
Racial Identity Quotes

There are 521 quotes

"The last year has allowed folks to be as Black as they want to be in a lot of different spaces."
"I love being black... I love what I've done."
"The good thing about it is that a lot of the people in Brazil are black, and they look like me."
"Black women who are mixed are beautiful, but black women who are not mixed, who have their own black blood, are beautiful as well."
"What exactly is black enough for black people?"
"Being unapologetically black means unapologetically fighting for your very preservation and existence."
"We want to be just creators, not black creators; just creators that happen to be black."
"It demonstrates how our society tends to box people into single-race thinking as opposed to the reality, which is that a huge number of Americans in the United States are mixed race."
"This film is about the two-sidedness of being black... the paradoxes and conflicts and juxtapositions that are inherent to the black experience across the diaspora."
"When I was growing up, to call a person of color like myself or another's black was considered derogatory. Those were fighting words."
"If I’m not the n[BLEEP] here and if you the white people invented him, then you got to find out why."
"Being black and having ADHD, there are several different layers we battle."
"There's nothing that my race doesn't affect in my life, whether it's a positive effect or a negative effect."
"I don't want another black woman to feel like she has to deny everything about herself if she's struggling with this."
"We've been rocking braids, we've been having small waistlines, we've been having nice round butts, we've been having full lips. So why is it so amazing and outstanding when you see that on someone other than black?"
"What is not performative is being born black, and I don't believe that that should enter the equation."
"This version of King is a close examination of what it means – and what it costs – for people of color to code switch, or change their style of presentation to fit the moment."
"Black isn't beautiful, it isn't ugly, it isn't kinky hair, it isn't straight hair; black is just black."
"I think there's a really big difference between being proud of your culture and being proud of your race."
"I am proud to be Black, and it's hard to say that."
"They project their anger onto us because they were almost Anglo white if it weren't for those African genes."
"Racial pride is very powerful politically and it rests on a concept called fictive kinship."
"Everybody wants to be black until the police show up."
"When I have other black people telling me that I've given them some kind of permission slip to think differently... it's about what that represents."
"My house is so consumed with whatever it's consumed with that not once has the conversation come up about how all of this affects me as a black man in entertainment."
"Biracial women have always been represented as black women even when the story gives them two black parents."
"The NEU says it treats 'black' as a political term other than a signifier of African heritage, therefore the term includes all members who self-identify as black, Asian, and any other minority ethnic group who don't identify themselves as white."
"The question of self-esteem: the question that, yes, an Indian, a brown face with brown hands, who could measure up to a white man."
"Black love is seen as a radical Act of black resistance in a white supremacist Society."
"I refuse to shame somebody or tell somebody that you have to claim that you're black when you have an Asian mother or you have a white mother."
"Joe Biden literally saying to black people they're not black unless they vote for him is an incredible pitch."
"Being Pro black does not necessarily mean that you're anti white."
"He is literally the son of immigrants. Oh my god, he's not white. Well, he can't possibly be a white nationalist then."
"Your Blackness is in no way a sin or curse. It's a blessing and a power."
"You should never generalize about people on the basis of their skin color because it reduces them to the sum total of their skin color."
"She seems to have forgotten the color of her skin. I mean, that there's a post-racial experience you have with her which represents a fairly bright line to me of just what is possible."
"Foundational Black Americans knew we ain't got nobody that's going to really look out for us."
"I've always looked down at that and never wanted to be that, that's why I've always been proud of blackness."
"If black men are so invested in the idea of black love then they need to be spreading that message to other black men, who are two to three times more likely to marry out than black women, at this point and time."
"I'm black, it is not the most important thing about me, but it is part of who I am."
"At the end it doesn't matter the color of your skin. Shai was Egyptian, were the Egyptian pharaoh their families the ruling aristocracy and the religious class black for."
"Throughout history Egypt boasted many Black Pharaohs with unmistakable African features from the Archaic Period to the late period."
"Black people are going, 'We need to be proud of ourselves, we need to stop looking at ourselves in the way that people who hate us look at us.'"
"Being black means I got to be the best, gotta be the best, gotta be best."
