
Skill Importance Quotes

There are 303 quotes

"Being able to get into a deep workflow is probably one of the most important skills."
"If you lost everything but still had your skills, you could start from scratch because the main asset is the skill set."
"Emotional intelligence is an absolutely critical skill because we have more than 400 emotional experiences every single day."
"Critical thinking is a critical skill to have."
"The modern workplace cares more about soft skills these days than it does about hard skills."
"Your ability to discipline your actions and your mind is probably the most important skill you'll ever need on your journey to success."
"Learning black and gray photorealism... if more people knew how important this was, trust me, there would be a lot more people doing this particular style."
"Will is the most important skill in the universe, it's more important than everything else."
"Perry and Dexterity are the two most important masteries in the game."
"Photography is going to be part of everyone's jobs. So if you learn photography, it will become useful even if you don't go on to be a full-time photographer."
"Even if someone doesn't want to own a firearm, having an understanding of how they work is a pretty damn critical skill."
"The most important thing is finishing. If you have 99 finishing and 1 long shots, you have the same chance of scoring..."
"The single most valuable professional skill... is communication."
"The tool doesn't make you better. It's the person who determines the quality or the output, not just the tool."
"In hacking 80% is the human, 20% is the machine, don't allow anybody to tell you that you need the latest and greatest machine to become an effective hacker."
"Body out management however is a massive skill and it shouldn't be ignored."
"The future belongs to the technically Savvy."
"Active Learning is extremely important in chess."
"Skill or performance seems to outweigh platform in matchmaking."
"Skills win fights. When you really get to the top, skills win fights."
"Your value is a representation of your worth based on your ability."
"You don't have to be folding everywhere to people, you don't have to be playing a certain way, you don't have to do any of that [ __ ] you just have to play good solid poker."
"Rewarding skill while maintaining challenge."
"Interpersonal skills are the fastest track to your goals."
"You -and not the game's assistance- are the one whose skill will determine a big part of the outcome of your play."
"While the jump in size benefited many games, developer skill was always the most important factor."
"At the end of the day, it comes down to the photographer, not the camera, though the cameras can help in certain situations that other cameras may not be as good in."
"Adaptability is super important for a musician to have."
"Teamwork, communication, and strategy became as valuable as endurance, strength, and speed."
"You can seriously do so much with so little... it matters so much more that you just get good at using the camera."
"Gear won't make you better... it's still in our brains that it will."
"Responsibility is the best ability in business."
"Your pistol, the better gear... it's not going to substitute for the [__] skill."
"If you can do great things with a terrible camera, you can do great things with a great camera."
"It took more than great ability to move one's hands to press the keyboard keys to play Glory."
"If all women are on the boat and nobody knows how to drive the boat, the boat will sink if nobody's skilled enough to drive the boat."
"You could be the most talented mechanical player... if you don't understand positioning in IQ you're not going to get farther than plat3."
"Skill and performance matter in the military."
"The number one skill you can have in crypto is selling."
"Curiosity... is probably the number one skill I lean on the most."
"Be good at something, it makes you valuable."
"In solo queue, mastery of a champion is most important."
"Weakness exploit is one of the best skills in Monster Hunter World."
"Weakness exploit at level 3 is absolutely required."
"We really want to make wins and losses matter, we want to make you feel like skill is important."
"Poker is all about risk, odds, and skill. Luck is for slot machines and bingo."
"Size matters, but as they say, it's not just the size of the boat, it's the motion of the ocean."
"The most important thing that you can develop and work on for yourself."
"Inner Light is still very powerful this patch."
"In MMA, skills win fights, not just athleticism."
"Any weapon ever fielded is only as good as the person using it."
"He's proving to everybody you don't have to be the fastest, strongest man in the world to be a footballer; you have to be good technically."
"Your confidence and skills matter more than the gear you use."
"Game sense is the most important aspect of the game."
"If you want to stand out above everyone else, you really have to be able to cut a good promo too."
"Leadership skills and communication skills are more important than a law degree."
"Learning to CS effectively is so important, it's so much money. If you want to put in perspective, 15 CS is about the same amount of gold as getting a kill."
"It's not that hard anymore, and with advances in AI and other things, having skills in OSINT is just a force multiplier in any field you're in."
"Just 'cause you have the right ingredients doesn't mean that you actually make a delicious cake."
"Soft skills are the top skills that you should invest effort in developing."
"Reading is the master skill that must be taught."
"I think emotional regulation and the psychology of training is actually exponentially more important exponentially more important than the skill part of training."
"PvP in Guild Wars 2 is focused much more on skill than gear."
"It's not necessarily the tools or the quality of tools that people have, it's like what you can do and how well you know your tools."
