
Radicalism Quotes

There are 325 quotes

"The most radical thing that you can do is to love somebody, especially somebody that would do you harm."
"It's clear to me that there's an appetite for real radical change."
"Our mission we say is twofold: like it's obviously to protect children and it's also to reclaim our name and community from these radicals who have completely infiltrated it and destroyed it."
"If we want a genuinely radical culture, it will have to be organized and produced through alternative means."
"The American Revolutionary ideals are not moderate ideals; they are radical ideals, they are extreme ideals. That is what makes America itself."
"When it comes to radical politics, action supersedes words."
"And it might sound radical, colleagues, but the answer to war is not more war. It's peace."
"What is radical is kindness. What is radical is understanding."
"One of my big fears at the moment is that the left and the right, the whole political mainstream, just kept on failing and now are surprised that people with sometimes quite radical, and often very unpleasant, answers are doing so well."
"Centrism: the worst thing about politics. Radicalism: the best thing about politics. Radical centrism."
"This is not a Supreme Court trying to heal; this is the Supreme Court of a radical majority."
"The more radical that circle of higher power becomes, the more Americans are going to say, 'I don't want to be in your circle. I don't like your circle. Your circle's dumb.'"
"This judge is a radical, is extreme. If he's confirmed, we can count on him to let violent criminals out of jail."
"Being the constant radical is much healthier than this constant abstract federal deference."
"God is calling the church to go back home to its original state, which is radical, revolutionary, world-changing, Spirit-filled, and unafraid."
"If this helps you get up in the morning, if this helps you get through your day, if this is one of the ways you want to be a radical, knock yourself out. I don't stand in the way of that at all, and I wish you love and luck."
"It's radical to call for a return to at least certain kinds of traditions."
"Be radical enough, be outrageous enough, be unapologetic enough to hold fear in one hand and passion in the other, and leap anyway."
"Kamala Harris is not only not a moderate, she's extraordinarily radical in her policies."
"Not only do fake statistics manipulate young women into radicalism, but they take attention away from real problems."
"Kamala Harris is not a moderate, she's extraordinarily radical in her policies." - Ben Shapiro
"Christianity has always been a radical movement."
"Trump was right about election cheating, exposing a faction of smart yet radical left lunatics destroying the nation."
"Dr. King was one of the most radical revolutionary figures who ever lived." - Dr. Pineal Joseph
"If Democrats keep playing this game where they think that radicalism for radicalism's sake is going to be the victorious notion, they're actually missing the appeal of their own appeal, which is a religious appeal in nature."
"Centrism is the past, radicalism is the future."
"The right is winning the culture war by demonstrating that the left is willing to be this radical."
"The Democratic agenda truly is radical and most people understand that."
"Radical Democrats are the party of high taxes, open borders, late-term abortion, crime, hoaxes, and illusions."
"The left has moved significantly more radical over time."
"The truth is the civil rights movement was longer, messier, more radical, and crucially was thwarted in more of its aims than many of us were taught in school."
"What made Jesus so radical is that Jesus went to the winebibbers, and He went in the street, and He touched people who were hurting and they loved Him."
"I will be campaigning... for genuine radical change in the country."
"The election is about the radical movement that hates America."
"The recent wave of internet censorship is making people really radical. The more we try to ignore it or shame people for it, the worse the problem is going to be."
"To wrap arms around this radical left and say we're all on the same team right now is to deny reality. These people want to hurt our children and break up families. They weaponize our legal system to hurt their enemies."
"We need more radical solutions, not just incremental change."
"We actually used joy as a radical act." - Nalini Stamp
"All of these things now define the psychological, behavioral, and trait-like profile of the radical protestor."
"If the Labour Party goes really far left and the most radical elements take over, it'll probably make it unelectable."
"It's not conservative, it sure isn't normal. It's radical."
"Calling out radical Islam is not the same thing as suggesting that ordinary everyday non-radical Muslims innocent people ought to be killed."
"This is just one in a parade of leftist radicalism that we've seen from him."
"If all this makes me sound like some crazy radical to you, consider that Abraham Lincoln, Republicans' favorite guy, agreed that this institution was profoundly undemocratic."
"He knew that milk toast reforms and compromise would never be sufficient to save the country and that radical change was needed."
"Radicals are people who will do insane things because they believe things that aren't true, and radicals are present in every ideology."
