
US Politics Quotes

There are 198 quotes

"Political violence is never, ever acceptable in the United States political system. Never, never, never."
"Without participating in electoral politics here in the United States, we wouldn't necessarily have someone like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez."
"The final votes totals were 43% for Clinton, 37% for Bush, and 19% for Perot, the best ever election result for a 3rd party candidate in US history."
"The president of the United States has strongly expressed support of those who are seeking freedom and liberty in Cuba."
"The select committee to investigate the January 6th attack on the United States capital will be in order without objection."
"There is a foreign government meddling in US affairs, but it's not China, it's Israel."
"This is a fraud on the American public. We did win this election."
"We don't know the result yet, but what we do know is that Donald Trump is far more popular than conventional wisdom thought he was."
"Many, many times on the campaign trail, you know we may have defeated Trump but Trumpism is not dead in this country."
"For all the serious and dangerous divisions in America today, there is one thing a majority of Americans see eye to eye on, and it is not trusting Saudi Arabia."
"You've got to make structural changes in the United States, otherwise what has been going on for 40 years will continue to go on."
"We're gonna need the largest voter turnout in the history of the United States." - Bernie Sanders
"Clinton easily demolished Bob Dole and Ross Perot in 1996."
"Let's be clear on this point, too. The intelligence community concluded that Russia interfered in the 2016 election."
"When I was advocating for Edward Snowden's pardon in the last days of the Trump Administration, it was kind of odd to me how important it was to the US Security State that Edward Snowden not be pardoned and allowed to come home."
"Americans don't vote for the president, Americans vote for a slate of electors who will then go on to vote for the president."
"Democrats aren't doing this instead they're doing this on an ad-hoc basis and so Trump feels like he's being screwed."
"A new consensus on China is rising across America."
"Donald Trump's own National Security advisor believes he's the biggest existential threat."
"The President of the United States calls the shots. They can’t do anything without the approval of the President of the United States."
"America can't seem to understand anything beyond red versus blue or this team versus that team."
"I was one of only three senior officials in the Trump Administration who was with the president all the way from the 2016 campaign."
"I give Kevin McCarthy a lot of credit for doing what he did. He went against that MAGA base and he did the right thing for America."
"For the first and at least for now only time in history, a president had been re-elected for a second non-consecutive term."
"You know the problem we all have as voters is we see politicians and they talk a good game... What I believe makes me qualified to be a U.S senator is that I have spent a lifetime fighting for the Constitution and winning on a national level."
"This one could destroy NATO and it could destroy the United States and it could change the balance of power in the world."
"We act with impunity; the United States backs us. What difference can it possibly make?" - Judge Andrew Napolitano
"This is a real-life unintentional impact of the self-sorting that's come to define modern American politics."
"The systemic corruption of the United States by the financial services industry."
"They let all of this happen because they thought they could leverage it politically and it almost burned down the U.S. government."
"The lobby's influence, of course, is no secret. AIPAC was ranked the second most powerful lobby in Washington in a 2003 survey of congressmen and their staffs."
"Mitch McConnell says December 29th he's going to come back in override Trump's vetoes to make sure every single Trump supporter knows the Republican Party hates you, hates your president." - Host
"Biden is the first U.S president in the last 30 years with deep foreign policy experience."
"Republicans are the bad cop and Democrats say, 'hey hey, come with us.'"
"It is time to put partisan politics aside and solve our border crisis."
"Wyoming doesn't exist... because of this 'Great Compromise'."
"The real key change here is that the Democrats have taken over the Senate and they now have the House, the Senate, and the presidency."
"We passed the bipartisan infrastructure package with all fifty Democrats and Republicans."
"When it's done on the liberal side and people are so unhinged that they're trying to suggest that there's some even remote connection between Russia and white supremacy in the U.S."
"How Russia harvested American rage to reshape U.S politics."
"It's the biggest political scandal in anything closely resembling modern US political history."
"Class consciousness workers in the United States are listening to these labor leaders."
