
9/11 Quotes

There are 184 quotes

"Kids will ask you what happened on 9/11. You will straight up at the kitchen table go, 'I don't know. Go to school, ask them. I pay taxes, let them tell you.'"
"I think you know Ian says this a lot... all of this started breaking apart when 9/11 happened."
"We must now join forces one more time to ensure that the heroes of 9/11 are not abandoned when they need us most."
"Thousands of rescuers responded with nobility and courage, first responders scaled smoldering piles of debris, exhumed victims with dignity, and restored Ground Zero to its current place in the center of a loving, resilient community."
"They began that day with hope, with love in the morning... out of the fires of terror revealed the steel of our country."
"It is our time to remember the work, the life, the pictures, and the families that we will never forget."
"Every member of Congress pauses in remembrance of those that were lost that day and those that we will continue to lose."
"I reached out to a guy named Mike who was in the South Tower on 9/11, and he survived. But he was there basically when it collapsed. His perspective is one that I had not really heard because he saw some of the worst parts of 9/11 firsthand."
"The official story of 9/11 is a monstrosity. It is an insult to the intelligence."
"They flew planes into the building in 911, told us some overseas done it, and when the FBI report came out, it was Dick Cheney and George Bush behind it the whole time."
"9/11 was not the end of normality, it was the restoration of normality in this sense."
"The government even suppressed original news videos of the New York Fire Department making multiple reports of large explosions and secondary devices inside the towers on 9/11."
"So many powerful institutions benefited so greatly from 9/11 and its aftermath."
"We're tough. I was in New York City on September 11, 2001, and I know what the New Yorkers can do."
"The government did not tell you the truth about what happened on 9/11."
"In what world is that you know 9/11 happens immediately as soon as the rubble is cleared, no not even."
"We honor the memory of every innocent soul killed in the September 11th attacks."
"I lost faith in the government in 9/11... I know that they were doing some shady stuff."
"This recent court filing suggests that the 9/11 hijackers were working with the CIA."
"Every single victim of the 9/11 attacks deserve to have their stories told as Sneha's has been."
"If a conspiracy actually took place on 9/11, it's being covered up by many more people."
"9/11 was potentially orchestrated by infiltrators within the national security apparatus."
"That means on the day of 9/11, all over America, believers were opening up their Bible before it happened."
"On 9 11, a reign of dust came upon New York City."
"The only thing that could have brought this structure down in the manner observed on 9/11/2001 is the near simultaneously failure of every column in the building below the 17th floor."
"There was a before 9/11 and there was an after 9/11."
"In 2010, archaeologists excavating the area beneath the destroyed World Trade Center in New York City made a shocking discovery."
"Al Maktoum has donated $5 million to the World Trade Center victims' appeal."
"It's been 18 years since the September 11th terrorist attacks that shook America."
"9/11 has still has a crippling effect on 10s of thousands of Americans."
"For them and their families, 9/11 never ended."
"He started off as a sort of compromise figure and then he became the guy who led us through 9/11 in what I think was truly heroic fashion."
"Now more people will have died because of the after-effects of 9/11 then died that day."
"Was the commission that investigated the 9/11 attacks told that lead hijacker Muhammad Atta had been identified as an Al-Qaeda operative more than a year before terror struck?"
"How could they have known about the attack and who sent them to document it? The evidence points to a large intelligence network inside the United States."
"We've got the radar data corroborating with the eyewitnesses on the ground with the 9-1-1 calls."
"America will never be the same after September 11, 2001."
"The collapse of the Twin Towers is fully compatible with a controlled demolition."
"The amount of witnesses who reported powerful explosions is overwhelming."
"War on America. The combination of headline and photo hauntingly depicted the surreal events of that fateful September morning."
"World Trade second plane: a tragic event that changed history."
"Talk to your congressmen and senators and say, you know, who you are, what you listened to, and what can you do to get the 9/11 FBI files declassified and given to the 9/11 families?"
"That's the primary reason why 9/11 happened."
"Thousands of put stock options were bought on United and American Airlines immediately prior to September 11th, 2001."
"There was a lot of money to be made from the events of September 11th."
"The full economic impact of 9/11 is hard to measure, but the ripple effect of the attack is by any standard immense and undeniable."
"Tap our lock button five times quickly in order to call 911 instantly."