"He just asked if you were going to burn everything down, yeah."
"The younger generation is likely to be more radical in its demands."
"This is a time where radical change is required."
"Kids really young are being taught stuff so radical, so devoid of what real education is."
"The humanities and much of the social sciences has turned into a postmodern neo-marxist playground for radicals."
"Why it is becoming a breeding ground for anti-nationals."
"This is one of the most radical Supreme Courts in American history."
"Revolution knows no compromise. Revolution overturns and destroys everything that gets."
"A coherent worldview that attracts radicals."
"The radical seeks life and views destruction as a controlled and methodical tool wielded for greater creation."
"I just want people to be the right kind of radical, radical in a constructive way."
"You have an entire German army almost surrounded. And if you can cut it off and destroy it, you've basically won the war."
"Jesus Christ is the most famous black radical revolutionary in history and he was treated just like Dr King."
"Decrying the equivalence between the radical left and the radical right as a symptom of fascism."
"I guess some, yeah. Why? What causes why are there radical ones? Yeah, well, you know, don't really know for sure, but mmm, all I can say is that um, a lot of things are happening and like they put a little political, like, a landscape, mm-hmm."
"It's amazing how religious intolerance is considered totally fine so long as it is from radical Muslims."
"We will continue our fight against radical Islamic terrorism."
"Charlie Kirk has become a white nationalist hardcore."
"The majority of the court appears to fear that the Voting Rights Act is too 'radical.'"
"The Haitian Revolution was much more radical than both the French and the American revolutions."
"Heydrich and Himmler make a formidable pair, but as they push forward their radical plans, Inner Circle Rivals are already plotted to break up the deadly partnership."
"Radicals of the 60s transitioned into academia, shaping scholarship."
"The more the left does this, the more they are going to move the overton window for decent normal and good people to reject the radical left."
"If they don't stand behind Donald J. Trump and Nicholas J. Fuentes, we're going to burn the whole party to the ground and we're going to form a new one from the ashes of the old one."
"People think it's hyperbolic when you say it, but let's look at history. Hitler attempted the exact same thing in 1933."
"Left has created a self-reinforcing radicalism, losing elections."
"From the 1880s to the 1920s, they spread their radical message across Britain."
"To be a leader, you need to be radical, but radicalness can't be translated into hatred for your opponents."
"There are times in a country and in politics where radical change is needed."
"Republicans have gotten even more radical since Trump left office, passing law after law making it harder to vote while falsely arguing that Biden didn't actually win."
"Maybe the worm is beginning to turn, maybe the radicals are starting to lose some of the steam."
"It is more controversial today to say that you believe in God than to embrace radical leftist ideas."
"Democrats are moving in an increasingly radical direction when it comes to abortion."
"The ones who are consistent and open and publicly radical are at least being true to themselves. I mean, we don't like them, they are bad people, they're going to create violence, but they tell you what, here is who I really am."
"The need to be philosophically conservative but temperamentally radical is even more urgently needed today than it was in Buckley's day."
"They're using words like apocalypse... justification for radical change."
"I'm proud to say this in a very strange way I'm a for a revolutionary for a radical revolutionary of the first stripe."
"The real issue with radicalism is that you're taking folks who are already willing to believe whatever it is you say."
"Intellectuals fuse with the oppressed in order to make and remake the conditions necessary for a radical social project."
"We need radical change and we need to rock the boat."
"The people who don't like Nazis are the real Nazis, and conservative dudes from the 40s would absolutely be considered reactionary today."
"There's been a whole tradition of literature especially in the last 50 years or so talking about how self-acceptance and celebrating yourself as you are is radical."
"What are the problems in society that need to be changed? Let's take those away from the radicals by understanding them and presenting liberal solutions to them."
"Every generation is supposed to be more radical than the one before."
"These people are insurrectionists, they'll call themselves revolutionaries."
"That is the gospel, a radical passion for the restoration of all things and all creation."
"This is literally every sub stacker Twitter Andy with a hammer and sickle in their [ __ ] account being like Hassan is not leftist enough."
"The time for genteel Politics as Usual has come to an end it's time for the rise of the new right it's time for dark Maga to truly take command."
"The radical nature of this calling: separation, holiness."
"It's the kind of thinking that our country's going to on the left on the radical left."
"People are radical right now they just need an ideological framing for those radical feels."
"It only has ever been radicals that have changed this country."
