
Workflow Quotes

There are 1270 quotes

"Being able to get into a deep workflow is probably one of the most important skills."
"We want to create a process flow from the beginning on the left all the way when things are completed on the right."
"If you're struggling to stay consistent on social media, there's a really big chance that the reason for this is because of your workflow or lack thereof."
"The collaboration cycle is a workflow that leads to improved results."
"We studied machine learning workflow where we learn to define an objective, prepare the data, collect the data, select the algorithm, train the model, go back and test the model."
"Good software will allow flow from one task to the next without breaking your train of thought."
"Creating an efficient workflow is so essential."
"I recommended HLG in those previous videos as a game, and that gives you a pretty good balance between dynamic range, pleasing color, and a relatively easy workflow."
"Without metadata, our workflow is sure to feel chaotic."
"DevOps is basically the practice of building awesome workflows into all the things developers do every day."
"Get in the habit of constantly saving your work."
"It actually directly affects your workflow simplifying basically."
"Always save your project first thing and always save while you go."
"Efficiency is about organization and workflow."
"I'm much better at Blender; it's a much more seamless process."
"When we're ready or happy with where it is we tap done and now it's there."
"If it's just for web delivery, you can run through the entire process using just H.264."
"That's very quickly just gonna bring everything into the same sort of color tone that helps the edit flow a lot better."
"Creativity isn't really something that can be done on a schedule."
"We don't like to work on deadlines, we just try to make progress, and uh it'll be done when it's done."
"Workflow is key. It's the only way I can keep doing 400 photoshoots a year and not be stuck."
"I spend 30 minutes shooting, 10 minutes picking images, and 10 minutes submitting them for retouching. That's it."
"My workflow and my graphic designer's workflow dictates that any image with five stars and in red label is what they need to Photoshop and deliver to the client."
"This is how we work, you know? We use base meshes sometimes we have a simple rig to help us get it into pose as well, but this is pretty much the standard workflow."
"One of the cool things about this kind of workflow is that normally when we do tutorials and when most people do tutorials right they start from absolute scratch."
"I constantly try to improve my own workflow."
"It's all about getting the friction out of the way."
"So let's begin with the folder templates conversation and then the template itself new.html."
"Preserving a non-destructive workflow with the crop tool, we are just promoting a layer-based workflow."
"Now we're ready to drag our footage into our folders."
"This is going to save me hours, maybe even days of work. This is a huge deal for workflow."
"For a lot of the AG workflows, we'll need to learn to dedicate the task to an AI agent and patiently wait minutes maybe even hours for a response."
"The workflow is wonderful to use. It's just easy to use."
"When it comes to your workflow, time is of the essence."
"So let's run this we do need to save this worksheet..."
"Once you're ready to begin a project all you have to do is click and drag that project down to the active area into the in-progress area just like that."
"The flow of the edits, some of these just flowed better."
"This kind of tests the end-to-end workflow of the system and it gives you a lot of confidence that all your core APIs and your core logic is working as expected."
"We shot a season in like two weeks, just knocked it out."
"Hope these best practices help you in your post-wedding post-production process."
"What's more important is the flow, less resistance."
"I hope this workflow video has been helpful for you to maybe learn something new."
"I'm gonna leave this one saving it as a PSD cuz when I save it as a PSD if when I open it again that's a Photoshop file that I'll be able to keep all my layers and everything will be ready to keep working on it."
"Once you have the systems in place then everything kind of starts homing along properly."
"They're helping me bring you all these tutorials and videos for absolutely free here on the channel."
"Delete, simplify, accelerate, automate. So don't put those things out of order, don't try to accelerate or automate before you've figured out the other stuff first."
"Tip number seven is to create efficient workflows."
"That's basically the entire process other than maybe starting to clean up and refine some of your geometry a little bit more."
"It's like one small thing could make the entire thing flow perfectly."
"It just kind of allows you to filter what you're trying to work on."
"a pull request is like saying pulling my remote changes and then merge them into the master branch."
"Non-blocking review strategies are significantly better than any of the alternatives."
"If I had my way, I'd diagnose, guide, and let someone else do the work."
"We have to start at the finished work and move forward we can't start before the finish work."
"I'm about to go build a thumbnail for this video right now."
