
Human Connections Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"Happiness comes from people, the experiences and connections you make with one another."
"We can have all the stuff in the world but if we don't have people, it doesn't have much meaning."
"Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another."
"Just because we're connected to somebody inexplicably without words or language behind it, doesn't mean we're on the same page."
"We have a lot more similarities than we have differences."
"Small moments of thoughtfulness are what I really gravitate towards."
"Our soulmate isn't just one person. Soulmates can be many people."
"The meaning of life is really just about connection and making sure there are positive connections."
"I think the meaning of life is just about trying to make positive connections."
"May we also see and love you in all the people we meet so that in turn they can see you in us."
"It happened again and it couldn't happen to a nicer guy."
"We're all part of this one gigantic family of humans trying to rediscover the proper human diet."
"It's those human connections that get people to stay in a place."
"Having shared experiences is a lot of what life is about."
"Life is about human connections, you know. It doesn't matter where you're from, what your skin color is, we all just enjoy Minecraft."
"Life is not about money, life is about human connections."
"The internet, it's such a horrifying and at the same time wonderful place because you can find some incredible people."
"We have all affected the lives of many more people than we know. There is a web of connection between us that can only be seen through the heart."
"Life is about people. Life is about relationships."
"Individuals do not meet by chance. They are necessary in the experience of others."
"Finding out there are good genuine people out in the world who just love you for who you are."
"No matter what you've done or where you are in life, somewhere someone loves you."
"It's about relationships, love, friendship, partners in every sort of fashion and way."
"Laughter, warm connections, another person's touch not only calms us down but enhances our well-being, our sense of connectedness."
"Human relationships are dire, just as important as eating and drinking water."
"You don't realize how connected you are with people until they aren't there."
"If you're lucky, you get a hug. If you don't think that's meaningful, man, there's something wrong with your soul."
"Honesty promotes intimate human connections."
"Shared experiences, that's one of the biggest things that we had as humans."
"When you travel, you do realize that this world is filled with beautiful people, with powerful love."
"When you travel, it will connect you with people in ways you can never really predict."
"Compassion is very important. We need to recognize it and link to it."
"The whole point of life is relationships, friendships, love, family."
"Having close connections with other people is one of the few human needs that cannot be satisfied on your own."
"And ultimately, it doesn't really matter. If you want to know somebody and understand them, you can only treat them empathetically. That's what matters, right?"
"There are times in life where you meet people truly special people that you know make a real difference."
"War reveals that bond between brothers in arms or even between enemies across a field of shared sacrifice or the strength of love that can develop."
"Life is made better when you have human connections along with material possessions."
"Different forms of heart...different forms of connection."
"Being forgiving, having empathy, being kind, others find that commodity very valuable."
"His greatest error was believing that just because some individuals may be lonely, battle mental illness, live on the streets, or engage in sex work, it doesn't mean that they don't have people who love and are concerned about them."
"In order to be truly content, we need connection to a person, to a cause, to anything. If you never find that, you'll never find yourself."
"The best antidote... is by strong and meaningful human scale bonds, Community bonds... human scale relations is the answer."
"There's gonna be loads of other people in the world we're gonna stumble into."
"Connections with humans - that's one of the most beautiful things in the world."
"When you connect with somebody in that right way, whoever that is, family, friend, potential love interest, I don't know, but they help you remember you, what it's like to be you."
"Everything you want in life, there is a human behind that thing you want."
"Telepathy is normal, not paranormal, natural, not supernatural, and is common between people, especially people who know each other well."
"The truth of what matters to us most is the people that we care about."
"Celebrate connections and remember, everyone's equal."
"We all have a deep desire to be understood and to understand one another."
"Remember, there's value in every single connection we come across. Every person we meet comes into our lives for a reason."
"I love genuine and I love real human beings."
"Expand compassion beyond artificial barriers."
"Connecting with people is critical to success."
"There's many more connections among us than we've previously thought."
"These connections are crucial to our well-being."
"What really matters are your connections with other people, their relationships."
"Intuition is like an inner compass guiding us through the maze of human connections."
"Investing in relationships is a fundamental principle acknowledging the intrinsic value of human connections."
"Connections with humans are the most rich connections when it comes to the evolution of the soul."
"The idea of the absence of the truth, that you and I can no longer tell what is true, means that our human connections are going to be completely disrupted."
"I had forgotten all about it but I was moved to realize how important human connections are."
"It isn't the bricks and mortar that matter, it's the people."
"The intensity of her recognition even amidst her agony was unsettling, it made him question the vast unknown connections between people."
"Life and business are about human connections."
"The partners, the relationships, the people, that is what matters."
"All of this, guys, is about relationships."
"It's not about the location, it's about the people, it's not a person you're with, it's about the memories."
"It's better for our sense of importance to come from the actual things we're doing in the real world with flesh and blood other humans."
"The strength of your human connections... there was only one thing that correlated with human happiness... it was the strength of your human connections."
"The only joy that you can be sure you can get is by embracing human relationships with other people."
"We love to meet people from all walks of life, especially when they have chosen an alternative way to live."
"You just never know the people around you."
"The people of Yakutia are some of the best people I've ever met in my life, bar none."
"I wanna hear about the places you've been and the people you've met, won't you tell me again?"
"Traveling is about the People You Meet, it's not just about the culture as a whole."
"I love getting to know other people."
"Connections are part of what makes us human; it enables us to meet people and do things that we never could have done alone."
"Human-to-human connections are the foundation for a successful business."
"Life is about people at the end of the day."
"Relationships are the most valuable thing."
"Heaven is people more than place; it's relationships."