
Action Over Words Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"Say less and do more; that's what you've been doing lately."
"I think that you need to show an apology rather than say an apology. Actions speak louder, so true, every single time."
"One ounce of practice is worth twenty tons of tall talk."
"Talk won't cure this; we got to have a plan and we got to have some intensity."
"Talk is cheap. Nobody cares about what you're planning to do until you do it."
"People believe half of what you say; they believe everything you do."
"Start with doing something, instead of just talking about it."
"It isn't what you say or think, it's what you do."
"Actions speak louder than words, which is why I constantly praise a company like CD Projekt RED."
"Deeds are more important than words. The goddess of battle will crown only the most daring with laurels."
"How can I leverage my audience to make a difference here? Because I'm not about the... Thoughts and prayers don't work for me. I just don't like sending that energy out there because I don't believe it does anything. I like action."
"Strong feelings with you is not enough to replace actions. Nothing ever is."
"Don't tell us what you're going to do, show us what you've done."
"It's one thing to talk it but it's another to show back it up."
"Stop listening to the chatter and look at the actions."
"You gotta prove it with your actions, not just your words."
"Actions and examples speak far louder than words."
"If your thoughts and prayers are really with everybody you'd have done something by now."
"Stop telling me you're gonna make videos and just start making videos."
"Words don't mean [ __ ] actions are everything."
"What you do now is more important than what you say. There is only one thing that's credible and that's your actions."
"I want to hear the right words, actions speak louder than words."
"Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try." - Yoda
"A simple act is better than beautiful words that result in nothing."
"Taylor's brilliant for that because she could've easily been like, 'I'm getting my hair done today.' She was like, 'Nope, I'm gonna show him proof by actions.'"
"It's not what you say that matters, it's what you do."
"You always lead by example rather than by words and meaningless gestures."
"Either do something with it, make a change or shut up, because seriously you cannot be complaining when you get exactly what you asked for."
"Mutual assistance is vital and should be supported by actions not just by words."
"Your work speaks, and your actions speak more than the words."
"We should be much more interested in the walk than in the talk."
"It's time to stop talking about awareness and inspiration, it's time to do something."
"Assert yourself through action, not just words."
"It's better well done than well said; prove it, don't just say it."
"Words don't mean anything, actions mean more than words."
"With censorship being extremely inundating, it's more important than ever that everyone takes the time to share this video."
"You'd rather show somebody than verbalize it, and that just may not have been enough for this person."
"Talk is cheap... we have to actually do that."
"Actions being louder than words when it comes to relationships."
"We don't need to say better things, we simply need to do better."
"Pacquiao doesn't say a thing, he speaks with his actions."
"Faith is measured by your movement, not your talk."
"Action communicates intent More Than Words I saw seven eight not nine Jesus eight."
"Always pay attention to the actions of a man, not their words."
"Love is a verb, not a noun. It's not a thing, it's not words, it is actions. Watch people's actions to know if they love you, not their words."
"Stop talking about what you're going to do and just do it."
"Words don't mean anything, you know. It's always about what people do and how they behave and stuff. That's kind of what you look for, you know? That's the reason that movies exist anyway."
"Actions speak louder. Screw words. Act."
"Instead of sitting here and saying I'm sorry cuz those are just words and they don't do anything for anybody, I'm going to give you my word."
"It's one thing to tell people, but I'd rather show them because no one listens, but if you show them, they'll watch."
"I'm terrible at explaining those kind of things with my words, but instead of talking about it, I'm going to show you."
"Stop talking about it and just do it."
"I don't make videos telling people what I'm going to do; I just show myself doing it."
"Pay attention to the people who aren't just saying it, but their feet are moving too."
"Don't say the word 'try'... Don't try, just do it."
"Talking doesn't help me at all, doing helps me."
"True thanks is more than words, it's action."
"Challenge yourself to do it and not talk about it, because then you're cultivating your own self-respect."
"It's what you're producing, it's not what you're saying."
"If people show that they have changed and it's not just talk, it's action, then it's down to you as a person to forgive somebody for their wrongdoings."
"Judgment on the actions, because talk is cheap, anyone could talk it, but the moment they're acting on what they say they're doing."
"Stop talking about things and just do them."
"I've always tried to lead by example; actions do speak louder than words."
"By you doing and showing, it's gonna be way more powerful than you saying."
"Doing is more important than talking."
"The time has come where we need to stop talking and start doing."
"Words are nice; actions are better. Shut up, move on."
"I don't give a damn about your rhetoric; I care about what you do."