
Racial Dynamics Quotes

There are 382 quotes

"This is something that Black women, and Black people in general, especially when working in corporate spaces, have to deal with all the time."
"I am saying that sometimes it is hard to work with white people because they think that something may okay but it was really a microaggression, and no one wants to deal with that."
"Koreans also existed in the shadow of the 'model minority' stereotype and were seen by racists to be superior to the black and Latinos they live side by side with, providing them with a bit of privilege and, unsurprisingly, breeding a superiority complex."
"There are different things that are considered normal versus exotic, but somehow the benchmark for what's normal is always decided by white people."
"Creating on YouTube can be psychologically taxing... It's one thing to be a person of color visible in this type of space, which is always going to be a precarious situation."
"For some people in America, for some black people in America, black people sometimes feel like the entire black community in America is a community."
"Race is a component of a multilateral social system where certain groups are afforded more power over other groups."
"The history of this redneck or cracker culture is more than a curiosity; it has contemporary significance because of its influence on the economic and social evolution of vast numbers of people, millions of blacks and whites, and its continuing influence on the lives and deaths of a residual population in America's black ghettos which has still not completely escaped from that culture."
"We've never, as a white person, had to ever answer in this country to a black guy."
"It told the truth about corporate America but also the truth about an aspect of white men that makes many people who write films uncomfortable."
"To some black Chicagoans, Washington wasn't dedicated enough to black causes. To whites, he gave preferential treatment to black people."
"These people are only using us for political gain. They use the color of our skin to gain political points, and then they don't listen to us."
"I think people are more willing to listen to what I'm saying because of the fact that I'm black. If I had been white... what I'm saying... would have just been dismissed."
"Many have interpreted the movie as a commentary on a certain kind of smug white liberal mindset."
"Newly validated data from the Pew Research on people who voted in 2020 shows that 2020 was actually one of the most racially depolarized elections in modern history."
"The countryside is not exempt from that and what people fail to realize is that in these particularly kind of uh these spaces that are particularly dominated by white people it can end up being kind of um it can feel quite exclusive."
"If a black man walks through the door and takes his seat at the table, that's fulfilling a prophecy."
"There's a serious problem with the relationship between the Republican Party and black people."
"There are very few things that make me more frustrated than when people who know better act like someone invoking the idea that race could play a part in things means they are calling giant swaths of people racist."
"Prince Philip died and boy the bed winches started bed-winching."
"White supremacists love being around black folks because we give them their identity."
"Black people, we unfortunately will follow anything the white supremacists do, but the thing is, they will do things but it won't be a detriment to their society like it's a detriment to ours."
"White liberals made black neighborhoods less safe and then blamed racism for rising crime."
"It ain't about no Guns Germs and Steel, Benny. They had an advantage because they had a code, and we don't."
"They are scared to death next year of Stacey Abrams running against Brian Kemp for the race to be governor of Georgia."
"What people want here is the reproduction and reification of a hegemony that puts black bodies below white bodies."
"The suburbs are still a racialized battleground, using space and design as a means of exclusion."
"Addressing implicit biases often means centering perspectives of people of color, which many white people fear."
"These policies have not just been wrong; they've in some cases been detrimental."
"They are inflating racial tensions as a way of obfuscating class tensions so they can maintain their Elite status."
"Statistically, it is more dangerous to be young and black in New Orleans than it was to be a Marine in the Battle of Fallujah."
"The biggest race Hustler is white. Yes you heard it here."
"Black people in corporate America have to spend an inordinate amount of time making white people feel comfortable."
"It's literally counterproductive to single out white anarchists."
"Eminem brought white people to hip hop in a way that hadn't been done before and the impact of that influx of white eyeballs and dollars on the culture is still being felt in very, very deleterious ways."
"Black lives only matter when cops are involved; over 38.4% of US abortions are by Black women."
"Whiteness itself is the fundamental problem with this nation-state project."
"When you're a person that excels where usually your race doesn't excel, you will always be looked at in that way."
"Mental health is such an important thing to talk about especially in the music scene because it's really not spoken about that much here it's sort of a taboo subject in the music industry."
"It's a profound moment. I mean, we go from a Black woman facing a confirmation hearing and actually being besieged herself."
"In 20 years or so the black man will have the whip hand over the white man."
"He was unapologetically black... whether he was in a boardroom or on a stock exchange."
"The image of him standing up for a black woman, that's something disturbing to white society as well."
"I'm with a black woman, I've been with her for a long time, and I'm active in my children's life."
