
Leadership Challenges Quotes

There are 264 quotes

"The most challenging part of leadership is not understanding the strategy but understanding the people."
"Getting folks to go from being on Zoom working from home to working from the office is one of the biggest challenges leaders are facing today."
"You can never make everyone happy, but I'll do my best."
"The thing about leadership is it's not that complex, but it's really hard."
"No president, not me, not any of my predecessors, no one could have fully repaired all the damage that he found in just four years."
"We're spiraling back into the same problem if Elon doesn't immediately just pull out the lightning bolt of Zeus and throw it."
"I know this because I spent years in the White House Press pool I talked to the Secret Service and even in the first year of his term they were having a very difficult time serving under him."
"Name me three ownership groups that have stuck with the man they inherited."
"They're all lying and they know they're lying and the president knows they're lying, and that's why he's escalating."
"My vote is stay and do your jobs. It's funny but it's just because Kevin McCarthy doesn't have the votes."
"Loyalty to one individual instead of loyalty to the country makes a difficult job even more difficult."
"But remember this -- I never suggested that change would be easy, or that I could do it alone."
"Nobody is against you, man, like nobody. But I'm like you might have been like a phenomenal teacher and you might have been great like teacher of the year not it but leading adults and being a teacher to children is not the same thing."
"Recent events show it's not impossible to get rid of him."
"Being a leader without a gun is not something that I want to do."
"Putin's back is against the wall right now. There's no more room for him to go."
"I am going to make some mistakes... throughout this journey we are going to make mistakes and when I say we I mean me."
"It was a moment as brazen as it was foolish."
"It's so much harder to be an Avatar when your villains make sense."
"Sometimes change is so scary to people that you really have to go into all of these situations, really understanding that as a leader and being empathic about it."
"It's difficult... that's what I elect my president to do: to solve the difficult problems that we can't solve at any other level of government."
"I think they're also people who are much crazier around him and they are much stronger than the moderates around him."
"He'll get the throne soon enough, but he'll need to get much stronger."
"Too often, passionate developers get inadvertently sabotaged by poor leadership, or have investors right over their shoulders impacting all of their decisions."
"He's pushing her and I think the Congress into a position where there is no other option."
"What are we doing like we've left our team to die."
"They apologised for my racism. And they forgot that I was a live human being in charge of other live human beings."
"Nearly all men can stand adversity. But if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
"If you get tired from doing a modest number of campaign events like Joe Biden is doing, how on earth are you going to stand up to the pressures of being president?"
"It's kind of hard when you know for his followers to see someone that can actually build something bigger or more competitive than what he has."
"If you hate the thing you're leading, you can't effectively lead anything."
"Nothing worse under a weak sovereign that is in the middle of a civil war."
"The strong people who are driven by ego and extreme..."
"How do you get someone to be in power and actually help the base? That's the nut you gotta crack."
"When you take a shot at the king, you better not miss. Simple as that."
"Churchill's campaign to protect his country was winning him few friends."
"Brexit would be, by the way, I'm saying any prime minister in this situation would be in a hole but there are things you can do to climb out of the hole."
"The dumbest, most rebellious, most destructive child is now leading your ward."
"We're going to talk about three specific crises we face: the pandemic, an economic downturn, and ongoing systemic racial injustice."
"The coach is always the first to have to fall on their [ __ ] sword."
"The former president's position would be if you're trying to turn the Titanic around and you turn it around too quickly it's going to tip over."
"A great founder is someone who deals with a ton of different headaches. And no one is universally super powered."
"What if it's Daenerys mid-season they get King's Landing like she is on the Iron Throne and then Jon Snow was like okay congratulations but also we need to worry about what's happening beyond the wall now so then they gear up for that."
"Success will come despite the owners, not because of them."
"A manager cannot knock on the door of a football club and say, 'I realize you like them, but I need to sell them to take this club where it needs to be,' and then the board go, 'No, you're not like that.' That can't be the case."
"A day of reckoning is coming... next CEO with a lot of mess to clean up."
"Rationality goes out the window when most of the decision-making rests on one man's shoulders."
"Being president of the United States is arguably the toughest job in the world."