"Obstruction of Congress is about asserting privileges that are time-honored."
"The president asserting privileges is not a game, it's been done by every single president."
"The hatred of Donald Trump has completely obscured love of country."
"If congress can make up what it impeaches for and is not constrained... we have a constitutional crisis."
"I think Trump's gonna win again because nobody's being honest."
"Now America, on both sides, people are concerned about the integrity of our country, the integrity of the system this country is built upon."
"Don't lecture me about this constitution, Dark Brandon, because Just Brandon is violating it every other day."
"China is pursuing its global ambitions more aggressively than ever before." - Former Vice President Mike Pence
"I've seen a lot of 'how does a 17 year old have an AR-15' but I haven't seen any 'how come a convicted felon had a pistol'." - Michael Nolis
"For the first time in our history, a president tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power."
"Now that the Biden administration has announced a ban on the import of Russian oil, a move that will cost Americans money, is the White House now eyeing a trade of one tyrant for another when it comes to buying oil?"
"Getting rid of Trump is the beginning, not the end."
"Judge Michael Luttig gave Pence the legal cover to defy Donald Trump and refuse to overturn the election."
"The left will say Trump cheated, the right will say Democrats stole the election. There's no middle ground."
"The perfect microcosm of where we're at politically right now in the United States."
"Hillary Clinton has been doing that ever since she lost. I was told that if Donald Trump lost in 2016 he was not going to respect the results of the election."
"The extremes on the left and right are trying to defeat a two-party solution for partisan purposes."
"U.S. politics is absolute sycophantic performative trash, full of hyper-tribal dullards who are convinced Wall Street-sponsored puppets are on their side."
"There is a lot of frustration and mistrust towards the American Administration." - Avi Malamed
"Who wants Mitch McConnell blocking legislation for the next two to four years? Not me."
"Congressional Republicans are like wannabe class clowns, embarrassing themselves."
"Raising the debt ceiling is not about new spending, it's about paying the bills that Donald Trump and the mega Republicans in control of the house created."
"He witnessed Donald Trump ask a foreign leader to dirty up Joe Biden’s son and Joe Biden a potential political rival."
"The President of the United States tried to leverage U.S. taxpayer money to get another foreign government to investigate his opponent in the 2020 election."
"The UK Financial Times reported that the US House of Representatives' special committee plans to conduct a war game simulation."
"We don't want Joe Biden selecting the equivalent on the left of the right-wing nutty ideologues that Donald Trump regularly selected."
"U.S. Health Secretary Alex Azar offering President Trump's strong support for Taiwan."
"Our politics and our politicians in the United States... lend themselves to satire. They're so absurd, ridiculous, and surrealistic in and of themselves that only satire in some sense can catch the absurd truth."
"Former Vice President Joe Biden will become the 46th president of the United States."
"The world is laughing at us right now, they're watching us collapse in real time unless we have massive change in Washington."
"The Obamas and the Clintons have utterly destroyed the American family."
"Donald Trump represented the first step towards white identity politics in the United States."
"Now presidents are not kings and the plaintiff is not president." - A U.S. federal judge
"The United States has never seen a war it doesn't like..."
"America is at an inflection point, one of those moments that determine the shape of everything that's to come."
"The Trump presidency is over, thank god, finally after four years."
"We're gonna build the wall, we have to build the wall, and the Democrats are holding it back."
"God bless you, and God bless the United States of America."
"The Democrat Party certainly is on its way out."
"The truth about January 6 is you had multiple things happening at multiple different locations."
"This administration has embraced dictators and strongmen in a way that we haven't seen before in this country."
"Nothing excuses foreign meddling in U.S. elections."
"The fact that we have a sitting U.S president who will not commit to the peaceful transfer of power should he lose the election, that should be the only thing you have to know about him to know that you can't vote for him."
"Confronting China should become the organizing principle of U.S. foreign policy."
"Do I think Trump's going to win by 10 nationally in 2024 not necessarily but I do think he's going to win the popular vote."
"What makes me gloomy is the state of U.S politics."