"Going from a life where you check your email like 30 times a day to a place where you are in control of your workflow will make everything you do feel so much easier, better, and more manageable."
"If you do take time to set in and out points, you can very quickly build an edit."
"It's always interesting to see other people's workflow and how they think about stuff."
"Kanban boards display the progress of a project as 'to do,' 'in progress,' and 'done.'"
"This is a way of kind of working in non-linear fashion."
"That's what speeds up your workflow so much."
"It's the peace, the temperance, the patience, your workflow peaceful."
"It's just a really smooth workflow if you do have Overbridge set up and use something like Ableton."
"The workflow of going from paper to scanner to vector became a major part of the clip art industry."
"When you're working with layers, you're always looking from the top down."
"A business process flow is a feature that helps guide users through a specific process or workflow within an app."
"You can make Reaper work how you want to work."
"The approval action in Power Automate provides several customization options such as setting approval conditions, adding custom messages or attachments, and specifying escalation rules."
"A process is a series of related tasks or methods that together turn inputs into outputs."
"You should follow the workflow: create the invoice, receive the payment, make the deposit."
"We're gonna build this in a way that will allow us to take it first into Photoshop and then secondly into After Effects."
"Boom! Our character created in Illustrator ready to be brought into Photoshop."
"That's what makes this workflow in Resolve so nice; you can kind of just bounce back and forth between the pages, and it's non-destructive."
"Organize your files to keep your workflow clean and efficient."
"Speed up or slow down a clip with the rate stretch tool."
"I try to have one mechanical drive per year for all my work."
"I've gotten now to where if I'm burning like 50 or 60 engraves, I frame the first time and then after that it's just reload, start."
"One thing that I use a lot and I recommend it, you might want to try it, is set a return to finish position."
"If you're a creator, start with the problems that you need to solve in your workflow."
"...try to get your mix as beautiful as you can at the very, very end, and then all of those little mini fixes that you may have to do a mastering stage, not a mixed stage."
"When creating weapon designs for games, it's often a good idea to work from high to low. ...It's important to make sure that you retain enough geometry to encompass all the high-poly details that will get baked down into your normal map."
"I got a loop right here, it's on that first pad. I want to put one beat here, so I'm gonna click right here, that's the very first beat, very first measure."
"Consideration number one is workflow: you're not buying a piece of hardware, you're buying a workflow."
"It's the workflow that you're purchasing; it's not the hardware."
"If you take away anything from this video, it's that it's the workflow that you're purchasing; it's not the hardware."
"The speed of the workflow is very fast when it comes to finishing tracks."
"...your software development workflow should always begin with the creation of an issue."
"The GitHub flow is the simplest workflow of the three."
"The kitchen's divided into two areas, this is kind of like where we expo and where the cooking gets done."
"The two-stage commit process begins with adding changes from the working directory into the staging area."
"If you're not incorporating AI into your workflow, you're going to get left in the dust."
"Kanban and scrum boards are really useful because they help you visualize your progress, set and maintain your team's workload and whip limits, and give you a sense of the flow of work throughout the team's execution process."
"The back and forth workflow is so seamless and so convenient."
"Good edge flow and topology make separating and unfolding easier."
"These scripts are super nice to go through something repetitive like this and unwrap all of these same objects."
"For pro workflow, so keep it the same or bump it up."
"Agile methodologies like scrum or kanban are basically workflow methodologies that are much better than the hyperactive hive mind."
"So honestly, since then, it's been so great at how fast I can finish, you know, my regular real estate videos, social media projects, YouTube videos, just so nice that it works and it speeds up the workflow."
"The second pass should move a little bit quicker."
"Folders are so important for keeping things organized."
"So do you see how fast I was able to create one image for Facebook and then I was able to repurpose that by just resizing?"
"And that's what I do every single time. I immediately then move those to the folder that I want to move them to. Okay, and that's important."
"This is how the process of designing works."
"For me the best way to work is you do the biggest messiest thing first whether that's inside or outside and for me that is the metallics."
"Let's actually create this project folder that we're going to be working within."
"Let's move on to the next workflow."
"Object styles are going to help you be more efficient."
"Power Query can significantly streamline your work."
"Now that the list or library has been turned into a template, the real question is where do we go to use it?"
