
Election Security Quotes

There are 149 quotes

"I'm for safe, secure, credible elections and will do everything I can as DNI to ensure that [foreign interference] is not successful."
"The 2020 election was the most secure election conducted in modern history."
"Nothing is more urgent than efforts to guard against foreign influence in our systems for electing officials, particularly given the upcoming 2020 election."
"We have continued to try to secure our elections by passing legislation, by getting convictions for voter fraud, cleaning up voter rolls."
"The challenges we face in securing our elections are not just about politics; they're about ensuring our democracy remains robust and trustworthy."
"The perception of election security is as significant as its actual security, necessitating openness in electoral processes."
"Democrats are against voter ID... because mail-out ballots are deemed most ripe for fraud."
"More importantly, voting machine software should be publicly available information, and none of this would be an issue."
"Poll watchers exist because there is so much opportunity for fraud."
"This is not about overturning an election on our part, it's about making sure that we protect and preserve free and fair elections for all future American elections." - Jenna Ellis
"If the United States caves to corruption, no election will be secure from here on out."
"Machines count America's votes, but we're not allowed to see inside. Not transparent."
"All that matters is we have this guy who's running to take an office that he tried to steal through violent means based on a lie four years ago."
"Absolutely terrifying to think that faulty coding can sway an election like that and impact millions of lives."
"You cannot steal the election by ballot fraud; this is going to destroy democracy."
"We conclude this is from the security group that dominion voting systems is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results."
"If we want to keep our republic, we must ensure election integrity."
"So we've got to look at what happened. We've also got to make sure elections are secure going forward."
"For more than a year now, with tacit and explicit support for their party's national leaders, state Republican operatives have been building an apparatus of election theft."
"Whistleblowers who came forward said they were reviewing signatures, the math doesn't add up with their experience."
"If someone's going to steal an election, they're going to give themselves a decent margin."
"How could we go four years with the Democrats screaming about interference and election security and now be like 'no, no, stop looking'?"
"Loophole allowing foreign governments to interfere with our American elections."
"Increased penalties upfront could deter Russian interference in elections."
"Having a paper ballot mailed to more and more Americans means there is a traceable way for people to vote."
"Don't we want to secure our election process?"
"Voting across the country by mail is safe and secure and tried and true."
"Who needs Dominion voting machines when you have Google and YouTube determining what you have access to?"
"There are a lot of processes, institutional changes that need to be made so we can guard against anybody, regardless of political party, ever attempting to overturn a U.S. election again."
"Anyone, regardless of party, should want consistent, secured voting systems in this country."
"Congress only allocated $400 million for elections in the middle of a global pandemic, which was not nearly enough."
"The real danger... is 2022 or 2024 when we may see people begin to change the results of the elections."
"Universal mail-in voting is going to be catastrophic. It's going to make our country a laughing stock all over the world."
"Voter fraud is a thing, okay? It is to pretend that it does not exist and the possibility does not exist counters a significant number of cases."
"Absentee balloting is perfectly acceptable. You have to apply for an absentee ballot, signatures are checked, it's confirmed, it has a long tradition."
"We need secure elections and the confidence of the American people."
"So if you can use cell phone tracking to find people who are going in a short period right after the election the few days after the election to 10 or more drop boxes that needs to be investigated."
"We need to blow the lid off of this now before they steal the 2020 elections."
"The erosion of confidence in our elections is an existential crisis for the United States of America."
"A banned TikTok bill is 55 pages including the ability to get rid of, mitigate, or ban access to anything that interferes in our elections or Democratic process."
"Without safe secure elections, the country could cease to exist."
"Threatening election officials is a deplorable thing to do. The most important thing for our country is the orderly transfer of power."
"Your future is now, my friend. Your future is now."
"Most secure election in modern American history."
"Election deniers those who refuse to accept lawful election results purposely attack the rule of law and the foundation of our country."
"It's a threat to our democracy, so how do we fix it? We have to ensure the integrity of our elections."
"Can you explain the inherent risks like what are the risks? What does it mean when a box of ballots turns up in a dumpster?"
"They've made it as easy as possible to commit the most brazen and bold voter fraud ever."
"Nothing excuses foreign meddling in U.S. elections."
"There's no better invitation for ballot fraud than mail-in balloting."
"Preventing election subversion... is maybe one of the most important challenges we face."
"Election and voting machines should have a paper backup of all ballots which can be used to confirm the votes were cast as intended."
"The most important question of this evening: will Donald Trump admit and condemn that the Russians are doing this and make it clear that he will not have the help of Putin in this election?"
"The signing into law of HB2492 is a giant step toward ensuring elections are easy, convenient, and secure in our state." - Jake Hoffman
"The fact for any foreign government to interfere in our election system and for a White House, regardless of party, not to be basically saying the house is on fire and this is not acceptable is shocking."
"We hope that they will look at whether Russia had help in pulling off that attack on our election."
"The ability to have a genuinely secure electronic election offers huge advantages in money and time saved and convenience for voters."
"I'm very worried about mail-in voting because I think it's subject to tremendous fraud and being rigged."
