
Civic Responsibility Quotes

There are 653 quotes

"The American people, who pay for elections with their tax dollars, actually own the elections and have the right to care about their elections, election integrity, and the results of their elections."
"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used."
"We should all be invested in the improvement of our country. Infrastructural improvements, this should be like a non-issue."
"If you don't vote, it is like having a nice classic car and then not changing the oil, wheels, or brakes when you need to. It is fundamental, the bedrock of everything you do on top of it."
"In a democracy or a republic, an informed citizenry is what's required."
"Child predation is the universally scorned activity, and Matt was doing his civic duty by alerting the greater public."
"There's no night in shining armor that's coming to save the country. Our founders specifically built our country on the foundation of 'We the People' taking ownership and responsibility for the kind of leadership that we want and the kind of future that we want."
"It's not about your rights; it's about your responsibilities as an American."
"There's a chance that we are galvanized to reform on those issues... to recognize the threats to free speech, to political liberty."
"The whole point of the United States is not to be a monarchy but to be a true republic in which power and responsibility both lie with the citizen."
"Your vote, not your weaponry, makes sure that the government works for the people and not the other way around."
"Ultimately, it's the responsibility and the right of the people to choose their elected representatives, and that this national interest, the interest of the people, has to come first."
"Your civic duty is to stay home, stay away from each other. We can get through this together."
"I think every 18-year-old who graduates from high school should have to pass that [civics test] as well, because young people... you don't value something you inherit; you value something you have a stake in creating or building or knowing something about."
"Our Civic privileges come with Civic duties attached to them."
"At some point, 'We the People' gave them the power to do so, and it is time, by peaceful means, to take back that power."
"We have a machine that works really, really well. It's a brilliant system of government. We just need to get rid of the gunk that's stuck in it."
"The lifeblood of a democracy is your ability to understand and act upon a problem once the facts are presented to you."
"Being an American involves the embrace of high ideals and civic responsibility."
"We have to commit ourselves to speaking the truth and to demanding that of our elected officials."
"Americans are going to have to take control."
"I hope that if you take something from here today... it's to maybe look around and realize or pay more attention to the fact that we lean on you to come through for this country."
"Your actions, your restraint, and your sacrifice are putting this country in a better and stronger position where we will be able to save literally thousands of lives."
"At the end of the day, if you're following the law and paying your taxes like we do, we like the idea that it's going to the country that gave us the opportunities it did and the country where we choose to live."
"We are living in a moment in which many of us are waking up to the realization that...you can't free ride on a republic."
"Democracy needs a righteous people to otherwise they would vote for horrible things."
"America is counting on us to fight for strength in democracy, and it starts with voting."
"Canadian democracy didn't happen by accident, and it won't continue without work."
"Politics matters, and if you're a young viewer, what I would say to you is get interested in politics."
"Canadians must start to really activate their civic responsibilities in a huge way."
"For every right in the Bill of Rights, there's a corresponding responsibility and duty."
"We have to have a civil society that works for all of us."
"Vote like your life depends on it because your quality of life clearly depends on it."
"Democracy is something that needs defending and that oath that we take actually means something bigger than just some words on a paper."
"If we can't make Wakanda work here in Atlanta, then we will fail in Charlotte, Jacksonville, Tampa, Detroit. The answer is in each individual in this room."
"In New York City, it takes too long for there to be accountability for officers who do the wrong thing. That is something we can and must change."
"The fire department... it's not necessarily a right, it's a public service."
"If you wanna be safe and want your community to be a place where people wanna live, you're gonna have to clean the place up yourselves."
"We have to remember those words of Benjamin Franklin—'It's a republic if you can keep it.'"
"Voting against Trump doesn't make you a good person, it makes you a lazy ass."
"This is not about saving a party, it's about saving the future of the country."
"We need to regain our sense of what politics is."
