the ocean a prognathodon just destroyed the so-called predator of the ocean in two bites that's insane that's absolutely insane."
"I am now the ruler of this ocean tough luck pal tough luck."
"Honestly was not expecting to take him out in one bite but uh that's pretty sweet."
"As for me, what would I say to a whale? Well, that's obvious: 'Stay Curious'."
"Seals, otter, manatees, whales, dolphins - intelligence beyond what they would like to call normal."
"These are Divine beings, some of the most purest beings on the planet."
"One big wave in the sea, two big waves, three big waves. Who lives there, let's see: fish, dolphin, stingray, little whale, hammerhead, little crab."
"This would have the added benefit of providing a rich source of food and nutrients for the rest of the ocean's food chain, bringing life and fishing back to where we've been depleting it."
"Could this be a glimpse of a mermaid, a legendary denizen of the deep?"
"It's very exciting and there are sharks, so I feel like that makes a lot of things better."
"The ocean is a beautiful place and there is no doubt we are in complete awe. What an amazing life happens down there. It's like a whole different planet existing on its own."
"Let's talk about the weird immortal jellyfish. It is a biologically immortal living thing."
"There's a whole ocean with no snakes in it. But also there's an entire ocean of snake food and living space out there."