
Degradation Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"Technology is basically downgrading humans, downgrading human skills."
"The more you try to pull movies and television and video games and books from the festering corpse of their ideologically bastardized intellectual property, the more they will forcefully, violently fall from grace."
"My first experience of this, my first knowledge of existing, was as a weapon to humiliate and degrade women."
"It really felt degrading just to be talked to like that."
"The dialogue has descended into a perhaps almost unprecedented level of coarseness and crassness. It's highly inappropriate and highly unfortunate."
"Each time you do this, go from one room through the mirror to the Next Room, you'll notice that the mirror will become more cracked and more imperfect."
"Authority degrades those who exercise it and those over whom it is exercised."
"Aging is like the scratches. If you take sandpaper to a CD, it's not going to play very well."
"I have never been so upset about someone degrading me in my life."
"It's also very serious and a little bit scary, especially as we head into another election."
"It's about destroying the cultural integrity, it's the vulgarization of American History."
"It's degrading to the press, it's degrading to our discourse, it's degrading to everybody."
"Everything Changes in a couple of weeks... our way of living... is going to start to degrade at a faster Pace."
"The evil person slowly becomes symbolic of an evil arrangement of things, an evil picture, an evil monstrosity."
"It was a complete debasement of substantive policy discussions."
"One of the things for me is really striking about a lot of modern culture is how incredibly degraded it is."
"Corruption is a cancer on our society, weakening us against our enemies and deteriorating law and order."
"It's a beautiful city that's unfortunately being absolutely ruined by politicians."
"The moral and spiritual degradation reached such a level that divine intervention became necessary."
"It's not like gum anymore... it's just disintegrated into hard, sugary pink powder."
"Don't you just love plastic and how it'll take two million years to break down?"
"For what else is a slanderous and malicious man but a fox or something even more rascally and degraded?"
"However, even before any major outages began, conditions on the electric grid, especially in northern Ohio and eastern Michigan were slowly degrading."
"It's degrading, it's demoralizing, and it's depressing."
"...the degradation and Desperation of the human survivors in a world of chaos and what it does to them over time..."
"A society that makes them into problems to be fixed in the form of being happy with their degradation is itself a sick society."
"Each time you recharge the battery, you're losing a little more capacity."
"By the day 7 mark, Junko had been completely stripped of all of her humanity."
"Autophagy, which is a far more macromolecule system, can degrade particular single proteins but also can degrade entire organelles, so think of it like this massive vacuum cleaner."
"One executive was made to mop the bathroom floor with his tongue, just unbelievable instances of degradation."
"That causes erosion, that'll literally erode away any forward-facing surface."
"That fusion crust is being degraded. It's a slow continual process of constantly breaking down that fusion crust."
"This is degrading that's how it makes me feel this is quite degrading."
"Recommended, it says recommended. If the CPU is degrading when you don't follow the recommendations, maybe the recommendation should have been a spec instead of a recommendation."
"The debtor takes part in the right of the Masters. At last, he too shares the elevated feeling of being in a position to despise and maltreat someone as an inferior."
"The degrading nature of our entertainment culture is concerning."
"Some common drugs with reduced times of stability include antibiotic suspensions, insulins, glp-1 analogs, drugs requiring refrigeration, and nitroglycerin tablets."
"The great Rhine could become nothing more than a stream."
"Saint Petersburg became in the eyes a defiled, disgraced, and indecent place for the residents."
"Adam, his very name, from the face of the Earth, what is lower than mud? We are most humiliated when we are thrown down in the mud."
"The succulent flavor of nostalgia had grown stale er than that hardened wad of chewing gum under your old science class desk."
"Literally, your womenfolk are going to the dogs."
"Brake fluid goes bad over time as it attracts humidity which then turns to vapor when the brake fluid is heated."
"The core challenge is the coarsening, this inhumanity."
"If it's not top tier, and that's one of the reasons why the fuel injectors begin to go bad."
"If everything degrades, if everything becomes disordered, you might be wondering how it is that we exist."
"The length of the ubiquitin chain on a substrate is a function of the relative kinetics of substrate dissociation and ubiquitin transfer."
"...the ubiquitin proteasome system plays a very important role in regulatory biology as exemplified by the degradation of cyclins to inactivate CDK at the end of mitosis."
"How far have we fallen? What is the degree of that human corruption?"