"If democracy is dying, it is largely due to the effect of people who are turning out the lights." - Ben Shapiro
"We all have a sense of responsibility and owe it to our constituents to act in a dignified manner and show respect to each other."
"The solution starts with involvement and participation."
"If they don't clean up these messes, it's up to the citizens to take action."
"We the people should do that, and so this is a good story."
"It's really a civic moment, it's an opportunity to remind people of our common humanity."
"There's nothing good about voting if you don't know anything it's actually bad to vote if you don't know anything" - A blunt assertion about the responsibility of voting and the need for informed decision-making.
"We want to challenge every American to continue to do what every American can do."
"I pay for that uniform. I pay for that car. I'm the taxpayer, right?"
"We've lost sight of the fact we're the boss and they work for us."
"All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
"It is the obligation of every generation to safeguard and protect those freedoms."
"We need everybody to sit up. We need everybody to be held responsible for their actions."
"You actually need to stand up until the sheriff's to go and hold the policemen and the governor's accountable to the Constitution."
"People need to know that there's still some kind of law in this city." - Renee Montoya
"To me, everyone is a stakeholder. Whether or not you pay taxes, you have to listen to everyone."
"People are whack, please get yourself registered to vote if you're not already and let's all show up at the polls."
"The only safe repository for power... is in the hands of the people."
"There's no place for political violence in this country."
"You have to be able to hold government to account."
"If you don't vote, you can't change the policymakers who then change your laws."
"Voting matters. If you don't vote, don't complain."
"You can't just sit this one out, politics affects you whether you acknowledge it or not."
"If you live in New York City, your taxes are supporting that system. You're voting incentivizing those people to do those things."
"Democracy is self-government but you can only have self-government if the self is worthy of governing."
"The power to change the country is in your hands."
"We as citizens always... have to police the police."
"If you want to see low taxes, low regulations, lots of jobs... if you want the border secure, if you want the Constitution and the Bill of Rights protected, show up in public."
"If we do not want the government to be authoritarian, we have to take personal responsibility and act like grown-ups."
"We the people are the guardians of our own sovereignty, not the government."
"We must ensure that in protesting we're not also endangering the lives of others."
"We have a record of delivering for public safety."
"I've always fulfilled and followed the laws of our state."
"The Civic requirement should include some basic understanding of the Constitution."
"There's your civic duty to get vaccinated. It is my opinion, you are putting everybody at risk if you don't."
"Law-abiding citizens ought to have guns to protect themselves from criminals and those who'd violate their rights."
"I think a functioning society needs both those sides."
"This is how your country ends if nobody does anything, simple and plain."
"The power is in the people not a federal government."
"I'm a homeowner. I pay taxes, so I think I am entitled to know how my hard-earned tax dollars are being spent." - Eloise McDaniel
"If you're going to have rights, you should also have responsibilities."
"Democracy doesn't happen by accident. We have to renew it with each generation, and this is an urgent matter on all our parts."
"We have to get everybody who's eligible to vote out there to cast a ballot."
"Supporting the rule of law, that's what ultimately our work is about."
"Don't we want to secure our election process?"
"The constitution symbolizes a contract between all of us."
"Being a citizen in a democratic republic is supposed to be challenging. It's supposed to ask something of its citizens."
"Being born a male is a chance, but being a man is a choice."
"You have the ability through your work and through eventually your vote to determine the future of our country."
"This crowd has the right to stop the threat, they have the right to defend themselves."
"We're not out of the woods when it comes to that part. We, this election, it's over, it's done. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be inaugurated and there's no stopping that, but we cannot take it lightly what's happening."
"As a citizen, you're responsible for your life too."
"We all must vote but we should understand the numbers."
"They're mostly apathetic about this. They shouldn't be. I mean, people should care deeply about this issue more than they do."
"We are responsible for the Democracy that we have and we have got to continue to educate people, get them to pay attention and recognize that there are consequences to elections."
"We are going to tell them we did whatever was necessary to remind people of what is at stake, to remind them of their power, and to remind them that ours is a country worth fighting for because we love this country."
