
Peer-to-peer Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"The distributed web enables trustless peer-to-peer interactions via new internet protocols."
"Blockchain makes it possible for an individual to send money to another individual with no one else in between."
"Bitcoin is a decentralized peer-to-peer currency...it's how we can send money over the Internet without having a middleman."
"The most important thing is that protocols can be permissionless... that peer-to-peer transfers and payments can be permissionless."
"Bitcoin transactions are transmitted peer-to-peer without the need for a third party, meaning that the user is in complete control of their money."
"With blockchain, you can make that exact same trade but you don't need the store and you don't even necessarily need to know the other person."
"Should money be managed by banks... or should we enable this peer-to-peer system in which we can all act in our own best interest?"
"Peer-to-peer electronic uncensorable unstoppable anonymous cash for the world is what still has me so excited to this very day."
"Decentralization allows for everybody to be able to interact with each other in a simple means without having to rely on a central party to do so."
"And even do payments to send money to friends, with things like Number 26, Square Cash and Alipay in China."
"Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer network so if you want to send money to somebody you wouldn't have to send it through an intermediary like a bank."
"This seems to lend itself perfectly to a peer-to-peer network."
"Cryptocurrencies were originally designed for peer-to-peer transactions without intermediaries and a central authority."
"Protect yourself sovereignty...get your coins cash out and only trade peer-to-peer."
"Bitcoin's revolutionary features: Decentralization, trustless peer-to-peer transactions, overcoming centralized financial systems."
"One of the main innovations of cryptocurrency is peer-to-peer value transfer."
"It is not about trying to make these [ __ ] gatekeepers happy anymore. It is peer-to-peer and what they want is that you, whoever you are."
"I think blockchain does provide a real peer-to-peer alternative. I think it's a legit live application. It might not be the best, but is it better than some others? Is it something you could use, verification and networking cost? That is the key."
"I always know what I can whip open my Toro app and the best part is the car can come to me wherever I may be there over 5,000 students across the u.s. and several other countries for this great peer-to-peer car-sharing platform."
"If you're buying Bitcoin and if you're looking to do so in a way that is peer-to-peer that gives you instant self-custody and doesn't require KYC, then HODL HODL is the place for you."
"You can cash out your money or pay friends through Chime, even if they're not members. All fee free."
"Cryptocurrencies are about computing power, the Internet, peer-to-peer interaction."
"The web is a way of exchanging information peer-to-peer."
"Decentralized finance is about trading with your peers... it is really about financial democracy."
"Once the two peers actually have a proper connection with one another, the server is no longer used; they are not communicating with each other directly without the actual use of a server."
"We're moving to much more decentralized and bottom-up peer-to-peer systems."
"The flow to make two peers communicate is pretty straightforward."
"It's implemented without any servers at all, so we are able to do this based on a peer-to-peer networking model using WebRTC."
"Seventy percent of our growth so far has been through owned, earned, peer-to-peer organic."
"What this does is it creates a direct transfer of value from person to person that cannot be deplatformed."
"Censorship-resistant peer-to-peer money and a decentralized web is the only solution."
"The nice thing about AMQP is that it is super suitable for peer-to-peer communication between arbitrary applications."
"The revolution of crypto is that it is peer to peer; you disintermediate Financial Services."
"On great teams, accountability is peer to peer."
"Bitcoin ultimately can be used and is meant to be used as peer-to-peer money without a custodian, without converting it to Fiat first on an exchange."
"When you have people really wanting something and it's peer-to-peer and it's decentralized and it's widely available, it's ultimately impossible for governments to stop it."
"In the future, many more services will come to us via leaderless user-owned peer-to-peer networks similar to Bitcoin."
"With blockchain, the central decision-making unit is becoming irrelevant, and you're going towards a more peer-to-peer environment."
"WebRTC is a set of JavaScript APIs that allows us to establish a peer-to-peer connection between two browsers to exchange data such as audio and video all in real time."
"What is WebRTC? Well, WebRTC is a peer-to-peer network connection that allows you to communicate with your players inside of a game peer-to-peer."
"The scope of these peer-to-peer markets is pretty stunning."
"A blockchain is a peer-to-peer network of nodes that all talk to one another."
"Bitcoin is designed to be this peer-to-peer digital cash, replacing all fiat currencies and revolutionizing how we interact with money."
"Peer-to-peer payments are a massive invention; this is really the main invention of crypto."
"When we're doing peer-to-peer, I'm going from my station through the atmosphere to your station, vice versa, and we eliminate the internet entirely."
"There's so much more to do here, especially around peer-to-peer and fair access to the economy."
"With atomic swaps, you can trade assets across blockchains in a decentralized way, peer-to-peer, in a safe manner."
"The actual video chat that's gonna happen will not be happening through the server at all, that all happens in the client-side code via peer to peer connection."
"Let's bring more economic freedom to the entire world by having peer-to-peer cash."
"Bitcoin is peer-to-peer money; you can send it to anyone, anytime, without needing anyone's permission."
"I think it's great when you look at people starting to understand the concept of peer."
"Bitcoin-- don't think about it as a system for currency. Think about it as a system for democracy and authenticating stuff through a peer-to-peer network."
"This essentially allows us to do peer-to-peer transactions offchain and not having to pay additional network fees."
"The concept is great, which is that peer-to-peer learning specialized right in your own backyard."