
Societal Reflection Quotes

There are 705 quotes

"Art captured its essence by describing 'The Sound of Silence' as a reflection of the struggle for people to connect, not just on an international level, but especially on an emotional one."
"I think it's important to recognize that like, oh yeah, growing up in the society and the culture that we've grown up in, we do sort of automatically discriminate against certain groups of people."
"I want my son to do really well in life, but maybe the world doesn't only belong to him."
"This series and this character provide us a hilarious look into our imperfect world and the incredibly flawed people who live in it."
"At some point, we will look back five, ten, fifteen years and we will say to ourselves, 'Wow, we fell for this hook, line, and sinker.'"
"This runoff is shaping up to be an MRI of the soul of Mississippi."
"Christian iconography merges with a theatrical dramatization on the worldly side; the world is out of joint."
"Video games recognized as an art form... need to start looking at it through the prism of politics and race and gender."
"The condition of a society's women is a direct reflection of the quality, or lack thereof, of society's men."
"It really makes you question life and society and whether we're truly gonna move past any of these things because it's messed up, it really is."
"Comedy is almost always truth, almost always. That comedian says something funny and it's true in a way that people didn't expect and they know it."
"It was a cultural watershed, whether you like it or not."
"The pandemic actually revealed to us how toxic our idea of normal has been."
"Society has never been more tied up in its own reflection, a reflection which doesn't even reflect the truth."
"This act was not a reflection of who we are as a nation. This isn't who we are."
"These ships are really good microcosms of the time periods in which they served and really reflect to a large extent the societies they came from."
"When George Orwell wrote 1984, it was seen as this big warning. And a scary future... if you rewrote all of this as a short story, I think the reaction now would be like, that hit so home."
"How could you not? Why is it that when we do it, it’s an honest misunderstanding caused by a few bad apples. But when they do it, they’re uncivilized, bloodthirsty savages."
"The 1975 is the track one on all the records; it's sort of like a treatise of what is both on your mind and sort of society's mind."
"It's gonna totally hold up and be such a great touchstone of what's been going on with us today."
"To relegate Mengele and his research to the ranks of the anomalous and bizarre is perhaps more palatable than understanding that he was the product and promise of a much larger system of thought and practice."
"We've got to start thinking about it in all of these ways, and to head on address this issue of privilege."
"I just would like us to all think about, is this the best we can do as a society?"
"We've never, as a white person, had to ever answer in this country to a black guy."
"It is in vain to say that democracy is less proud, less selfish, less ambitious, or less avaricious than aristocracy or monarchy."
"You don't understand what happened in Nazi Germany or in the Soviet Union until you understand that had you been there, the probability that you would have played a role, and that wouldn't have been a positive one, is extraordinarily high."
"Art reflects the culture, reflects the society."
"It's impossible to look at the images coming out of Kenosha, Wisconsin, and not feel that something is fundamentally broken in our society."
"The American dream seems to be walking away from most Americans."
"For all the problems, a lot of people don't realize, we got a pretty good system."
"Media doesn't just tell us what to do; in some ways, media is a reflection of who we are."
"It's clear what Mr. Robot is trying to tell us... Elliot's pain, his madness, his delusionment, his loneliness, the byproduct of a culture that he lives in, his warped and corroded habitus."
"We for the first time in a long time got to see what America looks like and why we love it."
"The youth are treated, teen angst and bullying, with this backdrop serving as a cautionary tale."
"We have an extraordinary amount of privileges that women don't have."
"In the annals of true crime, some cases stand out as chilling reminders of the darkness that can live within society."
"Football shouldn't be a reflection of society; it should be an antidote to society."
"I think as a country, we would be better served figuring out who we are and what we stand for because right now, I think there's a real argument about what even the truth is."
"This case highlights serious issues in our society."
"We are George Floyd, and George Floyd is us until that day is realized we will all remain masked and none of us will be able to truly breathe."
"The protests are not necessarily about Floyd's killing in particular, but about the savagery and carnage that his death represents."
"Criticism is not designed for the explicit purpose of shaming admirers of a piece of media, but to help us question what we enjoy, the society that helped create it, and the subculture it in turn created."
"Human beings are animals... We have to start thinking about how to get back to something that isn't actually revolutionary."
