
Organizational Success Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"Building trusting teams is foundational to any successful organization."
"The number one value is top talent in every seat because everything in the company comes back to people."
"The greatest organizations, and the most effective individuals are those that have learned to harness the power of purpose."
"This may not be politically correct, but the organization's job is to win."
"If you don't have a building block of standards, then that winning culture, everyone goes, 'What's winning culture?' It has to start with a basic standard."
"Our structure is actually it's actually working that's actually uh guys I'm so proud"
"Project Veritas has been successful, they are moving forward in their lawsuits against the New York Times."
"Building a great team is the most important thing you do."
"You need all of the people and all the different specialties."
"Every org is starting to put out good content."
"If you have a good system, you can be in a very good position."
"Leadership matters. Leadership, in fact, is everything."
"The only functioning institution that I see with a proof of concept that has produced results with the people that they have activated on the ground is the ADOS Advocacy Foundation."
"It's building an organization that is resilient and successful."
"Rick Hendrick has created really a dynasty in an organization."
"Without clear unifying vision and without strong leaders to inspire people toward that vision you're going nowhere fast."
"We've achieved a lot of great success but we've also got a lot of things that we can do to fix and improve."
"Documentation is the key difference between a small struggling business and a large successful business."
"I think Disney has brought in so many of those [resentful narcissists]. Whereas if you hire somebody who believes in meritocracy and wants to do the very best they can, you're going to do swimmingly well."
"Whatever they're doing, it is working 100%, it is absolutely working."
"Leadership capital is the currency of winning."
"Leadership capital is more valuable than any other element in the world."
"Good organizations aren't beholden to great players, they are beholden to building great teams."
"It's too bad this couldn't have happened many years ago but you needed somebody to work it and bring it together."
"Leaders have made a difference and steered their societies or organizations to new horizons..."
"Winners win. Winners win because they've got winners up and down the organization."
"Transparency and honesty to our community is the foundation to all of our success."
"I think we're hell of an investment and I think we have arguably the most upside of any organization in the world right now."
"Communication between all parts of the team is the most important thing."
"The discipline under structure is essential, as discipline is at the core of making unity work."
"The structure of the Nation of Islam is a formula that can take any young man or any young woman and give them the power to become their best selves."
"I am just extremely happy that Brett Veach found a way."
"It's exciting for us as a team because it shows we're more cohesive."
"Without proper leadership, embers will be snuffed out."
"I think it's really up to the employees to judge if it actually is successful."
"So nine guys in two drafts sort of fast forward this organization from one in 15 to winning three Super Bowls in four years."
"Rivals managed to organize their biggest tournament ever at Genesis 7."
"John and Patricia have done a fantastic job with all Patricia's craft supplies packed away."
"How do founders position the organization for success when they're no longer here?"
"United just seemed to be moving in the right direction and getting everything right."
"The club can only be successful when all the decision makers in the Club on one page and they back each other. That is the only way the club can be successful and operate."
"It's reflective of what Liverpool are doing... everything behind the scenes is going well."
"It's very rare to see a team that knows how to work together the way that this team does."
"Everything works better when you have great women leaders leading in tandem."
"This all just makes you realize how important it is to have a clear goal, a healthy budget and strong leadership to really make big things happen."
"You've got to have the team. I am so proud of my team, my staff, my family. I could never have done this alone."
"You've got to have the engine room. Without them, the ship ain't going nowhere."
"We just have a really, really solid team. Again, good problems to have."
"They need people who have expertise to run it and if they don't it will fail if they do it will be an improvement."
"How can a football club be successful when the people running the club don't understand football?"
"How do founders position the business or the organization for success when they're no longer here? That's how I determine your greatness as an organizational leader."
"How you structure your Learning and Development process will determine the odds of your success."
"If Man United had a good CEO, a good director of football, and a structure around a manager, that's why they're successful."
"You learn more from failure than you do from success. We knew we had every single element that it took to be a championship organization."
"It's incredible what they've built when they're logically under doubt."
"You will come out on top as a leader in your organization."
"Vision is your compass. Without a vision, the people perish."
"Leadership: Everything rises and falls on leadership."
"This is an organization that has become one of the best brands in baseball on and off the field."
"I think the Dodgers I don't think there's an argument right now they're the best run organization in baseball at the moment and that's that also attracts free agents in addition to being able to you know hand out the big checks obviously."
"The Minnesota Timberwolves organization has now built an awesome core."
