
Divine Observation Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"God sees my ways and counts every step I take."
"God was using you for His work... they didn't realize though that God was watching them the entire time."
"God is seeing the good things that are happening."
"The Holy Spirit never stops looking at you, never stops watching over you with joy."
"If you feel God is watching you all the time, then you're more likely to be a better person."
"Human ways are under the eyes of the Lord, and he examines all their paths."
"Even if you just help a child out, you know, you don't even have to have faith. You just do something for a child, the angels are going to report you."
"All of your life, God has watched every moment... His love is never wavered."
"Don't ever give up, all beings are under the watchful eye of the Divine."
"Everything he does, God is watching, sees, takes pleasure in it, changes everything in his life."
"God sees you in the little moments. It's not always the shouting down the devils in Hell type of prayer."
"God is real, He's watching us, and He actually reveals to redeem."
"God is looking at you right now and God is saying, 'What are you waiting for?'"
"Good preaching notices what God is doing now."
"You don't get away with anything. No one can get away with anything as long as God sees everything."
"For everybody who was not appreciated, for everybody who was not celebrated, for everybody who was unwanted, even abandoned, I want you to know your Father saw."
"Be careful what you say. God hears everything."
"Your eyes will see what the Father is doing and your ears will hear what the Father is saying."
"God sees you, and it breaks you because it means that everything around you is important."
"We are watching the word of God real time and we are alive to see it happen."
"The Lord sees you and considers you to be precious."
"God saw that it was good, even though it was not finished."
"Remember this above all: the gods watch us today. Be sure they are not ashamed by your actions. Now advance."
"I never feel like it's a secret. I always feel like, oh God's going to watch me."
"Your heart intentions were pure and the Lord saw that."
"God looks at what's happening and calls for a people who will speak truth."
"When you do for someone, Allah is watching."
"God can see how people treat you, how people misjudge you, how people use you."
"Morality is what we do when nobody sees except the Lord."
"God sees everything. We just want God to see what we want him to see but he sees what we need him to see."
"Your obedience is what God is looking at. It's what is most powerful."
"Are you serving With Honor? Because God sees."
"God wanted you to know that He sees you, and He adores you."
"He sees, and He's the only one that matters who sees. He sees, and He says thank you."
"The Lord observed the extent of human wickedness on the earth and he saw that everything they thought or imagined was consistently and totally evil."
"God is looking down on us; we are not going to the good place if we don't fix this situation."
"God sees you. He's always faithful in completing the work that he has begun in you."
"The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the earth, looking to show Himself strong on behalf of somebody who will trust Him and be loyal."
"The eyes of the Lord are roaming to and fro throughout the earth to show himself strong on behalf of those whose hearts are loyal to him."
"It's Time For Freedom, God sees you, he sees all that you're going through."
"The ways of a man are before the eyes of the Lord, and He ponders all his goings."
"I know every act of kindness that you've done, nothing escapes Him."
"And Elohim saw the light, that it was good: and Elohim divided the light from the darkness."
"God sees you right where you are."
"The day they were gossiping about you, God was listening."
"God see the work, I don't care what nobody long as God here."
"Careful what you do, cause God is watching your every move."
"Your eyes go throughout the earth looking for those who are faithful."
"God saw that all things how he made them and that they were good."
"God sees you right where you're at."
"You see me when I travel and when I rest at home. You know everything I do."
"The Lord has looked upon my affliction."
"The eyes of God are everywhere, observing the bad and the good; there is nothing overlooked."
"The eyes of Him with whom we have to do, everything is naked and open."
"All the wrongdoings that have ever been done on Earth do not ever go unseen by God."
"Everything that we have comes first through His gaze. There is nothing that comes to me, that comes to you, that comes to us, that has not first passed through the gaze of the Lord God Almighty."
"The Lord looks down from heaven on all mankind to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God."
"Because God's not just looking at the outward what you're doing, He's looking at your heart."
"God looks at the condition of the heart."
"God sees you. He sees your shook up stare, he sees your tears, he sees your misfortune, he sees your predicament."
"Be grateful to the Lord; He has seen all the good deeds you had done."
"Be sweet like candy in this chat, be nice to people, help them, God is watching you."
"Whatever God told you to do, do it well while nobody is looking, while nobody is cheering you on, while nobody cares, while nobody sees you. Steward it well because God sees you."
"God is looking on us and He just wants us to do the right thing by others."
"God sees all of that, and that's why God restores you."
"God watches all of that, God sees all that stuff."
"Moreover, Jesus lives in the place of observation, and He graciously interposes still... Christ's honor is as much concerned at this moment in the defeat or victory of His servants as it was when He came down from the mountaintop."
"You pleasing God, God sees everything that you're doing, he gonna please you."
"God is looking at your heart, not your religious activities."
"The Lord looked down from his sanctuary; from heaven did the Lord behold the earth." - Psalms 102:19
"This is my daughter, this is my son, I exclaimed; the angels in the heavens watched attentively."
"The eyes of the Lord are running to and fro throughout the entire earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose hearts are loyal toward Him."
"Every one of these small acts has value and will be counted by the all-seeing eye of God and will receive a hundredfold reward."
"The eyes of the Lord are continually scanning, looking for those whose heart is wholeheartedly towards Him."
"And his eyes are upon them that fear him, and he knoweth every work of man."
"Allah is watching and Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala will ask."
"They seem to be staring at the dark, but their eyes were watching God."
"Your heavenly Father who sees in secret will reward you openly."
"Heaven does and their heavenly hosts understand and they look forth and they see Jesus smile."
"The eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the Earth so that he may support those whose heart is completely his."
"God sees the pulsating heart that when he looks at our heart, and out of this flows all the issues of life."
"The good Lord sit high but he looks low."
"The eyes of the Lord go to and fro throughout the whole earth to look for those whose hearts are loyal towards Him."
"God is watching you. You better get it together."
"He set his eye upon their hearts, that he might show them the greatness of his works."
"For the ways of men are before the eyes of the Lord, and he pondereth all his goings."
"Sometimes all Allah wants to see is that you're sincere."
"So where is your God now, watching you through me?"
"God can see the difference between individuals who really, really genuinely love what they do."
"Stay true to your path, okay and higher forces are watching over you."
"Remember God in heaven is always watching."
"God knows your heart and your intentions and watched you move with a moral compass."
"You were willing to sacrifice for this particular person, and God, the universe, Source, however it resonates with you, saw it all."