"They talk about being white or identifying as white, they fail to take into account how an."
"As long as you think you're white, there's no hope for you."
"Nell Irvin Painter, a proud and brilliant black woman pointed the way."
"Now that we know we're black we've always been black but we just didn't know but now that we know we're like okay I guess yeah black it is."
"I own my blackness. I'm upfront about my blackness. I'm very clear about who I serve."
"Every black person is aware of the power and pain of being considered an outsider within one's own race."
"The notion that black Africans braved the roaring waters of the Atlantic Ocean and beat Europeans to the New World threatens a historically white sense of ownership over the..."
"Don't boot lick so hard that that they calling you out and trust me the white supremacist they don't trust y'all when y'all do that."
"People like you who played the game, who danced with white supremacy, you're not gonna be allowed to take off your uniform of white supremacy and try to blend back in with us again."
"Our very Blackness is a political statement."
"HBCU life is... empowering too because to go to school with people that look like you."
"Black is a state of mind, it's not your color."
"How many of you before you found out you were Israelite asked the question why does the world hate black folks? Why we're hated everywhere we go? What did we do?"
"I am not one or the other. I'm in this space in between. Race is not an individual choice in America, it is a social choice."
"White America to me is white people who have their own culture and the only way you'd be accepted by white America is if you adapt to their culture."
"There is no particular way a black person walks. There is no particular way a black person talks."
"Who taught you to hate the color of your skin to such extent that you bleach to get like the white man who taught you to hate the race that you belong to so much so that you don't want to be around each other."
"You did not tell me as a woman of color it would not matter what I did."
"I look at my dad, I look at my brothers, I look at my cousins, my uncles because they are all black."
"Feeling like I'm a piece of representation for younger black women."
"Black people are not a monolith and we never have been."
"You're so much more than the color of your skin."
"A career in business analysis: a decade of explosive demand, with LinkedIn ranking it as one of 2020's most sought-after skills."
"An awakened melanated man who knows who he is is the most intimidating thing."
"Don't chastise black people for asking about their ancient history."
"I don't feel like I have to hate white people to love my people..."
"If you are black, Hispanic, Latino, whatever it may be, you can go full-on racial identitarian and not only is that just overlooked, it's actually seen as a positive thing."
"Being black AF is about building strength in your community."
"Sorry, sorry for the alleged sins of those who died decades before we were born, sorry for the color of our skin." - Unknown
"Turner's confessions are our confessions of not really being quite sure who we are in relationship to each other, black and white in this country."
"I won't be told what to think just because of the color of my skin."
"I'm black [ __ ]! Black is beautiful, bro. So, I know if I father a black bear, we will have a black-ass baby."
"You must own or you will be owned. You must either possess property or you will become property."
"Call a spade a spade, call racism racism, call blackness blackness."
"I am black by the way. Of course I believe that Black Lives Matter. I believe all lives matter."
"Tyler made me feel more comfortable as a black dude to be myself."
"They're only this upset because Jada is Hollywood black, is black Hollywood royalty, and that's what that is."
"Black people can't take off black skin and black people can't take off America's racism."
"Freedom too is the opposite ethos, to take that stance and basically say, 'Because I am a black person, I owe it to the people who came before me to strive.'"
"Black people you can touch my hair, my own people get a pass they do."
"I'm only interested in building black. We're gonna get that, you know?"
"J.R.R. Tolkien did think of individual people as first and foremost identified by their race and ethnicity."
"History is moving us towards racialization, a sense of a bigger family."
"In societies where race is super important being mixed race is sometimes a very important category and it comes with its own unique challenges."
"Plan B is black enough, plan B is build your own, plan B is black all the time 24/7 unapologetically."
"The more fearful, fragile, and headed for failure that white people feel, the more avidly they pursue the idealized fantasy of uninhibited power and agency to which they believe their whiteness entitles them."
"Hy recognizes her privileges as a white passing person."
"Raising a young black man isn't easy, but hearing good things about his character makes it all worth it."
"Because usually, it’s the default. You know, Luke Cage is fundamentally a black American narrative and cannot be transmuted."