"His leadership is well documented. It's a huge reason as to why we've been able to have the success that we've had."
"If we get this many people to door 50, we'll get all the books in no time."
"This is a great feeling, I just counted we are getting rid of 33 and keeping 31."
"Everybody in this team is integral to how we operate."
"Benfica appeared to be one of the best run clubs in the world."
"I think he has done well to get us where he is."
"I finally feel like everything has a home and I have not lost an item in a long time."
"We are big game hunters when it comes to the acquisition of top-tier talent."
"The Chicago Bulls are crowned as the best organization involved. They've won 11 championships."
"Embracing agile methodologies will remain critical for organizations to thrive in an ever-changing business landscape."
"Employee development is a critical piece of the organizational puzzle in order to provide for long term success."
"The only win is an organizational win."
"It's not about actual self-development, it's about acquiring the skills and abilities necessary to help the organization be successful."
"Some of the most successful organizations... tend to have like a mantra."
"The better able rate we are to do that what they ask for, what they value the better successful as an organization will likely to be. It's hard to think of too many organizations that are successful when they fail to do that."
"Organizations that are thriving are doing so because they've embraced the latest revolution in management."
"That probably is the most important thing for the future success we feel in this organization."
"Teams that cannot make clear and timely decisions are sure to fail."
"It's not about the inmates running the prison, it's not about pleasing people, it's about operating in a way that makes sense that'll help your organization win."
"This ultimately contributes to the organization's overall success and resilience."
"Culture beats talent, and we had to build a really strong culture to beat maybe teams that maybe had a little better talent than we did early on."
"Kind people who share resources and opportunities and ideas rise in organizations."
"The most powerful factor in an organization's success is its culture."
"The most important thing to remember is that knowledge has to get used."
"Organizations with standard methods to capture and retain valuable knowledge are much more successful at reusing knowledge within domains and business units than organizations that don't."
"The organizations that can adapt, that can engage in continuous change, are the ones that are being the most successful."
"If you don't get the buy-in and engagement of the senior leadership team... it will never work."
"Organizations survive and prosper because they do a better job of solving customer problems."
"When they align HR goals with that of an organization, success becomes inevitable."
"The organization, the company with the best people wins."
"Despite these defenses, one organization found a way to drive directly through the heart of them."
"Together Munoz and the Tapias built an organization so successful that its profits, if legal, would have made it a Fortune 500 company."
"Regardless of where they work, I-O psychologists positively impact the people and the organizations in which they work."
"Organizations that have effective ways to increase communication and collaboration see a 17% increase in projects being completed on budget."
"Strong leadership is a very important part of creating a cohesive team."
"High-performing organizations are twice as likely to achieve or exceed non-commercial goals."
"Effective leadership is crucial in any team or organization."
"About 85% of very successful organizations say that communication is one of the most important things in their workplace culture."
"It's about facilitating organizational structure success by aligning structures, cultures, and strategic realities of work in response to business climate."
"We want to recruit, engage, build relationships, develop, retain, and have success."
"What made leaders successful in learning organizations wasn't really the skills they possessed or the leadership styles they applied, but it was about their mindsets."
"The success of the organization would be judged not by how much money it raised, but rather by how it spent what it had."
"The most important thing is staying within their systems and their programs that have led to a lot of wins through the years."
"Ultimately, who actually delivers value for your organization are these cross-functional teams that need to work with each other to actually get the work done."
"I'm feeling good, I'm feeling positive that everything is gonna be put away finally and for good."
"Create a rhythm; having our annual meeting or our monthly meeting helps our communities be successful."
"The extremely valuable feedback gathered from employees and management personnel is vital to the success of an organization."
"We wouldn't be where we are without this community."
"We enable success of the organization overall by being careful about our cultural choices."
"Organizations that apply these techniques... report results that they can outpace their competitors simply because they have forecasts that the decision-makers can trust."
"Ensuring that the project is aligned with the organization's strategic goals is crucial for its success and relevance."
"If we can put the right systems and processes in place, we can actually break through to the stage that I call 'predictable success'."
"Good organizations are going to have both leaders and managers in order to be successful."
"Culture, I think, is the number one thing that we had going for us."
"Having a headset where your customers can hear your agents clearly and your agents can hear them clearly is very important to the overall success of your organization."
"Leadership makes the difference between success and failure of all organizations."
"What if there are things that you can learn from any organization that experiences momentum?"