"Just because you've got a good car, the driver still has to do the job, put it all together, understand the tires, deliver when it matters." - Mark Hughes
"I'd rather be great at math. Man, the amount of things you can do with math, bro!"
"If skill were the only metric to assess players, Brian would undoubtedly be the greatest of all time."
"It's not the camera, it's the person using it."
"Life's second principle of training that I have to attest to in importance is that of the supremacy of technique."
"If you catch yourself judging your emotions and avoiding your emotions, distracting yourself from your emotions, then you've really got to get back to that skill number six of willingness."
"Solid fundamentals are just as important if not more important than having good mechanics."
"The first prerequisite of successful guard play is time."
"The jockey, not the horse, makes the difference."
"The Ironman challenge: where every move matters and every victory is earned."
"It's better to be okay at managing a medium amount of money than bad at managing a large amount of money."
"It's not the camera that makes the photographer; it's the photographer."
"Trading is probably 95 percent psychology and maybe 5 percent skill."
"The key is... a high skill floor, a high skill ceiling... largely determinative of game outcome."
"The ability to communicate is the greatest skill that murder squad detectives have."
"Using the right tools can make or break your makeup."
"Every weapon is only as good as the person using it."
"It's the pilot, not the airplane, that's aerobatic."
"These bonuses are extremely powerful, so prioritize giving these jobs to extremely skilled individuals."
"The most important thing in football is skill, and the most important thing in football skill is putting the ball in the back of the net."
"The ability to teach people is incredibly valuable."
"Pharah has some serious potential... with enough skill pharah can be a dominant pick."
"Adaptability is one of the most valuable skills any total war player can have."
"Cleaning is a very important skill in the kitchen to master."
"Maximize your burst as this is by far the most important ability."
"Understanding those will be really beneficial for your career."
"Skills and tools like the ones I've told you about today make the difference between someone who's good and someone who's great."
"One small slip-up could cost you the entire run."
"Adaptability isn't just a survival skill, it's invaluable."
"Rec is a must-have skill for co-op as it allows you to revive your teammates from a distance."
"Precision input gameplay engine: prioritize skill over everything - your input means a lot more now."
"It's a skill-based game rather than a random [ __ ]."
"The gear isn't as important as the man or woman behind it."
"The outcome of any engagement really mattered more on the skill than any hard performance stats you might find on a piece of paper."
"Card evaluation should probably be higher on people's lists as far as Magic skills are concerned."
"Skill matters, so if you want to be rewarded playing a shooter, this is the one for you."
"Observation is real, it's being able to do that."
"The real skill here is patience... Editing and effects are not gonna make a bad take sound good."
"Get good at the basics and this will 100 save you when it comes to night vision."
"Knowing your fundamentals and actually knowing how to draw is more important than being popular anyways."
"It's not about time played, it's about skill."
"If you have the best fundamentals in the world, you will be one of the best players in the world. That is a fact."
"Who bakes the best cake? It's not always the person with the best ingredients."
"You have to know where to be, and that is where the pure true skill comes."
"Prayer is like the most useful skill in the game for everything."
"The more skills you have that you bring to the table, the more likely it is that you're going to be able to create a scene that is mutually enjoyable and unique."
"Real security comes from knowing how to make money."
"I prefer this because it helps side characters not feel so left out and takes dragon ball back to basics where someone can win with skill."
"Every skill in the game is legitimately useful."
"Success and progression is based more on your decision-making as a player than your abilities as a character."
"Your actions actually matter and your skill actually matters."
"If you don't have the skills none of this stuff makes a difference..."
"We've truly broken down the importance of dodging Zed's Q and his ultimate."
"As diverse and powerful as weapon skills are in this game, not going out of your way to get this is just always a bad idea."
"Ultimately, the skill set of the photographer is much more important than the camera itself."
"Ozempic is certainly just a tool, and even the best tools are worthless if the person doesn't know how to use them."
"When unleashed skill wins every time." - "When unleashed skill wins every time."
"The glaive god is ridiculously good—if you pour in a lot, of course."
"A tool is only as useful as how skillful the user's hands are."
"Accuracy is everything. Your gun might shoot, but if you can't shoot, it doesn't matter if your gun can shoot."
"A loss of skill set is a loss of self-reliance, which is a loss of freedom."
"Last-hitting in general is super super important."
"There's no substitute for experience, folks."
"Chase the skills that help build that stuff. Chase knowledge. Chase practical application of that knowledge."
"There's a big difference in how you can develop as a player based off of what you are taught is important."
"Every legend is viable and it really depends on the player's skill and really if you're having fun with them who cares how good or bad they really are."
"Inherently easy-to-use weapons should not outperform those that require more skill."
"Equipment doesn't matter as much as people think... It's actually more like 90% user, 10% equipment."
"It's not about your degrees, it's about your skills... creativity is one of the most valuable skills."
