
Workplace Challenges Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"This is something that Black women, and Black people in general, especially when working in corporate spaces, have to deal with all the time."
"Space Management was the first thing that I realized is not going to work out how I originally had anticipated."
"What's the matter with men? They're floundering at school, in the workplace."
"I was so tired of having random people explained my job to me in company spaces where I had to just smile and nod."
"Not everyone's needs are the same; some people need more time off, some need more money."
"It's difficult to accommodate everyone's needs."
"It's a very weird thing that the media expected people to teach their potential replacements, especially in a business when they're trying to get better as well."
"Republicans like Ron Johnson have been smearing women workers who haven't been able to go back to the workplace as a result of not being able to afford childcare."
"Handling uncomfortable situations at work says a lot about you as an employee."
"Sometimes you just gotta go to bat for yourself. Welcome to corporate America where managers, for some reason, punish their most valuable employees."
"If you're being made to feel like a failure in a job you've otherwise been very effective in, you probably need to think about an exit strategy."
"Starting a job feels like your new character on the ninth season of a TV show and you're getting ridiculed by your Gordon Ramsay people."
"Finding joy in teamwork, even amidst challenges and misunderstandings."
"Exclusion from recognition despite professional achievements."
"The managers have passed him over three times already."
"The issue is, as my manager realized firsthand, there's a lot of pedantic things you have to learn before you can send off all these documents without a hitch."
"It is ridiculous that I have to keep this kind of a secret about myself in order to maintain a job."
"I just was like, well [__], I'm here and so I'm gonna do the best I can."
"Black women have to work twice as hard and are still half as liked as their white peers."
"Thank god my manager came because these people already didn't like me."
"Imagine getting up and going to work in the morning for a company whose new owner is systematically attacking your colleagues for his 84 million followers in public on the site you work for and knowing you might be next."
"I know it looks like your boss is telling you to do exceedingly abundantly above... you can ask in the middle of a crisis."
"We've worked tirelessly through the pandemic, and just to undergo a complete 180 and to be yanked from duty and put on leave is pretty heartbreaking." - Police officer affected by vaccine mandate
"The challenge is too full. We have a challenge when it comes to wage discrimination across race and gender."
"There's bullying too, people with low skills and knowledge have been in positions for many years."
"The interview was literally how much [expletive] can you take from us?"
"Can you handle the client, can you solve the problems, can you do all those things and make the firm look good?"
"It's not your job to sit there and about the problems presented to you; it's your job to sit there and figure out how you're going to work inside of those problem sets."
"A witch hunt designed to topple men from their jobs and lives."
"Everything's fine in your work world, but maybe you don't have the information necessary or the right connection to really make a lot of progress on that project or goal right now."
"I fought the tears that were swimming in my eyes and thought, 'Don't you dare give these backstabbers the satisfaction of seeing you cry over any of this.'"
"Women go through something every month that we as men will never understand ever."
"Multitasking increases errors, takes more time, and raises stress levels."
"I've become a visible wrong thinker at a place I love... it's uncomfortable, sometimes heartbreaking."
"It's the very second they're trying to replace you by younger and cheaper."
"Corporate's gonna scratch it out from under us like a rug like they always do like they always do but that's our pit."
"What a surprise. Art team has been impossible for me."
"There's a theme in succession of the successful women over a certain age being discounted by or a little invisible to the men around them but actually proving formidable."
"It's difficult enough being a game developer but to add on top of that this sort of sexualization or dateability thing for women just makes it so much harder for them."
"The things about my job I don't like: fixing other people's problems."
"A lot of backstabbing that goes on, a lot of lying and not a lot of ethics, sad state of affair really."
"...working for companies like Google or meta or Twitter has been... a really rude awakening..."
"The employees who maybe even disagree... are still having to work with all this crazy [ __ ]."
"This hobby of yours isn't making my job any easier or safer. Maybe so, but it's all that's stopping me from being so bored I take a space walk in my skivvies."
"Unruly customers... It's threatening the recovery because it is driving workers to quit."
"Management will go after you for tasks left unfinished due to call-outs."
"Management will just run away and leave you... they won't help you, they'll just leave you there."
"I saw how a bad performer could really make an attendant's job a lot harder."
"You have to keep working through your grief if you work for a company with fewer than 50 people."
"Women have to do twice as much work as men to receive half of the credit."
"A lot of overworked people that do not have enough time to focus on security... it does help to have a second set of eyes."
"Women have to compete in male-dominated industries and differentiate themselves. They have to negotiate harder and prove themselves worthy of equal pay."
"Children who are not trained on this will have it harder when they go into a working place."
"That's so unfortunate, just women... it happens all the time to women in the workplace."
"They're no longer able to do the work that they are accustomed or trained to do, they lose productivity, they feel socially isolated."
"Don't throw it all away just because you're having a bad day at work."
"Sometimes priorities at work shift very quickly; describe a time when you handled a changing priority effectively."
"I have nothing but respect for retail workers, and I do not think it is okay that they have to deal with the stuff that they have to deal with."
"When things like office politics, unclear paths to advancement, boring assignments, stress, burnout build up, it can make you want to quit."
"The cause of crunch is usually not a skill problem or a laziness problem; it's an unrealistic schedule. Expectations are too high—that's a project management fail."