"This is going on in the United States right now."
"I think a lot of people in Washington found Donald Trump shocking, but they are so fed up with the corruption that has leaked into every aspect of Washington DC."
"His policies on Russia were significantly harsher than Barack Obama's were."
"This was a violent attempt to overthrow the government of the United States."
"The disappointments mounted from then, and I'm really unhappy about U.S. foreign policy now."
"The Biden administration has made many blunders, but that was the biggest blunder by far—weaponizing the US dollar and the Swift payment system."
"There's a strong element on the right within the US that is eager to enter into war."
"A conservative majority court is going to decide on Biden's private employer vaccine mandate."
"A new era of U.S. unrest." - The Supreme Court's coming abortion ruling may spark a new era of U.S. unrest.
"I will not be leaving the Democratic Party I will not be running as an independent or a third party candidate."
"The U.S. House condemns the horrors of socialism."
"The regular policy Channel was running contrary to the goals of long-standing US policy."
"Tonight 2019 is going to be the nastiest year in American politics since before the Civil War."
"The United States- currently the world's sole superpower- fits this description."
"Republicans Paul Gosar and Andy Biggs, are you with the United States of America or are you with Trump's terrorists?"
"Suddenly the United States looks very much like a one-party State."
"When you call yourself a US citizen, you're actually calling yourself a subject of what they Define as a federal Corporation."
"America lost nearly 10,000 factories while Joe Biden was vice president."
"Joe Biden sides with China over America time and time again."
"Joe Biden wants to kill American energy and impose the Green New Deal."
"It's about incentives. When you tell people that you can come into the United States, they're going to believe you."
"Meyer was one of 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach President Trump after the January 6 attack."
"Geopolitical catastrophe looming in Ukraine as well no wonder according to the axio article that I discussed yesterday US officials are now worried."
"Donald Trump has known from the start of his presidency that Vladimir Putin ordered the attack on our election."
"All this talk of nuclear war in the United States is more likely to convince most Americans... that some kind of Peace negotiation should be started as soon as possible."
"The only corruption that was going on here was by the president of the United States."
"I think we can all agree that the US healthcare system is fundamentally broken."
"Every day the situation in the U.S becomes more dire."
"For a lot of countries in Asia and elsewhere, it's almost like the world can't be into when the US is kind of torn."
"For someone who calls himself a socialist and who really occupies the most leftward point possible in the very narrow United States political consensus, I mean he came closer to winning than anyone ever did."
"Democrats have agreed to advance the 3.5 trillion dollar budget resolution."
"Whatever happens in America affects the whole world."
"U.S. capitalism is completely addicted to militarism and war."
"Nixon's presidency was marked by efforts to extricate the US from the Vietnam War."
"The catastrophic consequences of the US invasion."
"People who support Donald Trump genuinely really want to see positive change for this country."
"We had Republicans say, 'Hey, he needs to do something about gas prices,' and then we did something about gas prices, and they're like, 'Well, don't do that.'"
"Hopefully that's something that people can forge over time with their partners."
"Life Force is one insane movie... and I love every lunatic second of it."
"Our findings are sobering. Neither U.S. law enforcement nor the intelligence community appears to have possessed any actual evidence of collusion."
"Even if you don't like Kamala Harris in terms of her politics, the energy she's bringing is much needed."
"Biden is running to the left of just about every candidacy I can think of."
"Another four years of Trump pushes us towards this bizarre neo-fascism."
"We also got Trump because of anti-intellectualism, xenophobia, racism."
"Why is this Congress obsessed with itself and cares nothing about the American people?"
"The reality is the problem lies with the United States."
"Donald Trump is just going to go quietly away."
"Trump's historic impeachment not once, but twice."
"And it wasn't just fake news, CNN. Former Vice President Joe Biden will win Pennsylvania and Nevada, putting him over the 270 electoral votes he needs to become the 46th president of the United States."
"The single most important thing we have to accomplish is defeat Donald Trump."
