
Organizational Development Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"Moving from frictions between closed organizations to collaboration and synergies between them creates something greater than any of the parts before."
"A conscious organization's goal in the personal realm is to promote the self-actualization and self-transcendence of everyone it touches."
"I want to help you create more space for change and innovation in your organization."
"Try and do the best we can for creation, for the organization, for the expansion of humanity."
"The post-pandemic era has become defined by employee experience. How your organization shapes the way people work and live, from productivity to flexibility, well-being, and everything in between."
"Management consulting is the practice of helping organizations to improve their performance."
"Moving from a family culture to a team culture."
"Building culture is one of the best things we can do."
"We do seriously engage all of our communities building up their organizations."
"Believe in yourself. Believe in your vision. Get people coming together, and the structures start to form."
"Our rebuild needs to gather pace. We need to speed it up."
"Systems and within all those systems... build that one super system for us."
"Experiential learning is a big part of organizational behavior."
"It's been a year of change and finding our footing."
"We need help in the areas in which we're not strong at present." - Jim Ryan
"It's like there are very few organizations that can legitimately show that they are giving growth to Talent."
"Let's build our own structures, our own organizations."
"It's the absolute fundamental building block upon which a small team is built."
"Every organization needs to embrace the future."
"It's just the beginning of a very big change for the company as a whole."
"It's not about me, it's about building institutions."
"The reality is when we can build it and have two and three and four and five hundred thousand, that's building capacity, stories like this, why it matters."
"People... want help and I could go in there and say you know, part of the difficulties here that you know basically you know what you really need are more and more self-authoring employees."
"We need some people in this football club above the manager who can build the club again."
"Rebuilding a dumpster fire of an organization."
"Our growth has not been linear; our growth is often exponential."
"You cannot just have diversity; you have to actively create systems for diverse perspectives."
"As soon as we get all staffed up, we have an awesome hospital in place."
"Organization implies structure, creating entities in the relationship between them."
"Developing our human resource is a priority for us."
"As an academic, I can't just be an academic; I have to be an activist, building organizations and making things better."
"The standup of a new branch of the military."
"This staff need leadership, and this salon will not survive unless Josephine steps up."
"They know that's where they needed to put the money, and they have now."
"The first six years, we have not focused on growth."
"I think Spurs finally found an identity and it's one that honestly other clubs had been a little bit taking the Mickey in recent games."
"For the first time since the Industrial Revolution, you cannot build a company that's fit for the future without building one that's fit for human beings."
"Become a magic innovator who's dedicated to creating an organization that will fully utilize and fully honor the gifts of every single person who comes there every day."
"No organization with any meaningful impact ever came from the top down—it's always from the ground up."
"Keep fighting it absolutely and what you're gonna see as TMDs continues to grow out and we continue to grow our community and our membership."
"Leadership development and having people who come authentically to their teams is as important as recruiting."
"Engaging culture starts with having a feedback loop."
"Those conversations about like these are the sticking points, we've got to figure out a better way to do this."
"We're working progress, exactly, so for 33 years we're working in progress."
"Recruitment pulls: more research to be done."
"A new generation of leaders...could be better positioned."
"We're trying to build the team in such a way that when people come and go it's not too big a deal."
"There was a stretch there after the Summer where I think every Monday morning meeting we were announcing a new hire."
"No organization's culture, including ours, is without need for improvement."
"The Olympic project started as a camera effort and evolved into a steady organization."
"We need to strengthen from the back, build a solid foundation."
"The team keeps expanding each and every month."
"Recruit strategically... Look at your skills gap... If you can do that, go do that."
"Can a company avoid getting bureaucratic as it ages? I think the answer is yes."
"make the organization stronger as a whole."
"Soar is a strategic planning framework. It really brings in the whole collective."
"One of the most important things you can do for your organization is be one who seeks out and intentionally receives feedback."
"Organizations spend billions on training each year, emphasizing its importance."
"A crisis can accelerate organizational development."
"So, what Troy Vincent is trying to do and this is one of many things he's trying to do, he's trying to build a culture, right?"
