
Normality Quotes

There are 483 quotes

"Isn't grief normal? Isn't it the most human thing in the world to have grief? Isn't it an utterly essential, if painful, part of the human experience?"
"I feel like I just learned that normal is very boring and I feel like I'm not normal and I'm blessed to be not normal."
"To remain in every way, live a normal life, get a normal job, have normal kids. Never to be anyone fortunate or unfortunate, content in normality."
"Normality is not an inherently virtuous thing."
"Don't feel shame about having hair on your body. Okay, it's normal."
"Although the existential dread of our current crisis and the uncertainty we're experiencing can be overwhelming, I find it sobering to know that you and I have the power to hasten our return to normality."
"I cultivated a heightened sensitivity to how the total normality of insanity in society is echoed, reflected, and reinforced by the English language."
"9/11 was not the end of normality, it was the restoration of normality in this sense."
"Freddie's normality is different... but it doesn't mean that it's any... a different type of normal."
"Observing Casey's behavior and talking about what she did and saying it's not normal and that it suggests guilt is not painting Casey as anything, it's just like talking about what we see with our own eyes."
"I just think that it's okay. It doesn't make you abnormal."
"The idea that there is some normal we can return to after Trump has been blasted out out of the water by this pandemic."
"We are going to have normality by the summer. Period. End of story."
"The older I've got, the more I've realized the norm, the average, the typical is nothing anyone should aim for."
"Jealousy is normal; it's okay to feel jealous."
"Their ability to maintain a semblance of normality is quite extraordinary."
"Just because something is in common doesn't mean it's normal."
"There is the normal and the abnormal way of passing out of the body."
"I think normal is a weird word, does it matter if you're normal?"
"Is it okay to be sad sometimes? Yeah, yeah, isn't it? Does everybody ask us to be sad?"
"To ghetto, Gojo was simply saturu and provided normality into his life."
"Being normal is not appreciated enough until you deviate from it."
"There's nothing wrong with people having an emotional take, we're human beings, that's normal."
"When you put us together, it's basically we have enormous normal."
"What I do and what most of you do is not abnormal and weird."
"Looks completely normal to me... but I'm also not a photographer."
"Our eagerness to return to normal is tempered by this question: is it safe?"
"You're not normal if you don't feel something."
"I obviously put the cereal in first because I'm not a fucking lunatic."
"To get to any semblance of quote-unquote normality, it's a journey."
"The path back to something resembling normality should be clear: You get a vaccine, a double dose ideally, and you can get back to living."
"Neurotic phenomena are by no means the products exclusively of disease—they are no more than pathological exaggerations of normal occurrences."
"A cup of tea is normality, isn't it? And gets past that I'm in hospital, this is a horrific situation to be in, some things can be fixed with a cup of tea."
"It's not unusual for human beings to be utterly magnificent."
"Accepting that someone made a mistake... is something that's normal."
"That's not even a problem, that's a very natural thing."
"I'm so excited for just normal life guys, like honestly."
"Until we get a vaccine, normality as it was before will not come back."
"Let's hope that normalcy returns very soon."
"Sexuality is a spectrum. It's a paradox to think of any sexual activity as normal."
"We live in a big, strange world, so big and so strange in fact, that the weirdest possible day would be one where absolutely nothing weird happens at all."
"When everybody's weird, nobody is."
"The thing with dad is that dad is normal, which makes him the weirdest one."
"There's no such thing as normal or way things are supposed to be, just things that are statistically common."
"It's not complicated to be nice, Mommy. It's normal."
"Normal selves, Alex is happy to be."
"Normal is not something we should aspire to; it is something we should get far away from."
"You think it's normal to be fighting every day, arguing every day, to be in a beef every day."
"You think it's normal to not have peace."
"It's perfectly fine, it's normal."
"Life is too short for normaly. I think we can do better than normal."
"Normality is a paved road, but no flowers grow there."
"Do you want to be normal and look around you or do you want to be optimal?"
"I think being autistic isn't so far from what you think is normal."
"Normality slowly returned to London."
"It's so [__] normal and I think we should normalize it more and understand that oftentimes the person that you feel the most insecure about, they have so many insecurities as well."
"Fans are coming back and normality is returning."
"As much as something can be normal, it may not be healthy."
"Our norms have shifted. It's normal for a mum to have an autoimmune disease. It's normal for our children to be popping pills because of disease and allergies. It's normal for our farmers to commit suicide. We're losing one a week. This is not normal."
"They probably just ran away and then got out of there. This is kind of a normality."
"...I think that's an interesting dynamic... at least it's normal to my experience right."
"I don't want you to judge me. I don't want you to make me feel bad about myself because of this. It's not normal."
"A person can be normal without being alive."
"It is normal to have problems and not be doing your best all the time."
"In its natural, normal state, it is almost unknown to the average person."
"Normal is overrated anyway, why be normal when you were called to be supernatural?"
