
Gender Bias Quotes

There are 245 quotes

"I started to notice this almost default eye roll when someone would mention a woman fighting for a cause."
"Stifling the creativity of young women in the music industry has happened for way too long and it's so unfair just because it makes you feel uncomfortable."
"When you have a strong woman, especially a strong woman of color, in a position of power, the standards and the analysis are such a double standard."
"Misogyny is the dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women."
"It is devastating and it's a double standard because medicine is set up to reinforce fertility in women."
"Why are opinionated women seen as bitches, when opinionated men are seen as bosses?"
"The law, its application, and society at large disfavor fathers."
"It's always 'she shouldn't have done this,' rather than 'he should have controlled himself.'"
"Ever since Eve was tempting Adam with the Apple, women have been blamed for the bad behavior of men."
"As a black woman, you're either always labeled too loud, too aggressive, especially when you're passionate and expressing something."
"When we teach girls that their virginity makes them special and valuable, we're sending the simultaneous message that without their virginity, they're tainted and damaged."
"Mary Magdalene's leadership is questioned merely because of her gender despite her prophetic visions, her unique status with Jesus, and even Peter's own acknowledgment of her spiritual authority."
"Edward H. Clarke, a professor at the Harvard Medical School, said that women seeking advanced education in medicine would develop 'monstrous brains and puny bodies, and abnormally weak digestion.' This is tosh. Edward tosh."
"Women are literally dying because of these gender biases."
"Autism actually presents at a relatively even rate in all sexes and is merely more apparent in males due to research bias."
"Women endure more judgments and scrutiny than men. It's a simple fact."
"Critics and audiences tend to judge a female character more harshly for those same flaws that in a male character are dubbed humanizing or relatable."
"It's true, male celebrities are allowed redemption arcs that female celebrities can't seem to access. It's a double standard that's both fascinating and frustrating."
"When men show that Competitive Edge that tenacity that Firepower all of a sudden it's appropriate but when women do it well now it's out of line."
"You want to play a tit for tat, and you're saying is a black woman's resume don't matter?"
"Women in pain wait longer in emergency departments and are less likely to be given effective painkillers."
"I guess part of my question would be if it was a girl who pushed over a boy in that clip would it have been a problem to anyone?"
"As men, we take the brunt of it because now we're being accused for it and also our business is going to suffer."
"Prioritizing male comfort over the safety of others isn't going to help."
"The destruction of her image and monuments has been dimly interpreted as evidence that she was a power-hungry woman who deserved to be erased."
"No one’s out here calling male artists bitter when they write about women who broke their hearts."
"How dare a society accept one woman's statement as fact and ignore another woman's statement because you don't like one message and you want the other message on a pedestal."
"Women are in a position where if they make an allegation against you, more than likely everyone's going to believe them."
"People reading this and reflexively assuming it's the men's fault are contributing to the problem IMO."
"Male gaze is the act of depicting both women and the world at large, in the visual arts from a masculine, heterosexual perspective."
"It's insane to me that we would have things like family court that are just so obviously sexist."
"Men are held accountable even when they're not in the wrong while women are given a free pass for their actions."
"How do you feel about America's double standard towards male rape victims?"
"I think that women are not encouraged to go into STEM fields for example."
"More women who are raped come forward and get justice. More men who are falsely accused come forward and prove that it's false."
"Captain Marvel is fun and most of the negative reviews are written by men. Shocking."
"68% of the pitches delivered were much more likely... that those delivered by a man would actually win the pitch."
"There is a whole separate debate to be had about westminster's drinking problem but that's not going to make any difference or not very much difference in my view to the way in which women are treated in westminster."
"Under-diagnosing of women with ASD contributes to the marginalization of females."
"They'd say I hustled, put in the work, they wouldn't shake their heads and question how much of this I deserve."
"But men like expatriarch still want to argue there's no bias against fathers, right?"
"It wasn't just what was said explicitly, it's what was implied by the things that weren't said that to me also were a bit of a red flag."
"I think there's just such negative consequences typically that disproportionately fall on men when it comes to divorce."
"New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern did an extraordinarily good job of pointing to a reporter's very silly question and saying, 'Would you be asking me that question if I was a 60 year old man instead of a younger woman?'"
"I will always refuse to go along with a woman being criticized because she's a woman."
"Ghostbusters: The all-female reboot was immediately met with an unfair amount of disdain."
"Is it because these are white men mainly... that they did not take it seriously?" - Michelle Martin
"This is the perfect evidence of the succubus nature, the nemesis nature, the lecherous nature that a woman who hits the wall gets into."