"...slow changes in the condition of a single cover type like say forced degradation due to insects and disease like we've mentioned before."
"Their once proud icon of their Legion: the iron mask of a machine skull."
"Your special has now become not very special, thanks to dick face there. Hurry up, Giovanni."
"...these disks would rot away within about 48 hours of you opening the airtight packaging."
"The Western society, claiming to uplift the woman, had degraded her to concubine, a mysticist, and society butterflies."
"UV radiation from the sun causes plastics to become yellow."
"Plastics used in headlights, outdoor chairs, Tupperware, etc., can become yellowed."
"If you drop your operating temperature enough, your chip might not degrade at all."
"The car is only two years old and has whopping 16 degradation."
"A sad imitation of something that was originally a masterpiece."
"Poverty is not just a question of insufficiency of money, it is degradation, absence of motivation."
"Batteries on cars degrade after two years."
"Your box that has a decent amount of water in it and has oxygen going in, it's going to decay, it's going to degrade."
"I feel like there'd be good guys out there that say [ __ ] like that, that's just so degrading."
"We do not represent ignorance, the white supremacists like to promote ignorance and degradation."
"Nowadays, we can think about a different kind of pharmacology which is the development of a degrader."
"There is nothing necessarily dignified about manual labor at all, and most of it is absolutely degrading."
"Half of the world's coral reefs have died in the last 30 years, mostly because of ocean warming."
"I'm done with you. Remember this, you insect. You'll always be below everyone in this world because that is the trash that you are."
"This is where the river should be. It's half the size it should be."
"The very fact that something may be degrading doesn't mean it wasn't designed in the first place."
"To me, the true death of rock and roll is when you're hearing a tape."
"Regardless of whether the xfc battery is charged at a slow or very fast rate the degradation Remains the Same."
"The degradation provided, you know, some sort of localized environment that facilitated calcite precipitation, played a very important role."
"Every time we lose a little bit of it, we become a little bit less human."
"...oh you're low life, oh you a low life..."
"You're not breathing life into nobody, you're a poor excuse for a black man."
"...eventually that entire movement degraded into a group of people who let the mask slip went full Nazi and then just evaporated off of YouTube and sort of this residual group of grifters that have maintained this sort of uh like right-wing anti-woke grift for years now..."
"Nobody looks at you, it's so degrading, you know?"
"Ruining rap, it's not what rap is about."
"The land is slowly dying. The river is dying. The Coorong is dying, and the Murray Mouth is closing."
"It's like Homer Simpson when he was cloned; each Homer Simpson got half as dumb as the one before."
"Models will degrade over time rather than being a question of if a model will degrade, it's more a question of when a model will degrade."
"Soil degradation is the loss of the ability of soil to support plant growth... it's a really harmful thing."
"It's as if your battery were growing smaller as it ages like a bottle that holds less and less water."
"Polyesters and polyamides are made by condensation reactions thus they can be broken down by hydrolysis reactions."
"The human environment and the natural environment deteriorate together; we cannot adequately combat environmental degradation unless we attend to processes related to human and social degradation."
"Plastic is almost impossible to degrade."
"Plastics take around a thousand years to degrade."
"Cells synthesize and degrade molecules in a series of steps, which is called their metabolic pathway."
"The longer you let the juice sit, the more it will oxidize, the more you will lose some of the valuable antioxidant nutrients."
"You want to control the rate of degradation of the overall scaffold so that rate is matched to the rate at which the new tissue is forming."
"Lysosomes are involved with the breakdown of damaged intracellular components."
"The security of the blockchain provably degrades gracefully with increasing delta."
"All of them have texture and grain and slight degradation."
"Temperate world today, less than two percent remains in its original condition."
"Coulombic efficiencies... it's kind of crazy to see that even though the coulombic efficiency is kind of like a straight line, you'll still get these large decreases in discharge capacity over time."
"EIS is very useful for understanding coating degradation."
"It's utterly disgusting how this property went from something so beautiful, glorious, into a dumping ground."
"Authoritarianism is a false recourse because it might work as a last solution in the instant but in the long term as a political system it always degenerates."
"Globalization results in environmental degradation."
"The drying up of the Aral Sea is one of the foremost examples of modern human-induced environmental degradation."
"It's quite lovely, but if I wear it day on day on day, it will just slowly degrade my face's ability to look alive."