
Personal Sentiment Quotes

There are 332 quotes

"I love it. I've been here for more than 30 years."
"And God, I love that; that was one of those things where it was too good to pass up."
"Everyone wants to say love, in the time of coronavirus 'cause 'Love in the Time of Cholera' a book by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, but ugh. I don't feel love."
"Parisian Oud... it honestly makes me feel like money."
"Listen up, I want you to know that you're the most special person in my life, and I really appreciate you."
"We are always prepping for the worst, but right now, I'm in the market and I'm happy."
"Marriage gets a bad rap, but I love it, and I love you. So that's just awesome."
"Everything I have, I owe to this job. This stupid, wonderful, boring, amazing job."
"I wish Amanda nothing but health, happiness, and healing."
"You're in that zone where it's like yeah I'm gonna be hopeful I hope you're saved."
"I think that's the right outcome, but I'm gonna miss the entertainment."
"I'm super excited because I feel that Justice was served."
"I know them off by heart, it's not sad, it's not depressing."
"Guys I don't know about you but I need a little Justice I need to see Jod Hildebrandt panicked and getting arrested. It's my gavl and my crucifix and I'm ready to go."
"I know it's not even September yet, but it's always October in my heart."
"Listen, I enjoy winter as much as the next person, but 'tis the time of the season, beginning of February where I say, 'All right, that's enough.'"
"It's always going to have a special spot in my heart."
"I'm proud for the first time in my life to be an American because I see that our systems finally working finally flipping."
"If you have a doll and you love it, then I'm happy for you. However, this really unsettles me in ways I can't fully comprehend."
"I've never been more optimistic about America than I am today. I mean it."
"I love this time of year. So yeah, it's great, innit?"
"I absolutely adore the team we have right now."
"It's completely insane, but I enjoy it a lot of the time."
"I wish you guys knew how much I was looking forward to this."
"If you genuinely believe it to be valuable and it makes you feel wonderful, it might as well be an original Picasso."
"I almost felt like I was born in the wrong era."
"That's the greatest feeling in the world: to compete with yourself."
"This is surreal, it really is surreal for me."
"I'm a sucker for the 'ride off into the sunset' kind of thing."
"Fresh flowers on the counter just they lighten my soul do you feel me?"
"I genuinely love them, they're so nostalgic."
"It's just sad to see it come to an end where he didn't get the notoriety that his talent definitely deserved."
"Nature is fascinating. I do miss it to a point and then I'm like okay, I'm just like I see nothing."
"People are upset, I saw that, I think it's ridiculous and it makes me sad."
"England does feel like home now... I feel at peace."
"I think right now I'm Ella Casey, I was happy happy."
"I've never felt this optimistic about the future in my country in my entire life."
"Manchester United is a club that's always had a special place in my heart."
"I'm not mad, I just miss being hyped about Halo again."
"I know it's nonsense, but there's no way I'm not putting this in the house somewhere, you know?"
"It's honestly the best thing it nothing compares to it."
"My love and appreciation for it has only grown."
"My enthusiasm for American government may have waned, but my enthusiasm for this country burns brighter than ever."
"Honestly, we're gonna miss her, but her boyfriend... I don't care if the door hits him on the way out."
"It's the best gift, it's that lovely thing inside the kid in me."
"Here in California I feel like I'm being replaced with welfare queens from south of the border."
"I'm super stoked that Ewan's going to be back!"
"I feel like I say that every year, but I just love them, I love them so."
"I love storytelling. It's about storytelling." - Brad Pitt
"He’s an unhappy man, as long as he can remember."
"Everyone's amazing in Haddonfield, I love them, I want to live here."
"I will not breathe easily or sleep well until he is removed from office."
"As soon as I turn onto my street, it starts feeling like home."
"This is the most hype I have been behind a game in over 10 years."
"You gave me the best of my whole entire life."
"What makes me gloomy is the state of U.S politics."
"Even if you have a beater car, I hope you love it."
"I feel like Bea Arthur in the Christmas special, this is awesome."
"It's like artwork, you know? You don't feel good about having the original, no."
"All you need is love." - "Merry Christmas love Mehmood us Muddy."
"I feel so much more confident in the markets because they're so efficient, because they're so tight."
"I guess we'll never know... but I'm glad he's back."