"The Senate Republicans introduced their HEALS Act on Monday." - Josh
"I do firmly believe that in the end... the Republicans and the Democrats will be able to work together." - Josh
"Many of the things that happened in the old Soviet regime and in the Soviet Empire are at least in a varied form and to varying degrees happening here in the United States."
"Only in a country that has the class disparity, the race disparity of the United States could somebody like Donald Trump be elected as the president."
"If the American people are looking at the candidate who can defeat Trump, I’ll hope they’ll give serious consideration to our candidacy."
"Of course I'm talking about the presidential election in the United States of America, an election that could end with the return of Donald Trump to the White House."
"Trump's ascension is a sign of the fall of America."
"Who do you think is the most extreme political group in the United States?"
"It's a tremendous dereliction of duty on the part of U.S. leaders."
"There must be some powerful force in the United States, maybe Congress, maybe the intelligence community, and therefore Congress has to go along."
"Injecting sanity into the thought here, the big problem that I think we have... is that there is no strategic vision in the United States."
"It's cruel, callous, and cold-hearted, but what else have we come to expect from Trump, McConnell, and the boys?"
"It's the most consequential election of our history because it's not just President Trump or Joe Biden who's on the ballot, it's America."
"The Republican party is no longer conservative at all. They're maga, they're trumpists, they're Maga Republicans like Donald Trump."
"Annapolis is the capital city of Maryland, the closest state capital to the U.S. Capitol."
"It's pretty cut and dry that Trump has broken the law."
"The atmosphere around him in the US at the moment is toxic."
"President Trump was inaugurated and became President of the United States of America, the 45th person to be President."
"The change came from within the US, and sometimes change has to come from within."
"In Trump's view, there is no liberal center. You are either for him or you are a socialist, communist, you know. It's almost like inverted Stalinism."
"Bernie's appeal was much more widespread than Jesse Jackson's."
"There's a way in the United States where the left eats itself on these issues."
"Incredibly complicated operations... that's why Jimmy Carter got two terms."
"They have defeated Trump, but Trumpism is not dead in this country."
"The feud between Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell continues to heat up."
"This is going to be the craziest year ever in US politics. I'm so excited that we're going to go through it together."
"Here are the 70 House Republicans who voted to cut off all US military aid to Ukraine."
"Joe Biden won Alabama, Arkansas, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia."
"Money doesn't actually determine politics in the United States."
"So when you look at the way that they're lashing out at Russia, it's actually more revelatory in how the United States system works."
"That's leadership, Lou, and that's the leadership of President Donald Trump."
"Immigration in this country has been broken for decades."
"This is not just true for JD Vance I'm not saying this just to critique Vance I'm saying this because this is important for who's going to control the White House in 2024."
"Ukraine is not a core interest of the United States of America."
"What goes on in Washington DC is Kabuki theater."
"Do we have political prisoners in the United States right now?" - Unknown speaker
"Remember when Donald Trump was telling you that the election was going to be overturned? I was telling you he was going to lose Georgia."
"We've seen the United States under this Administration taking extreme provocative steps which to be frank I cannot imagine any other Administration previously taking."
"Political murders happen from the right... political violence in the United States right now, don't do it."
"Blanche Bruce, U.S. Senator. He's the second African-American to serve in the U.S. Senate and the first to be elected full term."
"What we have seen in the last few years in the United States thank God is a real significant optic in labor organizing."
"In a time when millions of people in the United States are looking for deep systemic solutions to our crises, I hereby second the nomination of Senator Bernard Sanders for President of the United States of America."
"After recently spending a few weeks in Europe, the subject of America's presidential election was a constant topic of intense curiosity and concern among the people I spoke to."
"The Trump administration has to come to understand that on some fundamental levels, the United States and Russia, under Vladimir Putin, have divergent interests, and we've got to be clear-eyed about that."
"There's a civic revival... more women, more people of color running for office in the U.S. than ever."
"The major US corporations that are close to government are probably the single largest factor when trying to understand why the US government makes decisions."
"How long is one regular term for a U.S. representative? Two years."