"I remember that day very vividly I was sitting in uh sitting in drama class um you know rehearsing the the upcoming plays and stuff and Jackie Foreman came into the theater she was like hey um a plane just hit the World Trade Center."
"My uncle was late for a meeting in the Pentagon on 9/11. He would have been in the wing that got hit."
"If you can buy a car like that and it's going to be 35 36k or something like that, isn't it, I mean what a 911 it feels magnificent."
"Christie aides reportedly plans to use 9/11 artifacts as assets in his 2016 campaign."
"For those who vividly recalled the events of 9/11, President Obama's announcement that the al-Qaeda leader was dead was a landmark event."
"One thing remains true: it still looks like a 911, which is an amazing accomplishment from Porsche."
"This was an invasion we called 911 I gave them the address and stayed on the line."
"We've never had that with 9/11. There has been no examination of the events of that day in court."
"9/11 was the turning point in my life. I woke up, I saw the Twin Towers going down, and I thought I was watching a Bruce Willis movie Die Hard."
"It's been terrifying to see the first one and then they were all watching and saw the second plane impact."
"After the 9 11 attacks there was some discussion if Pilots should be armed with guns. Thomas he was the president of the gun control advocacy group ceasefire spoke out against the idea in a half hour televised debate."
"The Survivor stairs. These stairs led underground from the World Trade Center. The people who made it down these stairs survived that day."
"In the midst of a pandemic and civil unrest everywhere, I wish that somehow, someway, if anything good came out of 9/11 it was the aftermath and the sense of united America."
"Red Bandanna Game: Wells Crowther, a hero of 9/11."
"Every day is like 9/11, and just to leave the city and go up to Boston and get that hug and just see that the world still existed in a different way."
"Our car is a little bit hardcore for a daily driven car but I think 911 needs that kind of duality where you can take a track of the weekend and then take the work on Monday."
"So, once they got themselves resettled in the 82nd floor, in essence, from engineering reports that I had seen, that is where one of the wings had come through between the south tower."
"We are there because of 9/11 not that 9/11 had anything to do with Iraq but it created the political opening."
"I mean 9 11 I was a freshman in college and it shook me up pretty bad and I was I was pissed off so this was my way to kind of get back at the uh the enemy so to speak."
"After 9/11... it's burnt into the public conscious."
"9/11 was an absolute example of an event, an event like we've never seen before."
"...it's not just America it's the world it's this whole thing and it's like what they were trying to do there it's weird watching Man of Steel where I'm like oh man like this makes me think about 9/11 no MCU movie made me think about 9/11 that's fair."
"Our country was attacked. It's different. It wasn't like Korea or Vietnam. We were attacked."
"911 was a day like no other. Please join me as we pay homage to a lesson of resilience for the ages."
"I was in shock. I called my wife and told her to turn on the TV. I said, 'Our building's secure, I'm okay, there was just an accident in one World Trade.'"
"We stood there and as we watched the second plane hit the second tower, and that's when I knew we were in trouble."
"The sea of men and people just running because they thought another building was coming down."
"But, you know, watching both Twin Towers fall down, I mean, I was born and raised in New York City, and to see them fall like that, I guess it's time to go to war."
"Everyone was standing and waiting for the people that never came because everyone was either vaporized, pulverized, or cremated when the 110 stories came down."
"The greatest day that I've ever seen in all my boating, I mean, my life on the water, the great boat lift of 9/11 became the largest sea evacuation in history."
"The next morning I woke up, I turned on the television. It turned out that the day that I had been laid off was Monday, September 10th, 2001. The next morning the world changed."
"I remember my art teacher, like, watching and crying as the first building fell, you know, and being like, 'This is happening, this isn't a movie, this is real, you know, yeah, yeah.'"
"We've got to the 9/11 memorial pools... Very somber."
"Tanya head told a woeful tale of survival and guilt, claiming to have been on the 78th floor of the south tower on the morning of September 11th."
"But obviously September 11th is one of those events I remember so much about that day."
"If you have an opinion on the FBI's role in 9/11, you should know those names and why they're important."
"To see those Towers fall was so unbelievable for us New Yorkers."
"A story of extreme patriotism after 9/11."
"The days surrounding 9/11 were a highly intensive, chaotic time in America."
"911 was less a failure of intelligence and more a failure of imagination."