"We as Asian Americans have too long been considered invisible."
"We're invested in the idea of not being black in America without policy."
"It feels like everyone can be ghetto and black besides ghetto and black people."
"And I'm saying black American women because the only good relationship I've ever had with a black woman was one that was not even from America."
"National crown Day will serve as a date to stand in solidarity with black people and show their support for the right to wear their natural hair."
"My skin color didn't change on 9/11, but the way I've been treated has."
"That's how I know how important it is for us as men and black men to really not hide and cover in our feelings and our emotions."
"It doesn't matter if you have the drive and the will, you're still a black man in the United States of America."
"It's just fun to play vanilla Pandemic again."
"I'm black. You cut me open, I am the blackest black person on the planet."
"My six-year-old came home and said, 'Am I evil because I have white skin?'"
"When you don't see it, it doesn't affect you."
"Black people showing their excellence in their perseverance."
"All those years when I was hustling to make it and was being ignored because I was too black to be white and too white to be black."
"Freedom of speech, they don't want us to have it. Freedom of religion, they don't want us to have it."
"American whiteness is based on exclusion and separation of others."
"Growing up as a black man in America has been very interesting from hating my skin and my hair to loving who I am today."
"Smart black folks know how to critically think."
"Black folks got this thing where we're supposed to just sit there and hold hands with any and every [ __ ] dirtbag, now we gotta stay on code family."
"I feel like right now more than ever is a good time for Asians to really pop off in the entertainment industry."
"There's nothing wrong with going to a PWI over HBCU... it doesn't make you any less black."
"So many black people were already here as aboriginal people."
"You can't be an authentic black man when you're trying to fit into a definition written by a white man."
"Most black men wanna be with black women, regardless of what you've been told."
"It's a burden to be black and it's a burden to not be with a black man that's going to support you."
"Black respondents were more sympathetic to the victim of police brutality when that victim was black."
"Black people may be more likely to side with black political figures in general when it concerns the topic of criminal justice reform."
"I think it's disrespectful to imply that as a black woman I can't decide who I want to support when it comes to politics."
"Let me give you the scoop on the brother who playing quarterback for Philly that's why I don't care who win and it ain't because oh it's just two black quarterbacks it's because I know how hard it is to get your proppers at quarterback in the NFL."
"There's nothing wrong with rooting for your people it's a normal thing when people like when black people root for black people that's normal when white people root for white people it's normal."
"You do not have to fit into somebody's limited perspective on what it means to be young, gifted, and black."
"A large segment of black folk... see ourselves outside of race."
"Race is just this social construct that we've lied to ourselves about."
"Anything that affects the image of the black man in America is my business."
"It's the story of black men who become so big that they then have to make a choice."
"Being angry as a black woman is in and of itself a political statement."
"Growing up black isn't easy, but I'm proud of who I am and where I come from."
"We now see ourselves as black under one banner, which we didn't before."
"How can we be living in a world that is 2/3 people of color yet we degrade ourselves to think that we somehow other minority in a world where we are the majority?"
"Slavery as a system of property facilitated the merger of white identity and property and the formation of whiteness as property."
"I'm a grown successful black man who a lot of people hate because then I use people seeing me in a position to be able to share my point of view on television."
"White people cannot own black people's music. That's the settlement for me."
"Identify wholeheartedly with the African race."
"Gatekeepers can kiss my whole entire black ass."
"I just feel like we as black men are not at the sum of one mistake."
"Black women want happiness, it's a difference."
"I wish I had like a formula for other black girls who feel like that girl who DM me I guess all I can really say is like you gotta just know your Worth and you got to drop the color yourself."
"Black women are beautiful and they will be beautiful."
"Everyone foundational black American has your back."
"When you endorse multiculturalism as a black person, you become an alien in a sea of people who don't like you."
"Michelle Obama is the quintessential respectable black woman."
"Representation matters. Dark-skinned black girls with 4c hair are rarely seen in mainstream media."
"Black men have been taking it on the chin... but we got a chin built like concrete."
"It's more about whether you were an elite member of your racial group and went to college or not."
