
National Resilience Quotes

There are 166 quotes

"We're the only nation in the world that has come out of every crisis stronger than we went into it."
"We have emerged from every one of the crises that we have encountered stronger... but it's going to take all of us working together on it."
"We'll make it through it. America is strong and resilient; our country is strong enough to make it through this."
"We want Americans to know that we will get through this challenge; the hardship will end, it will end soon, normal life will return, and our economy will rebound very, very strongly."
"This is the nation that came through the Blitz... but we didn't give in."
"The daring and determination of our people in this crisis reminds us that no matter how hard it gets, Americans will keep on fighting to victory."
"America will come back stronger and greater than ever."
"As generations of Americans before us faced down the most difficult trials, set their sights on the highest summit, and overcame the biggest obstacles, America will meet the moment."
"The traditional American virtues of vigilance, adaptation, and innovation, we're confident will see us through."
"The Finnish population emerged from the war shaken but resolved to carry on."
"The fact that Ukrainians were able to resist the Russian invasion suggests that the nation or the civil society had already consolidated to a pretty impressive degree."
"Americans always get up. Today, that's what we're doing. America is rising anew, choosing hope over fear, truth over lies, and light over darkness."
"Each of us has the power through our own choices and actions to save American lives and rescue the most vulnerable among us."
"Our strength will be tested and our endurance will be tried, but America will answer with love and courage and ironclad resolve."
"The American people are ready to rise to the occasion once again... Americans can defeat any Challenger."
"Ukraine will win this war because we've shown that our support won't go anywhere."
"Big Time here's the ottoman Empire's toughest challenge Serbia is attacking them but turkey keeps on winning Serbia is out"
"Nobody going to break us. We're strong. We're Ukraine."
"When America is tested, America rises to the occasion."
"We have to help the worker, we have to save the companies, because as soon as we're finished with this war... our country is going to bounce back like you've never seen before."
"We have to help the worker, we have to save the companies... our country is going to bounce back like you've never seen before."
"In times as challenging as these, I believe there's only one way forward: as a united America."
"The only reason Ukraine still exists is because Ukrainians are literally ready to die for their freedom."
"The struggle of 'Return of Godzilla' is not only in defeating a force of destruction that has suddenly returned after decades, but in a country trying to remain strong when caught between the world’s superpowers."
"Nobody's going to break us. We're strong. We're Ukrainian."
"Ukraine has shown that with timely and consistent help, it can prevail on the battlefield."
"Every battle is a tragedy, death, it's someone's life future, future of their families. Ukraine will prevail."
"America's story is far from over, and in fact, we are just getting ready for an incredible comeback."
"Nobody will break us. We're strong. We're Ukrainians." - Ukrainian President Zelensky
"I bear witness that America can do for anyone what she's done for me, but we must rise up to the challenges of our time."
"Do not underestimate the will of the American people."
"The president wanted to send a powerful message that we will not be overcome by looting, rioting, or burning. This is not what defines America."
"With the faith of our families, the spirit of our people, and the grace of our God, we will endure, overcome, and prevail."
"We're opening up America again, a testament to the resilience of the American people."
"It's time for hope. We've gotten through tough times before in this nation; we'll get through these difficult times as well."
"We're the only nation on Earth that has always turned every crisis we've faced into an opportunity."
"The longer this war goes on, the less of Ukraine will be left."
"This country is extraordinarily resilient, and so are our people."
"This is America. Our Constitution can withstand anything."
"Armenia will rise again and it's time that we're carried back in business."
"There's no way in hell America is going to be coming out of this one hurt or not hurt."
"America is not destroyed from within, and it's still worth the fight."
"For a nation that's been suicidal and crazy, they've outlasted everybody else."
"America will come back again that the anger and the frustration and the divisions that we have that they're not permanent."
"The US economy's position on the global stage is also a product of its resilience."
"This is just a clear testament to the resiliency of the American people."
"The great strength of Nigeria is the resilience of its people, the willingness and commitment to put in the best, the desire to compete, the desire to achieve..."
"I believe profoundly that we will get through this and we'll get through this very well. I'm not going to understate the challenge but I also think the opportunity is massive."
