
Perspective On Failure Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"To me, failure is just an illusion. It's a concept that we create in our mind, and it usually has a negative impact on us."
"There's no such thing as failure. Failure is a word that I like to keep out of my vocabulary. Something doesn't work, it's just, 'Hey, it didn't work, it needs to be modified'."
"Never look at something as a failure, look at it as a lesson."
"Self-help Guru Tony Robbins says that there's no such thing as failure only results."
"Failure unfortunately is inevitable but instead of seeing failure as something that is a pit that you feel that you're going to stay in see failure as evidence that you're trying."
"Failure doesn't exist. Everything you do in life produces a result; it may just not be the result that you wanted."
"The only way it could be a failure is not to have failed."
"Failure really is only temporary if you don't take it as a loss."
"Failure is a current in the river of success."
"Failure is an event. I failed at that. I failed in that situation. I failed at that marriage. But I'm not a failure."
"Failure is just an event. It's not a characteristic."
"Failure is just an event. It is not a characteristic."
"Failure is not a reflection on you, it's an opportunity to learn."
"Don't just be okay with the wins... accept your moments that are perceived to be losses."
"There's no such thing as losses, just lessons."
"Failure doesn't even mean what we think it means. Failure is when you fall down and you choose to stay down."
"That failure is bad, failing should not be considered an obstacle but a step in the learning process."
"Failure isn't failure... sometimes you find something else."
"Failure doesn't exist... it's a learning moment."
"There ain't no such thing as failure baby, only feedback."
"Failure is just unpacking the label we've ascribed to it and learning from it."
"Failure is just unpacking the label we've ascribed to it."
"Failure is not a setback but an opportunity to learn and grow."
"Failure is part of life. The difference for me though is I look at failure as a stepping stone to success. It's a speed bump. I know I'm gonna fail, but it's not failure if you learn something."
"Learn to see failure as a step toward success."
"Failure isn't real; it's a learning process."
"Failing is not really failing at all. It's like trying to be a pro athlete... It's like you know again it would be great if you were number one in the world but like people are gonna respect what you did." - Dalton Caldwell
"There's no such thing as failure, we only learn."
"Failing is failure, but it's also success." - Race the night, people.
"Failure is not personal, it's the water that makes the plant grow."
"Everything that happens to you that is considered negative or that is considered a failure is a hidden opportunity."
"Fail upwards." - "What you're constantly looking for is to fail upward."
"Failures is like a broad term but as long as you learn from it I don't feel like it's a failure."
"Successful people see failure as a temporary setback; unsuccessful people see it as a mark on their character."
"Failure is never an identity. It's an event."
"Failure wasn't failure, it was just a death of an experimental Enterprise."
"No such thing as failure, only learning lessons."
"Remember, there's no such thing as failure, only a learning of how to do what's right for you."
"I can be extremely upset or, you know, feel defeated from a failure, or I can decide to see it as a learning lesson."
"Failures are expected... it's a launch failure, it's not a test failure."
"Failure is not the end; it is just the closure of one phase and the start of another."
"Failure isn't an option because I don't believe failure exists."
"Failure's overrated because it makes you have too much fear."
"Describe your failures with the same enthusiasm as your successes."
"Failure has this incredibly negative connotation."
"Whatever you feel like you failed at it's only an illusion."
"Failure is an illusion. Every obstacle, every stumbling block is just a stepping stone on the path of success."
"I'm not gonna let it ruin my month. Surely there's worse movies out there that could do that."
"Sometimes failures are cooler than successes right, couldn't have planned that."
"Failure is a prism, it's how you look at it."
"Failure is a perception on an outcome."
"Failure is always interesting to talk about in the sense that for some people it seems like a finish line and for other people it's a point to spring forward from."
"Treating failure as just feedback is so key because most people give up after trying something once."
"Failure is a blessing and when you don't know something, it's a great opportunity to learn."