"We the people are at the pinnacle... we decide what kind of nation we're going to have."
"You need to convince people that by not voting they are voting but they are voting in the wrong direction."
"Not voting is worse than voting for the wrong person."
"Are we really supposed to just give up on government being able to do anything good?"
"You have to be proud of the fundamental principles of the country if you wish to live in that country."
"Holding police accountable is a process that requires us, the people, to work."
"Of course we want everyone to vote red but at the end of the day it is so important that you educate yourself."
"If you are serious, you seriously care about your country, you'll criticize what's wrong, try to improve what's right."
"There's got to be some skin in the game for voting because what happens is people will move into a city they'll live in New York New York falls to crap so they'll move somewhere where it's nice vote for crap it falls to crap and they leave again."
"We're just asking the people of Texas to make small sacrifices, just little sacrifices, no blood or anything like that..."
"If your government's screwing up, it's your civic duty to tell them they are."
"You have the right to remain silent, you don't have the right to be not heard."
"This is a city that needs the guardian's help, it needs their protection."
"I love that Taylor's first comment on politics was that everyone should register to vote and just to research her candidates."
"Democracy is never, never guaranteed. Every generation must fight to maintain it, must always cherish it, defend it, and strengthen it."
"We can't accept it. Let's fix it, let's make it right."
"Citizens must keep on demanding that the institutions do their work and that whoever is in place and being paid with our taxes they do their job or they step down."
"We need to make sure we still have a democracy and that should be obvious to any administration that cares about the voice of the people farewell said."
"Election, you must hold electoral process sacred. You must believe in one man, one vote as democracy."
"Democracy is a team sport and while the secretaries of State might be the referees we all need to play our part."
"If you're coming across something that looks not to be right and I have a camera on my phone, do I record as a citizen? Absolutely."
"We elect these people to be better than us, at least like take a step back."
"Every single voice counts and it is so important."
"If you're having a hard time trying to think of a good reason to vote, think back on the people that died for us."
"The biggest threat to our democracy is indifference. The biggest threat to our democracy is cynicism."
"Following the science and stepping up to protect each other is the best way to continue to ensure our freedoms our rights our values as a country."
"If you stand by when they come for somebody else you don't like, it won't be very long before they come for somebody that you do."
"Anyone who does not exercise the right to vote is an abomination to God."
"We need to stay at home to protect the NHS and in doing so we will save lives."
"We need to make sure that we come together and we don't allow them to ignore the law."
"The only way to pass along Civic values is to first live up to them."
"Voting is serious. It's one of the most serious things that you can do."
"It is an important moment for us to recognize the power that we have as Americans to hold accountable the corrupt and to have the knowledge of these institutions collapsing around us..."
"It really is part of our civic duty to ensure that the people that we elect into office actually make good on the promises that they made during the election."
"It is absolutely your civic duty to speak the truth as often."
"Complacent voters and non-voters have so much more power than they know."
"That's why again voting in 2024 ensuring that you're properly registered and so will your neighbors and your family members."
"Education is now a national civic duty. It is not a privilege it is a civic duty."
"It doesn't matter who you voted for. We could save tens of thousands of lives if everyone would just wear a mask."
"This belongs to the people... it belongs to me because I pay my taxes."
"If the government picked up their pace a little bit and actually did something good with the taxes that they were taking from us..."
"Don't rely on a judge to save your republic. Don't rely on a politician to do that." - David Clements
"This is one of those pivotal moments when every one of us as citizens of the United States need to determine just who it is that we are, just what it is that we stand for."
"Being a global citizen means that there must be some form of global government."
"It's the duty of the people to monitor government to ensure it is being conducted in the public interest."
"The only way to truly protect our freedoms is to stay informed folks."
"Don't complain, don't hashtag, don't retreat, don't binge, don't lose yourself in ironic detachment, don't put your head in the sand, don't boo, vote."