"Guess who gets hurt? Both black people and white people."
"The cycle of racial caste: 'The emergence of each new system of control may seem sudden...'"
"White people are so devoid of having actually been oppressed, they have to co-opt oppression."
"Why is a cop going into a poor neighborhood going into a black neighborhood where people have asked them not to?"
"There's a strong correlation with racial animus."
"Once you start looking for white supremacy, you can never stop."
"It's so [ __ ] crazy that it's funny. Yeah, well, the funniest part of it to me is that there's so many white dudes out there being like, 'Yeah, we all get [ __ ] mistreated by the police.'"
"He's a fool and when you see Fox News praising anybody black we need to have a big old neon line, neon sign beware."
"Every moment of racial and social progress has been followed by a significant white reactionary countermobilization."
"There's no minorities in Bridge City, and Port Arthur had its own level of racism."
"When they keep running that's a black men at the hands of white men it consistently lowers our testosterone and lowers our drive to rise up."
"Democrats want to play nice. White Democrats are afraid of alienating the white middle."
"Black women are not just jumping on her and not understanding what she's going through as a woman. We are women first."
"Ultimately, the only way you can become successful in this world outside of supporting white supremacy is to create your own systems, create your own ecosystems."
"It means that white people have a disproportionate advantage in society."
"When you see 40-something percent of the black on black crime happening I don't want to talk about that real quick to crime is proximity white on white crime exists we just don't have a turn for it."
"Black people can't be racist... racism describes a system of disadvantage based on race."
"Race played a role in the jury selection and perception of the case."
"You cannot literally be an Asian man in the United States of America speaking English and act like Asia has not been almost universally dominated by Western Colonial superpowers."
"Is it true that the person who was let go was a woman of color?"
"To corporations and organizations and entities that are owned and controlled and run by white people right."
"White supremacy creates divide and conquer scenarios where you as a black man who's trying to do something better for the community end up like a person trying to get drugs out of your neighborhood."
"Our team was probably 50 black 50 white or whatever black parents stayed home we went over and kicked Martinville's butt 27 to 7."
"It's a great time to be a white rapper right now."
"Speedy gameplay for Speedy people just tighten up what's already there and hell maybe throw in a hard mode for the potential of a new game plus."
"Duke even having the black guys and one and done, it's all gotta say y'all."
"They want you to be nonviolent, they love preaching that nonviolent. Nah, but they love that and coon Negroes now in order to get into good graces with white mommy, white daddy."
"You're still getting the historical issues that have existed within the music industry promulgated even as we see more black executives and black ownership celebrated."
"Black voters are not a monolith... black voters are voting for the Democratic party because it is the party that is not trying to wipe us out."
"White privilege isn't white people keeping black people from doing things."
"Every month they're making millions of dollars for technology that we put in black communities in black law enforcement."
"Black people always think, 'Oh man, it ain't enough,' and they try to put you up against the next brother."
"And I'm saying black American women because the only good relationship I've ever had with a black woman was one that was not even from America."
"This is real tea that affects people like me and other black content creators."
"Educated black people go to white institutions, learn white theories, and then apply them to demonize black people."
"I think just because you're white and you date a black man that doesn't mean that she would just necessarily say his slang."
"White women are extremely obsessed with black women and it's kind of weird in a lot of ways."
"OJ's opportunistic use of race as a shield to foil criminal justice is the real spark to Black lives matter."
"Tommy Lauren has something to teach black women. You need to listen to this."
"He said 'shut up' to a Black woman on national television."
"Don't let these the white diamond society misuse you against your own people."
"Black male minds matter and black women were used historically to assist in white supremacy."
"The reason why they keep doing these strategic social engineering projects on us is because of the power of the big black brain."
"When someone does something negative in the face of black women, it's only an L on the image of black women."
"A black man is protecting his white family from whom?"
"White people who live in areas with more policing tend to be more distrustful of criminal justice."
"Black respondents were more sympathetic to the victim of police brutality when that victim was black."
"White respondents were more likely to suggest a maximum sentence for an officer who assaulted a black motorist than they were for an officer who assaulted a white motorist."
"Marvel got their weight up through black people."
"Frey, a notionally black protagonist, who joins a growing Trend in media of putting black people in Worlds where race is inconsequential."
"The whole world falls apart when a black person looks them in the eye and says I don't need you absolutely that's exactly what it is."
"You are the black man's only resource, his come up, his advocate, his defender, his mother, his protector, his provider."
