
National Character Quotes

There are 155 quotes

"We get up, we carry on, we never bow, we never bend, we speak of possibilities, not carnage."
"We need to bring America's character to bear on America's frontier, and if we do that, there is no limit to what we can accomplish."
"History has thrust one more urgent task on us: Will we be the generation that finally wipes out the stain of racism from our national character? I believe we're up to it. I believe we're ready."
"What separates Americans from other peoples in other nations around the world is that we have an optimistic mindset."
"Freedom itself is dependent on the strength and vitality of our national character."
"We are better than this as a country. We are better than this. These types of crimes, when you see children killed, go to the very core of all of us who have children or grandchildren."
"In the days ahead, we must not consider it unpatriotic to raise certain basic questions about our national character."
"The American West is a place that has shaped the character of the nation."
"A free nation, a nation with a market system, can only function with a virtuous population."
"This is bigger than whether a Democrat wins. This is about restoring the character of America."
"The national character is basically that we all agree on is people in this country don't like being told what to do."
"In times of struggle, we see the true greatness of the American character."
"The greatness of the American character is shining forward... We're going to come out stronger, better, bigger in every way."
"Americans aren't timid people, we are people who get the job done."
"The character of a nation is difficult to discern until its people are put to the test."
"It's a violent country. It's not the only thing to know about America."
"Luck favors the prepared. We are a nation of people that are prepared, not scared. This is an engine Nation."
"Great nations have not been bolsters and buffoons but perceivers of the terror of life and have manned themselves to face it."
"I don't think the American people are particularly radical, particularly corrupt, or particularly vicious. Quite the opposite actually."
"We are distinguished by the American virtues of openness, honesty, optimism, determination, generosity, confidence, kindness, hard work, courage, and hope."
"I think Americans hate cheaters and Americans hate bullies."
"The British response during the pandemic shows their unbeatable character."
"If we give Donald Trump eight years in the White House, he will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation."
"America is great because its people are good, and the people of America ever cease to be good, America will cease to be great."
"Canada is just a friendliness there's a genuineness about it."
"Our country is good, it's just folk that are bad."
"I know the future of America is bright because the American people are a great people."
"Bangladesh might just be the most resilient country on the planet."
"We are and must always be a land of hope, of light, and of glory to all the world."
"We have a really good bunch of people here in the Kingdom."
"This election is really a referendum on the president and an election around the nature and quality and character of the country."
"We are Americans, we will solve problems, that is what we do here."
"I admire him for that that's what I like about the country I like a can-do attitude..."
"For a nation that's been suicidal and crazy, they've outlasted everybody else."
"Nobody thought the American people could be so disciplined."
"Americans have steel in their spines, gritting their souls, and fire in their hearts."
"The test of our strength as a people is our ability to push through that on through to the next stage."
"I don't think there's a country with a bigger heart when it comes to taking people in."
"That's a relief for the Ukrainians because they like to do that."
"In their actions, we see true greatness of the American character."
"It's taken a lot of time, but I see that you never underestimate the tenacity of the British people."
"Americans are stubborn people. That's what's made us the most prosperous, freest people in the world."
"The United States is one of those rare countries that's been at war almost every day since its founding."
"Brazilians are very positive as a rule... most Brazilians are always glass half full instead of glass half empty."
"Complacency is not the character of great nations."
"Americans will always do the right thing when they've exhausted all other options."
"We are a nation of strategic optimists, always trying to look on the bright side of things." - Dr. Peter Vincent Pry
"It's all at stake: character's on the ballot, the character of the country."
"There were elements of groupthink, British exceptionalism, fatalism, delays, and chaos."
"We used to be a rather hardy people, liberty-seeking people."
"The thing about America is that we are at our best when the strong do not exploit the weak."
"New Zealand is a pretty peaceful country, and as it turns out, its animals are too."
"It seems to me that they're the nicest people as a nation that I've ever met."
"We need a leader who can call out the better angels of our country... It's about how generous and principled we can be." - Reed Howard
"We as Americans do impossible things and impossible odds, and we get it done."
"The character of our country has to be measured, in part, not by what we do when things are easy, but what we do when things are hard."
"I will defend it at all corners and the thing that one of the things that makes America different is when something bad happens we step up."
"I think the US has tremendous ability to regenerate itself."
"I think most Americans are good-hearted and polite and curious."
"There is so much beauty and decency in this country."
"I think ultimately as I look at democracies, I say we're not defined by bad days, we're defined by how we come back from them."
"Chile may be the skinny isolated country with lots of stuff going on, but when things get overwhelming, they just shake it off."