"Responsibility, my first responsibility in this country is to secure life and property."
"We the people have the possibility and the responsibility to change the narrative of this country. Whether we're talking about climate change, free college tuition, or rebuilding our infrastructure, it's all real and it lives within our hands."
"Nigeria is not a private company, it is the turn of Nigerians to take back their country."
"Democracy at risk is at risk. We also know this, okay, so then our power each and every one of us to preserve our democracy."
"This is an assault on all press. And no one should be okay with it."
"I want you to count on me going where it matters."
"Human rights don't just hang out there in the air; they belong to people."
"Every single one of us can make a difference in deciding which way this country goes."
"Please get your vaccine or your second dose when your turn comes."
"We should demand good representation from our leaders."
"The most important responsibilities of the federal government is to provide for the common defense."
"At what point are cities like New York going to start doing the right thing?"
"We need to make it clear that there are privileges associated with being an American. If you wish to have these privileges, you need to get vaccinated."
"We have to make sure that justice is done in this country."
"Our democracy is only going to be as strong as we the people demand that it be."
"Please look into the history like I looked into the history. Remember that it wasn't so long ago that we were ruled by our civility and our dignity."
"Secure your county and the nation will follow."
"It's called patriotism, it's called responsibility, it's called making sure you look out for the other person."
"To be a citizen in a democracy is to understand that you have to take a certain amount of risk yourself. The system doesn't sustain itself on its own."
"Maintaining a democracy is constant struggle and one that sometimes requires being realistic instead of idealistic."
"Voting for your local government affects you way more than voting for the president."
"If on top of that people understand and vote accordingly..."
"This is not just a question of what the federal government is going to do. This is a question of who Americans are, what America is."
"If you live in a democracy and you believe in a democracy, you have to have enough faith in your people."
"Every decision you make, what power sources you rely on, how you design your home, and which neighborhood action plans you vote for influence the state of the world."
"When the spirit of Liberty dies in the hearts of the people, no Constitution, no court, no law can save it."
"It's all of our responsibility to promote safe and responsible firearms ownership."
"Those who continue to support this dangerous gambit will forever be seen as complicit in an unprecedented attack against our democracy."
"No matter which side you're on, you should embrace honest news."
"There are still... millions of strong intelligent good men in this country... who could take it back."
"We're not falling for the whole trick bag of voting for nothing. We want something for our vote."
"It's an American tradition, it's an American responsibility to be armed."
"It depends upon having a virtuous citizenry that is willing to shoulder the burdens of maintaining a self-governmental structure."
"Never ever ever should we turn to violence to make our opinions and our frustrations with the government known."
"Rights are like muscles, and if you don't exercise them, they tend to go away."
"We're using every resource at our disposal to keep Angelenos safe."
"I hope it's embarrassing for people who don't vote."
"Our job is to make sure that we are protecting lives."
"We should not be tearing up our own communities."
"We cannot let the business of the city be derailed by these kinds of protests."
"American democracy belongs to all the American people, not to a single man."
"People must pay attention. People must watch."
"That is a free and moral society obliged to allow the promotion and growth of an ideology that seeks to replace it with immorality and tyranny."
"We believe in freedom. And this is the point I made a day before. This is where the rubber hits the road. If we don't defend freedom now, when are we going to do it?"
"Violence has no place in America and it just needs to stop."
"If your boss station does not look like this, you need to hold your governor accountable."
"Ultimately I do care about the country and I do care about the communities."
"This is your life, this is your country, this is your decision."
"The Constitution is built for moral and religious people."
"Follow the instructions from the CDC and our government and actually do our part."
"Having the right to vote is treated like being a medical doctor."
"We will never accept or tolerate hate or violence of any kind in our great city. It goes against every fiber of who we are."
"There's a bigger responsibility that we have here, which is to who we are as a country."
"This corruption is the biggest cancer of our society and everybody should be in the more to encourage and not to discourage."