
Nature Appreciation Quotes

There are 1050 quotes

"Days like today, you just want to sit and rock and just hear the birds chirp and relax."
"It's the smell of grass in the spring, sound of birds. I just know I'm home."
"I just adore this tree. I love the structure, I love the color, I love the cones."
"It encourages people to spend time in nature, to absorb the forest atmosphere."
"You're setting up all the wrong goals. What should the goals be? Simply this: see, right now, if you instead of philosophizing, reading scriptures, reading self-help books, all this, just pay attention to the trees around here. What are they doing? Being."
"You should love your plants more; don't turn your back on mother nature."
"Every time I come back home, I'm surrounded by mountains, and it's just [expletive] beautiful."
"I will never get tired of seeing these mountains; it truly is an extraordinary sight."
"We all love the sea and we all love animals. We're all interested in the relationship between biology and technology."
"Next time you're outside, try this simple exercise: relax and close your eyes, try to really listen to the sounds that are far off in the distance."
"Situated in Roberts County, Texas, the location provides breathtaking panoramic views."
"Imagine strolling through the manicured lawns, enjoying the fragrance of blooming flowers."
"Take time to enjoy the beauty of the parks... You'll have a much more relaxing and much less stressful vacation if you take the time to enjoy the beauty of the parks."
"One of the most beautiful sunsets of all of Minecraft... it is actually so beautiful, there's a bunch of stars."
"If you like the Outdoors, there's not much to beat that."
"There's a sunrise and a sunset everyday, and you can choose to be there for it."
"Crater Lake National Park: It's one of those places if you just sit there and look at it for a while, you'll just... I don't know, it's just a weird feeling."
"But at the moment I'm just so grateful for this gorgeous garden."
"Savor nature, enjoy the simple things in life."
"Just look at how it pulls a few acrobatic skills before diving back into the water. That was amazing!"
"Dressing up makes me want to go out somewhere, the hills are beautiful this time of year, right?"
"Nature, as beautiful as it is, the systems that God created for us to live in, they were created by a master hand."
"He loved fellowship. He loved being with his family. He loved the outdoors, God's creation. And he loved being with other leaders in the body of Christ as they would come in and minister to people on the air."
"We have to get in nature man Get Back To Nature."
"I love seeing the seasonal change happen around the farm here. This is now the fourth fall that I've experienced where I've had animals on the farm, and I feel like I'm finally getting into the rhythm of it all. It's pretty beautiful and magical."
"The beach is awesome, kind of write anything negative about the beach."
"This land, being out here, it's so quiet and peaceful."
"Some things are gonna get kind of creepy but now that I've spent the time out here just bask in the sun and let the warmth touch my face she hear the birds chirping with nothing in the distance here I think she's kind of on something guys."
"Smile, the birds are singing, the sun is shining. Have a wonderful day."
"Oh, it's beautiful. Look at this ocean water."
"There's the ocean, there's birds, just taking a moment to look up and appreciate what I'm in right now."
"The marvels of the natural world and the beauty of human achievements."
"Nature is fascinating. I do miss it to a point and then I'm like okay, I'm just like I see nothing."
"Nature is, you know, awesome, and that some of the awesomeness comes from its potential to be terrifying."
"I returned to God's good earth, a different person."
"Roosevelt deeply loved his nation, not just the people and culture, but also the physical land itself."
"Embracing nature on a regular basis helps bring your mind back down to earth."
"We like having a laugh, don't we? Like two days ago, there was no one there, sunset was lovely, and we were just having an absolute good time. That's what it's all about."
"Camping trips are a great way to understand nature and enjoy a little self-sufficiency."
"Oh my God, that forest actually looks crazy!"
"I think we'll call that one finished. Hope you enjoyed our little trip out into the woods on the sunset lake."
"Look at that blue sky, that blue water. It's amazing."
"You know, the heavens are declaring the glory of God."
"Appreciate the honey, look. Thank you, beast. Thank you for the honey you make. It's really that simple."
"Seeing these plants really elevates one's Spirits."
"My God! I've never seen such a wonderful flower garden before!"