"Empathy is one of the most important qualities of a civilized nation."
"I consider Filipinos among the friendliest people in the world. They always respond, 'We are.'"
"Because, when it comes to Italy, we can talk a lot… like, A Lot a lot."
"America's fearless resolve has inspired heroes who defined our national character."
"Because we are not as divided as our politics suggests, because we're a decent, generous people willing to work hard and sacrifice for future generations."
"The attributes of self-discipline, quiet, good humour resolve, and a fellow feeling still characterize this country."
"America is a very witty intelligent country that has a very advanced sense of humor that comes from a place of self-deprecation."
"America is a deeply racist horrible place in every aspect."
"The British are tough, strong people and good allies."
"Some countries try to fight the ocean, others are afraid of the ocean. Portugal practically wants to live in the ocean. If they had gills, they'd sell their land."
"We're a nation of Pride, not a nation of gratitude, and that's why we're failing."
"America is a vicious country; people come here to learn how to sharpen their knives."
"The USA is a teenager, the UK is an old man."
"Britain is not a social contract Nation, Britain is an ancient and settled Nation."
"Costa Rica is like the pacifist nature guy in Central America who just wants you to zipline through his jungles, chill out on the beach, and not fight with him. Please, just don't fight with him."
"Our economy is innovative, industrious, and resilient because the American people are innovative, industrious, and resilient."
"America is the most generous country in the world when it comes to legal immigration."
"They welcome everybody in their country no matter who you are, as long as you're acting accordingly."
"Majority of the people in Jamaica, they're not wicked."
"The American people can always be counted on to do the right thing after they've exhausted every other alternative."
"The character of a nation is regulated by the principles of that nation."
"The only real question is does the United States at its heart have enough human blood pumping in its veins to avoid going down."
"The British don't do revolutions, but when their backs are to the wall, they fight."
"Finns have a philosophy called sisu."
"Norwegians are known for being very level-headed and nice, but they do know who they support and stand by, no matter what."
"A great nation's character is measured by how it treats the vulnerable."
"Polish people are productive and prudent."
"The character of any nation or any individual is determined by how we treat the least of us."
"Spain is a country where small enemies are defeated and large enemies starve."
"Pakistanis are a kind and generous people."
"It is about integrity, morality, values, and the rule of law that defines the character of a nation and its people."
"Ukrainians as a nation, we are pretty brave and adaptive; we just adapt to any circumstances."
"We were always generous, compassionate, and Russia as a country reflects these qualities."
"Sweden is home to the most creative and entrepreneurial population on the planet."
"The British have a particular relationship with small pleasures that I would hate to see spoiled."
"Generally, South Africans are kind; they really are loving people."
"The incredible kindness and goodness of the people of our country."
"It is the duty and policy of Parliament to abrogate that evil and to extirpate it, being a stain on the national character."
"We're the most generous nation on the face of the Earth."
"Portugal is rated as having some of the friendliest people."
"Few countries do passion better than Italy."
"Mostly Indians are just very simple and kind-hearted people."
"Most countries were at some time in the last 300 years infected by revolutionary fervor or ideological passion, but England it seems has been vaccinated."
"Polish people are really wholesome and honest."
"Most Americans are good-hearted, polite, and curious."
"Hearty outdoor sports like hunting are in themselves of no small value to the national character and should be encouraged in every way."
"The Dutch are a very resilient people."
"Americans are by nature quick to respond to the emergency."
"Nigerians are the most optimistic people."
"British people stand their ground in times of crisis, don't we? We stand our ground when we have to."
"We got a scrappy country, and I think we lose sight of that sometimes."
"Australia people are wonderful, they are friendly."
"The strength and the heart of the Russian people have always inspired me."
"This is a very warm and welcoming and loving country, and it's not going to change anytime soon."
"Selfishness, if it is hateful in the individual, must be deplorable in the nation."
"Finns are very calm nation, confident in their future and themselves."
"Mexico is the hardest working country in the world on average."
"This country is home to the kindest individuals with an incredible love for life."
"Mexicans are very hard-working people as a whole."
"Despite all its problems, this is a country of happy people."
"People often talk about the people of San Marino as Fiery heart, cool head."
"You could judge a nation by its food, can't you? You are what you eat."
"Kenyans are really nice people, loving people, they're really supportive."
"America is full of good people who mean well, not people who are rotten and evil."
"Mr. Twain, pride is one of our national passions. Even those who overcome it, are proud of their humility."
"Why is the US the most innovative, inventive country? Because people have freedom."
"America has an amazing ability to self-correct."