"By reclassifying normality as abnormality, Psychiatry has helped create the illusion of a psychiatric epidemic."
"For you, whatever happened to you when you were a kid was normal, and for everybody else, it wasn't normal."
"I don't know why we get sad over people we don't know but I think it's very normal."
"If you misbehaved, you weren't normal, and the idea of normal is a kind of vegetative state where nothing happens."
"S3 can be normal in a young patient, an athletic patient, pregnant patient. S3 can be normal."
"If normal means having a gagillion dollars, sign me up."
"There's so much if there is some version of normal life that we will get back to one day, I hope to take a lot of what we've been experiencing right now with us because it's been so positive."
"I hope my videos just bring you a little bit of normality."
"The reason I love being in my car so much is it reminds me of normality."
"If you're normal, that's really strange. That's not normal to be normal. No way."
"Remember that the square or the circle in here will still be a little bit like fluffy, not fluffy like bubbly I guess, and that's totally normal."
"I think we've been hoodwinked. Normal's not real."
"I just want everything to go back to normal."
"Remember as far as everyone knows we're a nice normal family. Everybody got a little Jerry Springer in their life."
"This is perfectly normal and to be expected as you're working with something that is so beautiful and really something super magical."
"I am not at all certain what normal is... maybe it is what it is, and we decide for ourselves."
"...I'm a normal person I pay for my food like everybody else."
"There is no normal, and there shouldn't have to be."
"Monstrosity is not recognizable. It's just a mask of normality."
"But it's very normal to get self doubt."
"There's a normalcy here that's just very refreshing, wonderful, encouraging."
"Knowing what abnormal is doesn't happen until you know what normal is."
"Monsters aren't always hiding under your bed or in your closet. Sometimes they can be the very normal people we see in our everyday lives."
"Know what's normal, then you know what isn't normal."
"Normal is the most difficult diagnosis in medicine."
"Zits are normal. Zits are normal."
"Nobody, it's just normal human stuff, leakin'. Just leakin', leaking."
"Normal is relative. It'll be normal compared to everyone else, but not so much compared to the dude that stocks shelves at Walmart."
"Maybe it's my mucus plug or, you know, it's normal."
"We're approaching normality and that's pretty cool."
"You could have a normal life if you want to."
"Friendship breakups are completely normal."
"But maybe normal doesn't necessarily mean functional or healthy."
"What is normality? Well, according to the dictionary, normal is the usual, average, or typical state or condition. Common. Normal is also a decision."
"Doesn't it just feel so lovely that the world is just returning back to like a slice of normality?"
"I see, to you a lot of y'all are like seriously, but what the [ __ ] though? It's not odd to me."
"The question is, is that search for normality in this motorcycle diluting what made that FTR over there so cool in the first place? Let's find out today."
"Evil doesn't have to be cartoonish, and in fact, I don't think it often is. I think it usually shows up looking like your neighbor, looking like somebody you know, hiding behind a firm handshake and a winning smile."
"To them, their alcoholic seems the only normal one."
"Every day is different but it's just like that's normal."
"By the end of 2021, that we would probably be able to begin to approach some degree of normality."
"There's quite a lot of variance in terms of what we think normal is."
"What type of normal do we want to get back to and is that the normal that we've left behind us? I think it shouldn't be."
"She wore a burgundy polo and her hair was blonde... Her nose wasn't big or small, and neither were her lips. She was remarkably unremarkable."
"That was it. That was the moment. It wasn't as glorious as I thought it would be, but it was perfectly normal."
"There is no normal or healthy amount of sex to be having."
"There's legit nothing wrong with autistic people."
"I want to be out there in the world, experiencing normal things and normal behaviors."
"Am I the only one who thinks this isn't normal?"
"Just because you feel like you're not normal doesn't mean you're not."
"It's an Unapologetic defense of normal."
"We've accepted that as normal and it's absolutely not normal."
"I want my children to be taught that the normal thing in Britain in society across the world is a mother, a father, and a family."
"The normal probability plot is used to determine whether the y data fits a normal distribution."
"I love Mr. and Mrs. Dursley of number four Privet Drive. We're proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much."
"This is just normal, but isn't that cute?"
"It's good to step out of your own 'normal' if that's what you've always known."
"Was it really normal, the world we were living in before the pandemic? I don't think it was normal. It was a world full of inequalities, full of discrimination, multiple layers of discrimination, injustices."
"Being weird is a good thing; who just wants to be normal?"
"There are times when it's normative to feel sad or frustrated or scared."
"It's a great thing to see people back in the semblance of normality in this strange time that we're living through."
"What does it mean to be normal, and what does it mean to be sick?"
"If you think you're normal, you have no chance of growth."
"Normal is in the eye of the beholder."
"For me, my goal is just to show, I guess, the diversity that exists in the world and that there's no set normal."
