
Business Innovation Quotes

There are 162 quotes

"I want to reinvent the business ecosystem so that it uses a triple bottom line: people, planet, and profit."
"If you want to do debt-led growth, you have to let businesses actually use that debt to innovate."
"Microsoft in Japan went to a four-day week; their productivity went up by 40%."
"The biggest hotel company in the world, Airbnb, owns no hotels; the biggest taxi company, Uber, owns no taxis."
"Every company has to start with itself, to innovate, to develop, and at the end, to perform," said Oliver Blume at the auto show in Munich.
"You're disrupting the market in a very positive way."
"Vertical growth, intensive growth, doing fundamentally new things."
"Shopify is the Commerce platform revolutionizing millions of businesses worldwide."
"This is a complete game changer for many companies that are looking to innovate heading into 2024."
"I'm kind of excited to see what Elon will do."
"I find that unforgivable and I think in the private sector with the profit motive and the motive to incentivize and create greater productivity, I think we could fix it."
"These are businesses that are gonna have to absolutely redefine what their business is going to do."
"Change the conversation from intellectual property and business development deals to do a pull request on an open pilot."
"Crow token and their partnership with Visa, that's awesome."
"It's a win-win for everyone; comparison sites have been proven in almost every industry, and now it's time for events." - Sam Coley
"Amazon, they're always experimenting, they're innovating."
"We launched a new line of business called Panera grocery in ten days."
"We create business models that offer people unlimited mobility and complete connectivity, while lowering emissions and seeking uncompromised sustainability."
"Tesla didn't have technology when it started. But it does now."
"If your competitor is playing a level one strategy, that is just simply customer product market fit, but you figured out a Nespresso strategy."
"Nobody is waiting for 11,001, nobody. So, what we did is we tried to publish the book with an innovative business model and we actually did turn it into a bestseller."
"Tesla's success has caused other investors to start spending hundreds of millions of dollars to copy and improve upon Tesla's EV business model."
"Moving sales primarily online because of the virus helped get the word out for cookie sales."
"Unique e-commerce businesses can have massive margins."
"Do not double down on an obsolete business model, lead the transition to renewables."
"Slack really popularized this form of communication."
"Created the most marketable and greatest fast food chain of all time."
"Just by strike getting Starbucks interoperable or any large acquiring merchant, it enables the consumer's preference to be valued."
"Disruptive innovation: Lemonade, the insurance company for the people."
"The idea of blowing up the 3% to 80% by letting someone else in effect run the business, and you figure out where you want to allocate capital was very exciting for me."
"Demonstrating case studies of where we've been able to make meaningful impact by doing things differently."
"We're driving this growth and carving out a new type of clothing niche, where you serve the customer by making t-shirts featuring cool art and phrases that they identify with."
"We think there's opportunity for AMC to get much more active in the world of cryptocurrency."
"There's more unique innovative ways that you can morph this whole thing into a thriving online business."
"My proposal is to rebrand. I want to change it to like Friday night vibe. It'll have different theme nights maybe the music could be different one night."
"Amazon is the retailer of the future and of the now guys."
"This is a very new and very exciting frontier for us."
"Tesla is just making showing incredible, incredible progress here which is super exciting from an investment perspective."
"By integrating big data and thick data, they not only improved their business, but they transformed how we consume media."
"In any moment of disruption is tremendous opportunity."
"Being able to set up a fully functioning ecommerce store in such a short amount of time is truly exciting."
"The biggest taxi company in the history of the world is a technology company."
"The real miracle is what Tesla's done from a business level."
"I think the first mover here... this is a multi-trillion dollar problem they're solving."
"With every new generation, it's a fresh start, and these companies can change things and turn things around."
"Blockchain is a great leveler, exposing data on the blockchain is going to change how businesses operate."
"We're not playing a game. We're not trying to just do everything the way that you're supposed to."
"Hip-hop's first completely vertically integrated brand."
"These are my top five favorite business ideas that you can start with absolutely no money or basically next to no money."
"AGCO: continuing to challenge old notions of Agriculture and business with new ideas, innovative products, and an eye toward the future."
"Rather than just copying, innovate and cross-niche."
