
Cultural Contribution Quotes

There are 167 quotes

"Don't think you're the center of the world... Every nation or religion contributed something, but most things, if you had to live your life based only on the inventions and creations of people from your nation, you would have a very miserable life."
"Our culture is what works; it's working for the world. That's our greatest resource."
"American culture is multicultural. If American culture doesn't include anything non-whites have produced, then American culture is meaningless and vestigial."
"We gotta enjoy this thing called life. I love creating, talking, and addressing the culture."
"Top Gear was a landmark series for the BBC that proved that Britain could still make a popular, world-beating TV series in the 21st century."
"Infinity Foundation has published a 14-volume series on the history of Indian science and technology, a gargantuan contribution not just to students of Indian civilization but to humanity."
"The Western world owes the Jews a great debt for giving the world social values embodied in the Bible."
"Each of us can play a part in making up for the deficit created by the loss of the physical."
"Your generous donation has enabled us to collect, preserve, and present artwork here at the Orangery Museum."
"In every generation, African Americans have enriched our culture, deepened our faith, strengthened our community, sustained our values, raised up our conscience, and called our nation to greatness."
"We black people influence everything, and we are the creators of so many different things."
"Black people did make blues and rock which is pretty sick."
"Asian Americans contribute immeasurably to our nation's way of life."
"She works tirelessly she holds six patronages related to literature the national literary trust the book trust she presents the book a prize she walks the walk and talks the talk as do all of our major Royals."
"Our role is to bring the music, the lore, the worship, and the culture of heaven into the earth."
"When you are putting your work out into the culture, you are putting it out into a culture that you are a part of."
"They came, they taught Humanity art culture architecture Agriculture and science."
"While she may not be as ubiquitous in mainstream media as during her peak years, her contributions to pop culture and her advocacy work outside of acting continue to be appreciated by fans worldwide."
"That's a big part of our show. We give people their flowers."
"Black folks have earned the right to have the things that we believe right from what we've contributed in front of the camera, what we've done behind the camera, the things that we have done and changed the narratives and we've taken the rain."
"Any time anyone who's an amazing animator says they started anime because of Newgrounds."
"I just want the artist I work with to go down as ghosts because they really are."
"In reality, the black man created every goddamn thing."
"Mark Dacascos, celebrated for his exceptional skills and contributions to Asian Cinema."
"I'm about to turn it up a notch as far as what I'm bringing to the culture, what I'm giving us in my lane."
"Your creativity knows no bounds, and you'll continue contributing significantly to culture wherever your paths may take you."
"Islam has so much to contribute to the space wherever you are."
"If you're not pushing the culture forward, you're pushing it backwards."
"In conclusion, Tanzania knows his worth and value to the continent."
"Black people invented every form of music that's out there. If we have our money, if we have restitution, we would never need these other people who are canceling Nike contracts and all this stuff."
"I did it for our people and I did it for our culture."
"I'm existing and creating black history just by being me."
"Life isn't just about passing on your genes. We can leave behind much more than just DNA through speech, music, literature, and movies."
"It's another reminder that black people are so creative and will turn nothing into something."
"It comes down to personal responsibility of the artist... spreading stuff that you think is important."
"Life went on, the sea people made a majestic statue of me, and friendship thrived."
"Everybody's purpose is service to others, man. And you've done a phenomenal job being of service to the culture of hip-hop."
"I applaud Ice Cube for really trying to further the conversation about the needs and economical issues that black people in America face."
"He's done a lot for the culture so I can't, I'm not going to tell him how to continue to try to shift and how to move the needle."
"I feel like I helped build hip-hop. I put a brick in that wall."
"This ain't even about the money no more, it's for the love, it's for the culture."
"His creations helped shape internet culture as a whole."
"It's an affirmation of people of color's place in history and their contributions."
"For centuries black people have contributed inventions, science theories, music, life lessons, art, and more into American culture."
"You gave basketball to the world. If the mark of a person's life can be summed up with a question like did you give more than you took, man you gave so much." - Stav
"I'm finally doing something for the culture it's authentic I'm doing it for us."
"All I've ever done was push the culture forward from day one."
"Frost goes just as if not harder for the culture than any of his pure blood peers."
"That's what they were doing. They were doing it for the culture."
"Phil Spector was one of the most influential people in the music industry."
"I would definitely do that, I'm all for pushing the culture forward in positivity."
"Without foundational black Americans, there would not be an America."
"They knew the ingenuity and the tenacity that we had."
"You saved Hollywood's ass, you saved the theatrical industry." - Steven Spielberg
"Van Der Mont's legacy spans across music, film, and education, leaving a profound impact in every field she touched. She was an undeniable force beloved by many for her varied talents and enduring spirit."
"Level 5 means that the car can drive on its own with absolutely zero need for driver monitoring or intervention."
"Diddy got the lifetime achievement award... well deserved... has contributed so much to Black culture."
"Everything we create, the entire world gets to benefit from it."
"We will still support the artists who were abandoned."
"It's good for the culture, it's good for hip-hop."
"It was truly a remarkably inclusive endeavor."
"That's a new frontier for the genre and for my country."
"Every form of popular music takes its cues from black people, and creativity. It’s just a fact."
"These enigmatic people apparently taught the French how to make wine, the Romans how to construct their roads."
"Feed the streets, not just the radio stations."
"This is something that I feel proud of that we can put into the universe."
"The Greeks gave to the world the ideas of citizenship and democracy."
"We could be artists, we could be poets, singers, musicians, and venters."
"The West owes the Muslim world for the preservation of its own knowledge."
"We are the thing that burns that keep the melting pot going."
"If you love animation or independent storytelling in general, you owe it to yourself to set aside time and check out their entire filmography."
"I release them for free because I wanted to percolate through the culture. To me, that's more important than putting it behind a paywall."