"World War I was basically a complete lack of neutrality. Everyone was like, 'Yeah, war, yeah! We'll take some stuff; we'll be home by Christmas.' And then they sort of learned their lesson that, hey, maybe war is bad."
"People hate being called racist, but they don't hate racism that much."
"If things are going really well that's a mask for all the bad things happening in American society if things are going really poorly then that is exposing all of the bad things that are happening in American society"
"They force us to confront hard truths about ourselves, about our institutions, and about our democracy."
"Science fiction is written for the societies we're going to live in decades from now, and that these policies are the ones that are policies of an advanced society."
"Nobody's civil anymore, nobody thinks what it's like to be the other guy."
"You would never think that that could happen here."
"When the system stops reflecting reality, the polling starts to break down too."
"What are our church is missing? What are our homes missing? What are our lives missing?"
"As we look around us, a lot of us may feel that we are living through some pretty incredible times."
"For a lot of people, this trial came to symbolize more than just the actions of one officer."
"We're humans we need to return to what is human we're getting so far away from it."
"There is nothing more pathetic than someone who is self-hating based on a characteristic they chose nothing over that they just were born with."
"I mean, you know, it's interesting the first that comes to mind is all the people who have said things like this isn't America, this isn't who we are."
"Social media was supposed to be a mirror for society... but it became a fun house mirror."
"Maybe the thing that makes us flaunt our status as the least racist country is the same thing that makes us racist."
"The fact that a myth might be completely incomprehensible completely nonsensical on a rational level doesn't matter because it can still tell us about what our society is like."
"Whenever we hear the singularity is near, let us always remember the plurality is here."
"The internet is like a real-life version of the collective unconscious of humanity."
"Musicians and artists a lot of times, in terms of when art becomes commerce, is just a reflection of where society is."
"Propagandizing games isn't new. War games reflect the societal norms of the time they were created in."
"It's not about a referendum on any one person, but a referendum on where we are going for our future."
"Maybe you secretly are racists that you look at them and go well Jesus Christ look at those brown people we'd better treat them differently you."
"The last time we made serious change around these issues, the whole country was on fire for a decade."
"You know, they're dying out there, 15 years old, getting shot 15 times with the AK."
"AIDS was revealing exactly what society was about."
"Comedy the whole point of Comedy is to say something true and make you laugh."
"Sometimes the greatest art doesn't give us all the right answers. It makes us ask the right questions."
"We're through the looking glass here people."
"The real issue that I wanted to bring up is, is that pioneer spirit still within our hearts?"
"If people actually did adhere to the morality in the Bible, it would not be a pretty world."
"He's just a symptom of the problem. The problem is us."
"This virus and the reaction to it has revealed this great spiritual void, I think, in our culture, and that's the thing we ought to be homing in on."
"Horror tends to be most popular in times of chaos and national crisis."
"What is the wallpaper that constrains you and who else do you feel might be imprisoned by its pattern?"
"The antidote to Trump is actually the thing that got us Trump."
"Is this show really just the stuff of freaky weird nightmares or is it a dramatized reflection of our conscious wide fucking awake reality?"
"It is important to note what happens at Major cultural events largely because it exposes the minds and The Souls of the people who produce these events."
"The humor of any subculture means something, and I suspect if we listen to it closely, the Babylon Bee just might whisper something to us about how evangelicals process ideas."
"We didn't start the fire, it was always burning since the world's been turning."
"It is time to stop hiding our sins but to confront them and then in confronting them it is time to make them right."
"We're not necessarily supposed to follow Kanye West, but he serves as what is taking place not only celestial but also biological within all of us."
"We gotta start saying how did we get here before we abandon each other."
"Every nation, like every human being, has a darker side and a lighter side." - Michael Kennedy
"This season of America is not a referendum on him. This is a referendum on us, on who we are and who we're going to be to each other."
"It's not a pretty story and it's not being told for its shock value. This material is presented because it happened."
"Americans should consider whether the disrespectful language, sexualized comments, and personal insults Trump used were really what they wanted from a president."
"Historically, we have as a country faced divisions in conflict like this before."
"My role in society or any artist or poet's role is to try and express what we all feel, not to tell people how to feel, not as a preacher, not as a leader, but as a reflection of us all." - John Lennon
"Nobody's gonna ask Optimus Prime to justify his personhood."
"There's so much potential here for genuine social criticism."