"Continuous improvement is something I think every COS needs to have a mindset for and the skill set to move that organization forward."
"Orange organizations invented innovation, accountability, and meritocracy."
"The first obligation of any organization, particularly an organization that does work that's socially important, but any organization really in the human capital sector, is to make its people better."
"Kaizen brings continuous small improvements for the overall organization."
"Continual improvement: to align the organization's practices and services with changing business needs through the ongoing improvement of products, services, and practices."
"Any problem that you have organizational in your studio, if you want to solve it and you're focused on solving it, you can solve it."
"It allowed us to focus on some organizational projects that were long overdue and desperately needed."
"Conflict can frequently be beneficial or functional when it helps the organization meet its goals of increasing performance."
"The most innovative organizations are also the ones who are intentionally developing creativity in their teams."
"Creativity is in our DNA. I believe that we have a moral responsibility to bring that creativity out of ourselves and foster that within our teams and within our organizations."
"If you want to build world-class organizations, you have to focus on the soft skills."
"Invest in your culture, build it, make it part of everything that you do."
"We help organizations to put their people in the picture."
"We want to help turn strategy into reality."
"Design organizations have grown at a very fast speed."
"That's what's possible today if you can have the mentality and the structure to build an exponential organization."
"Organizations are the greatest setting in the world to help people fulfill their potential."
"What's fun about this phase, is your team... they're all in mission minded, building the organization."
"I help professional organizations with training create video content for training."
"Measure and grow, which a lot of organizations have used to assess where they are and identify their growth recommendations."
"I think I am capable of improving the safety culture of any organization within six months."
"It's not about filling in boxes; it's all about reflecting on the strategy of your organization."
"What every organization needs to do at least annually, if not six monthly, is to look at your scorecard, look at your strategic goals, and to think, are they still the right ones?"
"Buy technology that aligns your organization."
"You can change the culture of an organization this way."
"It's that whole process that allows you to build a great high trust culture."
"It's very, very important that organizations go about creating a level ground."
"It also brings really great alignment into the organization."
"The flow framework on how we can bring this feeling of flow to organizations as a whole."
"Transformational leadership is able to drive, support, and amplify the work that happens in organizations."
"If you can create space in yourself, you can do it in your one-on-one relationships, your key relationships in your life, you can do it in an organization as well."
"Continuous improvement ties the knot that combines the elements of SMS into a whole."
"Impact evaluations are a very important part of your organization."
"Most theories of change have at least three major components: the result an organization is trying to achieve, a set of outcomes that an organization has control over, and information on how the activities should lead to the intended result."
"When they finally get it, that little light bulb goes on, you can see they're excited, but you feel a lot better about where we're headed as an organization."
"The VUCA world also resulted in a new concept of organizations, the learning organizations."
"Our focus today is on something that will never come out of focus if we really are serious about organizational effectiveness, and that's operational excellence."
"Thank you for the way you've influenced our organization."
"The toughest and most basic challenge for companies that want to learn from Toyota is how to create an aligned organization of individuals which have the DNA of the organization and are continually learning together to add value to the customer."
"With functional conflict outcomes, the organization has clear goals and clearer objectives and overall there's greater organizational energy."
"The characteristics associated with the servant leader are consistent with organizational development."
"One of the first steps is to build up the organization structure and make yourself familiar with the corresponding elements."
"Every organization wants to survive, every organization wants to grow."
"Improving the problem-solving skills within your people in your organization is the key."
"The book serves as an easy to understand manual on how to succeed in organizational development."
"Large group interventions often have cross-pollination from different departments and divisions coming together to make improvements to the organization in one way or another."
"Continuous improvement should be a dedicated function within leading practice organizations."
"The thing that's the most important is for you to think about what kind of processes need improvement within your organization."
"The purpose of this four-part guidance note series is to increase organizations' understanding of and ability to conduct high-quality impact evaluation."
"Our associates will benefit greatly from us digitizing the organization."
"How do we build resilience into our organizations and ourselves in a fast changing world?"