"Be with the people you love and just enjoy what the earth is giving us."
"You just got to immerse yourself in nature, just milk it, just love it."
"I stared for a minute, admiring the snow and taking a chance to stretch my legs."
"Being out here of all this nature is reminding me how important it is to look after the planet."
"But what about just nature and just the essence of life and just like the quietness and peace of mind you know."
"That's called outside. It's already there. You don't need to remake it. It's called outside, folks. And guess what? You don't even have to pay for it. It's free."
"Good morning, everyone. We are waking up to the most beautiful pink skies. The chick chicks are out and enjoying the morning."
"The ground looks amazing, the fucking flowers, everything."
"It's great to see these fishermen going out of the way to help a fellow creature in need. It's not every day that you see people putting themselves on the line for an animal, but these guys clearly have a soft spot for nature."
"Sometimes nature has a way of surprising us, whether we're fishing for a massive catch or simply enjoying the beauty of the natural world."
"I really don't want to work today, just kind of want to sit here in my giant new scarf and just stare at the mountains."
"Anyone that likes sharks can't be a bad person at heart."
"Life is overwhelming sometimes, but with a little bit of love and care, everything's a miracle in nature."
"Nature was like, 'Hey, check out this campsite, it's all green and perfect.'"
"Hiking in general is a pretty cheap thing, you know you can spend a lot of money balling out in the cities but once you get out of the cities into nature things are typically cheap."
"Stop bringing Bluetooth speakers on hikes. No one came to the woods to hear you listen to Katy Perry."
"There are fewer things more humbling than the outdoors."
"The wind in the evening is extremely special. It is very, very gentle."
"To those who've never experienced a sunrise from a helicopter, I must recommend it. It is beautiful."
"That is just absolutely amazing, I love the different trees."
"Nature is extremely beautiful as long as you remember to look closer."
"To truly appreciate the wilderness is to enjoy both the scenic views as well as the finer details."
"I mean, I love looking at snakes, I think they're gorgeous."
"I consider myself very privileged to have grown up in a rural environment, and so very early on, the love and appreciation of the natural world around me was part of my natural orientation to life."
"It's kind of nice sometimes to be forced to slow down and take in the beauty that's around you, and this road will force you to do that."
"This is nuts. This is awesome. Look at that mountain, geez."
"Whenever the wind begins to blow in your room, God loves tremendous adoration."
"His number one goal was to share the beauty of nature with people who might not otherwise have the opportunity to experience its vastness."
"You know, it's just simple joy isn't it you know they're all harmless the birds the uh the foxes which are actually outside right now you know i just say it's just it's just your joy in my eyes to be honest."
"Yeah, it's just it's just your joy in my eyes to be honest."
"Everyone likes a good waterfall, I think that's a rule in life."
"When I made it home, I watched the sunrise for day 101."
"Look at all these tropical plants, I've never... wow, this is gorgeous."
"One of my favorite things about camping is just unplugging and disconnecting."
"Nature understands this; people don't begin to understand nature."
"If it takes away from spending time with the fish, I don't value it."
"This is beauty that you can't really see anywhere else but right here."
"There's nothing like going off-road and actually being able to hear the birds, the babbling brook, and actually enjoying all the torque that this thing brings to it."
"Put your phone down for a little while and actually go out, look out at the world around you."
"There's actually an abundance of nature to enjoy here."
"The night sky is not going anywhere, and you have the rest of your life to enjoy it."
"The warm tones of the sand, the pastel blues of the water, and the vibrant greens of the surprising amounts of vegetation."
"For us, this place holds a lot of sentiment and meaning. It was a really pivotal moment in our discovery of our love of nature."
"The world is full of wonder, if only we can take the time to look up and see it."
"We've recognized when we look at these beautiful images that we really are looking back at our Origins."
"Birds in the sky, you know how I feel. Sun in the sky, you know how I feel. Breeze driftin' all by, that's not a little bit, girl. A little bit of a lie, I'm gonna like Kindle."
"The price of being able to look at the stars at night is you can't really put a price on that."
"Good feed, good fire, great location, great day."