"That leaves Putin and Xi with a difficult, if not impossible decision: launch a war now that they’re not ready for and probably can’t win, or wait a few years, when their populations and economies are even less capable of enduring such hardships."
"President Putin is finding out that his soldiers don't want to fight because they don't believe in the cause."
"Without the support of the troops, you're either deposed or you're dead."
"Assuming the role right now of leadership in the UK is a horrible bargain."
"I challenge you with great love and respect do not give up when it's hard it's meant to be hard leadership is not the easiest game in the world it's the best sport you can ever do."
"He was in a tough position...replacing a shot-caller they're all used to."
"Our democracy, our national character, and our ability to fight a deadly pandemic are all on the line."
"You own the decisions as CEO, and it can be a very lonely place."
"You know what it's time to go... We're taking over."
"Things go so badly for him that he does something really catastrophic."
"The crisis has taken our leaders by surprise and now many of them have shifted into panic mode because they realize that there will be no easy fixes."
"I want the king to feel like they are rolling the dice every time they send me on an important Mission."
"Stop playing the victim. Be a president or get the [ __ ] out."
"When that alpha or sigma is born, he's in a lonely world."
"Joe the boss's real problems began when he started to meddle with other mafia families."
"It's government's job to be crucified sometimes for doing the right thing."
"Klopp's having to work with some stuff that no other manager in world football would have to work with."
"You can only be on top so long especially if you are a person of color."
"Women leaders, I think they are judged more harshly."
"Leadership is hard but a lot of people think they want to be leaders but in reality they just want the perks of leadership."
"I've seen what a president of the NRA has to deal with and it's a lot, man."
"Putin's failure to secure a rapid victory has cost him senior officers' esteem and unquestioning support." - Former KGB Colonel Gubkoff
"There isn't a person or a group strong enough to walk in and say you know what we're going this way whether 10 million of you agree with it or not."
"The biggest problem in competitive teams: it's all about delivery when you want somebody to listen."
"Disney may simply be too complex for any one successor to manage holistically."
"Having a conversation with somebody about geopolitics... do you do some what look like kind of evil things because you are feel obligated that you have to do that in order to protect the people."
"His situation does not seem to be as bad now... but the disease has been compounded by a bad political phase."
"It's lonely at the top." - Reflection on success and its challenges in football.
"He's crashing into this thing where he's bringing those ideas."
"Cristiano Ronaldo walks into the dressing room and Harry Maguire tries to tell him off, I'll just be like, 'Shut up and sit down.'"
"You earn the right. They say in order for it to become a great man in front of your people, you have to be humiliated by them."
"The job of being President of the United States is often called ‘the most powerful office in the world’ — and also one of the most stressful."
"The change of power in Russia would create a moment of opportunity... to get rid of the most dangerous leader of Russia that we've had in a generation."
"If you go for the king, you got to kill the king."
"The biggest problem for Sunak was why the public would have any confidence in anything he says anyway."
"Leadership is probably the biggest struggle for businesses."
"Decision-making under uncertainty is the hardest thing of all, but it has to be done."
"This has been happening to Lula... to Rafael Correa."
"It's a warning to The Establishment: underestimate this man and this movement at your own Peril."
"Recent events have seen the resurrection of Guilliman who's come back to lead the Imperium and is pretty horrified by what he's seeing."
"He's scared of saying that the whole Boris faction is now marginalized."
"Picked Bob J Peck... allowing himself to be Mao Mao by woke employees."
"I think this is a good manager but I think what needs to be done right now to that club and that the issues surrounding it and player Recruitment and him not even being involved and what players come to the club because let's be honest he's not."
"This is a leader who was ready to take on really big challenges."
"It's easier to lead someone that you have to pull the reins on than you have to push forward."
"If you get so lost in what you're doing 24 hours a day, how can he be the best president he's supposed to be if he doesn't get some breath of air?"
"Following an iconic manager at a football club can be an extremely difficult job."
"It's like somebody is trying to confuse the leader of something or trying to overthrow the leader."
"Don has to be careful how he speaks to people. I know he's a boss but in the long run his reputation for being a bully can jeopardize his career."
"Biden and Carter share many similarities Lane leadership soft economy Rising inflation worsening crimes and for both two a Kennedy on their sixth back in 79 Carter was challenged in the Democrat primaries by Senator Kennedy."