"9/11... I remember the haunting silence from my parents as we watched."
"Instead, they explore the personal costs of September 11th."
"My knees buckled and they had never done that before."
"I went down to Ground Zero in defiance of my own smallness."
"9/11 is not just about loss and about personal tragedy but it's also about the incredible resilience and perseverance of the human spirit."
"We have a day of service on or around 9/11... to honor those 84 people."
"September 11 stands as the worst loss of first responders in a single event in United States history."
"By telling our stories, we can show that September 11th was about more than loss; it was also about our resilience."
"We have seen the state of our Union in the courage of passengers who rushed terrorists to save others on the ground."
"You can't take it too far away from a 911, otherwise it's not a 911."
"Thank you for your coverage on September 11th; it really made everything much easier to manage."
"The war on terror was the right response to 9/11."
"I wasn't affected by 9/11, not directly. I mean, as an American, I was. As a human, I was."
"I am a survivor, I worked on the hundred first floor of the South Tower."
"Although it's been 20 years, I think it's really important for us to remember that for first responders, survivors of 9/11, there are people still in a lot of physical and emotional pain."
"For those of us that were here on the ground, the memories are fresh, they're vivid."
"That is just about the number of people who safely evacuated the World Trade Center that day."
"The two reflecting pools are in the exact place where the Twin Towers once stood."
"The sound of the air-cooled boxer engines is also partially responsible for establishing the legendary 911."
"September 11th happened, I was in college, and I remember watching it and thinking, now I gotta figure out how to get back in."
"I'm scared to get on a plane... but when I wasn't downtown, I was in Midtown... we were all freaking out; it was a really scary moment and obviously that changed our country, that changed the world."
"It was really the events of 9/11 that shook me to the core and made me risk and take a chance."
"Don't forget it's 9/11, to say your prayers."
"This was actually a sphere on the World Trade Center, recovered from the rubble."
"We spent yesterday saying prayers for the victims and their families of 9/11."
"To me, 9/11 is a moment frozen in time, one that I will always remember with crystal clarity for the rest of my life."
"The cause of 9/11 first responders, heroes, servicemen and women of this country who came to the country's need after 9/11."
"I'm here to advocate for 9/11 first responders and their families and the survivors."
"Our stories go beyond the historical events of the day and they focus much more on the personal costs of September 11th."
"I'm just so appreciative of the fact that we get to speak of Rick and his heroism and what he did on 9/11."
"September 11th, 2001 was the day I stopped being a 19-year-old kid and the day I became a soldier."
"We have become the lost souls and the dust that is still left at Ground Zero."
"In honor of and in remembrance of 9/11 and the 20th anniversary of the collapse of the Twin Towers and the changes to not just Lower Manhattan and New York but really the world."
"We learned a lot from 9/11, the way engineers have historically always learned from failures."
"She stood in solidarity with the United States during our darkest days after 9/11."
"As individual Americans and as a country, we can do incredible things, and we did after 9/11."
"After 9/11, we lost all of those guys."
"He was supposed to be on one of the planes that crashed into the Twin Towers... he had that flight booked."
"As we turned and banked over Long Island, I was looking out the window, and that's when the second plane hit."
"If you just shout 'Somebody call 911,' everybody thinks, 'Well, somebody else is going to do that.'"
"Every American was shocked by the disastrous events of September 11th."
"Where were you when the world stopped turning on that September day?"
"Standing in front of the spot where New York's World Trade Center once stood evokes memories of September 11, 2001."
"R.I.P. to the victims of 9/11 and the people that rushed in, now they up in heaven."
"Whoever concocted 9/11 had two objectives."
"I'm not knocking firemen for driving in on 9/11, I'm praising them."
"The somber memorial honors the victims of the September 11 attacks."
"My intention was to bring attention to that horrific day 21 years ago to honor those who lost so much."
"This is teardrop made and installed by the Russians to honor those who died in 9/11."
"To the families of those whose lives have been lost on 9/11, I hope they find some comfort and solace."
"9/11, it's a word that brings about a symbol that draws together memories, it draws together a mindset and feelings."
"This is going to be a serious moment on my show, very rare I'm aware of that, but today is September 11th, the anniversary of the Twin Towers World Trade Center terrorist bombings."
"I remember where I was when 9/11 happened."
"I was actually here in New York on 9/11 pursuing comedy and acting."