
Root Causes Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"The abuse of the planet could in part be rooted in sexism."
"We need to treat the root causes of depression and addiction including psychological, emotional, connective, and spiritual ones, rather than just seeing them as chemical imbalances to be corrected with medications."
"All spiritual bondage is rooted in spiritual deception."
"Psychedelic Renaissance is offering cures, not just treating symptoms but getting to the root causes."
"A lot of people are suffering...not when we just change the culture but when we address the root cause of everything that's happening here."
"Unless you deal with that source, you're only dealing with symptomatology and not actual cause."
"Until the ruling elites look and grapple with the actual root causes of what it is that propels this kind of violence, it's only going to get worse."
"Riots are the voice of the unheard...you need to address the underlying condition."
"We need to address the root causes of crime if we want to make communities safer."
"Understanding the deep roots of this, you can't just trim back the tree and think it's all going to be better."
"Addressing the root causes of overpopulation is crucial."
"When it comes to health, address the root cause of your vision problems."
"Deal with it from the root, and the root will always be spiritual."
"Everything they criticize throughout this special has a root cause in laziness."
"We realized if we wanted to create big change we'd need to know more about the root causes rather than the symptoms of the broken system."
"The root cause of most harm, most crime, is poverty, it's inequality."
"I'm not convinced we even understand how we got to this point in the fist place. Better understanding of the root causes of the current place where we are will help provide us with the tools that we need to move us forward."
"Fixes that do not address the root causes of an issue are not really fixes at all."
"But my problem is that a lot of the time when people have gender dysphoria, there's a root cause. It's not just born out of nothing. A lot of the time, it has to do with trauma and child abuse."
"The show does not adequately address the root cause of their weight gain and emotional eating."
"Address the root of the issue, don't just slap on."
"Behavior is the fruit, you gotta get to the root."
"I never think it's time to ignore the root, always go back to the root and address that first."
"Understanding the root causes is key to finding solutions."
"There is hope, and it's really just figuring out what the root causes."
"The biggest problems... all stem from one place: education."
"We need awareness of the root cause to make significant change."
"Analyzing the root causes of mass shootings."
"When it comes to Cutting, like any addiction, the addiction itself is just a symptom of the deeper root-cause."
"Functional medicine is about the cause, not just the symptoms."
"We have an opportunity to actually dive into an issue and look at say the root causes of why country a is doing this or why country b isn't doing that."
"Palliative measures can no longer solve our problem; we must go to the roots."
"Until you figure out why they hate us so much... we're never going to fix any of the problems in this country."
"Even if you don't exactly understand the disease, treating the root causes can often dramatically improve or reverse it."
"We will get to the root causes of the problem and invest in our young people in jobs and education, not jails."
"Addressing the root causes is crucial, not just restricting behavior."
"We should focus our energy on addressing root causes."
"So that's a big debate in the conversation about violent crime, whether you should focus on root causes or whether you should focus on proximate causes."
"It's more treating the root causes than it is just the symptoms."
"Once you begin cutting these highly dopaminergic and addictive things out of your life, you realize not only that they aren't a good solution for your problems, but also that they're probably the root cause or are amplifying them."
"It's not the addiction that's the problem, it's the underlying pain."
"It's more productive to identify and shame the larger root causes of fat phobia rather than shaming the individual choices of fat people."
"Most people want the same things. They just kind of want to... they want to be cool with each other."
"Quit dealing with the fruit of evil and go to the root of evil." - Steve
"You've got to get to the root of evil." - Steve
"And just going back to the root of the problem and how we tend to only try to fix things by alleviating symptoms."
"If you're not dealing with a root of evil you're gonna deal with the fruit of evil and never touch the real issue."
"The path to solving self-love deficit disorder is not to stop a habit, it's to get to the root."
"At the end of the day, the only thing that moves the needle in a permanent way long term is dealing with the root problem."
"Any addiction has the same root cause and it all boils down to one word disconnection."
"You can't solve violence against women without addressing the men committing it."
"We need to see beyond symptoms... to the root cause."
"Unless we deal with the underlying causes that are motivating people to come here in the first place, we are going to continue to bang our heads against the wall on the issue."
"We need more people who attack the root of the problem."
"Easy access to guns is considered by experts to be the root cause of gun violence."
"They want to try to get at the root of what's causing this."
"The root problem is what's going on behind the scenes in the heart."
"If you're serious about meeting the root causes of migration, people have to feel like there's an option of staying."
"Functional medicine is the medicine of why."
"Hair loss is just a symptom, right, and what I needed to do was address the root causes."
"My goal is to always look for root causes of symptoms."
"Functional medicine provides a better framework for understanding root causes."
"We need a personalized approach that addresses the root causes of metabolic poor health."
"We've got to get at the root causes of some of this and this is why addressing technology and loneliness are so critical."