"I feel like there's something strangely nostalgic about this place."
"I love this office space. I'm really, really gonna miss it, miss this view."
"Life's fun, like it really is, like I could get emotional about it right now just thinking of it and it gives you goosebumps but that's just my opinion."
"Chris Lighty, rest in peace, rest in peace, rest in peace indeed."
"When I return to Russia, I can breathe out a sigh of relief. I'm back to where the world makes sense, where common sense reigns supreme."
"I'm sorry, I don't care who you are but I have the best job in the entire world."
"It feels like a loss... I kind of miss this lost art."
"I don't pay attention to that kind of stuff."
"I've colored all the walls of my heart's palace with your color."
"Better than no one acknowledging I even have a birthday so sure."
"I'm very unbothered, excited, and full of joy."
"I actually really enjoy it even when it's not going smoothly. I love it because I just love how unpredictable it is and you just never know what you're gonna get." - Erin Krakow
"It's an unfortunate situation, it bums me out. I mean, hopefully, I'll be able to go to the theater risk-free."
"Almost beyond any of the controversy, I'm also unmoved in my feelings about the men who flew in those planes because they were demonstrating such unbelievable bravery to get in those bomber planes night after night after night after night."
"This final event, or one last ride, one less hurrah, is a bittersweet moment for myself."
"Good night, good morning, good everything. I love you."
"December 2022: the most powerful month this year."
"Society is all over the place man I don't know what does I really don't anymore I don't know I got nothing."
"I'm not super thrilled about it. I would've rather lived."
"I don't want to hurt you. I don't want a throne. I just want you to be okay."
"I'm scared by this. I do not support Russia's war in Ukraine."
"I don't like living in a time a future historian will build their entire career on."
"Words cannot express how much I'd love our kitchen."
"I'm holding out hope that some of what was taken is returned to me."
"I'm happy Messi's won, but I feel like I got robbed."
"My mother was the most wonderful person in the world, everybody says it, but their mother, no they don't." - Bill Shankly
"I always love a good surprise, I have to say."
"You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen."
"My heart is melting right now, that is so sweet, and I'm just so grateful."
"I don't see that silicone City again, it'll be too soon."
"I do miss you a lot. I miss hearing your voice."
"That's what it's always been like. I'm sick of this [expletive] really. That's what it's always been like."
"Burbank has a very special place in my heart. I just I like being in the middle of everything."
"It's pretty wild, but frankly, I'm pretty happy."
"My marriage with Kanye and my kids is so real and full of love."
"I mean, this nursery... I want to cry, it's just so beautiful."
"I already feel like the sun is already starting to rise." - Mondo
"The sky is not trying to kill me every day anymore. It's really a delight." - Austin
"I wish him all the best, I wish him the happiest."
"I feel good about it, you know. It's been a rough time for Mr. Nice Guy recently."
"The sight does not paint a pretty picture. However, this to me is home again."
"I'm looking forward to it, man. I'm really looking forward to it."
"This is to me one of the more you this is pretty unique stuff."
"From the bottom of my little black heart, I love you."
"Kate, you'll always be my brightest light against the dark."
"To me, he will always be the only man I've ever loved."
"It's just really nice. I really am hoping that this is something that's fixable."
"That was the nicest thing about, and I'm very, very, very grateful."
"I just felt like Detroit was on the up at that time... I just felt good about it, man."
"This painting means the world to me to keep a piece of her creativity in my home."
"I just want order, I just want there to be some peace and stability."
"I'm excited if it all works well but I'm just you know I'm still kind of in a wait-and-see mode."
"I'm glad to be a part of this community, it means the world to me."
"Are we entering an era where bad news is always going to be good news from now on?"
"It's like a little peace, though. Very peaceful."
"This always holds a special place in my heart."
"I love you. I love you so much. God knows I love you."
"It's like my spirit expressing appreciation, right? We love it, we do. That's crazy. Really crazy."
"I gotta tell you something, I'm loving it all."
"Tesco has a weird like special place in my heart. I don't really understand it myself."
"I always loved the black community... I love black women."
"Marriage and family is very beautiful to me."
"This is just such a lovely gift. I think this is amazing."
"It may not be the prettiest door, but it's our door."
"Sorry, summer, time to go. I never really liked him anyway."
"It's fascinating, but mostly it's wonderful."
