
Legal Status Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third-story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behavior and information processing."
"The program is working because of the 360,000 people that are now getting a proper legal status in the sense of humanitarian parole for two years with a financial sponsor in place, meaning no burden on the social programs of these states, and it's lowered the illegal activity by 44%. So, what's the harm? No harm, no standing, no standing, your case is dismissed."
"Some of the best Americans just got here... these people have all come legally."
"We got to provide [dreamers] with legal status."
"The Edict of Milan... takes the Christian religion and it puts it into the status of a licit religion, a legal religion."
"Abortion is your right and it is still legal."
"He was never charged, it was only ever a preliminary investigation."
"BDS is not illegal in any country yet. It's based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights."
"We've recognized the reality on the ground; we've now declared that settlements are not per se illegal under international law."
"Former president Donald Trump now a criminal defendant in the federal court system."
"That's a nasty bundle of offenses and the worst part about all this he was sentenced as a habitual offender meaning that chances of getting out are now slim to none."
"Somebody's going to have to come up with answers after they find that I should be tax-exempt."
"I'd rather be happy than successful. I would rather be happy than have multiple skills. I would rather be joyful than accumulate possessions and status."
"Donald Trump must exercise self-control to continue enjoying the privilege of being a free man." - Jessica Denson
"The Second Amendment is not some poor cousin of the Bill of Rights. It's as legitimate and enumerated right as the Fourth Amendment, the Fifth Amendment, all of them."
"A domain name is not property, it’s a service."
"Scientology will lose its tax-exempt status, it's hard to put a timeline on it, I do believe that 10 years from now, Scientology could have its tax exemption revoked."
"It provides lawful immediate, it goes directly to adjustment of status for about eight to ten million people."
"We need reform in that area, right? To provide status for those who are undocumented, who have earned that residency and citizenship."
"The only reason they'd revoke your registration certificate is if they think you're not eligible to hold one."
"So effectively, as you can see when I described this, this makes abortion illegal in Texas under every circumstance, except a very clear life-threatening circumstance."
"Pirates are considered an enemy of all mankind."
"Dark Lo is free, by the way, and he's free without doing any dishonor that I know of, like, telling on nobody that I know of."
"He paid a Russian woman $15,000 to marry him so he could gain resident status."
"There is no doubt that loot boxes must be regarded as a form of gambling."
"I don't understand how I've been given this many chances, it's like my record is so clear..."
"Trump is going to be a free man... buckle up because it's going to be a wild ride."
"Every single marriage document in American history recognized by the government until the last few years where some states change things there was one definition and one definition only, it was the union of a man and a woman."
"The only legal definition of marriage since the founding of America has been the union of a man and a woman."
"This use case alone makes XRP a non-security, just saying."
"Separate but equal, that sounds right, doesn't it? That's what a civil union is, it's a separate but equal type of situation."
"Never been charged with corruption never been convicted of corruption never been arrested for corruption."
"We believe even in the USA, our product should be absolutely legal."
"My name is Jack Frost and I'm a sex offender, I can't go 50 ft of children anymore."
"Jeffrey Epstein: convicted sex trafficker, convicted pedophile, registered sex offender."
"The moment after the child is outside of the birth canal, they are now endowed with human rights."
"On our first day in office, we will re-establish legal status to the 1.8 million young people and their parents eligible for the DACA program."
"38 U.S. states, three territories, and the District of Columbia allow the use of medical cannabis."
"Understand, my source is Mexicans legally were white for a very long time in this country."
"Dominion is not a public officer or public body and therefore has no obligation to make its records available for public inspection."
"She's medical equipment in the eyes of federal law."
"There are no parental rights or obligations until there is an actual child that's living independently of a woman's body."
"Why that wouldn't apply to people who are already here is beyond me. Just because you crossed the border illegally ten years ago, I don't see why we shouldn't be able to make the same assessment."
"Regulatory triumph for XRP as European Governance Institute recognizes the coin's non-security status."
"Having legal immigrants means they get paid better and pay more taxes."
"We need to give them a way to become citizens."
"It is official: crypto being sold on exchanges in the secondary Market it is not a security and that is such a big win for every other coin."
"He will be a registered sex offender for the rest of his life."
"Gig workers are officially going to be classified as independent contractors - this is a huge victory for Uber, Lyft, Doordash, Instacart, and those heavily invested in these."
"I don't got no warrants, I'm a free woman, I can do whatever I want to do."
"Britney is free today with a couple of conditions attached."
"XRP is not a security; it's really clear to us that XRP is not a security."
"Bitcoin and Ethereum are considered not securities."
"William Shatner turned 92 yesterday, well, hasn't been convicted."
"We've won, xrp in it of itself is not a Security."
"Being racist is not a crime... maybe it's a moral crime but not a statutory crime."
"Providing legal status to the 1.8 million young people eligible for the DACA program."
"They declared him wanted and they want him dead."
"You are not in the jurisdiction of the United States... If you're a sister and you are outside of the United States, you're not protected."
"The Supreme Court has described semi-automatic rifles such as AR-15s as widely accepted as lawful possessions." - National Association of Gun Rights brief
"As of this morning, states can allow all the abortion that they ever wanted to so all the laws in like New York and California has changed no none of that's changed."
"An estate is a dead thing, it has no rights."
"Jenkins is currently on death row, and his appeal was refused by the US Supreme Court."
"It's saying essentially in her mind, you know, they're living apart indefinitely but they need that piece of paper."
"Technically, we're still married, we're legally technically still married."
"Legally, he is nothing more than a receptionist."
"With permanent residency, you're basically going to have all the same rights as a Mexican Citizen."
"If you marry an American, you can get a green card."
"Child marriage remains legal in 40 out of 50 states."
"Black and white are legal statuses, they have nothing to do with complexion."
"The L1 Visa is a dual intent Visa, meaning the L1 Visa holders may file for their green card without violating their L1 status."
"We don't have second and first class citizens in this country; once you're a citizen, once you've got a right to remain, that's it."
"We need a stance correction and in the stance correction, our status correction ascertains to your political legal disposition, your unlimited commercial liability, and your nationality as relates to genetic reference."
"This retirement Visa gives foreigners indefinite stay with multiple entry and exit privileges."
"To get the official 'you cannot be kicked out' kind of paperwork citizenship is a really good feeling."
"Allowing someone who has worked and paid taxes here for decades, someone who is raising a family here to legally work, earn a living, and help our economy is a boon for their family and for employers across the country."
"If you stood out of trouble for over 10 years, you were a First Time Felon; that's a fact."
"The president is special but that the president is like an ordinary citizen in that he's subject to law."
"Household means you are members of God's family. Citizenship means that you've got legal status with the government of heaven."
"Out of status and unlawful presence are two different things that have two different consequences."
"No people, ancient or modern, has given women so high a legal status as did the inhabitants of the Nile Valley."
"These amendments reflect how pets are valued as unique family members by society rather than as inanimate property like furniture."
"This case was never about fines or penalties, it was about establishing the non-security status of XRP. We won, they lost."