
Gun Ownership Quotes

There are 185 quotes

"It's a win for gun owners, a win for common sense, and a win for those who believe in the right to bear arms."
"If we're going to have a right as immensely powerful as the right to own guns... that comes with immense responsibility."
"Being a gun owner is not just buying your firearm and then buying a box of ammo and then loading it and putting it on the bedside. There are other costs."
"A well-rounded gun owner is a pretty intricate thing, but once you get the basic concepts down, I believe you'll find that not only does it make you a more well-rounded person and make you more responsible as an individual, it'll also allow you to appreciate your new purchase that much better."
"The media wants to paint gun owners and gun ownership as this thing that's stuffed into the dark underbelly of society."
"The media have a narrative...that it's gun ownership that is the problem, not a function of culture, family structure, or anything else."
"Owning a gun is a massive responsibility. It should work. You should know how to use it."
"I would much rather my family hear someone coming in the house and they grab the nearby gun and they put fire in whoever decided to come inside of my house unwelcome."
"Owning a gun is more likely to save you or harm you... a lot of the answer to that is going to have to do with how responsibly you store it, how well trained you are in its use."
"The text of the Second Amendment is very simple: 'A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.'"
"If you are a law-abiding citizen, you have the right to own that gun, correct? And everything else. The government has no authority to infringe upon that right."
"I think you should buy guns. I think you should buy guns. I think you should train yourself in their use."
"I wear a pistol all the time anyway, but you always want to be armed."
"Trust is such an integral part of being human. Majority of gun owners understand the responsibility."
"The right to keep and bear arms is a god-given right, and the Constitution only stops the government from intervening or interfering with your rights."
"I believe in the Constitution including the Second Amendment... I'm not going to take people's guns away."
"Crime is getting ridiculous, and more and more people are starting to realize that the best way to defend yourself and your family is to conceal carry."
"There is no grandfathering. You're either in possession or you're a felon."
"We need to restore our American values and we need responsible gun ownership."
"If you would like to join gun owners of California I strongly urge you to do so"
"I think everybody should have the ability to own a gun if you can prove that you're fit enough."
"Law-abiding citizens owning guns is not wrong or bad."
"You ought to get out a gun that's the longest... the firearm you haven't fired for the longest time."
"If you're keeping and carrying it for self-defense to be ready to engage in self-defense, it's an arm if it's usable at all."
"If Americans are commonly using it for lawful purposes, it's protected, period. Full stop."
"We need elections that we can trust and believe in. We will get single-day voting on Election Day as a national holiday with paper ballots and government-issued ID."
"One answer to the question, why do Americans love guns? is, simply, that we were invited to do so by those who made and sold them at the moment when their products had shed much of their more practical, utilitarian value."
"It's my right in the Constitution as an American to own a gun."
"Gun ownership is still going up because democrats are still defunding police and democrat cities are in chaos."
"Owning a firearm is not about just going target shooting or going hunting, it is about protecting yourself, protecting your rights."
"The second amendment protects the rights to keep a handgun in the home for self-defense."
"The second amendment is the most powerful amendment."
"81 million people are going to clean their guns. That's all I'm going to say."
"The Second Amendment says the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
"It's not just a win for them, it's a win for every gun owner who values their rights."
"The gun represents such an important aspect of our system that has to be preserved absolutely."
"That's all we have at this point, God and our guns."
"It's necessary to let people from red America lead the way and to show respect to gun owners at all points."
"Legal gun owners out there that are carrying concealed and then taking part in advanced training to me it just doesn't hold water."
"There's a lot of responsibility before you buy a gun before you do anything with it other than just have it in a box in your house so yeah it's a commitment it really is."
"In the United States, we have the right to bear arms to check the power of the government."
"You need to arm up, plain and simple, go out, buy a gun, learn how to use it efficiently."
"The Second Amendment protects both the right to keep arms and the right to bear them, and to bear arms means simply to carry them. It's really just that simple."
"The more gun owners we have, the more resistance to legislation."
"Every gun I've picked up and gone hey that's got something unique about it that I feel like I could in the right circumstance it makes you feel like you become attached to your guns."
"The armed citizen not expected to face any charges... obviously acting in self-defense."
"Every time I ever either given a gun or buy one somewhere, I'll just pull it apart all the way and just check."
"It's all of our responsibility to promote safe and responsible firearms ownership."
"It's an American tradition, it's an American responsibility to be armed."
"You shouldn't let people know whether you own a firearm or not... that's part of being responsible with firearms."