"Our people, we have got to stop being so focused on white validation."
"It's an affirmation of people of color's place in history and their contributions."
"Jesus was not a European Caucasian person; he was a person of color."
"He's irrelevant. What my skin color's light or dark, I'm black because black ancestral blood flows through my veins."
"It's important to say this man was a man of color."
"We black humans going through the same struggle, man. Especially if you could do it, it don't hurt you."
"He's literally a black business owner... and he's succeeding."
"The black woman is the first manifestation of God on earth."
"The black woman is the queen of this planet."
"As black people, we gotta stop letting people tell us tell our stories and control our narratives. We're not the sum of one mistake we're the sum of all our mistakes in the sum of all our experiences."
"It doesn't matter how you feel, just get some melanin."
"I am black, and this has been my black experience."
"Blackness comes before your political party, comes before your cross-sectional issue or your gender or your sexuality." - Dr. Boyce Watkins
"I take great offense when somebody says if you don't vote for me then you ain't black." - Dr. Boyce Watkins
"Black people are not a trend... we will not allow our will to resist or our lives to be snuffed out."
"A lot of these people ain't really white, they just got whitened up a little later."
"You're illustrating how internalized the white gaze is within you."
"One day we will understand. For colored girls only, one day we will understand."
"Anything less is a disservice to you as a black woman and your well-being and your image."
"Cheers to being black, 'cause if we don't see each other, nobody else will."
"Watching a brown-skinned son of immigrants be labeled."
"I grew up in a multi-racial, multiethnic town... I didn't think of them as belonging to a race."
"His legacy cements him as the first and most prominent black intellectual of Europe."
"Your skin color is not you. You are an individual."
"All Africans on a plantation whose mother was raped by the slave master, did anybody ever call him biracial or multiracial? No. They called him the n-word just like the rest of us."
"Understand, my source is Mexicans legally were white for a very long time in this country."
"You don't even realize you a whole negro and escaping accountability is just not something that this world is going to Grant you the luxury of doing."
"Black women are defending biracial women more than biracial women defend biracial women."
"I ain't gotta do nothin' but stay black and die."
"It is okay to demand a respectable, honorable black man or black woman."
"Transracial black folk can't decide to be white when the cops raid their pool party."
"One black person in your family has the power to make you black but all the white people in your family can't make you white."
"Stacy Dash, you are a black woman. I will not take that from you. You are not in a position to represent black people."
"You don't own the actions of other white people just because you happen to be white."
"This passage describes a vision of Jesus appearing with hair like wool and feet like bronze, which some interpret as indicating a darker complexion."
"I just want us as the black and brown creators to tell great stories."
"Refusing to produce yourself because you don't like blackness, that's self-hating too."
"If you're so in love with hashtag black love and you're hell-bent on being with the black man, stop trashing your dark-skinned children in front of the entire world."
"From birth to death, there's something very personal about being black in America."
"She was determined that she would one day enter Howard... she knew she had come home."
"She was black without apology, and what does that mean and how does that inform how we should be thinking about ourselves?"
"The darker the berry, the sweeter the juice, the darker the flesh, the deeper the roots."
"I'm good, not because I'm black, I'm good because I am good."
"Who taught you to hate yourself from the top of your head to the soles of your feet?"
"I'm black and then they go oh shoot I forgot carry on carry on I forgot you're black I also forgot your female so carry on."
"I would also just like to say Rachel is so white that I looked at her birth certificate which her parents released to confirm her identity and on the birth certificate it says that the nurse that was present for the birth was Jesus Christ."
"It hurts that the Black Eyed Peas are not considered a black group just because they had huge international success."
"Michael Jackson is the king of pop, and nobody thinks Michael Jackson ain't black."
"Just because you have a touch of whiteness in you, that doesn't make you any better than us black queens."
"I pride myself on that. An educated black person is the scariest thing you can ever come across."
"The average dark-skinned woman has features that are closer to hers."
"Why would an 18-year-old Latino man drive 85 miles to an elementary school to kill 18 kids and three adults?"
"Being black in America is not a race, it's an experience."