"Suddenly by using Akron they have instantly kind of jumped almost quite an important part."
"Virgin Atlantic used to be a very innovative airline."
"Every company has done their different little parts to make things more friendly, more planet-friendly, eco-friendly, and so this is such a cool option."
"Jamali will be the biggest name in coconuts in Australia."
"VeChain's vision is to lower the barrier and enable established businesses with blockchain technology to create value and solve real-world economic problems."
"Ryan Reynolds believes this is not acceptable, and it's one of the reasons the actor bought Mint Mobile, a cell phone company which aims to disrupt the $280 billion dollar wireless carrier industry."
"Whenever you reduce friction, new businesses respond."
"You're actually well situated to build a unique, novel business that delivers real value to your users."
"The most disruptive companies are no longer delivering single products or services; they are delivering change."
"Businesses offer freedom from the nine-to-five trap."
"Every company is increasingly becoming a tech company and its own way using pieces of technology to innovate and improve what they're doing."
"We need to remove the regulatory burden and allow companies the ability to move quickly."
"Epic is one of the smartest and most interesting companies in the world right now."
"I think about Tesla like yes, the vehicle business... but then beyond that, there's so many little options."
"This is part of what motivates Elon... this is going to end up being a catalyst for positive things for Tesla."
"The future is here, and the future was Carvana."
"I think they totally set the standard for a new style of transparency in corporate reporting that nobody in the auto industry and pretty much any other industry has ever done."
"How incredible is that and how genius is this strategy?"
"We're gonna have to now reinvent management."
"The product itself and the business model in the future ahead for StarLink actually is very fascinating."
"We're all about pushing Innovation and coming up with new ideas and not about scaling product to sell a thousand of these things a year, that's really not our model."
"It's a big move on their part by just making everything completely free."
"Our goal with Doka is to accelerate innovation and protect investments."
"The real story here is much more complicated, and it's better to think about this as a sequence of events."
"Could this become even bigger? Tesla rentals at airports. Could this become a whole new business?"
"I really believe in this blockchain technology, I think it's a better way of doing business."
"We're going to be looking at that company because remember this was the first key player that came out and said we are going to buy crypto instead of cash."
"I think you know you guys are one of the few companies [...] the good part is those kinds of visual experiences are definitely happening."
"Marketing and innovation are the same thing or flip sides of the same coin."
"The real question is... is your brand solving a problem that wasn't already solved?"
"The firm implemented its new approach in late 1989."
"Part of the business I want to build leverages that idea that consciousness is a lot simpler than we've been talking about."
"This new technology is here and it is absolutely disrupting The Way businesses are operating."
"UIPath's mission is to unlock human creativity and ingenuity by enabling the fully automated enterprise."
"I wanna upset people, I wanna disrupt the business, that's what the Zone have done."
"An open AI is the company of course behind the artificial intelligence tool chat GPT that is the potential to revolutionize how people work shop and interact."
"The more traditional established businesses are slower to adopt than the newer, more agile businesses."
"This is the most disruptive company that can execute and can scale."
"We're not traditionalists, we don't look at like Cycles because everybody else does Cycles. It doesn't you know what's what's right for us and our you know in our you know customers."
"Ridiculous that businesses didn't have this at hand, fundamentally changing how business decisions are made."
"Is there some initiative they can launch with some of those games? Could they launch a subscription product to almost be like a game pass for old games?"
"Some restaurant and business owners are using safety measures to give their patrons a daily dose of cuteness."
"The future landscape will enable new solutions around digital assets and custody, generating incremental revenues in parallel to implementing process efficiencies, cost reduction, and improvement of customer experience."
"Blue ocean strategy focuses on increasing the size of the market, making a bigger pie rather than getting a bigger slice."
"Blockchain is here and can fundamentally change how you do business."
"Tesla is making a lot of moves in all sorts of places."
"One in the early days of the pandemic I would always say that when we look back at the pandemic of 2020 there's going to be a bunch of companies that we look back that say change the game."
"Crypto and it's already a part of how businesses and people trade, move, and manage value."
"Affordable ready-to-assemble furniture and also a restaurant, which is what we're excited about."