"Joker doesn't hunger for power, he ridicules it."
"How sad is that? The pinnacle of human society with man has accomplished more than anyone ever thought possible but if I want to remember anything you've got to tweet it to me in 140 characters or less."
"I can just see everyone watching this show going 'How could anyone fall for this?' and I'm just thinking 'We all fell for it, it's all us.'"
"We're actually now, we went so far past Eden, we're actually now back in the garden."
"I mean these are literal quotes that people are saying to me these are things that people are expressing to me and um these narratives are not just being echoed in One Direction."
"The Last of Us Two challenges us to think about the outside world. Every story wants us to see a piece of ourselves in a character, but The Last of Us Two wants us to see a piece of ourselves in everybody out there in the real world."
"Who wishes George Orwell had not been so accurate with his predictions?"
"It's amazing that we can see all of this genocide the white man has done throughout the world but yet we're the ones that are paying."
"It's flawed, we always say about the judicial system."
"The pandemic bit! The bit about the viruses as well."
"Restaurants are genuine thermometers of society."
"If you're not including the young generation, you're not giving the accurate depiction of the whole."
"Nobody likes cancel culture until they get an opportunity to cancel someone."
"Disasters reveal the best and worst of mankind."
"An economy is more than a sum of numbers and outputs. It’s a representation of the life and livelihood of its inhabitants."
"Would a nation in which all is well have elected Donald Trump?"
"The world isn't so nicely nice, let's be honest."
"Are we not seeing that right now? Lots of lessons in the last week or so, what are we choosing to learn?"
"We dismiss children's stories because to engage with them on any level beyond simple acknowledgement would be to admit that there are lessons we never learned."
"I think that was a lesson maybe the world needed to learn."
"The problem with the news today is not about the news anymore. It's about the people giving you the news, so it becomes a show, a circus."
"But if your diversity is quite literally not including a certain group of people, then how diverse is that, right?"
"If we are truly pro-humanity, that's the question that really needs to be answered."
"I do think white people need to see the film. I do. I do think cops are going to see this. I don't think they're going to tell people but I think they're going to be some cops that push that play button on Amazon Prime because they hear about it."
"This is not supposed to be like this and more and more people I talk to feel the same way that this is something there is a battle of good versus evil happening."
"We must remember the past so we can address the mistakes made then and so we do not repeat them in the future."
"The ego has grown so big that it started to kind of implode on itself when it comes to America. Everyone's like, 'We were trying to tell you. You need to be a little bit more humble.'"
"I wish that the blacklist had never happened. In fact, the whole term 'blacklist' reminds me of some 1950s-era bad novel where you're some Hollywood communist or something. But I think it's good and healthy that we now know this happened."
"Like, deep down inside, being considered a bigoted person is not a good thing."
"Do you want to talk about the movie? It became less and less like a satire and more and more like a documentary."
"It's always fascinating to kind of know what people outside of your bubble think of you."
"I've never seen anything like it before and I think it reflects and represents the danger of this moment."
"This is going to be an idea that our culture is experiencing a profound meaning crisis."
"History is going to look back on us and ask did we do the right thing in this moment."
"White America has this idealized vision of itself... it usually does not involve its treatment of the black community."
"Turner's confessions are our confessions of not really being quite sure who we are in relationship to each other, black and white in this country."
"At the end of the day, it's really about people."
"Why do people want their political beliefs to be reinforced all the time?"
"Humanity will look back on the Trump experience and say that was the point at which we decided we no longer wanted to make fear-based ego-based decisions."
"Is this who we are? Is this who we want to be? Is this what we want to pass on to our children and our grandchildren?"
"Graffiti is always the heartbeat of society, capturing what's going on at that time."
"Seeing this made me rethink my views on race in a good way."
"We're not taking the time to appreciate why this is happening."
"Legislation reflects the moral health of society."
"Vintage makeup: a reflection of societal norms."
"By remembering the good, by focusing on the positive, it shines a spotlight on us, and sure, it highlights our issues and yeah, that's super uncomfortable, but it's way better than just falling into darkness."
"Remember when people used to get bullied out of being weird?" - Reflecting on societal attitudes towards eccentricity
"The popularity of anti-heroes represents a shift in our Collective thinking."
"As uncomfortable as it may be to witness... it's important to remember where Hasidic Jews come from and how they came to be."