"One child may be offered limitless possibilities and given the resources she needs to propel her into a PhD at an ivy league, while another child may be told she doesn’t need to learn algebra because she’s a girl."
"I think there's a mix of immaturity and misogyny, you know what I mean?"
"A gentle reminder: Chauvinism down, empathy up."
"They more specifically don't listen to women's voices."
"If Rey were indeed a male character, would people still be complaining about him? Simply put, yes they would."
"Women are judged differently than men in literally everything on the planet."
"Some women have been finessing men into buying them expensive [stuff] for years and just ghosting them after, but a man does it and he gets a documentary made about him called the Tinder Swindler."
"The patriarchy that kept them in the sciences."
"Mass hysteria has a history of being weaponized against women."
"Women leaders, I think they are judged more harshly."
"Define misogyny: holding resentment or some lingering dislike towards women."
"The press in the mid-2000s was extremely cruel specifically on women and extremely misogynistic."
"If we threw everybody in front of the judge and we were able to remove gender from it... it should be clear that it's 50/50, that there's no favoritism towards one side."
"As a woman I get taken way less seriously, people assume that I'm with the band not in it."
"I love women. For example, when I buy CDs, I am biased towards women because I like female singing voices."
"If a man was to cheat, we'd be dogs... but if women were to cheat, they were brave."
"These kinds of attitudes about women... are traditional sexist attitudes."
"The family court system truly is biased against men, I mean there’s just no question about it."
"You need to prove him guilty Beyond A Reasonable Doubt, the women aren't being held to the same standard."
"We are all made of matter, but to women, if you're not good looking, you don't matter."
"It's now said that her ghost haunts the home and that she takes a particular dislike towards male visitors."
"Critics look down on things made for little girls. They stick their nose up because they're a bunch of old men. They're not hip. This movie [ __ ] slaps."
"The reason the show was not picked up was Executives thought it wouldn't draw enough of an audience if it doesn't cater to boys."
"But to take the mindset that like it's just girls man these [ __ ] just want validation that's all they care about that's a weak mindset and you're avoiding taking responsibility for your own need for validation."
"Women often get passed over for promotions because a lot of bosses look for confidence in order to approve ideas or to give the go-ahead."
"Having a disdain for men is certainly a part of the feminist ideology."
"Black women are also dealing with those same exact biases."
"Let's keep it a buck: it's misogyny. If this were the exact same film but about boy puberty, no one would care."
"This commentator expects to hear how women are too emotional to be president which is something I cannot believe we're still expected to believe after the last four years."
"They really do not care about black people, black women in the medical establishment."
"Would she have gotten as much Guff had she been a man?"
"When a woman is fired up, passionate, or critical, it's bad. But when a man is, she must accept it."
"Most of the people in positions of power so far have been men."
"I feel like women just generally are more hated by default."
"Your knowledge of a person's gender will influence your assessment of those variables, and that's going to produce a pattern of discrimination."
"It's this atmosphere of women being dispensable."
"Anyone would be a fool to believe Amber Heard."
"She still won't admit that women can be abusers."
"It's more socially acceptable. I think there's a lot of women shaming. So, I think there's equal amounts of male and female hate in the world."
"If a man says he hates a woman, he's called a misogynist. But you know, if a woman says she hates men or 'kill all men' or something like that, I mean, is she called out for that?"
"Degrading a woman for confidence in her competence in multiple areas is not progressive."
"Reflects that the image of a female director... seems to still exclude women from being considered as artists worthy of critical acclaim or Awards recognition."
"Men are all trash, you hear this saying a lot and nothing bothers me more than the center of that sentence: the word all."
"Let's be honest, we all know that dating apps are heavily swayed to benefit women. Women get so many more matches than men, it's absolutely astounding."
"The news should have been why in the world are we continuing to underestimate women's sports?"
"Jeremiah is just a horrible guy who drools over women."
"The reason why men are tending to get longer sentences is because the women's movement, the feminist lobby has huge sway and influence."
"In the court of public perception, especially when it's a man, guilty until proven innocent."
"Let's not pretend like criticizing a woman for that is the same as internalized misogyny itself."
"Many ufologists believe these strange lights to be illuminated by UFOs, and the military was firing on extraterrestrial crafts, not Japanese."
"My old man said he wanted a boy. No respect. No respect."
"Sometimes people always think it's the guy, and they always know that it's always him tripping, but sometimes, you know, you mess up."
"People want to assume the worst of you if you're a female on the internet."