"The biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right."
"You're basically seeing the destruction of the traditional Republican Party to a more insane party."
"There's so much poverty and there is a very radical history there."
"Jesus Christ was the greatest radical the world ever saw."
"Typically after you see socialist systems take power they tend to not mind when the, let's say, violent radicals who help get them into power are thrown in prison or are tossed out."
"Here you have an actual situation where the candidate seems to be a cipher, a husk, a front man for the most radical elements in the party."
"Let's commit the crime together so despair can become the foundation."
"Our tendency to consume negative news has sown fatalism and radicalism."
"If people knew what it was like during a revolution like in Cuba or what's been going on in Venezuela or what's happening right now in Nicaragua or in Mexico, this country, we just got a few radical weirdos that are in Washington, DC."
"I would much rather be called a radical in the fight against evil than a moderate."
"Not enough people talk about how [__] wild Robespierre was."
"We need to call them out for exactly what they are: criminal, radical, and bad for democracy."
"He's the most radical right-wing person. Of course that means he's the edge of the Overton window."
"Political radicalism rises as syndicalists, anarchists, and integralists continue to engage."
"They think that animus for Trump means that people are willing to embrace the most radical policies at the national level and that simply isn't true."
"If this country doesn't give us what we want, then we will burn down this system."
"They are essentially empowering the radicals when they don't want to talk about it, when they want to ignore it, when they want to sweep it under the rug."
"It's all worth it. We're going to do it again."
"I think what's radical is tenderness between two men."
"He was a radical fundamentally committed to human liberation, democracy, economic and racial justice, and anti-imperialism."
"If the Republicans said we're gonna pass the 2020 budget as next year's budget they'd be regarded as lunatics."
"They are not extremist, and they are not radical, and they are not wrong."
"I don't care if you think what I'm doing is radical. It's not biologically extreme and there's a lot of different benefits."
"Radicalism is a good thing if what you're fighting for is something just."
"The Republicans have become a radical Insurgency that has abandoned the procedures of normal parliamentary politics."
"She will not be unheard, unseen; she is radical right and she is with you right now, working with you, through you, for your highest good."
"I just kind of got to be radical beautiful in whatever I do."
"True genesis is not at the beginning but at the end, and it starts to begin only when society and existence become radical."
"The combination of radicalism and reach, radicalism and access to power, that's the kindling and the Tinder and the fuel altogether."
"To win the cup, you're going to need to get radical."
"I'm radical because the central liberal solutions don't appear to be addressing the problems we're facing."
"Marx soon immersed himself in the works of Hegel, forgot about studying the law, and became one of the leaders of the radical intellectual group called The Young Hegelians."
"Christianity is a radical religion."
"To be truly radical is to insist on a tiny small point which may appear nothing but if you press on that point you trigger you trigger a process."
"I think everybody should get guillotined. Bring out the guillotine!"
"If it does finally come to a confrontation, a radical confrontation between giving up what we understand to be the best features of the American way of life."
"Let his creativity take over the project because however radical it becomes the better it is."
"This is the most radical love the world has ever known."
"Psychoanalysis when it first began was an extremely radical movement... it really rethought the way the human mind is and perceives itself."
"Violent radicals, we are led to believe, are monsters precisely because of their close adherence to the letter of scripture."
"I think as Americans sometimes we really leave a lot of our history to the side and I like to say that when you look at history closely, when you really know history, it's pretty radical."
"The potential for a radical ecological movement remains very big."
"For me, Radical Something That is radical in a religious context constitutes a drastic and highly significant departure from the normative tradition."
"These students formed their own Red Guard, and they walked into schools and pulled out teachers by their hair who they accused of being 'rightist' and 'imperialist running dogs and spies.'"
"Kant's entire moral philosophy is a kind of deepened and radicalized Rousseauianism."
"Fighting for a just society equal protection honors the law equal opportunity those are radical ideas."
"Life is inherently meaningful and so, believe it or not, it's a pretty radical position in the world of existentialism."
"Tear it all down. Leave nothing standing."
"It is easy to forget just how radical she was for her time."
"When you do what the Bible calls us to do as Christians, people will label us as radical. But nice, law-abiding, quiet little complacent people never change the world."
"If you do say some things that could be considered radical and unconventional, it could lead to some relationships falling apart, especially relationships with colleagues, in-laws, siblings, even potentially."