"Black Americans are as much the founding fathers of this country as Thomas Jefferson and George Washington."
"We've done more for Armenians through sneaker culture than the Kardashians have."
"Our fight for racial equality has been our fight, every time there's something groundbreaking culturally, we presented it."
"I appreciate that, so you're welcome. But thank you. You have done a great service to the car museum world by letting it play, turning the music off first of all, and letting me walk around and explaining some stories."
"The Drexel Theater in Columbus Ohio... committed to showing Independent films not found at nearby larger theaters."
"I want my legacy to be remembered like I opened the door to the Asian boxes."
"The African produced something they have been consistently producing without the world noticing it: Multi geniuses."
"Perhaps the most important interpretive phrase in this play is 'Immigrants, we get the job done.'"
"We have to start creating more of a platform and an appreciation for creativity."
"By supporting us, you're helping kind of keep independent creativity alive which is a beautiful thing if you think about it."
"All of this is foundational black American culture. We created all of this stuff."
"If my little thing can bring somebody towards something that they wouldn't normally come towards, then I can share something."
"The quality of music is here... it's being performed by black artists."
"The Nisei brought a rare sense of empathy and sensitivity."
"Latino communities have always been a vital and indispensable part of the American family, deeply enriching American life, history, and culture."
"Rest in power, Chadwick Boseman. Thank you for giving us all these incredible stories."
"The contributions that immigrants have made to any culture, but particularly the United States, are so massively disproportionate to their numbers."
"African-Americans invented Memorial Day."
"I worked over 10,000 hours of work, and I feel this is like a gift to the culture."
"After nearly 2,000 years, Derby is a city which is better preserved, more vibrant, and has made a greater contribution to the scientific and industrial history of the British Isles than most others of comparable size."
"I consider that our contributions to the culture."
"People poured in from the countryside to work in them, naturally well-educated German-speaking Jews were in the forefront of these commercial developments."
"He doesn't have to do things like that and it's just he's a good dude who genuinely fucks with the culture."
"I just started doing that because I was like, 'This is fun to me.' And then people were like, 'Yeah, this is great.' But how do I...? I feel like a sense of duty to bring back the songs that I feel like the generation that is here now, like, they just don't."
"You should thank black people. We created the genre you're in."
"Queens has produced so much talent and has contributed more to hip hop."
"...the vast majority of its largest contributors were in fact Jamaican natives who sung largely about the everyday reality struggles and aspirations of Africans and people of African heritage worldwide."
"We're creating content that's important for our culture. Educate, educate, educate."
"Julie Dash changed cinema history not just in the United States but around the world."
"What you guys are doing is so valuable for the culture."
"We do it for the culture because we supposed to."
"Nickelodeon owe a lot to SpongeBob SquarePants."
"Everybody knows that like the things that Asians contribute are good."
"The proof is in the pudding... we created Jazz, Blues, Rock and Roll, Rhythm and Blues, Funk, Disco, and Hip Hop."
"I do love Dream, and the Dream is a part of what we both have contributed to our culture."
"No other nation has given the world more games than Britain."
"I want to just contribute to the culture."
"We sacrificed our play for the culture."
"The contributions of black Germans enriched the cultural tapestry of the nation immensely."
"Black people brought architecture, Gothic and other styles you see overseas, math, hygiene to the Europeans."
"The emperor was also a thorough practitioner and patron of the arts."
"I really want to support black writers and black artists to continue to produce things that I think are life-giving to our culture."
"You are the soul of the culture you're doing."
"In the latter half of life, the purpose should be to bring wisdom and create culture."
"More than taking away, I want to add to it. I want to help move the culture."
"I have an enormous faith because I come from a community that has come out of worse situations than this and has produced most of the culture that we call American and is quite beautiful."
"I'm competing with time now... trying to get all the history out as much as I can to get to the culture before my time is up."
"These three black women ran the 2010s in their own respective genres and lanes."
"I just want to bring that natural feeling back in sneakers for the culture."
"Great nations produce great thinkers, artists, musicians, and scholars who make our world a more beautiful, enlightened, and joyful place."
"James Sinclair has discovered something that will give an awful lot of people a few moments of pleasure."
"Science is not the invention of the West. Science is how nature works."
"I've taken notice that some prominent figures... have begun to record some works that they consider meaningful to them as a diversion from current events."
"The Jewish contribution to America's freedom is very real."
"We just thought this neighborhood really needed a little southern flair."
"I never monetized it because I felt like it was my contribution to the culture."
"She's a great artist, man, great inspiration, she did a lot for the culture as well."
"I do this for the culture, man. I do this for the people."
"As a poet, as a photographer, as an artist, as a creative force, you have really contributed a staggering amount to culture."
"I'm bettering the culture; I already did more for the culture than these dudes 20 years ago."
"There's so many books coming out. I love that we're adding to the overall culture of our species by putting out so much stuff."
"I always came into the culture and wanted to do right by everybody."
"Black people invented house music."
"It's easy to see how the world of comedy would have been a poorer place without them."
"The Mi'kmaq are credited with having created or given the modern game of ice hockey to the colonists."
"Russia has given so much to figure skating over the years."
"I want to thank you all for what y'all are doing culturally."
"You're promoting the art and the artists."
"International students are incredibly important to UK culture."
"This is for the culture and this is why you're here, trust me."
"One of his most singular contributions was a book he published in 1965 entitled 'Northwest Coast Indian Art: An Analysis of Form'."
"He was giving a vital ingredient to American comedy."
"He's contributed, we all are gonna still listen to this man's music just because of what he does contribute to the culture."
"The Latino Community has provided America, and indeed the entire world, with innovations that we would be lost without."
"The very foundation of science and mathematics was taken from Andalo and from the Muslim world."