"High-value men don't value your PhD. High-value men don't value the things you think they should value. They value what they want, and you're not gonna change that."
"But I absolutely notice that we live in a male-driven society and I do notice the way people allow for men to get away with things, the way people always like to explain away the things that men do."
"What matters most is great storytelling, and the idea that somebody wants to limit what kind of stories should be told with some kind of gender bias... it's such a strange thing to me."
"Female artists are taken less seriously, yet simultaneously held to a higher standard."
"It's interesting how these same levels of petty criticism, mockery, or gatekeeping aren't really levied as much at all boys, and the jabs come from both camps."
"We live in a deeply misogynistic society that protects male supremacy over women."
"People assume girls don't like something because they don't see girls doing it."
"So what did we learn here today, friends? Well, when in doubt, blame women seems to be the common theme."
"Women are far more likely to get shorter prison sentences for the same crime as men."
"You know, it's honestly starting to turn into if anything has a female lead then it's slanted and certain people are going to hate it."
"The system is consciously and deliberately weighted against the men, absolutely. So that is the problem as I see it that we need to remove the extraordinary gender bias."
"My odds of being hired for a job when competing against female applicants are probably skewed in my favor."
"When a guy like strips it off and he goes full frontal or whatever it is everybody's like how brave of him and when a woman does it it's like they're stigmatized for it it's just a totally imbalance thing it's a screwy."
"A woman inherently has less of value to offer than a man and thus it would behoove her to just be quiet and defer to the men in this scenario."
"The employer intentionally refuses to hire applicants in part because of the affected individual's sex."
"There has never been any respect put on the name of a promiscuous female ever in history."
"Thank you all thank you open seeker of truth everything will be fine."
"She really believed being a woman meant that they would just believe her with no evidence."
"Doctors need to take women seriously. Treat women as people."
"Addressing the larger misandry in society, we have to challenge that with accurate data and accurate historical analysis."
"Throughout all religious texts there is a primitive fear that half the human race is simultaneously defiled and unclean."
"The typical classroom environment is torture for a boy, penalizes him for being himself, that penalizes him for being a boy."
"Aging gracefully is much worse for women than men, unfairly judged for their looks more commonly."
"If the roles were reversed, that dude would be fired and that chick would probably be given a million dollar patreon just for having the unjust Rick just for the top button coming undone."
"You're really good, but it's a shame you're a girl. If you were a boy, you could handle the business and help the family."
"Saji tells her that he went easy on her just because she is a girl."
"Things enjoyed by young girls tend to get trashed on a little bit too much."
"Judges are still massively favoring towards women than men in terms of custody."
"What is really significant about this is it was just assumed I could do this because I'm female."
"She's tough, but if Miranda were a man, no one would notice anything about her except how great she is at her job."
"The feverish coverage of Ms. Holmes' downfall felt like a witch trial less rooted in what actually happened at Theranos and more of a message to ambitious women everywhere: don't girl boss too close to the sun or this could happen to you."
"It would be completely irresponsible to not acknowledge that there is a clear difference between how people treat women versus how people treat men."
"It's getting kind of sad how long, you know, the last defense was. You're afraid of a woman director. That's not what anybody had a problem with."
"Nothing that a female director could make will ever be up to the industry... Nothing's ever good enough for a feminist ever."
"Women have historically been under-enrolled in randomized clinical trials."
"I think it's important... I do a lot of work in the Alzheimer's space in women's space is to go into doctors and researchers and say, you know, we need to focus attention on women because we haven't tested these drugs on women."
"Feminism is equality and against bias towards genders."
"I'm gonna choose the female coach, unfortunately, this makes your team slower and weaker."
"People often undermine women's achievements, attributing them to beauty or other factors instead of intelligence."
"Women ain't got no place in finance."
"I think even after better recognition, better diagnosis of autism in females, we may still see a gender bias."
"When women are assertive, they are disliked and less likely to be promoted. An aggressive man might be labeled a brilliant jerk, someone not only to be tolerated but put on the fast track. An aggressive woman gets a different label."
"I just saw you hit this man, blah, blah, blah, that is so unnerving and alarming to me and it underlines a very scary gender bias."
"None of my male friends have ever grilled me and asked me if I have nannies... is this not a thing I get asked? It's very sexist."
"I had several large advances over her in the legal battle. I had truth and evidence on my side. Well, sadly, because you're a guy, that sometimes doesn't matter."
"Look, I thought he nailed it and went home. I waited for the phone to ring. The phone finally rings and they're like, 'You don't get that gig.' I'm like, 'Why not?' And the answer was, 'He does not appeal to our female viewers.'"