"The irony, of course, is that a black woman is using Kanye West, has played a more formative role in his demise."
"There's nothing wrong with rooting for your people it's a normal thing when people like when black people root for black people that's normal when white people root for white people it's normal."
"If guilty white people want to give up their money to these particular individuals to live wealthy lavish lives, I don't know what you say to that."
"There's going to be more of this, there's all the proud boys guys, this country is getting increasingly racist in its behavior and its attitudes."
"White supremacy is more effective because now racism has black faces on it."
"You can't trust people in the West and that includes black people in the West and Asian people in the West but obviously it's mostly white people who benefit off a system which oppresses and kills black and brown people."
"I think we'd be better off if we all work together you know I think that this Negro competition thing is like it's a little played out and I think people are tired of it."
"Whiteness still gives you an advantage no matter what." - Oprah Winfrey
"I noticed there's a significant increase in black appreciation of the president."
"All money ain't good money, stop celebrating black people just because some white guy in Hollywood is giving them money."
"The left's premise is that every black or mexican or muslim criminal is really a victim of white oppression."
"This was a rebellion against the elites... it was a white lash against a changing country."
"There are places in Louisiana that people have never heard of that are full of Black people and full of forward-thinking white folks who want to see things different in this state."
"Black women want happiness, it's a difference."
"You're a baby daddy, what do that got to do with a white woman?"
"Moving on to our Urban Decay section. This is a great Urban Decay. We're going to start off with this woman, this black woman who's very upset and she's very upset with how white people walk on the sidewalk and their sidewalk actions."
"Disparities between racial groups are normal due to different histories, demographics, and cultures."
"Black success is always followed by white backlash." - Roland Martin
"Larry Elder, a black candidate for governor, by whipping eggs at him and then assaulted his security guards who were non-violently protecting him all on camera."
"Bet on black women. We are the moral vote of this country when we vote."
"Haters out here acting like I ain't dedicated to my black sisters way too much brown sugar out here for the prince to be pushing up on the snow bunny."
"They're deflecting away from these white supremacist suspect males running around here doing what they do."
"Black society, we don't want to live next door to criminals, so the criminal sector who lives into the lower income sections of black society, black folks can't get protection from these people."
"Black women have to work twice as hard and are still half as liked as their white peers."
"The most common lie I hear Black men perpetuate about Black women is that black women only want to date thugs and bad boys."
"It's just a lie that we let, we continue to let Black men perpetuate the idea that they hate Black women."
"Black women receive the brunt of hate from every other racial social group."
"How about if it was a black guy washing the feet of the cop? The entire point is power dynamics."
"Being an African-American in America immediately defaults you into not being soft and you're still gonna be profiled and judged."
"This gender Theory, it's sacrosanct because the white woman is sacrosanct."
"There's a consistent theme running here if they got black support before these people can act against them."
"It's more about whether you were an elite member of your racial group and went to college or not."
"All it takes is one white person willing to attack, because other white people were sure going to defend a white person over a black person than risk being called an N-word lover."
"If Matthew doesn't follow their control, he will be disposed of. Yeah, white man gonna get wrecked real quick."
"If money is always the number one motive, then white people will always win."
"So imagine this black woman going to Capitol Hill and sitting outside the office of an all-white senator who won't even open the door. Wow, imagine the visual, yeah optical care now."
"So now black women pissed off, who hates Republicans more than any group in America, black women, black men, black women, I'm not that's the aim close so now you got this happening."
"I am sick of black men asking black women to be fair and care about the black man's plight."
"Larry Elder has been fighting the pernicious racism of the left."
"Black Americans working with conservatives could be unstoppable."
"I think that any movement that tacks to the left and is successful is going to be led by black people."
"A black woman should not feel beholden to black men under the guise of advancing the race."
"All this tinkering with the race and the obsession with representation... all of that is a gimmick."
"The people who can't pay their bills are going to have some regrets."
"Despite four years of Trump being called a racist, according to these exit polls, Trump did one point better with black voters."
"The fundamental problem with the Democratic party today is White media consultants refuse to listen to black people."
"Black people voted with their insecurities, white people voted with security in mind, they voted with their interests right."
"They don't need the white man's money to prove they can compete they'll take it you want to give it to them if you're that dumb but they don't need it these guys can compete in any aspect you want."
"The privilege that you have in society is not necessarily based on your skin color... If you're wealthy and black in the United States, you're better off than somebody that's poor and white 99% of the time."
"Being a white man in America is probably the best guarantee you have."