"I just want to enjoy traveling and enjoy what nature has to offer."
"I see the weather in the ocean currents and the mountains and the rivers but I can't see the borders between the countries."
"That's why you go trucking, sunrises and sunsets."
"I love the hills in the back right, who just not a fan?"
"Seeing the blue red green yellow and pink colors in nature is something to remember."
"Man, I gotta tell you when you're flying over the Rockies or you're flying past Mount Shasta or something like that, incredible."
"I remember watching her sit down on the beach and smile into the sunset, taking in the sight as if it were made just for her."
"Spring is coming, I can already see lots of lovely things popping up. It's exciting and I'm looking forward to the new season."
"It's actually the quiet times between takes where I'm just sitting in the garden appreciating."
"I love the wilderness and consider being out there my church."
"It's a happy morning, the birds are singing, the sun is shining."
"Spend some time with your family, get outside, get away from the cities. That's what life's all about."
"I want to hike in public lands, I want to show you the beauty that exists in these places."
"Put the time in the woods, enjoy the experience, don't necessarily be in a rush to shoot everything you see."
"The simple joys of nature are just one reason that the island is such a great setting for your new life."
"I love being in the timber by myself like this on a mountain. It's my calm place."
"Josh grew up with a huge heart for the outdoors... he loved animals and the outdoors..."
"There's a lot of beauty out there if you look close enough."
"I really like it down here in the river. I really like it."
"Life is not your computer, it's not your phone, it's just like there's so much more to life than the internet, you know? It's a lot of screen, it's life. Just go out and smell the roses and [__]."
"Embrace your wildness, embrace your wilderness."
"What more could I ask for... stay beautiful, stay wild."
"There it is, the tree. No, my friend, this is no mere sapling."
"Learning about how evolution works actually made me more in awe of the natural world."
"Nature is continually awe-inspiring no matter how many times you see it."
"I just love it and it's nice and quiet here and there's no traffic ever and there's so much nature to explore."
"Yellowstone National Park was a magical experience."
"The best part about deep-sea fishing is the view, because you go when it's dark and you see the sun rise."
"Bamboo forests of Japan: bamboo has a vibe that nobody talks about."
"Nature's free, you know that Uzi, what'd you do today? I looked at a tree."
"Showing our friends and family this...seeing it through their eyes...it's just so beautiful up here."
"Everybody believes the real way to become a werewolf is you'll be bitten by a wolf that comes right out of the films."
"I want to thank you for taking us out today was beautiful and really appreciate you taking the time to show us around this beautiful area of Vermont that you have."
"No matter what you're outside, you're enjoying nature. This is gorgeous."
"The powerful image of a tiger hugging an ancient Manchurian fir tree in a remote Siberian forest has won one of the world's most important photography prizes."
"We're Greenies because we love the Aussie Bush."
"I think the 1080 Ti will still hold up as one of the best cards when the new cards come out."
"Nature is something I'm a huge fan of, in fact, before we left Vegas we went to Red Rock Canyon."
"Sitting there and thinking about the bees and the miracle of sunshine, water, and air coming together and creating this magic of honey."
"There is pleasure in the pathless woods." — Lord Byron
"Any day I can go out in the open in the mountains with my son is a good day."
"The Black Sun is one of the most breathtaking natural phenomena you can ever hope to experience in your life."
"We miss so much of the majesty and mystery and wonder of nature."
"What a unique looking fish. We're with Brian today. Probably in the morning for a little bit if you guys want to come out here and see some of this fishing that we've been doing."
"An incredible hidden gem with an excellent view of the water."
"All we really need to do is put down our devices for a little bit and go outside."
"Someday I hope to move out to the beautiful places you show on your channel. Until then, thanks for making people aware of the dangers of tick-borne diseases."
"When you raise your vibration, you'll become happier. And y'all see all my windowsill's got nature. Beautiful, all my windowsills got nature."
"Nature is stunning and mountains especially so, a glorious natural formations some of which are hundreds of millions of years old."
"I ain't scared of nothing! I'm so... Oh, look at the ducks!"