"utilitarianism becomes a very radical doctrine."
"So now you should be able to start to see why classical utilitarianism was a doctrine that was thought to be profoundly radical and frightening to rich men."
"Your Christian experience should be radical. Radical truth, radical love, radical engagement."
"This is the fair con of rock abilities. He's giving you just advice on how to live, how to be a radical."
"It's better that you are radical in your pursuit to be yourself."
"Radicals are those whose fruitfulness is wild and free and abundant because they have Deep Roots."
"To create a radical, ambitious, sharp, bold, unapologetic architecture."
"The thing about the hold in that is he says is that, 'It's precisely being in that space that produces these radical notions of what flight and freedom would look like.'"
"Radical, experimental, uninhibited, scandalous."
"Worthless, deathless, the most radical statement."
"The radical movement spreads as traveling preachers show up in remote towns and convert followers."
"Jesus is saying live a radical life, but it's fear-filled, fear of the Lord filled."
"One version of Islam, the very mystical Sufi-inspired gentle version of Islam that existed in the Kashmir Valley, is now being itself oppressed by Islamic radicalism."
"This is one of the most radical foreign policy endeavors I've ever seen in my life."
"America has a fantastic radical tradition, very admirable one."
"His radical ideas would it would like take on like would it be like an aoc on social media and have like 18 million people."
"As scholars, we must stop referring to such radical experiences and practices as arguments for pathologizing practitioners and theorists, whether implicitly or explicitly, whether directly or indirectly. Thank you for your attention."
"Qui-Gon was even more radical in that regard. If Dooku leaves the Jedi Order, Quon would undoubtedly see this motion by his master and it would be a confirmation to him that it's okay to leave the order."
"It's not about being radical enough, it's about being faithful."
"Radical Christianity believes the ridiculous."
"so no laws whatsoever entail them becoming of the biosphere this is absolutely radical this is radical emergence"
"Radical obedience produces radical results radical faith."
"To live a radical Christian faith, a supernatural one, not a fruitful judgmental but a supernatural one in this day and age, people are going to think you've lost your mind."
"...it's a radical statement that marks him as the Son of God or as a raving madman."
"I would error on the side of being too radical and too passionate then error on the side of being lukewarm and Hyper Grace."
"There's just what's happening. This isn't about becoming special. It's about ordinariness, simpleness, simplicity. Simplicity in the sense of singularity. Simplicity in the sense that it's unimaginable, unknown. So simple, it's radical."
"A radical leader with a radical transformative program was popular in the British electorate."
"Every radical without an exception can behave pragmatically."
"The most radical thing you could do today is to do something extraordinary and not tell anyone you've done it."
"The radical isn't the person who sort of wandered off into the deep weeds. The radical is the person who goes back to source, who goes back, who goes back even farther."
"They immediately make a correlation between radicalism and mental illness."
"It's really a place for radicals, you know, like it really is for artists first."
"This along with the actual robbery started my long journey towards radicalism."
"History has always shown us that those considered the most radical nut jobs ended up being the only ones who could actually do the job of actually changing things in a better or even sometimes worse manner."
"His philosophical project contains a great deal of what's going to become post-structuralism."
"He took it to an extreme, a whole new level of 'I'm an outsider.'"
"I was pretty radical in some things I said."
"The new government had radical ideas. It nationalised key industry and introduced the Welfare State and the National Health Service."
"Jesus said I have come to set fire on the world and I wish it would be burned."
"I had this picture of a radical example of Christianity. We're gonna go be poor like Jesus was. It was really kind of impacting to me."
"That's the most radical love that I could ever dream of."
"Radical is not a bad statement. Radical is a radical statement."
"Some radical feminists operate off of a different definition of feminism. They view feminism as a social group not just an ideology."
"Shelley is the true radical amongst them and the true voice of Liberty, of freedom."
"What would be the radical expression of inclusion today if Pentecostalism is, in fact, a Justice movement?"
"Burn it all to the ground, just torch it."
"The fact that you experience Joy a radical thing the fact that you rest a radical thing the fact that you anything you do is like if I'm Black and I'm doing it and I'm not suffering then it's just radical right?"
"Radical action involves a sort of self-dispossession."
"If I'm gonna follow Jesus, he was radical."
"Certainly, this is an absolutely radical reality that must have seemed impossible to the apostles."
"We wanna come up with radical ideas."