
Conversion Quotes

There are 1905 quotes

"Conversion is daily. How do we know this? Paul says, 'Work out your salvation with fear and trembling.'"
"I had a religious conversion. I went from skepticism to belief after witnessing firsthand the impact of Tesla on people who normally don't care about cars."
"Most Christians, no matter how seriously they take their belief, don't try to convert people at sword point anymore."
"If by earnest, prayerful, Christ-like efforts you can bring one minister into the truth, you through his influence may be able to convert a score of souls."
"I wasn't converted by the Gospels; I was converted by the power of God."
"If you will come to Christ... and do it from a heart that is being moved upon by the true Holy Spirit of God, then He will save you."
"This experience could only have come from God, and humanity will have a major surge of conversion throughout."
"I knew in my heart at that point I was Muslim."
"How do I tell you about my conversion to Christianity without making it sound like an alien abduction or a train wreck? Truth be told, it felt a little of both."
"I felt the presence of God as they were worshiping and I looked over at Richard and he just pointed at me and said That's you you're the one and I was just I fell down I'm crying the pastors actually came over they laid hands on me and they prayed for me and that was like my first encounter that led me to start really seeking Jesus."
"Christianity was the only religion that was exclusive, that said we're right and therefore you're wrong. And they're missionary. But it means that if they just convert, you know, if you've got 100 people and they convert three people this year, okay, well, you got 103."
"We're converting people too. I mean, that's something that we have to do as a movement. You can't just preach only to the choir."
"Our Lady of Fatima told us this: God is offended by so many things that are happening today, and we need conversion."
"He had a massive radical conversion and he went on to discern his vocation to the priesthood."
"Becoming a Muslim wipes out all your sins. It's like having a bank account that's millions of dollars overdrawn, and then it's all wiped out."
"Men are converted by a supernatural work of God that demonstrates more of the power of God than the very creation of the universe."
"There was this lady who was married for 70 years and it wasn't until their 67th year of marriage that her husband accepted the Lord."
"They turned from idols to serve a living and true God."
"hindus are low hanging fruit uh because we ours are so usually connected to our faith we don't know where to go for answers and uh that makes it uh yeah very easy for us to you know get drawn to other faiths as well"
"I appreciate that honesty and truth-seeking brought you here to Islam."
"The church in the modern day didn't convert us as much as the church as seen in the perspective of history."
"I can remember the day I accepted Jesus like it was yesterday."
"We're converting them all. They're all going to be Trekkies before we're done with them, aren't they?"
"Solar, or photovoltaic energy, is made useful by converting light (photons) into an electric or voltaic current."
"Peter was about to convert the first Gentile, and in a world where the emperor of Rome was worshipped as a god, this was no ordinary convert."
"You could literally be of incredible service you give them the information you need that gets you to rank on Google that gets you the click when they read they get to the bottom like I'm ready to buy this right now click boom"
"Revival, heart change, true conversion comes from the gospel."
"Islam is a lie. I'm an ex-Muslim. Jesus is the only way."
"Simon himself believed and was baptized," highlighting the conversion of a prominent figure.
"The fact that I was raised that way made me skeptical of it, and the fact that I was sort of brought back into the Faith by a calvinist philosopher."
"The message of Fatima is a call to conversion, alerting humanity to have nothing to do with the dragon."
"We have seen many, I mean hundreds have come to Faith in Jesus Christ."
"Already since 1979, more than 1 million Iranians, Shia Muslims, have come to faith in Jesus Christ."
"The good news reg... more Jewish people are coming to faith."
"Instead of being mad at Stephen and Doreen for converting people should be happy that we are teaching something that could save people from hell."
"Conversion itself... that's what this really is about."
"The last ingredient in our formula is conversion."
"Sending them an ad that pops up saying, 'Hey, we saw that you signed up for our franchise opportunity,' can convert them into a sale."
"I became a Christian because of your movies."
"Thousands of people have come to Jesus Christ."
"If you hadn't been born again and you have not made Jesus the Lord of your life and received him as your personal Lord and Savior, pray this simple prayer with me."
"The African nobility became Muslim before the masses, which is not typical."
"Yo, anybody who doesn't like this guy, go down a YouTube wormhole. Like, you will come out converted. He is awesome."
"Thanks to the Western Roman Empire... they've been doing lots of converting."
