
Personal Data Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"The entire business model of some corporations is based on really getting to know you better than you know yourself."
"Big Tech is more powerful than most countries, and they profit by exploiting your personal data."
"We need laws around personal data to be way more sophisticated."
"I took my daughter to an allergist, and I needed her medical insurance number, and I just keep that on my phone."
"I'm definitely concerned particularly about that because I'm not a fan of surveillance capitalism."
"They, the two from Black Box, would regularly review the iPad's contacts, test messages, videos, personal data mirrored from her phone, photos, literally everything..."
"Your personal data is very valuable. It is no wonder that hackers, governments, and corporations are trying to collect and catalog everything about you."
"Most people wouldn't even share their internet history with the closest people to them in their lives, so why would you want to share it with people that actually have an incentive to exploit all of your personal data?"
"Google or Facebook can create an algorithm that knows you better than you know yourself."
"Would I be able to extract my complete save file - my personal digital history with the game - and put it on my cartridge - in a way, bringing it into the real world? Using the Retrode, yep."
"You are not owning your data. They are profiting off of our data."
"Your information does not have to be for sale."
"Knowing where you live can explain your motivations, right?"
"Liam also has a secure autofill feature that works for personal information and credit cards."
"When your water bottle can text you, you're allowing it into the Citadel of your private information."
"Facebook might know more about you than you do."
"Completely makes you anonymous if you don't want people knowing your information."
"It's more than just a phone, right? It's what's in the phone." - Implying the significance of the phone's contents.
"Being able to capture your data now allows you to have a better conversation with that provider allows you to go and truly measure what's going on in your life so that you can say i need to make this change and here's why."
"I challenge you to look up stuff on yourself right now. See how much of your stuff is public."
"Your phone knows not only where you live but also where you work, where your favorite supermarket is, and other places you visit frequently."
"Insurance companies could find out this information and use it against you."
"Your online activity shouldn't be public. It belongs to you."
"Data includes Google searches, GPS coordinates, and visits to porn websites."
"Cortana, if you look at the notebook, you know everything that she knows about you."
"The government will know everything about me and where I am."
"Privacy is my number one concern. I blur out my inkjet numbers."
"Your personal information is up for sale to whomever wants to use it."
"So use this information ethically. Only use these scripts on your own photos or photos that you have permission to test them against."
"In a world where so much personal information is so readily accessible online, the security and privacy of that information becomes so much more important."
"Your privacy is not a fundamental human right, it's an asset."
"If we can consider data to be property... then I think that would solve a lot of the problems."
"Crypto GPT lets you own the monetization of your AI data, turning every task of your daily life into a source of income."
"They're listening to your phone calls, they're creating entire profiles based on everything you say."
"Parent demographic information includes social security numbers, date of birth, and email addresses."
"I'm big into privacy, as far as I don't want companies tracking my every movement."
"A tool for putting control of one's personal data back in one's own control."
"I'm not a scientist, I am a housewife... my data is not useless, it is not pointless, and it's not invalid."
"Personally identifiable information can identify an individual."
"Think about that if you're building a business the most valuable thing we have in the 21st century is our personal data."
"...from hosting your own VPN to having a family photo library..."
"In an era where we're intimately tracked by our online presence, our grocery store purchases, and even our genetic code, how can someone keep basic details of their background under lock and key?"
"It's very much part of my own integrity to have myself chipped and keep my personal data there with me. I actually feel in a way that it's even more controlled on my end having it in my own hand."
"Set up all your personal information."
"That's what I used to see but not anymore thanks to delete me."
"Hackers can make up to one thousand dollars from selling someone's personal information on the dark web."
"Yes, Lauren Wilson has a birth date on the 26th of December."
"What you own, your privacy, this is your data, your browsing history, and if you make something like a nice drawing, then this is yours."
"Not everyone realizes they can ask for that data to be removed."
"This thing is very telling of you as a person, so protect it."
"Thank you Aura, they also do things like see if your information has been leaked on the dark web."
"All your personal information, your messages, contacts remain private."
"These algorithms on these platforms, they know you better than most of your friends."
"The most important thing is that regimes change, norms change, but your data is forever."
"Choosing options like NewPipe, LibreTube, and Odysee over traditional options, you're not just protecting your personal data—you're casting a vote for a more privacy-conscious internet."
"You do have the right to request that they delete your information."
"The algorithm... it knows you better than you know yourself."
"Your credit score is one of the most important numbers in your life."
"Wearable technologies like smartwatches or Fitbits allow people to have a better understanding of their body."
"Our cell phones are nothing like cigarette packets; they can reveal our hopes, our dreams, our intimate associations."
"An experiment of one, n equals one, with your own data is going to be far more valuable than data on other people."
"Our personal data is the story of our lives, not a product to be privatized."
"For the past decade, we've had our heads in our phones and our personal data in the cloud."
"Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable living individual."