"In every generation, through every challenge and hardship and danger, America has risen to the task."
"Hope that America's strength will overcome the obstacles that almost brought us to our knees."
"We will never submit to their threats, and we will never let them destroy our nation."
"It's taken a lot of time, but I see that you never underestimate the tenacity of the British people."
"Ukraine can win, Ukraine must win, and Ukraine will win. Nobody's going to break us. We're strong, we're Ukrainians."
"As long as we still have a working democracy, failure does not have to define our future."
"For the British, the point of no return had not been reached as long as Britain still remained free of invasion."
"Ukraine is alive and kicking and would never surrender."
"Ukraine can win. Ukraine must win. And Ukraine will win."
"Despite being outnumbered and outgunned, the Ukrainian people have demonstrated uncanny resolve and resilience."
"The American people have been incredible... they've been really incredible."
"Nobody's going to break us. We're strong. We're Ukrainians." - "Nobody's going to break us. We're strong. We're Ukrainians."
"American people have great resiliency and I'm so incredibly proud of how the American people have responded."
"The phrase Bachmut holds has gone viral and become a kind of rallying cry for Ukrainians, a symbolic phrase to explain their never give up attitude in a war no matter the costs."
"These acts shatter steel but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve."
"Americans will not stand for the fall of our nation."
"I am proud of my Ukrainian Heritage... the nation of my family has stood up." - Stafford
"Some nations have been able to do a damn fine job of maintaining their independence and fighting off wave after wave of invader."
"Even if ultimately it takes a long ass [ __ ] time for Ukraine to defend itself against Russia, it will come."
"We will endure, we will rebuild, we will drive away the night and warm our children in the dawn of a new day. God bless you all and God bless the United States of America."
"I am incredibly impressed with the resilience that this nation has given the problems that 2020 presented."
"We are not letting it go to waste. Ukraine's challenge is to puncture Putin's arrogance and demonstrate the high cost for Russia of continued conflict."
"It's never been a good bet to bet against America, and that's more true today than ever."
"We are Ukrainians, nobody's gonna break us, we're strong."
"Politically, that sort of talk I think generates two conclusions: the first is that there is thinking about this war being very long... The second most remarkable story is the survivability of the Ukrainian state."
"India's gonna have to stand firm and I feel India will win in the end."
"I feel like much like 9/11 we pulled together. There's opportunity for us to evolve in a positive direction here."
"We are not going to be defeated from the inside... America is resilient." - Angela
"Each time our nation has faced great challenges, what has kept us together was our shared hope for a better life."
"Ukrainians have been under oppression and dictatorial regime for generations... but amazingly you saw that Ukrainians chose democracy time after time."
"Russia demonstrated remarkably to the entire world its ability to rapidly recover from Total Oblivion."
"America is not in decline. It's never been a good bet to bet against the American people."
"I think the US has tremendous ability to regenerate itself."
"November 6th ain't nothing to sneeze at or November 7th if your guy loses bad things might happen but the country is not over."
"President Zelinski: 'Ukraine will not give up.'"
"We are fighting to be able to leave to be able to see our kids being alive."
"It's very clear to us that Russians will not be able to win this war."
"Our country will survive it and I really believe we're going to be greater than ever before."
"The resolve of the Ukrainian people has been revealed to be unfathomably strong."
"We can do this. There's nothing we've ever failed to do when we decided to do it together."
"The ukrainians seem to be smart enough to go this is not going to happen forever; we should really work on our indigenous sort of Technologies."
"I think it's wrong, I can see what makes them think like that, other people sometimes think like that, but if you take a long view you really have to bet on America recovering from whatever things happen to itself."
"There is place to all of us here, it will be very difficult, it will be very tough, but I'm sure that Israel will continue to exist forever."
"God ain't done with America, not yet. We've done some trifling [ __ ], but he ain't done with us."
"Ukraine has exceeded all expectations in lasting more than a year against a country nearly thirty times its size."
"We weren't supposed to be here. All the predictions said they'd roll Kiev in a week. But Ukrainians are resistant, resilient, and resolute."
"People have made this country work by not giving in."
"It's hard not to admire the Ukrainian people who are fighting for their home against Russian aggression."