"Content's job is to lead people towards a profitable action."
"Conversion is assumed when you bring value to the audience."
"And that is so amazing, you know, for people watching and listening, for people that I've interviewed in the occult, that once they encounter the presence of God or they feel that peace for the first time, it's so life-changing."
"I had this vision of Jesus Christ which led to her conversion to Christianity."
"If you're hearing you've never given your life to Jesus...welcome home."
"I thought this film was well-shot, well-acted, fantastic music, very sort of atmospheric."
"These people who are having dreams now... they seem to be real enough to the people who have them, to suggest at least the possibility that God is doing some remarkable work in the world through Muslims pointing them to Christianity."
"Artificial standards for belief can indicate a rebellious heart."
"The grace of conversion for us as Catholics is not just giving your life to Jesus. It is allowing Him to give His life to you, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity."
"Now you might be saying Matt that's great I'm sure I can do that but how can I actually get good traffic to this link that actually has the potential of converting?"
"He did that job very well, converted basically the whole city that the prophet salallahu Islam sent him to."
"Bring a friend that thinks you're crazy for doing this stuff. They will be just as crazy as you when they leave."
"Now, you know how to perform multi-mole conversion."
"You know how to perform grams to gram conversion as well."
"Allah has guided me to Islam and it is the happiest and the best and the most complete way of life."
"Slowly edging toward Christianity till I, you know, did eventually receive the Lord."
"There's probably got to be a more balanced way of handling these problems or talking about these problems."
"Some people say if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, but Christianity took a different approach. If you can't beat 'em, just make 'em you."
"People actually want order in every form of life... people come to the tpusa faith events for the politics and they leave as Christians."
"All you have to do is say, 'Lord Jesus, forgive me of my sins, I want to receive you as Savior and Lord of my life.'"
"The evidence of conversion is not just your examination of your sincerity at the moment of your conversion, it is ongoing fruit in your life." - Paul Washer
"Thank you very much, that is the Mighty Car Mods budget turbo conversion."
"I walked into this review a bit of a skeptic... I walked away a week later being a big fan."
"Maybe a religious conversion is a way that you really are able to change."
"Hopefully this helps you out in that conversion process."
"Why did you come to Christ in the first place?"
"Remember the fraction, the decimal, and the percentage."
"Thirteen people accepted Jesus Christ as their savior today."
"It's not enough to draw close to others, to talk to them, to assure them of our trust, and to seek their good. One must also take steps to convert them." - Pope Paul VI
"I say plainly, I do not want to be converted by a smart syllogism. If I am asked to convert others by it, I say plainly I do not care to overcome their reason without touching their hearts."
"I was completely convinced of Christianity and became a catechumen which is a convert under instruction before baptism."
"They have converted really quite a lot, perhaps implying that they're one of the factions that does very well with skilled veteran players."
"America loves a convert, even if the person doesn't actually get born again."
"Christianity does not want a theocracy. We're not converting nations into a new nationality; we're bringing them into Christ."
"I want to be a Christian, I want to be saved, I want to know that my name is written in the Lamb's book of life."
"When we come to Christ and we repent and put our faith and trust in him, we're given a new heart."
"You don't clean the fish before you catch it. Likewise with the sinner, I'm not trying to tell you to conform overnight. Just come to the boat of Jesus Christ and He'll change you."
"In a time of darkness and godlessness... thousands back to Christ."
"Are you serious? Eight, no nine people have accepted Christ as their savior!"
"Many people are giving their hearts to Jesus, people are crying, they're helping people."
"Convert a list into a table... You get a set of features that you did not have with the list to analyze that data for yourself."
"And I like the way they kind of gave Broly little human characteristics."
"Everything got to be sorry about they're wrong and if you want to give your life to Christ the right way you've got to go down in the water."
"If you come to believe that Jesus has been raised from the dead physically it's quite likely you will become a Christian."
"Islam just gave me that sweetness, that inner happiness and peace."
"Satan doesn't want casualties. He wants converts."
"The greatest Miracle you can have is accepting Jesus."
"This thing is absolutely epic... just get one of these and you will be converted."
"Anyone can convert to Islam; don't let anybody tell you otherwise."
"I wasn't sure about electric cars...and I've been converted."
"Paul's preaching was grounded in evidence and observation, and people converted to Christianity wherever he went."