"Take time each day to enjoy Creation. And most importantly, slow down and listen to what the Creator says to you."
"It's one of my favorite times a year where you're just seeing life kind of sprout up all around you it's so inspiring and just so needed."
"Now rocks are my favorite thing in the world."
"Sunset is nature's way of saying, 'Good job, you survived today. Here's something pretty.'"
"This sunset is so stunning, I mean honestly I feel so grateful."
"Exploring its serene trails and breathtaking vistas filled him with a sense of peace and connection to the world."
"Nature has wowed people... organisms that walk around our planet."
"The wonderful sea charmed me from the first."
"You take care of nature and nature will take care of you too."
"The countryside definitely beats the city life."
"Seeing that cabin up close and personal came with a feeling of pure elation."
"Thank you all for watching and supporting the ants and termites, and fungus."
"We're just gonna be hiking, canoeing, and really chilling out and enjoying nature."
"Treacherous slopes we travel through, man I take in the beautiful view from the Mountainside."
"Take some time out of the day, take a step back, turn everything off and go outside, take a big swig of that fresh fresh air."
"There's something really, really cool about catching a big fish and releasing it..."
"I had the best Wildlife encounter I've ever had in my life."
"Step outside, look up at the sky, breathe in the air, feel the warmth of the sun's touch. These are my gifts to you, my way of expressing I love you and I am always with you."
"This is where you can see the stars, the Moon, Sunset, everything."
"It's beautiful out here and what a great place to come camp."
"By the time I'd reached the summit, I'd entirely forgotten the petty circumstances and the annoyances of existence."
"The beauty that magic of solitude of being in nature and outdoors."
"There's nothing more humbling and awe-inspiring than seeing animals in their natural environment."
"An absolutely beautiful morning at Boca Chica."
"The wisest one on the planet may very well be a tree hugger."
"The air is so fresh, you can just feel that oxygen from the nature."
"I enjoyed it the most when I walked along the beach to see the sunset."
"I must be missing out because I've seen a lot of sunsets but none of them be looking like this."
"I love being out in nature, I find it so healing and so grounding."
"It's amazing how happy just looking at the flowers and listening to the birds makes me."
"Look at that sky, it's so blue and so beautiful."
"The natural world is all around you as a druid you are in tune with the heartbeat of the seasons the breath of the wind and of the earth and the great sacred places of our world."
"Look at the Earth, that is beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous."
"Nature answers so many of our questions. Nature is God."
"Calm, crisp, comfortable, and beautiful to look at. I didn't want to leave."
"Being from Pure Michigan, I love the outdoors. I love camping. I love looking at bugs. I love Identifying birds with my Dad."
"Our streams and our dreams, that's all we need to have."
"Make a beautiful garden for butterflies instead of chasing them with a net."
"That's what getting outside is all about, it's all about turning off the computer, turning me off, turning off the television, getting out and living."
"I love rivers and lakes, obsessed with waterfalls."
"The earth is below us and it is absolutely phenomenally beautiful and usually anything can be cured by looking at the earth."
"The sky is very, very blue, and it's quite nice and warm."
"Oh my gosh, so much nature right now. I'm trying to take it all in right now."
"It's lovely to be out here in the woods with you."
"The sun is coming out. This is so beautiful."
"I love butterflies because they're so bright and some are camouflaged."
"At last, we reached the beautiful ribbon that cuts through this desert landscape."
"The biggest freedom in the future will be the freedom to switch off, to touch something real, enjoy nature."
"Beautifully symmetrical trees to some degree, this is fantastic."
"Wow, it's freaking nature and it's freaking awesome."
"Look at this scenery right now, it's so beautiful."
"Wrap up warm, put a blanket down, stare at the sky until you see something streak across it and it takes your breath away."
"The sea is beautiful when you can see the floor."
"Whatever you can do to get out and go see this beautiful country, just do it."
"Up never ever look deep into nature and that I need certainly to already pattern okra and then you will understand everything better." - Albert Einstein
"Trend Cycles are stupid and I don't care. I want a forest in my house and I'm gonna have it."