"If our leaders lack the courage to pursue diplomacy... then there is no hope for peace... the American people will be guaranteed a continuation of the devastation... that we have seen inflicted on our country and the world for far too long."
"You can bring Jesus Christ in this football club and he's still gonna struggle."
"President Putin is confronted with something today that he didn't think was possible a year ago."
"Even godly men can find themselves being used by the devil."
"I think getting people to believe in your vision is hard but the most important thing."
"It's clear what you have to do. You don't run off trying to find the leaders of the militia."
"Dune Messiah is about just how problematic a hero can be."
"If Jon can't convince anyone to help him, it will be the North and the North alone that will have to stop the White Walkers."
"If the world's best manager can't sort Manchester United out, then what can?"
"The manager is not the problem at this club. The problem at this football club is players, recruitment, the board, and the owners."
"If you're gonna shoot for the king, you best not miss."
"The first problem Penny Mordon would have is that the public don't know who she is."
"A victim's mentality particularly for someone interested in being a leader destroys your ability to lead."
"Putin's Throne, which refuses to budge, is beginning to rock."
"I don't really need to send out Expeditions right now I need to get houses for everybody so that they will be very very happy and smiling and generally not contemplating impaling me."
"So whoever is elected, God bless them, because they are sailing this ship of State into the biggest storm it has faced in its history, certainly since World War II and some would argue since the Civil War."
"Approval ratings for President Biden and other Democrats are already plummeting."
"A king won't defeat a blight; we've had 40 generations of kings and lost everything."
"Be willing to take action in the meetings, make the hard decisions, and ask the hard questions."
"If Xi Jinping is losing control over the central government, the regime is in danger."
"House Republicans are in disarray and once again they may be on the verge of kicking a Republican speaker out of that position."
"Leaders lose a common cause, Corruption spreads."
"Getting everyone committed to achieving a common goal isn't easy."
"You have to believe in it, you have to have enough ego to fight off all the complainers."
"The conversation now is about not the one year of your popularity or popularity contest, it's how can you govern?"
"We're gonna have to now reinvent management."
"I had high hopes for Biden, I really did. And I still do. But sometimes you have to take five steps back to take one step forward."
"Heavy is the head that wears the crown, dog."
"I think he's got a massive job on, and you know he's at a club at this moment in time in Ajax that's very different to Manchester United."
"You want a leader, we say we want somebody to speak for us, but when they do we don't follow them."
"This is a president who has lost his political ear at the worst possible time for him politically, but for the rest of America as far as health care issues go."
"It's much easier to make the speeches than it is to finally make the judgments."
"The problem with being at the top is that there's only one way left to go down."
"The person in his orbit best suited to helping him make this decision has said this is a catastrophe."
"Legendary lords will fall, but many others will rise in their wake."
"There is no prospect of achieving anything that is radically different."
"People sitting at the top of the tree very rarely decide to suddenly wake up one day and say, 'I've seen the light.'"
"Putin, who has made several mistakes in dealing with the Ukrainian conflict and internal difficulties, will not be able to avoid the power of the people this time."
"My downfall as a leader... almost lost my franchise." - Bedros Keuilian
"But like any time a king dies, there's a power struggle, so other rivals have returned to try to claim the throne."
"Everything Grace does is to protect herself or the image she's created as leader of the Apex."
"We've got to be united, clear, and we've got to have the will to not only react to what Putin does, but to decide what we want and impose it."
"That's what mattered: all my vassals are disloyal at this point, I am 8,500 ducats in debt with bankruptcy looming in less than a year."
"I don't know how adults just can't get along with the head coach."
"They're going to lose the House in the Senate in 2022 more likely than not, so she's not going to have any type of ammunition to really go into 2024 getting anybody excited."
"Trump is not becoming humiliated, he is instead growing stronger."
"He overwhelmed his base, you were definitely right. I got a little worried there at one point."
"Every time she listens to her hands or her advisers, she loses people."
"Running a clan is not easy, this is something that will take a little bit of dedication."
"The timing was also bad for su culo luma because he had to return to the hittite homeland for other matters in his place he dispatched his son telle pnew to take out the troublesome kingdom."
"Wallace is currently the only gym leader that gives the player an em."