"This historic moment is an opportunity to reshape how we do business and govern. It shouldn't put shivers up anyone's spine."
"Neo investors think not...Neo's Battery as a Service business is innovative."
"The idea is simple: talk to a company we work with and say, 'Hey, can we do something unique just for the viewers?'"
"America's small businesses are the primary job creators, innovators, and drivers that power our economic progress."
"Tesla is innovating faster than anyone else."
"You woke us up to a different way of doing business, and it's working well."
"Legacy players are being disrupted by nimble, agile innovators."
"Tier three, we're coming up with a new tier system in real time."
"Digital trade is allowing... eliminating the time to move these documents... eliminating the errors... eliminating the cost."
"This makes Tesla Energy a significant contributor, and I think this is just the beginning."
"Blockchain is disrupting existing ways of thinking and doing business."
"Mega pack gaining traction, increase in utility level storage projects."
"They consistently tried to make it easier for customers to order."
"The best businesses are you treat them as prototypes."
"Bitcoin for me is kind of that thing that is going to change a lot about how businesses are run, how people perceive value."
"I've upped my game and taken over an exclusive resort where I can watch my clients every move and give them hard truths and much-needed love lessons."
"The business model is going to be revered as a turning point for Call of Duty."
"We are going through a change in culture, a change in how you do business. Now that you know."
"This is their chance to renew the franchise in a new way."
"The Death Row Records story told the tale of three major record labels, almost brought one of them down, rattled another to its core, and set the framework for a whole new way of doing business in the music business."
"We're grateful to have you back with us because you represent an exciting development and a phenomenon within the investment community."
"We've never seen this many good ideas being thrown at us at once."
"It's good to see companies willing to change their stance, willing to try something new and explore something that's not only a trend but is a trend that has a purpose."
"Skunks are related to false Badgers and false skunks are badgers."
"Microsoft, co-pilot and co-pilot Stack are orchestrating a new era of AI transformation, driving better business outcomes across every role and industry."
"I'm constantly bringing some change to the business that has value."
"Marketing should stop referring to added value, it isn't that, it's multiplied value."
"We get a percentage of every sale, and that had never happened before, royalty deal. It had never happened, and it changed. Now, moving after that, every player who has a line gets a percentage."
"We're actually the UK's first eco-friendly dog walking company."
"Spaceflight is on the onset of a golden era and near Earth orbit in particular holds the promise of totally new business models for visionary entrepreneurs."
"You physically getting someone the results with your time, your learnings, your effort, your knowledge, I think that is the next big thing."
"It's exciting because there's not a lot of companies that can do that at a good price."
"Microsoft Copilot Studio allows for limitless opportunities to extend and enhance Copilots for companies and users across a myriad of use cases."
"The business now wants you to use the same component and embed it inside an Einstein bot."
"Your business model is not your business. Please remember that the business model and business model innovation is critical in developing a quality business, attacking new markets, and driving profitability."
"Hey name, so we rolled something brand new out yesterday allowing you to cash flow positive in month one. Do you want to check it out?"
"Breaking up these companies... could actually encourage much more competition and much more innovation."
"It's a front row seat to strategies that will redefine your marketing approach."
"If they pull that off, that will be one of the greatest jiujitsu in the history of capitalism."
"Enterprise Architecture enables you to achieve the right balance between IT efficiency and business innovation."
"This is how you can reimagine what AI can do for your business."
"Every industry today and every company needs to have a mobile strategy and essentially become mobile first."
"Typewriters revolutionized business and correspondence."
"...how companies become innovative, how they create products that people want to buy at prices that they are willing to pay, and can compete on national and global markets."
"Amazon took convenience to a whole new level in North America; Coupang one-upped them."
"This is a new way of using motion design as a business."
"A virtual office gives businesses a physical address and office related services without the overhead of a long lease and administrative staff."
"I'm looking for companies changing the industry in which they compete."
"Innovation will be the differentiator between competitors."
"Take advantage of opportunity in the marketplace if customers are being ignored, if they're being sidelined, if they're being disrespected."
"It's a very interesting day at Rocket here in Hangzhou in China."