"Culture is religion externalized or worship externalized."
"This is an interesting moment because seeing the reactions, I hope that people actually stop and think about what it means."
"If the most Googled man on the planet can't be written about in a newspaper then I'm honestly not sure what any of us are here for."
"These stories aren't just headlines; they're a mirror reflecting our nation's soul."
"It's just like sad to see how much hate some people have in their hearts."
"Humanity is not perfect, but man, I think we strive to be connected as people."
"Dance music is the heartbeat of the soul and the spirit, and the fact that our culture is not dancing right now says a lot about where we are."
"There is no better way to actually sum up the lunacy and the height of how weird 2020 has been."
"The story matters because it's about us, our culture, our preferences, and our future."
"This isn't just a tale of a viral meme or fame... it's a mirror to our society's challenges and our individual struggles for understanding and acceptance."
"What can we learn from this? What can we take away from this horrible story?"
"I'm sorry for exploiting you, but basically what this implies is that we've gone to a point where the normative position is like beyond what I ever imagined."
"It's a question of national identity. What does it mean to be an American?"
"Perhaps Trump isn't the problem. Perhaps the problem is that 74 million Americans voted for him."
"History is to the nation what memory is to the individual."
"It's the whole incident is sort of embodies everything that is so horrible about this period in which we're living."
"Obama's presence made racists come screaming out of places."
"A chilling reminder of the brutality faced during the Civil Rights Movement."
"This is not a reality show, this is reality."
"We are incredibly self-absorbed at this moment in our history."
"Individual success tells us very little about systemic change."
"It was just very well done, made me think about things today which I think is the mark of a great dystopia."
"A civilized society may ask itself whether control unit prisons like Florence and Westville are just tombs for the living dead."
"I think Trump is a symptom of something that's going on."
"Culture is a reflection of our moment and our time"
"We have to laugh, and we can't laugh at the news and each other, then where are we?"
"Art is a reflection of what we're all sort of anxious about."
"My six-year-old came home and said, 'Am I evil because I have white skin?'"
"Sometimes a fantasy world inhabited by mythical peoples allows us to see our own Society more clearly."
"Death Note is a work of art that gives the audience not just one question about humanity, but many that are pinpointed to make ourselves question our own values."
"The problem is not that evil exists, it's that good men do nothing."
"A recession is when your neighbor loses his job, and oppression is when you lose your job."
"England and the monarchy seemed benign and wholesome, despite the knowledge of slavery and colonialism. Somehow we didn't blame Miss Queen and her family."
"What all this says about us and our time-- probably a lot."
"The cartoons you are about to see are products of their time. They may depict some of the ethnic and racial prejudices that were commonplace in American society. These depictions were wrong then and are wrong today."
"People like us, not just comedians, but there are people out there that obviously this resonates with them."
"Cinema is a tool which is meant to make society reflect upon itself."
"What object is served by this circle of misery and violence and fear?"
"The echoes of our past still resonate today."
"Society today mirrors somewhat like The Truman Show."
"It's been a horrible year, hasn't it? It began with an insurrection and it ended with a 4 am adjournment."
"Truth is always uncomfortable for those comforted by lies."
"To think that they were any different to us would be a great mistake."
"It is about preventing history from repeating itself in the most vicious form."
"Yes, I think everyone should be writing accurate reflections of the world around us."
"By silencing others, you would think it would be very obvious that's a bad thing."
"The existence of billionaires just like the existence of a homeless person is the perfect symbol that our system is fundamentally broken."
"We're all just on this little bloody planet, connected."
"The subject matter evokes our core perception of humanity and its relationship with the law system."
"It's a beautiful time to be alive I think it's been uncomfortable 20 20 there's been a year that a lot of people have dreaded but I think on the other side of it it's gonna be a beautiful thing."
"It is reflective of a broader pathology of police brutality and abuse of police power."
"God is judging America by giving America what, in essence, it has demonstrated it wants."
"It's a damning damning report on leaders, isn't it?"
"Are we currently living in the dystopian future that we thought we'd be living in? Like, this is where we're at."
"Grand Theft Auto is less an opportunity to indulge in debauchery and is more like a mirror that shows America its true nature."
"You represent all Americans in their most beautiful ambitions and their moral limitations also."
"A bloody stain on the history of this nation."