"The fastest growing group of gun owners in America is specifically black women." - Notable demographic trend in gun ownership.
"The guarantee of freedom is the Second Amendment."
"If you have any interest in owning a high power whatsoever I think you should just go ahead and buy this one and thank me later."
"Legal, law-abiding gun owners are not the problem, and they've never really been the problem."
"Everybody got a gun out here I got a gun in my car, a big ass chopper you know what I'm saying that I don't leave without it."
"The right to possess a firearm includes the right to purchase one."
"I never would have ever thought about having a gun, basketball is the only reason I even own a gun."
"I support every American owning firearms and sufficient training to defend themselves, their family, their community, and their constitution."
"It's a gun that will last you forever and if it ever did break it's so easy to fix it'll make your head spin."
"Gun owners aren't statistically irrational paranoid racist old white men."
"The Second Amendment is an individual right, not a community right."
"We have a human right in this country to own firearms to defend ourselves from tyranny."
"if you own a gun you're engaged in a political fight whether you like it or not."
"Our right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
"It's humans' responsibility to control objects. If you own a gun, it's your responsibility to control that gun."
"Black gun ownership has risen across the country since the 2016 election."
"The only thing stopping this is the Second Amendment."
"Isn't that more evidence for one more police training and two if you're gonna own a gun?"
"The best possible thing is getting the guns in the hands of the people."
"92 of gun owners reported either extremely being extremely or very proud to be gun owners."
"The suggestion that every single person in the United States who owns a gun and believes in gun rights is part of a death cult is despicable."
"These guns owned by people did it expand the number of households that own guns or are there just individual owners that now own more guns."
"The second amendment protects all our other freedoms."
"Come take my frigging gun, buddy. I dare you."
"Once you buy this gun, if you need something, you can just buy it."
"We've had a lot of women and a lot of people of color for the first time ever buying a gun... They just want that last line of defense."
"Had she owned a gun to defend herself and her child, things might have played out differently."
"Good guys with guns are real, they like to see that stories like this as well as like."
"Everyone who wishes to protect themselves and their communities should become a responsible gun owner."
"The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, pretty clear."
"Buy it when you see it because if you dig this, this gun could be banned in the future."
"I wasn't alone in this opinion: many Americans who had not cared about military-style firearms before now suddenly did. If people aren't going to be able to get something ever again, they will want it."
"The average gun owner would be willing to give his life to help anybody around him."
"Criminals don't give a [ __ ] pass the laws, they're still gonna own the guns."
"It's not an issue of owning a gun for protection... it's for killing people."
"The only way that's even going to stand a chance of possibly happening is if gun owners we are vocal and verbal about who we are."
"It should be very, very, very difficult to take away someone's right to have a gun. Why? Because the right to own a gun is not the same as the right to drive a car."
"Second Amendment is essential to liberty. I think that's so important."
"Gun ownership is the most crucial and essential civil right that we have."
"It's almost like if you gave any gun owner a time machine they could go back 10 years, 20 years and find thousands of dollars worth of stuff they had kind of ignored back then, they took for granted."
"Nice to know the Supreme Court is looking out for us at least a little bit on gun issues."
"The Second Amendment... the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
"I'm a big supporter of the Second Amendment."
"Shotguns are the most versatile tool that we as gun owners have in our arsenal."
"Putting more guns in the hands of law-abiding gun owners is more likely to save lives"
"Humanize Gun Owners... it's really an important thing."
"If you're a defender of the Second Amendment..."
"One of the fascinating lessons is how much amazing civilian private ownership of weapons increased freedom..."
"Owning or not owning guns doesn't mean you get to just ban them capriciously. That's nonsense."
"I think the right to bear arms is the second amendment and it's sacred."
"Self-defense, defense of freedom, that's the main reason I own guns."
"Why are you a gun owner and you're a Democrat?"
"That gun preserves your freedom, your freedom ultimately when things go really really really bad."
"There is no law-abiding gun owner that is a threat to Public Safety."
"Either legal licensed gun owners are trusted and safe to use firearms or they're not."
"You lose your Democrat kind of Lefty label card when you're stockpiling guns and ammo."
"It's better to own a gun and not need it than need a gun and not own it."
"Violent crimes are lower in areas where there's a lot of safe and responsible firearms owners."
"The right of the people to keep and bear arms is an individual right."
"The ability to have one is the deterrent. Even if you don't have to use the gun, the ability to have one is the deterrent."
"Five million Americans bought a gun for the first time in 2020."
"You've got a loaded gun on your belt, you've got walk you go to McDonald's, you got a loaded gun as you're shopping..."