"The approval workflow: powerful, requires a little bit of know-how, but powerful."
"Stick around for this entire video. I'm going to show you my exact workflow to create articles that start ranking on Google in literally a few hours."
"You can basically just select whichever profile you want that button to switch to."
"Since people pull that work, it is also called as pull system."
"One of the most important things you want to do is make sure you always follow the flow chart."
"...your prep work beforehand...improves your workflow."
"The scrum board can look different for every team and some teams may actually want to have more statuses or different columns than what I'm showing on the screen."
"Learning how to Ripple edit can actually be beneficial for you to really speed up your workflow."
"And now a lot of people... a lot of people have the blocked column here and they would have it here... the problem with the blocked column is that you would move items into the blocked column but then you would need to move them back."
"Anything you edit on the cut page will also translate to the edit page."
"The last step to any project is you're exporting and getting all your export settings dialed in."
"The process we covered today is designed to streamline your keyframing workflow and let you think about posing ideas first then timing and then finally refine your spacing."
"They can quite often serve as just a really good planning tool for working out how you think something should work, kind of like a workflow."
"Kanban is a visual system that helps organizations visualize the flow of work and limit work in progress."
"I don't want to manually do those actions. It'll be great if something could trigger those actions."
"The biggest secret lies in the workflow."
"It has been a true game-changer for my own mixing workflow."
"The beauty of Photoshop that allows you to automate a lot of these steps so you don't have to do it yourself."
"...the reason that I use my camera for my main YouTube shoots is just simply because of the workflow."
"Start without debugging: a shortcut to faster development and smoother workflows."
"So next time you want to send an email and copy in your team using your group mailbox, well go ahead and click on the CC or the two button inside of Outlook."
"I don't get the long-term play. It's just weird and it's gonna make for a workflow that's just uninspired and ultimately annoyed."
"Autogen is a framework for simplifying the orchestration, optimization, and automation of llm workflows."
"We're making it the engineer's responsibility from code change to production."
"FL Studio has a different workflow from pretty much every other digital audio workstation."
"The controlled release of compressed air facilitates the Swift Ascent of the ram, ensuring a continuous and efficient workflow."
"Layer comps, my secret to flipping between panels seamlessly."
"Productivity is more than just visible activity."
"I think I've covered here the main workflow, we've covered the posting a tweet method in pretty much pretty granular details here."
"If you just like something, if the Yeti works for you and you like it and you like the style of it and the sound of it and it fits into your workflow super easily, you should not hesitate to get it and to use it."
"...now I'm going to hit file save live set ads and here's a quick reminder to save all your sessions in a folder titled sessions to keep all your projects and everything organized."
"CODE is a workflow, like a factory or production line, with capture, organize, distill, and express as its directional steps."
"Zeke's workflow inspired me to start making songs with weirder sounds."
"Understand how to window appropriately on your pack system so you can go through your conceptual approach relatively quickly while making it more likely that you won't miss pathology."
"Let's go ahead and set up the workflow to complete the whole process and see our new user get created in the database."
"Batching your content will allow you to do that without having to stop doing what you're doing in your normal work day."
"Sculpting in VR surpassed my expectations, it's more of something that you would implement into a professional workflow."
"There's no rule book to doing the YouTube [__], but apparently if you have a good team, things kind of flow a little better."
"It can change the way that your workflow works and it can help you to extend your skill set beyond what you may think that you're capable of."
"...this is the workflow that I'm going to use to essentially texture this entire grenade."
"...just try to do as much of this in texture as you can but you know once everything is done the render is properly done you're not going to go in and go into painter export that blender re-render this you know just do it in post."
"This actually probably changed my workflow the most out of anything. It's been an absolute game changer."
"You just keep going. Every single node I'm adding to the scene here is an action that I would have been doing in regular old Blender."
"Knowing the right storage solution for your workflow can actually make you money because you're saving a lot of time and time is money."
"Let's right-click, create a new folder in the content browser, and let's name this Blueprints instead of this Blueprint folder."
"Understanding how Lightroom uses photos... Lightroom doesn't actually use your original file to edit... it kind of takes a copy of your image... so you can do whatever you want and do as create as many crazy things as possible."