"It feels very easy to be doing this again now, obviously very sad and very heartbroken over the season."
"At the end of the day, it's about emotion, it's about how the watch makes you feel."
"It fills me with joy and love. Firing, yeah, it's beautiful. I love it every year."
"So happy; that warms my cold dead little heart."
"I am so incredibly honored to get tattooed by ogie and honestly i'm so sad because i wish he could sleeve both of my arms all the way up"
"I just think there's something romantic about the look of the house from the outside." - Scott Formby
"I monetize chaos but I'm not happy about it."
"You can't pay for this. This is priceless. Yeah, amen!"
"I cannot adequately express how little I'm looking forward to this job."
"It's really very special, I have to say. Every time I walk into this building and see this from here, I get a little bit choked up."
"What's magical about our home is us. We're moving so we can stay a family."
"This looks like something Walt would have loved."
"Fall is coming, guys. Fall is coming, I cannot wait."
"Overall my feelings about this are definitely positive."
"I just consider it the perfect farewell to sierra."
"Honestly not feeling good about this one guys, not my top 2022 vibes so we'll see."
"YouTube will always have a place in my heart."
"I like it, it makes me feel good on the inside."
"Honestly, God, that feels so good to me, you don't understand."
"This is the first time in over 30 years that I feel really optimistic about what's going on."
"After all this time, it has come back to me."
"This is my favorite gift that I've ever received."
"I could sit here and name names of who it could have been, but it just was Brian Pillman and sadly enough, and I don't want it to be anyone else."
"You're a fed-up [expletive] that's been jaded."
"New York just felt like home... I felt like I could cry every time I walked into my room."
"I'm your kid I'm glad I'm your kid did you hear that our hopes really did get through to reach our side."
"I almost want to put this in my room and hang it up on the wall."
"To love a girl is pointless if it's anybody else but you. But to love you, and that's a whole different story."
"I just want peace right now, you know?"
"I'm just absolutely in love, so beautiful."
"This is what I think of when I hear Star Wars."
"I really love Flavor Flav like I'm not even gonna throw up for nobody like I really love him like I get he got a big big huge place in my heart."
"Asheville is more of a state of mind. It's an essence, it's a feeling, it's a glance from across the room."
"Family is everything to me. So as long as I feel good with it, I think my parents feel even so."
"Isn't the winter so much fun, or what?"
"I'm not going to lie I'm pretty excited."
"It's a really lovely place and one that I've always admired."
"I feel like it's 1998 and it's great, I love it so much."
"I think they're cute if it's something to share that's just kind of for you guys."
"Have I mentioned lately that I love you?"
"that's the outlook that I love to see"
"I can't wait till tomorrow I'm super excited"
"But overall like I love this car."
"It's still March 14th. It's early and all that stuff, but my excitement levels are really high."
"I fell in love with this, I love what it says." - Shelley
"I'm feeling a bit sad about it being my last game for a while tonight."
"Honestly, the most beautiful feeling that I can ever express."
"It was my home, and it was beautiful."
"Oh darling Jesse, I do adore you better than life itself."
"You look fabulous in purple, by the way, and I love you."
"I've always had a great deal of respect for him."
"This is happening so far, and I love it."
"I'm a real sucker for pretty skies."
"It's really, really great, I appreciate their relationship."
"Ain't that the prettiest thing you ever saw in your life?"
"It's just very, very emotional and humbling and just very sweet what everybody had done for me for my birthday."
"We love you, Mark. Make it home safe."
"I just love this time of year, like autumnal vibes."
"They genuinely make me prouder to be Canadian."
"It's calming, very calming to me."
"I'm just really happy to even be here able to play this."
"To most people, Christmas brings happiness and prayer; to me, it brings heartbreak."
"I'm absolutely loving this season."
"It's rare for us to get something that makes us giddy."
"Florida will always have that touch of sweetness I guess in my heart."
"To her, it was so magical. I would never want this to stop."
"I feel like this time of year is kind of weird but good in a way of fashion."
"How I love, how I love the city of mine; it never gets me down."
"Music is solace, Mavis, and unless you have absolutely no soul at all, I'd have thought you'd have understood that."
"I truly believe that butterflies are just dead relatives saying hi."
"Life is so precious, and that's why I hate whenever I feel down."
"All of these records are just a work of art, I must say."