"People like to say 'Oh, he's just a white supremacist.' My message resonates with a lot of non-white people too."
"Run, I keep trying to tell these crazy-ass white people."
"They only really trolling the black community... That's not coincidence."
"Black women are also dealing with those same exact biases."
"No matter how successful people of color become, there are still people who believe they can whip us into submission."
"The only thing that changes is in order to get in office you got to have a base, and the base of the white nationalists move from the democrats to republicans which means that's your base and you have to make them stand up."
"I wonder if they would have that same approach where that same person would be out there with that same sign in that same protest with that same energy if the protests had to do with black people and not immigrants from other countries."
"Disco music is black music...and here are the people who are least likely to know what is good popular music: straight white guys."
"You always gonna get pushback on that, this is a racially based society that we live in."
"But if you think dark skin and light skinned women didn't have that kind of relationship something similar to what was depicted in this series if you think that that's way far off the mark then you're delusional I'm sorry."
"The privileged status of these illegal white immigrants challenges the notion that all undocumented individuals face uniform struggles."
"Black women had their cape on for true Thompson and defending her because she's the darkest you know little Kardashian baby."
"If you're so in love with hashtag black love and you're hell-bent on being with the black man, stop trashing your dark-skinned children in front of the entire world."
"Black men show the world that they love white women."
"The enemy with black people, the enemy is always within."
"They’re called allies, my friend, not stand-ins."
"It's just amazing to watch how quickly people will go go and pull the black card."
"Ignorance is deep in the culture for many colored people in the USA unfortunately."
"Are Americans capable of accepting that if you impose color blindness... you will have considerably fewer African Americans?"
"I think there is maybe merit in pointing out how the double standards of racism that a lot of white progressives have."
"Because there is more protection afforded to ethnic minorities who are willing to uphold the status quo which is the racist hierarchies that we live in."
"If you're white, don't use it. Say it so we can know exactly what's in your heart."
"Her relationship with white feminists was uneasy."
"Some of the most successful black women in entertainment whether it's television sports fashion music or film date white men and you don't see the backlash."
"Blacks were the engines that drove economic development in this country."
"The black-owned black criminal is an ally of white domination."
"Black men have been almost like a silent partner, a rubber stamp we can depend on no matter what."
"What are they saying? Like the hell with this black-owned business? Is that what they're saying?"
"Black folk sitting this out is a political strategy."
"It's like this is the Democrats, 'Oh, but you know white people want to leave. We're gonna get rid of a road.'"
"We know that racism is involved just based on the numbers."
"Part of the blessing and the gift that ADOS gives to black immigrants is that you don't look different."
"Women elevate black men on a level that we would never be able to achieve on our own."
"It just changed my understanding of like black people."
"America in particular is reaching an all-time low in this issue of race and culture and class."
"Race may never completely lose its social meaning, but it needs to lose its social power for sure."
"There's never been a white rapper that has blown up mainstream with street content in the music." - Millie's
"I feel like it's harder to make it as a white rapper but once you make it through it's way easier." - Millie's
"Urban renewal is used to displace people of color and increase segregation to destroy businesses."
"Interracial policing, right? As I mentioned, envy is understandable, jealousy is understandable. Even that policing, I get, and we have to actively work against our instincts to police."
"Everyone else can be angry, do you know what I mean, and everyone else can give their opinion and say how they feel but I have to think twice about my tone or because, like, because just because I'm black basically, do you know what I mean?"
"It's the tale of two Shugs: the big mean black guy and the black woman."
"White folks always wanted the safest black they could have."
"White folk always on a Saturday night would call all their slaves around the mansion just to entertain."
"You don't think the black woman got a right to be angry when she's raising two-thirds of the kids by herself for 50 years?"
"Let's make this a bestseller, so get your copy of 'White Fear: How the Browning of America Is Making White Folks Lose Their Minds' everywhere."
"But I've realized, and I've observed especially through situations like this, that I'm never gonna be given the same amount of leeway ever."
"Whiteness is a forced group membership... that originated by oppressing people of color."
"Every time that people of color have made progress, there has been what Carol Anderson at Emory University calls 'white rage'."
"Black consumers, more importantly, are too forgiving too fast."
"The Dems also need to think about how they keep saying the black vote is the heart of the party...but change the rules for a billionaire."
"I do not like the way the left has been so violent and they have been dumbing down black people for years."
"This is being done by Design and this is a form of genocide to black people."
"Even the black people who believed in black business during that time had a specific way that they had decided that they were going to fight for black business from government."