"It's more important to have the knowledge and the skill than to have the big money in your account."
"Finishing things is a highly underrated skill."
"Aiming to have a powerful single target skill is crucial."
"You will fail for the simple reason you don't learn the right skills."
"It's going to be just as useful as a powerful crafting skill like alchemy."
"I think relying on your ability more than the stats that you have is what is so interesting about these games."
"It's not the camera, Watson, it's the person behind it."
"Skill became the absolute basis of human affairs."
"The quality of the pelt is dependent entirely on the shot placement."
"I'd rather be athletic, but you really want skill to back it up."
"A great comedy act is a machine. Being funny is the fuel, but you got to have a whole machine to burn it. That's the act."
"If you had to pick one skill that characterizes the best forensic scientists, it might be curiosity."
"Stay calm and focus on what's ahead: your mentality is as crucial as your mechanical skill."
"Legendary 140 rpm hand cannons: Explosive payload on a 140 from someone who hits their shots just brings this thing to another level."
"Awakening is very good definitely a talent that you don't want to sleep on."
"Crosshair placement is the most important thing in Valorant."
"Learning editing was so huge. If I hadn't learned that skill when I was young, I wouldn't be where I'm at now."
"Playing the wind is absolutely critical to success if you want to consistently kill mature bucks."
"Sometimes fate comes into it, and sometimes luck just comes into football for all the skills and all the great players. We all need a little bit of luck at the right time."
"The combat system really makes skill matter. It's all about positioning and timing."
"Having players that are great at making those reads when the defense is overplaying them, that, I would say, is arguably the most important skill on the offensive end of the floor in the NBA."
"Text analytics is one of the most useful tools to have in a data scientist's tool belt."
"In the end, skill expression is more important than accessibility."
"Communication is everybody's greatest skill."
"A flash here and there, an ultimate sticking, a skill shot being dodged could have been the difference in who we sent to the finals."
"Soft skills are more important than hard skills."
"Whatever you use is probably fine. Your tool choice matters much less than your skill at using the tool to accomplish your desired outcome."
"Writing copy is the highest leverage skill I have."
"This alone will get so many of you jobs it's not even funny."
"Great players are completely missing a trick if they're not device."
"Understanding how to last hit and how to get an advantage over your enemy when you're fighting here in Lane is so, so, so important."
"I think fixing up your tools and understanding every last detail about them, I think that is the craft."
"The trait system is not just a basic skill system... it presents an actual consequential difference for the player."
"Interpreting data is, in my opinion, a very big skill set that's underappreciated."
"More and more of the players at the top tend to be the super skilled and talented ones."
"Good positions don't win the game, good moves win the game."
"The camera never made the photographer; the artist makes the tool."
"When you enter the workforce, experience and ability are more important than educational background."
"Your ability to code may not be as important as we thought."
"Cornering is the most important skill in mountain biking."
"Technique matters more than anything."
"I do see refactoring as a really primary software development skill if you know how to refactor that's gonna be such a huge advantage in your programming world I think you're great great talk."
"Debugging is probably one of the most important skills when it comes to software."
"I think the powers that be have a responsibility to think about what skills are most important and what skills belong and should be showcased, not only week to week, but certainly in major championships."
"Shooting is probably the most important fundamental skill in basketball."
"If you want to excel at pentesting or bug bounty, you need to understand JavaScript regardless of your feelings about it."
"The first skill is not even related to any language or framework, but to the ability to solve their problems and design their systems."
"Critical thinking guys, critical thinking is an important skill to have I think."
"It's not the wand, it's the wizard. It's not the tools you're using, it's your ability and skill in using those tools."
"Having someone who's great at a particular software is more important than having the best software."
"Speed in your putting is by far the most important thing...the best Putters have always got the best speed by far."
"Club face is king in the golf swing."
"The single biggest piece of advice is that whatever your product, or skill, or talent is that you are leveraging to have this business, that is secondary to the actual skills needed to market and maintain a business."
"It's not so much about the tool, it's about the skill set."
"It's never the car, it's always the driver."
"It's really important to learn your tools so you can work more efficiently."
"Thinking like a programmer is obviously very important."
"The real weapon is really the swordsman."
"Rider technique, good battery management, fitness, and orientation skills are key for the event."
"If you can make your own bread, it's really going to make a difference."
"Skill is incredibly important in this whole process; you can't have a magic bullet."
"There's nothing soft about soft skills."
"If your goal is to become not just a rider, but a good rider, then the type of the first bike matters a lot more."
"Analyst jobs are exploding in popularity thanks to the unique skill set that analysts bring to organizations."
"It will cure so many problems if everyone became a really good communicator."
"In this era, you have to actually use skill and can't hide behind being a tough guy."
"Having that extra length on the bow and arrow cast was really important."