"Nobody is getting down to some of the root causes of why do we need these medications in the first place."
"We can address root causes for systemic issues like poverty, inequity, and inequality."
"Mental health symptoms have root causes that need to be addressed to sustainably heal."
"Moral impurity, bitterness, temporal values, okay, those are the root causes of all sin."
"Symptom improvement so important...we want to be dealing with the root cause drivers."
"Effective addiction treatment has to focus on identifying and addressing the causes of the pain for the individual. It's more than just repairing the body."
"Sustainable solutions must address the root causes, not just the symptoms."
"I believe in root causes, finding root causes, fixing root causes. Slow is smooth and smooth is fast."
"All the problems that we see with racism and political divisiveness like all of these things are rooted in a false sense of identity."
"Instead of concentrating on trying to stop the riots before they start, boarding up places, going out and letting people go home early because you're scared, how about we get to the real root of the problem?"
"You're able to look back over your life... and you're able to give a proper name for the root cause of those problems."
"Mental health symptoms have root causes that can and need to be addressed in order to sustainably heal."
"We want to fix the cause, not just the concern."
"Money problems are not a cause, they are a symptom."
"Changing the troubling behavior is turning out to have a massive effect on the root causes of the behavior."
"Egocentrism is at the root of climate change, social oppression, and many other issues."
"Multivariate chart helps us visually depict the variations and establish the root causes of variations."
"The really innovative and transformative companies are going to come from people who are trying to tackle the root causes."
"Every time you blame the gun, you're not addressing extreme poverty, educational issues, and [__]."
"Procrastination is not a problem, it's a symptom of something else."
"If you don't have those options and if you don't have to address the problems that led to the drug use, the drug use is just going to happen again."
"We need to focus on the causes, not just the symptoms."
"The water in the river is not the problem, it's the dirt in the water."
"We've now begun to understand the deeper root cause, the Global intimacy disorder."
"It's like treating a symptom but not addressing the problem from which the symptom is coming."
"If you're going to build a non-anxious life, you have to actually go to the source."
"The title 'The Deepest Well' relates to a public health parable... it's about getting to the source, the root cause of so many of what appear to be our society's most intractable problems."
"For a thousand who are striking the branches of evil, there's one who's striking the root."
"Stop the childhood trauma and you end many of the crimes because it is an absolute root cause."
"We are not stable. What is the root cause of the problem?"
"It's not about overcoming the bully, it's about what causes the bully to begin with."
"I wish our party was capable of truly supporting bold leadership that can address root causes."
"We want to address the root causes of migration."
"The root cause of violent crime and drug addiction in any community can be directly related to the lack of resources and opportunities that are available."
"They deal with symptoms; they don't deal with causes."
"At the root of anger is pain, at the root of frustration and acting out is pain."
"Inequality is the root of social ills."
"To engage with root causes requires an expansion of the boundaries of public health practice."
"He traces suffering to its roots right in our own mind, in our own greed, hatred, or delusion."
"Diagnose them to get at their root causes."
"If there are things that are not dealt with at the root level, they're going to resurface again."
"This is a fundamental problem and it's gonna get worse unless we tackle it at its roots."
"All of our external issues stem from inside, so getting to the root of the problem is going to be very important to treat it."
"We believe without addressing root causes of conflict, we cannot sustain peace."
"Any children's programs have touched on bullying, but few bother to look at its root causes, and even fewer do so with such painful accuracy."
"We've got to get to the root of the problem and that is fundamentally new domestic political settlements."
"We talk about mental health in our communities but we don't really get down to the roots of these things."
"We want to stop child labor, what we need to do is attack the actual problem."
"The real life problems are not actually the problems; they are the symptom of the real problem, and the real problem always stems inside of us, internal, and most of that comes from our mental health."
"The vast majority of diets fail; it's not the lack of information, it's the lack of focusing on the root cause of the problem."
"We want to get down into the root causes, we want to figure out what's driving the dysfunction of the body and let's fix it down here."
"Our goal as a society should be to get to the root of why and figure out ways to dissuade people from doing these awful things."
"The root cause of this is a lot deeper, it actually has a lot to do with machine learning."
"You've got to get at the underlying causes of crime."
"It's really a way to get many people who are interested in child welfare and prevention of adversity to really thoughtfully and intentionally begin to focus on root causes."
"The root causes of a society being vulnerable include limited access to food and power as well as political and economic problems within an area."
"I don't think the root cause is religion itself... it's bigotry and an unwillingness to challenge our own biases."
"We have to attack the problem at the root."
"We need to begin investing into the root causes of violence into our communities."
"It's always difficult to find the root of the problem."
"Alignment of the subtle structures is often the root cause of chronic pain, injuries, and chronically high levels of stress hormones."