"Tip number ten: speed up your workflow with integration."
"We've got to this point where we have all our different columns, we have our different data."
"So now, I'm actually accessing the NAS straight from my computer and then I'm just pulling that B-roll file in straight to my project folder."
"Algorithms work from a beginning to an end."
"...if you do this for a living do your do yourself a favor don't get the air machine because it's passive cooling get one of the pro machines and get also the one with the pro the max or the ultra s so because it's going to be much better for your workflow in the long run..."
"It's just a way for you to stay organized. You do not have to create bins, right? There's no obligation, your projects will not work or not work if you don't have bins, but it's a good idea, again, to stay organized."
"Dynamic content, things that happened in the step before become available to the subsequent steps."
"The steps and pipelines in ZML help organize and streamline machine learning workflows."
"Luckily you can just grab other people's workflows so you can skip about 30 minutes of tweaking your UI to get down to business."
"Just go ahead and freeze transforms and delete your history."
"Shooting Vlog fits my workflow and gives me the most control over my image."
"Selections matter, so when you create a selection, for example, earlier we were working... selections do matter."
"Color management is not a workflow hack. This is not something that you can expect to incorporate into your workflow overnight and have everything else behave and operate in the same way."
"Efficiently managing secrets with HashiCorp Vault ensures secure and reliable devops workflows."
"HashiCorp Vault provides a robust solution for managing sensitive information in devops workflows."
"...thankfully there is one minor saving grace when you're four hours into an editor session and suddenly faced with the horror of a crash window: Unity actually saves your scene anytime you hit the play button."
"I use this a lot since when I'm animating I'll often want to copy specific elements onto different frames."
"Mistake number four: Ignoring your workflow."
"Once these are set, you don't need to adjust these when you're creating a new song."
"As you finish automation, you're going to want to start taking your mix out to your car, listening to it on your Bluetooth speaker and your airpods somewhere outside of logic."
"Ctrl and S, by the way, does a real quick save. DaVinci Resolve is pretty good at saving your work automatically, but it's good to know."
"Working with a mix template makes my mixing process way more fast."
"Everyone works different... We should give them the tools to work with but they should be able to program it to their workflow."
"The potential workflow applications of AI are enormous."
"To get a sample into Ableton, it's as easy as drag and drop."
"The more that you can get right and implement at the start of your workflows, the easier and less time-consuming it then makes the editing process down the road."
"What we will do in a nutshell is we will create the project, push the code to the source repo, build the container images, push them to the container registry, and deploy it to Cloud Run."
"If you are already a DaVinci Resolve user, I mean, this may be for you if you're looking to streamline things and, you know, maybe you already know all the shortcuts but now you've got key control for all those shortcuts, and this might make your cut page workflow a lot better."
"Good SAS is opinionated workflows and come from is like a good comprehension of what ought to be done expertise."
"All these components are really great because they make data science workflows I think much easier to productionize."
"If editor leaves, everything stops."
"My workflow is fast. I write a full song on a loop, record the whole thing, and then Graham puts the drums on it."
"You need to have a consistent way of working so you can take steps forward."
"How long are you taking to address problems while mixing? Are you getting stuck picking plug-ins? Are you losing yourself while picking frequencies?"
"Toggle between design and dev mode."
"The platform is super flexible so teams can customize it to fit their needs, create a workflow from scratch, or simply pick a template."
"This exact Automation and workflow... took Henry... from zero to over twelve thousand dollars per month."
"Luckily, there is a tried and true first step that will get the ball rolling, help you make sense of what you actually captured, and make the rest of the edit flow much more smoothly. And that's cutting dailies."
"That workflow was perfect, it blew my mind."
"Now, just remember to save everything, and you will see that I'm saving the map, the box that I just generated, and also a box asset. This is an asset. It's inside our level."
"Now that we made sure scaling is correct, let's bring an image into the project."
"I truly believe that following this specific workflow is best for beginners as it follows 2D principles that have existed for the last 100 years."
"It just depends how you want to do it, and for this tank, that's going to work out perfect."
"Now we have a full project that we built in less than 10 minutes. Looking back on using this tool over the past year, I wish I would have had this when I first started coding in order to speed up my workflow."
"Let your OCD act and ease the keyframes."