"The show is trying to express that normal people can commit evil acts, but that doesn't make them evil people."
"So glad you're finally getting back to some sort of normality."
"The word 'normal' means two things at once, there's normal in the sense of near the middle of the normal distribution, and then there's normal in the sense of normative."
"Just because it's been going on for a long time does not make it normal."
"If you think that you're not normal, try spending an hour inside my head and then you'll see how normal you really are."
"You need to overcome the abnormal nature to the normal nature, which is of God."
"There is a beauty to the safety of normality, please consider that."
"We all fail, nobody is perfect, and that's completely normal."
"Most people in the world are ordinary people."
"In order to be good at assessing wrist radiographs, you really need to understand what normal looks like."
"I've never known a life where I was quote 'normal', but I guess really, who is normal anyways?"
"The residuals are essentially normally distributed, which is what we want."
"Very happy to see normality coming back to athletic events like this."
"What's something you find weird that is 100% normal? The fact humans drink other animals' milk."
"What's normal for one person is going to be different from another."
"I think more people are probably weird than normal."
"Remember that you're only human, and it's normal to go through ups and downs."
"Try not to punish yourself so bad when you're having a down day because it's completely normal."
"Normal people, they make me feel insane, but the crazies make me feel sane."
"Normal is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work, driving through traffic in a car that you're still paying for, in order to get to the job you need to pay for the clothes and the car, and the house you leave vacant all day so you can afford to live in it."
"It's all a matter of perspective; what on one hand could look perfectly normal, on another could look like the end of the world."
"What's normal to some is baffling and peculiar to others."
"Whatever you are, it's normal for you, and it's perfectly fine."
"You can't try to be a normal person and try to be successful at the same time."
"I don't think being sexually attracted to someone is a bad thing."
"Art is just something for your eyes to look at, right? It's just a change from the norm."
"AUB gave me, gave us all the students then, a real sense not only of normality but also really of transformation."
"It's perfectly okay, it's normal, it's up to you."
"We've been interviewing lots of amazing people and asking them questions about what normal means to them."
"The most normal thing about me is that I am me."
"It's only forced when you don't acknowledge that it's something perfectly natural, acceptable, and something you should be happy about."
"Where everyone is eccentric, nobody is funny because there is no norm against which to measure them."
"I am okay. I'm getting older, it's okay. This is normal."
"Expect the unexpected, as life is anything but normal."
"We explore what normal is and if normal even exists."
"If you're scared just know that it's normal."
"Back to normality this week, getting back into a good routine."
"Will I ever be normal again? I don't think so. Being normal sounds really boring to me, guys. Like, what is normal? Why would I want to be like everybody else?"
"It's okay to feel nervous. It really is."
"It was a lovely little walk around, loads of people, almost could say it's back to normality."
"For now, Steven needs some time away, and I think we all do, and that's okay."
"The normal pH of blood is 7.35 to 7.45."
"It's part of my regular assessment; if I don't clarify an abnormality, it means that it was normal."
"First you have to recognize what is normal, only then you will be able to make what is abnormal."
"She hopes that the public will understand her desire to maintain as much normality for her children as possible."
"We'll hopefully get back to normality soon."
"...the principle counter-strategy of re-civilization then must be a return to normality by means of decentralization."
"I'm normal now, whatever normal is."
"The first step to normality is to become well balanced."
"I don't think we really know what normal is; they say it's just a setting on the dryer."
"Feeling fear before a big job interview or a performance... doesn't mean something's wrong; it means we're human."
"Life can be stressful even under normal circumstances."
"Grief is normal, now saying that it's normal doesn't minimize its difficulty, perhaps we might better say it's natural."
"No one in the whole world is normal and that's the dumbest thing... nobody is normal and that's what makes the world so beautiful."
"We all have insecurities, and that's okay."
"I've never met a normal person either. I don't know what normal is."
"It is perfectly fine to be yourself. There is nothing wrong with being completely physically average and not special in any way, shape, or form."
"It's normal to have acne, it's normal to have an asymmetrical face, it's normal to have a stomach. Wake up, people! All these things are normal and people should not have to feel bad about it."
"People are just craving any sense of normality and Common Sense and no one is providing it to them."
"It's all right to be afraid, everybody is sometimes."
"In our rush to return back to normal, take the time to think about which parts of normal you want to rush back to."
"We're getting very close to just getting back to normality now after what has been about six weeks of absolute madness."
"If you have those things too, don't worry, you're still beautiful. It's part of being normal and being human."
"That was the last second of normality I ever knew."
"Anyone can act normal, but not everyone can be who they want to be."
"Normal is simply when you compare yourself to someone that you feel is normal or that someone has told you was the norm because normal in one country is not normal in another country."
"It's fun to be like any other person."
"Folks, I've been doing this stuff for thirty years and I've never run across the normal family and I think I just found one."
"It's okay to be scared sometimes."