"The gym leaders in Pokemon are some of the most iconic."
"A king has no friends. A king has only followers. Info be careful what you wish for. It is lonely at the top."
"Leadership is not easy. It's a burden, a responsibility."
"A small child being the leader of a race of giant, misunderstood people is bad enough."
"Leadership and loneliness. There are times of compelling loneliness."
"I don't even dig for impeachment. They beat him up before he got into office; they're beating him up after he leaves office."
"He's trying to figure out how to be number one when the number one don't want to sit down."
"Logic is here's what it's gonna take to get there. I think it's gonna be very difficult. Man, if we got to do all this other stuff. No, leader is gonna say, man, what if we pull it off?"
"When are principles going to be more important than power?"
"Donald Trump has not moved a single vote when it comes to the people considering how to cast their lot in the speaker's race."
"Whoever that goes at the higher level, there's always a little bit of touch of madness."
"You're not getting the recognition that you're a CEO that's not getting the recognition that Puffy's getting. Puff's just a little more active than you are, Suge, and his activeness has Suge jealous."
"She's been getting some pretty bad advice which brings me to her shrinking circle of advisers."
"You cannot accomplish this global movement without getting criticism and without having people disagree with you."
"The higher you go, the more problems. The batter that you go, the more problems."
"It's impossible for me to say that he's not a serial winner. He was difficult because personnel and also the board, there's a lot of issues going on with United but he was still able to get to Europe, win league up."
"Every time a mainstream politician dismisses dissent as populist, it demonstrates an inability to offer a credible alternative."
"The problem that Putin finds himself in...is politically useful for him but bad for the country."
"Somebody has to always fall on the sword for him."
"We need to be really careful not to be leaning into the hero-to-zero narrative."
"I think the biggest thing is to die on your own sword."
"When this empire falls, who will champion the cause of the people?"
"The more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers."
"Every time we get a leader that we think is going to lead us into that revolution, they somehow get co-opted."
"Multiple crises now exist at a level beyond what anybody in charge ever imagined would take place."
"People have to make hard decisions, you know. You can't pay everybody at the same level."
"At some point moving forward, somebody in Putin's Camp may decide to do a Power grab and take Vladimir Putin out of the leadership."
"You're supposed to be the leader, but you can't be the leader in another man's house."
"Saul was at his most dangerous...trying to divide the kingdom."
"Newsom is in trouble in California, it shows you how deeply unpopular at a core lockdown policies really are nationwide."
"Every big decision that we've made has been met with some level of criticism."
"There's nothing that weakens you more in the long run than trying to rule people who don't want you to rule them."
"This is spooky and like you said, it's been a long time since we've seen someone defeated on the first ballot or any ballot for leader." - Mondale Robinson
"If you're showing favoritism or weakness towards the guy who's gonna come here and kill us, same guy who punched a [ __ ] in the nuts, that's the guy we're talking about."
"I tried to make a change around here, I tried to fix things. The one minute I'm in charge, they all come back with their corruption."
"The leaders are increasingly grasping power while the people are becoming more disappointed or even resentful."
"Being a leader requires you to make hard choices."
"When De Soto left this mortal plane, his men faced a dilemma."
"I think anyone who comes in and goes Klo 2.0 as part of Liverpool 2.0 is going to fail. You just can't be that."
"People power is your only power, and so you have to be the champion of the people even if it gets you in trouble with leadership."
"Everyone says they want to be a leader, but they don't understand the weight that comes with it."
"Lonely at the Top. That's 'cause you gotta shed dead weight as you rise. By the time you get there, you might see a whole new group of people around you."
"All they had to do was find someone less crazy than Trump, and they're failing at that."
"He did not meet with his cabinet again till March and then shocked them by his weak and sickly appearance."
"You don't want to be scary to your team, but you know sometimes you have to be."
"We all have those moments in our lives and we have to step up and make gutsy decisions."
"He doesn't have any other level of experience to steady a ship."
"Everybody wants to do good politics but nobody wants to put in the work required."
"Every time you break a unit up, you send them away, you have units with different commanders and commanders always cycling out, you never have a chance to establish an actually disciplined culture within those units."
"If that monster destroys the kingdom, it's on you, bro."