"I'm calling on the name of Jesus, I'm asking Jesus Christ to come into my life."
"You win when you convert. You don't win when you're talking to the same people."
"I trusted Jesus Christ as my savior on November 5th, 2001. God changed my life drastically. I never was the same since that day."
"Every week we have like a new Muslim convert."
"In some ways, what evangelical converts are doing is reminding those here of that element of Orthodox tradition."
"God himself is involved in people's conversions."
"When I hear the bad news, I say maybe that'll create more converts that come our way."
"The angels rejoice over the conversion and the repentance of one sinner and we rejoice today."
"So this is a legit four-seater conversion which gives me even more in GVM."
"Atheists are now believing, that blessed me."
"Valverde, the same friar that offered him a Bible a month before, came to him and offered a baptism."
"Salvation begins in a life at what's called the new birth, being saved, being born again, being converted."
"I'm going to ask hundreds of you right now to get up out of your seat and come and stand in front of this platform and say by coming I want to receive Christ into my heart."
"My dad found the Lord, my son found the Lord, my ex-husband is crazy about Jesus."
"Becoming Christian wasn't super hard because I already kind of knew what Christianity taught because my family had been in and out of this PCA church so I had heard Christianity preached to me but I just didn't agree with it."
"But once I convert to Christianity it completely changed my perspective on life."
"It was like a vaccine against atheism a vaccine gives your body a small dose of the virus so your body can build up an immunity to it."
"You did not create the model of this car...you just converted it."
"Call on Jesus for salvation and let His wisdom change you."
"The best Catholics are probably the best ex-atheists."
"In this Jubilee year, the Virgin of Lourdes reminds all men of the truth that no reform can bear fruit without a conversion and cleansing of heart."
"Healings at Lourdes are a sign for conversion. They are meant to soften the hearts of hardened sinners and to turn them away from the world."
"By offering my face to my Eternal Father, nothing will be refused and the conversion of many sinners will be obtained."
"I appreciate dr. Qureshi whose questioning led him to faith in Christianity."
"We've had over 8,000 people come to Christ through those food lines, being personally led to Christ by the 12,000 people who've worked. That's unheard of."
"Scribble actually turns your handwriting into typed text."
"They are not allowed to renounce or convert."
"You have to accept Jesus Christ into your heart."
"I wasn't raised Catholic, but I converted for him and his family, and it ended up being a positive experience."
"Dear Lord Jesus, come into my life wash my sins away I receive your Holy Spirit."
"And confessing Jesus is a part of that heartfelt conversion, that seals our commitment, and also our salvation with the Lord forever."
"I accepted Christ really as a result of my wife's faith."
"Conviction of sin must come before conversion."
"The mysteries were gone. Once you become Muslim, the unexplained is explained."
"Finally, you get both pieces of the puzzle: you get traffic and you get commissions that convert."
"Matt fradd flying Cameron out to Rome to announce he's becoming Catholic is the most Matt frad thing ever."
"Don't feel like you have to read everything before you can convert."
"This now-defunct ship has been converted into a Tavern and it was also used as a gambling Den."
"For anyone here today, anyone online watching this but has never called upon you I pray that today they would surrender to you put their trust in you and call upon you to be saved in Jesus' name. Amen."
"Truth has come with the foreigners, and souls can be saved by following the Church's teachings."
"A system that does not convert stressors, problems, variability into fuel is doomed."
"He almost converted Lewis to Catholicism."
"Pray for Shia LaBeouf because he's now come out as a Catholic."
"A misidentification also wouldn't explain why people who didn't follow Jesus like Paul came to believe in Jesus's resurrection."
"That's the beautiful grace of God that is present in the lives of these great Saints who have converted."
"MediaConnect is the new version of Elastic Transcoder. It converts videos to different video types."
"St. Patrick received a vision shortly after his return to Britain telling him to convert the people of Ireland to Christianity."
"Vladimir chose to become an orthodox Christian after famously considering all the monotheistic religions of the time and seems to have embraced Slavs in his court."
"Long form content beats all. There's nothing that converts better than long form content."
"You could convert the triangles into quads."
"All I knew is I needed Jesus and I gave my life to Jesus."
"We want something to hold on to, there is a major wave of religious conversion going on."
"The Lord's hand was with them, and a great number of people believed and turned to the Lord."