"It's time for gun ownership to be well regulated again, like it says in the Constitution."
"If we're gonna become serious responsible firearms owners we have to take the safety the education the training and the legal protection serious."
"Gun ownership played a huge part in the civil rights movement."
"Gun owners all gun owners do not equal gun culture."
"It's a nice lightweight gun that you could concealed carry and then leave on the light stand as well at night."
"The real reason that we need guns is to protect ourselves from the government and from outside influences and forces."
"Spend what you want, buy what you want, enjoy your AR-15."
"Holsters are expensive and so hopefully I will save you a ton of money, a ton of time, a ton of frustration."
"This is one of the least intrusive ways to carry and one of the more comfortable ways I've found to carry."
"When you carry a gun you kind of learn a lot more about it than you would if you were just looking at it or shooting it out at the range."
"I'm a strong proponent of the Second Amendment. I believe the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
"People with the most guns have the safest communities and savior's environments."
"You have a constitutional right to bear arms."
"We want gun owners to represent the community and be inclusive."
"Black middle-class gun ownership is higher in many cities than white middle-class gun ownership."
"Americans believe in freedom, Americans believe in the Constitution, Americans believe in the right to gun ownership."
"I was a gun owner. I mean, that's what I did when I was home. Florida, I just, I just carried a pistol. I mean, that's just what I did."
"I never own the gun never touched a gun never even shot a gun."
"having a gun doesn't make you feel invincible facts I agree what you did but why is he still in the holster I would have bet our why did you have me hand on your gun holster"
"...The big takeaway on today's gun gripe: don't let someone shame you for wanting to be a gun owner."
"...Don't let someone shame you for wanting to be a gun owner at the level that you can afford to get into it at, absolutely right."
"Once you break down that barrier, there's a lot of people that realize owning a gun is not for me."
"It's all about understanding where the risk is for your ordinary law-abiding, peaceable citizen who is mentally stable and not experiencing extreme stressors, which is most American gun owners at any given point."
"...consider that about 40 percent of Americans live in a household where someone owns a weapon but that this ownership doesn't make these individuals an armed force unless they become organized."
"Being a gun owner just means that you have it in your mind that you want a tool at your disposal to provide protection, correct, just in case of situations that might arise where you would have to defend yourself."
"I appreciate the desire to just be a regular person who owns guns rather than embrace the so-called armed lifestyle."
"The idea that only some people support gun ownership and those on the other side don't is not true."
"Most people who buy guns and protect their homes from bad guys rarely end up shooting bad guys."
"...but I think there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a gun in your home to protect you or you and your family and that's safety. It's safety, absolutely."
"every single gun you own is one of your favorites that's why you have so many"
"The Second Amendment, which undergirds all the other amendments, is the only amendment in the U.S. Constitution to include the following four words: 'shall not be infringed.'"
"...the Supreme Court decided that this language despite his first Clause referring to a well-regulated militia actually protects a right to own guns whether or not a person or gun that bears any connection to a state militia."
"Guns are tools right that's what we say guns are tools of the gun owner but are all gun owners the same do they behave the same doesn't matter the Second Amendment status."
"Canadians absolutely hate guns or that no Canuck owns one is an absolute falsehood. Under the Firearms Act of 1995, over 7 million Canadian citizens possess firearms."
"It's great that you own the gun but you actually need to carry the gun."
"Be a good ambassador, be a safe and responsible gun owner."
"The general assembly strongly promotes responsible gun ownership, including parental supervision of minors in the proper use, storage, and ownership of all firearms."
"If you lose your gun, should you be allowed to have a gun license?"
"The awesome responsibility of owning a gun for the protection of your family and your friends."
"Technically, Switzerland has one of the highest gun ownership populations in the world."
"The law of the land is the Constitution, and the Constitution guarantees us the right to bear arms."
"Part of being lawful and responsible gun owners, like we talk about all the time here at Washington Gun Law, is to know what the law is in every situation, how it applies to you in any instance that you may find yourself."
"What's truly amazing is that by the end of the next year, it became illegal to own a handgun in the UK."
"I support the Second Amendment. You have a right, but from the very beginning, the Second Amendment didn't say you can own any gun you want, as big as you want."
"I want everybody to be safe and responsible gun owners if they choose to be."
"A license to carry a gun isn't a license to kill."
"Training and education, that's key. Responsible gun ownership."
"I want law-abiding Americans to own as many guns as they can afford."
"I'm a huge proponent of lawful, responsible gun ownership and carrying."
"The vast majority of people that own guns own them for fun and recreation."