"Great hardships experienced in 1942 and the way Britain sought to overcome them would have an impact stretching far beyond the years of."
"Even in those tough times, the United States of America has an amazing ability to accomplish astonishingly impressive achievements."
"This is only making the Ukrainians want to fight harder, dig deeper, be stronger."
"Self-sufficiency is required if we need to survive as Nations."
"The Russian spirit cannot be broken and once again Russia must stand back up."
"America is the one country which could not collapse to statism."
"Somehow the nation seemed to survive and continue to progress."
"The US must defeat Russia's efforts to alter American will and decision-making."
"We will never stop fighting for our country, our families, and we will never, ever fail."
"There is no challenge too big for America. We've come through better and stronger because we stay together as the United States of America."
"I think that our country is the country that has gone through different periods of time where the unthinkable has happened and where there has been a call for justice, and justice has been served."
"You gotta hand it to the Ukrainians who have been fighting very hard for their country."
"Life carries on, you have to produce the food, you have to keep the country going."
"It is Ukrainian courage and unity that will determine how this war will end." - Ukrainian President Volodimir Zalinski
"With the grace of God we are rising to the occasion we are proving that no darkness can overshadow the eternal light of American courage we will win."
"Don't lose faith, my friends. Don't lose faith. We're going to get through this. This is still the United States. We have more checks and balances. I know sometimes it's a... I don't know who's in charge of this, but we have them."
"The Ukrainian breakthrough is due to courage, tenacity, and clever operational art."
"Americans do not despair. We pull together, we persevere, and we overcome, and we win."
"In confronting this deadly plague, America is armed with capabilities never dreamed of in past centuries."
"Even in difficult times, there's hope for the republic."
"The courage and the spirit and the capability shown by the Ukrainian people both here and in Ukraine and elsewhere in the world has been incredible."
"There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be fixed by what is right with America."
"My message to the American people is... we're gonna come through this stronger than ever before."
"We're proving that America, no matter how long the road, progress does come."
"I think the republic is stronger than we give it credit for."
"I think Ukraine will say, 'Hey, you know, we can stand this at the moment as long as the supplies continue.'"
"China remains unswayed... China will not be cowed by pressure or hardships." - President Xi Jinping
"Ukraine avoided the complete collapse of the power grid only thanks to foreign aid."
"When stuff hits the fan here in the United States, we're gonna need other people's help as well."
"We meet tonight in an America that has lived through two of the hardest years this nation has ever faced."
"It took the American people being warriors to get us to the point of reopening."
"The world has once again witnessed the unbeatable strength of the United States of America all across our land heroes have raced into action."
"There is no doubt that due to Ukrainian bravery and ingenuity, the Russians have had to pull back and refocus on the east and the south of the country."
"There are clear indications that the Ukrainian Nation will emerge from this war more."
"The bad guys want to try to take down our economy and do whatever they can and we're not going to let them do it."
"The will of Ukrainian people and soldiers has been crucial in this war."
"Strengthening resilience and autonomy: Trior aims to strengthen Burkina Faso's resilience to external shocks and reduce its vulnerability to international pressures by prioritizing self-sustainability and domestic development initiatives."
"China should never underestimate the resilience of the freedom-loving people of America or the resolve of the President of the United States."
"America is always in the process of transcending great challenges."
"An illegal net zero strategy, no national resilience strategy, 15 areas declaring major incidents, 11,500 firefighters cut since 2010, and a 2% pay offer on the table. Don't the frontline of the climate emergency deserve better?"
"Spain is a country where small enemies are defeated and large enemies starve."
"No one in the last few centuries has succeeded in betting against the pluck and nerve and ambition of this country."
"Real countries fight back, and that's what Ukrainians have done with such remarkable bravery."
"We're the only nation in the world that goes through crisis and comes out better."
"America is not as fragile as it seems."
"We are a country, given the vastness of our land and the sparseness of our population, that has existed in defiance of some of the worst conspiracies of both man and nature."
"If America could do it then, we can do it now one more time."
"Unrivaled economic responsibility enabled Australia to weather the storm of the GFC, the Great Financial Crisis."
"The United States of America has gone through tough times before and we always come out stronger."