"The pure Gospel of Jesus Christ must go down into the hearts of young people and adults by the power of the Holy Ghost."
"Our aim must be for them to become truly converted to the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ while they are young."
"Conversion rate optimization is making changes to your website to improve the conversion rate."
"A lot of the unbelievers became believers very quickly."
"And when anyone comes and sees your content, they click on your referral link, it takes 'em directly to the company's website where they can make a purchase of any of the products you were talking about."
"I became a Christian 15 years now."
"You've turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, and to wait for his Son from heaven."
"This is a religious experience. I am joining this church."
"From tonight I am a child of God."
"I know this is going to sound crazy, but I've got to embrace the Catholic faith."
"When you become a Muslim, your past sins are forgiven."
"Like most converts, I never thought ever that I would become Catholic."
"And the hand of the Lord was with them: and a great number believed, and turned unto the Lord."
"I am Jesus of Nazareth whom thou persecutest."
"If you pray that you'll become a Catholic, Jesus promises it: seek and you shall find."
"...to convert from local to World, you actually only need very like Elementary Vector operations."
"Post conversion content that targets and attracts people in your target audience."
"I'm officially converted to a ball gown dress."
"Your conversion rate is going to be directly proportional to the amount of confidence."
"A wind turbine simply converts the kinetic energy of the wind into mechanical energy, and that is converted into electrical energy."
"We've got to capitalize right; you had third and 21, no chance of converting, your quarterback's running out of bounds, now new life, got to capitalize."
"Convert your cargo trailer into a camper, and you can do that too."
"Don't put off your conversion, my friends."
"He starts listening to the Evangelical preacher Billy Graham."
"If your conversion to Christ was merely intellectual, all it will take is an intellectual atheist or skeptic to talk you out of it."
"to help bring people out of paganism into the Catholic Church"
"Our Lady can bring people to Christ."
"Your spiritual problem is so bad the only way you're going to come to God is if you go kicking and screaming."
"Creating lead magnets to grow your email list... email converts even better than social media."
"And that's sort of all of these messages are a call to conversion and inevitably a message of Hope."
"There will be a time when the chastisement will take place because Humanity will have refused in full knowledge of the admonitions brought forth by Heaven they will have refused to convert accordingly."
"The converters job in this circuit in appliance the converter appliances job is to take that 120 volts AC and convert it to 12 volts DC."
"The cornerstone of every true apparition is this: convert while there is still time."
"And the Holy Spirit was working in my heart. I teared and I knelt down and accept Jesus."
"...by coming to this altar you're saying not to me, not to family, to God, I want to be a real Christian."
"Now when my friend talked to me about Jesus, he's talking about someone else. It's not the Jesus of the Quran, it's not the Jesus of Islam. It's the savior of the world, the person that has come, laid his life down for our sake. It is just amazing."
"Being Catholic doesn't save you. It's changing your ways and living for God that saves you. Receive Jesus tonight and you will be saved."
"The more immersion equals more conversion. The more time someone spends with you, the more money they'll spend with you."
"True conversion is a change from selfishness to sanctified affection for God and for one another."
"Give your life to Jesus no matter how famous you is, no matter what platform you got, no matter how much money you had. You can die."
"He never said I am God or come and worship me."
"I saw my friends, I said listen I want to become a Muslim."
"It was very bad thing. So for them as a person as a pastor's daughter become a Muslim it was very bad thing."
"Stories that I couldn't have explained as a Protestant Christian."
"As we await, obviously, the full conversion of Russia and the world, with Mary, in this time of mercy, we can call down an ocean of graces upon us like Divine Mercy Sunday."
"Be converted returned to me with all your heart." - Joel 2:12
"Beyond the message of personal conversion and of penance penance penance."
"I decided with my free time that I had, now I was going to dedicate it all to researching religion and finding the objective truth. And that's what I did. And five months later, alhamdulillah, I came out of my room being a Muslim, alhamdulillah."
"And they will recognize then that they have been deceived, and they will turn to Jesus Christ in great numbers."
"In the flywheel, instead of following a traditional conversion process, we put the customer in the center of the process and create momentum for the conversion strategy by focusing on attracting, engaging, and delighting customers."
"A call to action or CTA prompts your audience to take a specific action."
"The conversion of Olga in the 950s had been the Rus peoples’ first real introduction to Christianity."