"The truth matters. Election integrity matters."
"We cannot allow these attacks on our democracy, on our elections infrastructure to stand." - Nsé Ufot
"Your vote is more likely to be compromised intercepted challenged and thrown out if you vote by mail."
"Twitter just rolled out their plan to 'protect the upcoming midterm elections.'"
"This is absolute proof... we were attacked... an attack against our election process."
"America's intelligence community told us Russia interfered in the election of the President of the United States in 2016 and is playing in 2020."
"Pass legislation requiring election software to be built up to a higher standard, ensuring confidentiality and integrity of the systems."
"Legislation should be considered that requires real-time network monitoring of all collection equipment even on the air gap networks."
"We create a big opening with mail-in ballots and absentee ballots. That's a giant opening for fraud."
"You can't say you want to improve elections and talk about how you are a leader in the nation for free and safe and secure elections but then simultaneously do the very things that would undermine that status."
"If you can't have a secure election and you don't have people in office at your local level who are willing to make those cases, then everything else is moot."
"Voter ID requirements are a common-sense first step to protecting our elections." - Heritage Action
"Voting by mail is not a new or dangerous idea... Given the significant increase in mail-in ballots, why you might ask, are Trump and his allies trying to attack the integrity of our vote by mail system?"
"The physical security of the staff, I would defer to the counties."
"Election workers trained for battle against conspiracy theories and misinformation."
"The odds of someone cheating or systematic fraud for mail ballots is zero."
"It's pretty dangerous to say the election Stone if you don't have evidence."
"Candidates who dispute the results of a valid election... pose a danger of interfering in future elections."
"Having voting machines that are hooked up to the Internet is a bad idea and it's going to make our elections insecure."
"Russia cannot hack a piece of paper like they can a computer system connected to the internet."
"Those machines will be physically removed and thrown in the ocean. Are you with me? Who's with me?"
"So to be concerned that the Russians are messing with presidential campaigns was a legitimate concern."
"It is not extreme to demand secure elections."
"Can we be sure about that for our regular votes? I mean those machines are so compromised theoretically in the voter file you can actually go look and see if your vote was recorded."
"Election fraud is unacceptable, and that's exactly why I made it an emergency out in this session."
"Now that is obviously insanely sketchy during an election year in the US and also terrifying for a bunch of other internet-related reasons."
"Biden said he was putting Putin on notice that he would not tolerate any form of election interference."
"Voter ID for elections is literally the devil. It's worse than Putin at this point."
"The election was not secure. Do you think we can say that with certainty now?"
"You cannot claim it's the most fair and secure election if it's connected to Wi-Fi without a password."
"Why were 65 machines found in the house of a Smartmatic technician the day after the elections, and they were still smoking hot?"
"We will not allow this great republic to be stolen by communists from without and within or our votes altered or manipulated by foreign actors."
"You can control an entire election and do anything they want and Escape detection."
"We're going to ensure that this is the safest and most accessible election in the history of Texas."
"We already know that we have to get out in numbers too big to rig in numbers too real to steal."
"We need to secure our vote, secure our elections."
"We need to pass landmark election reform including voter ID. Is that so bad? Residency verification, like we live in the country, we live in this state."
"The states are going to have to take an extra step and change the state ID system as well and if they do both of those things I'm actually incredibly optimistic that we can have a secure and fair elections."
"This president has been tougher on Russia than any president's put the world on notice that our election systems must be secure."
"Election integrity project behind these victories."
"We are on it, folks. We are on it and I encourage you to be on it as well because as I say the republic's at stake and I think our elections are at risk this year."
"We're going to have an honest election or we're going to send a lot of people to prison."
"At what point does an individual's active and here documented efforts to overthrow an election to subvert democracy become a disqualification for office in our democracy?"
"We believe in election integrity." - Kayleigh McEnany
"As long as we have mass mail-in ballots, we're going to have elections that people won't have confidence in."
"Enable us through the reform of our elections, through the security of our elections and through massive participation in our elections enable us to save this nation."
"It might have been quite honestly the least secure election in US history."
"If the election is not 100 auditable, how can anybody know if it was fair?"
"We want the general public to know that we're on the job, that we're doing what we can to safeguard our next election." - Elvis Chan
"In this election year, I hope that we won't lose sight of the very real threat posed by the ongoing efforts of a foreign adversary to undermine our democratic processes."
"There's no mail imbalance because we're avoiding voter fraud."
"Every member of Congress should be committed to defending the integrity of our elections from hostile foreign interference."
"The threat of malign actors exploiting these tools and technologies to undercut US interests in democracy is particularly potent as voters go to the polls in more than 60 elections around the globe this year."
"Mandates the use of voter-verified paper ballots and post-election risk-limiting audits."
"Bans internet accessibility and connectivity for devices on which ballots are marked or counted."
"If we don't have secure elections, you don't have a country either."
"It's not just up to one party to protect our election system; it's all of us who are responsible for protecting our system."
"Open AI unveils its plan for tackling abuse ahead of the 2024 elections."