"Boys are treated as defective girls in the education system."
"Women are held to a different standard."
"That lyric stems from uh a lot of frustration of feeling uh like I was being treated differently because I was a woman."
"Fewer men seem to have their requests for flexible working accepted - let's find out why."
"Men, when they do ask, are more likely to be turned down, so there's a real bias there in the system."
"With relatively comparable behavior, a male boss will be more likely to be classified as competent, while a female leader will tend to be classified as bossy or bitchy."
"I've never met a woman who is accepted as a leader who doesn't go through the stage of being seen as a bitch first."
"Everything we learned in medicine was how it was defined by a man's brain, okay? All of those lectures, all that teaching was all on a man's point of view, and we've got to stop this."
"...women never ask for promotion. Now, I am an outlier. I just behaved like my peers all I did was behave like all the guys that I worked with and it worked out really great."
"In real life, being considered unlikable holds women back far more than men."
"It's really bought at home to me how many more barriers there are as a man to getting the right diagnosis and also getting the right treatment."
"Twice the work half the recognition and you're constantly being asked what it's like being a female lawyer."
"Every single one of you who's not a woman climbing the corporate ladder gets off the hook."
"All they had to do now was await the birth of what the king's astrologers assured him would be a son."
"She is held to a different standard than any male athlete ever would be."
"Nobody ever thinks of women when they think of Monhegan artists."
"The court of law will always favor the woman getting custody."
"Studies have shown that women are more likely to be misdiagnosed with flu or anxiety than men."
"I noticed a shift in how people viewed and treated me. The men around me saw my ideas as less valuable."
"I found that men are often given grace by folks who believe that gaps in their statement are something they can just learn or didn't know at the time or read their motivations with the best possible intent."
"They should ask the men the same questions over and over and over again."
"The hunter gatherer idea about how people were mostly hunters is due to sexism gender bias."
"Does anyone remember that too many women are called aggressive at work two months from now, two years from now, 20 years from now?"
"It's implying that women get locked up more often or for longer than men and that could not be further from the truth."
"Honestly, I think men are better at everything."
"But doctor," June had heard plenty of doctors over the years dismiss women's pain, "I'm going to need you to come in immediately."
"The idea that women who hate men are evil is quite interesting because why is that never turned towards men, and men being asked 'Do you hate women?'"
"Gender bias is not just a women's issue, it's a human issue."
"He said, 'Rachel, I can't do this. Even though you're a very beautiful woman, you will never get promoted, especially not above Kim who is an integral cog in the Ralph Lauren word for word.'"
"I always like women on juries; the women were a lot more perceptive than the guys."
"There's not like a different tax on your stuff because you're a woman."
"It's like this movie wasn't made for you men, and it's like, men aren't going to see Charlie's Angels. Misogyny to blame."
"Body positivity has been a huge thing in the last couple of years, but we find that it has been tailored a lot more to women."
"I am sick and tired of the bias against women in our field."
"Women are just judged a lot more harshly than men, in general."
"Jury couldn't believe that she was perceived as weak simply because she was a girl."
"When you call someone out for being weird for being hateful towards women, you're holding someone accountable for hateful views."
"Glaciology was for muscular gentlemen scientists; women could read about glaciers in the Alps but they were not fit for glaciological research."
"Misogyny is not a universal, but it's out there, and misandry hardly exists in the vocabulary of most cultures that I know of."
"I don't like that term Crazy Ex-Girlfriend; it's very demeaning and has been historically known to put down women."
"Ridiculing vocal fry... is a sexist concept."
"When they step up and do what's expected of them as leaders, women are called shrill, ball busters, and [expletive]."
"Women are constantly blamed for the things men have done."
"It's an interesting conversation to have because the history of medicine in regards to women and female bodies in general is horrible."
"If you are a male writer, it helps. Every woman novelist in the literary world knows that."
"If we are constantly looking at differences between men and women and assuming that this is because of prejudice against women, we are making men the default humans."
"...when you take half your population and say...you don't generate a lot of great female thinkers."
"Why are opinionated women seen as [__], when opinionated men are seen as bosses?"
"UK doesn't take R&B seriously, especially for females."
"Most medical data comes from men, not women, and it's a very kind of interesting way of looking at what are the actual benefits from this to the people who need them."
"Like a compass needle that points north, a man's accusing finger always finds a woman. Always."
"I once read a spy novel, publishers at the time did not believe that women read or wrote spy novels."